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This page is frequently updated.  This version is dated 18 May 2006.
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On this webpage we provide a selected bibliography related to public safety communications.   Citations and links external to NIST do not imply endorsement of any particular product, service, organization, company, information provider, or content, nor is this by any means an exhaustive list of useful references.

 Public Safety Communications links

 Special issue of IEEE Communications Magazine on Public Safety

 Report: Wireless Technologies and the SAFECOM SOR for Public Safety Communications

Recommended Reading for people new to the field
Incident Command Communications
Location and Location-Based Services
Mobile Data Applications


Network Technology Assessments
Radio Technology Assessments
Regulation and Spectrum
Use of Commercial Wireless Services
Wideband/Broadband for Public Safety
Wireless LAN Applications

 Recommended Reading for People Who Are New to the Field


 Incident Command Communications


 Location and Location-Based Services


 Mobile Data Applications

 Networking Technology Assessments

 Radio Technology Assessments

 Regulation and Spectrum


 Use of Commercial Wireless Services

 Wideband/Broadband for Public Safety

 Wireless LAN Applications

  since 10/7/04