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001 <project name="Standard Operations" 
002          default="standard.noop"
003          basedir=".">
005   <description>
006     Standard Operations
007     </description>
009   <!-- Noop =================================================================-->  
011   <target name="standard.noop"
012           description="Do nothing">
013     </target>
015   <!-- Visualise ============================================================-->  
017   <target name="standard.viz"
018           description="Create flow of build file">
019     <taskdef name="vizant" classname="net.sourceforge.vizant.Vizant"/> 
020     <vizant antfile="${ant}/build.xml" outfile="${doc}/"/>
021     <exec executable="dot">
022       <arg line="-Tpng ${doc}/ -o ${doc}/build.png"/> 
023       </exec>   
024     </target>
026   <!-- FindBugs =============================================================-->  
028   <target name="standard.findbugs"
029           description="Find Potential Bugs">
030     <pathconvert targetos="unix" property="" refid=""/>
031           <exec executable="${FindBugs.exe}">
032                   <arg value="-textui"/>
033                   <arg value="-low"/>
034                   <arg value="-auxclasspath"/>
035                   <arg value="${}"/>
036                   <arg value="${lib}/${name}.jar"/>
037       </exec>
038     </target>
040   <target name="standard.findbugs.jar"
041           description="Find Potential Bugs (in non-default jar)">
042     <pathconvert targetos="unix" property="" refid=""/>
043           <exec executable="${FindBugs.exe}">
044                   <arg value="-textui"/>
045                   <arg value="-low"/>
046                   <arg value="-auxclasspath"/>
047                   <arg value="${}"/>
048                   <arg value="${lib}/${name}${}.jar"/>
049       </exec>
050     </target>
052   <!-- UmlGraph =============================================================-->  
054   <target name="standard.uml"
055           description="Create UML Graph">
056     <pathconvert targetos="unix" property="" refid=""/>
057           <apply executable="javadoc" dest="${build}" parallel="false">
058                   <arg value="-classpath"/>
059                   <arg value="${}"/>
060                   <arg value="-source"/>
061                   <arg value="1.5"/>
062                   <arg value="-docletpath"/>
063                   <arg value="${UmlGraph.core}"/>
064                   <arg line="-doclet UmlGraph"/>
065                   <arg value="-all"/>
066                   <arg value="-output"/>
067                   <targetfile/>
068                   <srcfile/>
069                   <fileset dir="${src}"/>
070                   <mapper type="glob" from="*.java" to="*.dot"/>
071             </apply>
072           <apply executable="dot" dest="${build}" parallel="false">
073                   <arg value="-Tgif"/>
074                   <arg value="-o"/>
075                   <targetfile/>
076                   <srcfile/>
077                   <fileset dir="${build}"/>
078                   <mapper type="glob" from="*.dot" to="*.gif"/>
079             </apply>
080     <copy todir="${doc}/UML" flatten="true">
081       <fileset dir="${build}" includes="**/*.gif"/>
082       <fileset dir="${build}" includes="**/*.ps"/>
083       </copy>
084     <echo file="${doc}/UML/" append="false">
085 #/bin/sh
086 cd ${doc}/UML
087 rm -f index.html
088 echo "&lt;ul&gt;" &gt;&gt; index.html 
089 for I in `ls *.gif`; do
090   N=`basename $I .gif`
091   echo $N
092   echo "&lt;li&gt;&lt;A HREF=$I&gt;$N&lt;/A&gt;&lt;/li&gt;" &gt;&gt; index.html
093   done
094 echo "&lt;/ul&gt;" &gt;&gt; index.html 
095       </echo>
096     <chmod dir="${doc}/UML" perm="a+rx" includes=""/>    
097           <exec executable="${doc}/UML/"/>
098     </target>
100   <!-- AspectJ ==============================================================-->  
102   <target name="standard.aspectj"
103           description="Compile using AspectJ">
104     <taskdef resource="org/aspectj/tools/ant/taskdefs/"/> 
105     <iajc srcdir="${src}"
106           destDir="${build}">
107       <classpath>
108         <pathelement location="${AspectJ.rt}"/>
109         </classpath>
110       </iajc>
111     </target>
113   <!-- Info =================================================================-->  
115   <target name=""
116           description="Create Info class">
117     <mkdir dir="${place}"/>
118     <echo file="${place}/" append="false">
119 package ${package};
121 /** &lt;code&gt;Info&lt;/code&gt; class. 
122   * Created by Ant. */
123 public class Info {
125   /** Get builder version. 
126     * @return The version and build time of the package. */
127   final static String version() {
128     return _version + " [" + _build + "]";
129     }
131   private static final String _version = "${version}";
133   private static final String _build   = "${TSTAMP}";
135   }
136       </echo>
137     </target>
139   <!-- Init =================================================================-->  
141   <target name="standard.init">
142     <mkdir dir="${build}"/>
143     <mkdir dir="${lib}"/>
144     <mkdir dir="${run}"/>
145     <mkdir dir="${doc}/JavaDoc"/>
146     <mkdir dir="${doc}/Src"/>
147     <mkdir dir="${doc}/Together"/>
148     <mkdir dir="${bin}"/>
149     <mkdir dir="${etc}"/>
150     <mkdir dir="${misc}"/>
151     <mkdir dir="${tog}"/>
152     <mkdir dir="${jude}"/>
153     </target>
155   <!-- Post =================================================================-->  
157   <target name="" 
158           description="Put on WWW"
159           if="local">
160   <property name="www" value="/home/hrivnac/WWW/Activities/Packages"/>
161     <copy todir="${www}">
162       <fileset dir="${top}">
163         <include name="${name}-dist.tar.gz"/>
164         </fileset>
165       </copy>
166     <copy todir="${www}/${name}">
167       <fileset dir="${top}/doc">
168         <include name="**/*"/>
169         </fileset>
170       </copy>
171     <delete file="${top}/${name}-dist.tar.gz">
172       </delete>
173     </target>
175   <!-- Compile ==============================================================--> 
177   <target name="standard.compile" 
178           description="Compile sources">
179     <antcall target="standard.compile.${java.version}"
180              inheritAll="yes"
181              inheritRefs="yes"/>
182     </target>
184   <target name="standard.compile.1.5.0-beta" 
185           description="Compile 1.5 sources using 1.5 SDK">
186     <javac destdir="${build}"
187            debug="yes"
188            optimize="yes"
189            source="1.5">
190       <compilerarg value="-Xlint:unchecked"/>
191       <!--compilerarg value="-Xlint:deprecation"/-->
192       <src path="${src}"/>
193       <src path="${build}"/>
194       <classpath>
195         <path refid=""/>
196         </classpath>
197       </javac>
198     </target>
200   <target name="standard.compile.1.5.0-beta2" 
201           description="Compile 1.5 sources using 1.5 SDK">
202     <javac destdir="${build}"
203            debug="yes"
204            optimize="yes"
205            source="1.5">
206       <compilerarg value="-Xlint:unchecked"/>
207       <!--compilerarg value="-Xlint:deprecation"/-->
208       <src path="${src}"/>
209       <src path="${build}"/>
210       <classpath>
211         <path refid=""/>
212         </classpath>
213       </javac>
214     </target>
216   <target name="standard.compile.1.5.0-rc" 
217           description="Compile 1.5 sources using 1.5 SDK">
218     <javac destdir="${build}"
219            debug="yes"
220            optimize="yes"
221            source="1.5">
222       <compilerarg value="-Xlint:unchecked"/>
223       <!--compilerarg value="-Xlint:deprecation"/-->
224       <src path="${src}"/>
225       <src path="${build}"/>
226       <classpath>
227         <path refid=""/>
228         </classpath>
229       </javac>
230     </target>
232   <target name="standard.compile.1.5.0" 
233           description="Compile 1.5 sources using 1.5 SDK">
234     <javac destdir="${build}"
235            debug="yes"
236            optimize="yes"
237            source="1.5">
238       <compilerarg value="-Xlint:unchecked"/>
239       <!--compilerarg value="-Xlint:deprecation"/-->
240       <src path="${src}"/>
241       <src path="${build}"/>
242       <classpath>
243         <path refid=""/>
244         </classpath>
245       </javac>
246     </target>
248   <target name="standard.compile.1.5.0_01" 
249           description="Compile 1.5 sources using 1.5 SDK">
250     <javac destdir="${build}"
251            debug="yes"
252            optimize="yes"
253            source="1.5">
254       <compilerarg value="-Xlint:unchecked"/>
255       <!--compilerarg value="-Xlint:deprecation"/-->
256       <src path="${src}"/>
257       <src path="${build}"/>
258       <classpath>
259         <path refid=""/>
260         </classpath>
261       </javac>
262     </target>
264   <target name="standard.compile.1.5.0_02" 
265           description="Compile 1.5 sources using 1.5 SDK">
266     <javac destdir="${build}"
267            debug="yes"
268            optimize="yes"
269            source="1.5">
270       <compilerarg value="-Xlint:unchecked"/>
271       <!--compilerarg value="-Xlint:deprecation"/-->
272       <src path="${src}"/>
273       <src path="${build}"/>
274       <classpath>
275         <path refid=""/>
276         </classpath>
277       </javac>
278     </target>
280   <target name="standard.compile.1.4.2" 
281           description="Compile 1.5 sources using 1.4 SDK">
282     <copy todir="${lib}" flatten="true" failonerror="no" file="${Generics.gjc-rt}"/>
283     <copy todir="${lib}" flatten="true" failonerror="no" file="${Generics.collect}"/>
284     <javac destdir="${build}"
285            fork="yes"
286            debug="yes"
287            optimize="yes"
288            source="1.5"
289            target="jsr14"
290            bootclasspath="${lib}/gjc-rt.jar:${lib}/collect.jar:${java.home}/lib/rt.jar">
291       <compilerarg line="-J-Xbootclasspath/p:${lib}/gjc-rt.jar"/>
292       <src path="${src}"/>
293       <src path="${build}"/>
294       <classpath>
295         <path refid=""/>
296         </classpath>
297       </javac>
298     </target>
300   <!-- JAR ==================================================================-->  
302   <target name="standard.jar" 
303           description="Create JAR">
304     <jar jarfile="${lib}/${name}${}.jar" index="yes">
305       <fileset dir="${build}" includes="${scope}**/*.class"/>
306       <fileset dir="${src}"   includes="${scope}**/*.jdo"/>
307       <fileset dir="${src}"   includes="${scope}**/images/*.gif"/>
308       <fileset dir="${src}"   includes=""/>
309       <manifest>
310         <attribute name="Created-By" value="${}"/>
311         <attribute name="AppName"    value="${name}${}"/>
312         <attribute name="AppVersion" value="${version} ${TSTAMP}"/>
313         <attribute name="Main-Class" value="${main}"/>
314         </manifest>
315       </jar>
316     </target>
318   <target name="standard.mjar" 
319           description="Create Manifest JAR">
320     <path id="libs">
321       <fileset dir="${lib}">
322         <include name="*.jar"/>
323         <exclude name="*.exe.jar"/>
324         </fileset>
325       </path>
326     <pathconvert targetos="unix" pathsep=" " property="libs" refid="libs">
327       <map from="${lib}/" to=""/>
328       </pathconvert>
329     <jar jarfile="${lib}/${name}${}.exe.jar">
330       <manifest>
331         <attribute name="Created-By" value="${}"/>
332         <attribute name="AppName"    value="${name}${}"/>
333         <attribute name="AppVersion" value="${version} ${TSTAMP}"/>
334         <attribute name="Class-Path" value="${libs}"/>
335         <attribute name="Main-Class" value="${main}"/>
336         </manifest>
337       </jar>
338     </target>
340   <!-- Distribution =========================================================-->  
342   <target name="standard.dist" 
343           description="Create complete distribution">
344     <tar tarfile="${top}/${name}-dist.tar.gz" 
345          longfile="gnu" 
346          compression="gzip">
347       <tarfileset dir="${bin}"  prefix="${name}/bin" mode="555">
348         <include name="**"/>
349         </tarfileset>
350       <tarfileset dir="${doc}"  prefix="${name}/doc">
351         <include name="**"/>
352         </tarfileset>
353       <tarfileset dir="${lib}"  prefix="${name}/lib">
354         <include name="**"/>
355         </tarfileset>
356       <tarfileset dir="${etc}"  prefix="${name}/etc">
357         <include name="**"/>
358         </tarfileset>
359       <tarfileset dir="${misc}" prefix="${name}/misc">
360         <include name="**"/>
361         </tarfileset>
362       <tarfileset dir="${src}"  prefix="${name}/src">
363         <include name="**"/>
364         </tarfileset>
365       <tarfileset dir="${build}"  prefix="${name}/build">
366         <include name="**/*.java"/>
367         <include name="**/*.properties"/>
368         <include name="**/*.ser"/>
369         </tarfileset>
370       <tarfileset dir="${config.db}"  prefix="${name}/ant">
371         <include name="standard.*"/>
372         <include name=""/>
373         </tarfileset>
374       <tarfileset dir="${ant}"  prefix="${name}/ant">
375         <include name="**"/>
376         <exclude name=""/>
377         </tarfileset>
378       <tarfileset dir="${tog}"  prefix="${name}/tog">
379         <include name="**"/>
380         </tarfileset>
381       <tarfileset dir="${jude}"  prefix="${name}/jude">
382         <include name="**"/>
383         </tarfileset>
384       </tar>
385     </target>
387   <!-- Clean ================================================================-->  
389   <target name="standard.clean"
390           description="Perform standard cleaning">
391     <delete dir="${build}"/>
392     <delete dir="${run}"/>
393     <delete dir="${bin}"/>
394     <delete dir="${etc}"/>
395     <delete dir="${misc}"/>
396     <delete>
397       <fileset dir="${top}" includes="*.tar.*"/>
398       </delete>
399     <delete includeEmptyDirs="true">
400       <fileset dir="${lib}" includes="*"/>
401       </delete>
402     <delete includeEmptyDirs="true">
403       <fileset dir="${doc}" excludes="Together/**/*,**/CVS,Gallery/**/*,*.txt,*.gif"/>
404       </delete>
405     </target>
407   <!-- J2H ==================================================================-->  
409   <target name="standard.j2h"
410           description="Construct source documentation"
411           if="local">
412     <taskdef name="java2html" classname="com.java2html.Java2HTMLTask"/>
413           <java2html title="${name}" 
414                simple="no"
415                  tabsize="4"
416                            marginsize="2"
417                            header="true"
418                            footer="true"
419                            destination="${doc}/Src">
420                   <fileset dir="${src}"   includes="**/*.java"/>
421                   <fileset dir="${build}" includes="**/*.java"/>
422                   <javadoc localRef="/opt/jdk-doc/api" httpRef=""/>
423             </java2html>
424   </target>
426   <!--=======================================================================-->  
428   </project>

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Due to the LXR bug, the updates fail sometimes to remove references to deleted files. The Saturday's full rebuilds fix these problems
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