Table of contents for Biography for beginners : inventors.

Bibliographic record and links to related information available from the Library of Congress catalog.

Note: Contents data are machine generated based on pre-publication provided by the publisher. Contents may have variations from the printed book or be incomplete or contain other coding.

Preface ..........................................................................................................
Introduction .................................................................................................
Archimedes . 287 B.C. - c. 212 B.C.) ............................................................
Greek Mathematician and Inventor of the Archimedean Screw
Leo Baekeland (1863-1944) .........................................................................
Belgian-Born American Chemist and Inventor of the First Synthetic Plastic
Benjamin Banneker (1731-1806) ..................................................................... 
American Astronomer and Inventor, Considered the First Black American Scientist
Frederick Banting (1891-1941) .............................................................................
Canadian Scientist and Doctor, Co-Discoverer of Insulin, the Medicine that Treats Diabetes
Alexander Graham Bell (1847 1922) ......................................................................
Scottish-born American Scientist and Inventor of the Telephone
Karl Benz (1844 1929) ..............................................................................................
German Engineer and Industrialist, Inventor of the First Three-Wheeled Gasoline-Powered
Tim Berners-Lee (1955- ) ....................................................................................................
British Computer Scientist and Inventor of the World Wide Web
Henry Bessemer (1813-1898) ...........................................................................................
English Engineer and Inventor of the Steel Converter
Clarence Birdseye (1886 -1956) .........................................................................................
American Businessman and Inventor, "The Father of Frozen Food"
Katharine Blodgett (1898-1979)
American Scientist and Inventor of Non-Reflective Glass
Louis Braille (1809 1852)
French Educator and Inventor of the Braille System of Printing and Writing for the Blind
Rachel Fuller Brown (1898-1980)
American Scientist and Co-Creator of the First Anti-Fungal Antibiotic
William Seward Burroughs (1855-1898)
American Manufacturer and Inventor of the First Adding Machine
Wallace Carothers (1896-1937)
American Chemist and Inventor of Nylon, the First Synthetic Fiber
Willis Carrier (1876-1950)
American Engineer and Inventor, "The Father of Air Conditioning"
George Washington Carver (1864? 1943)
American Inventor, Farmer, Educator and Food Scientist, Created more than 300 Products Using
Jacques Cousteau (1910 - 1997)
French Ocean Explorer, Film Producer, and Inventor of SCUBA Diving Equipment
Seymour Cray (1925-1996)
American Computer Designer and Inventor of the First "Supercomputer"
Gottlieb Daimler (1834 1900)
German Engineer and Industrialist, Inventor of the First Four-Wheeled Automobile, First
Motorcycle and First Gasoline Engine
Raymond Damadian (1936-)
American Businessman and Inventor of the Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) Scanner
Leonardo Da Vinci (1452-1519)
Italian Artist, Inventor, Scientist, and Engineer
John Deere (1804 1886)
American Blacksmith and Inventor of the Steel Plow
Georges de Mestral (1907-1990)
Swiss Inventor of Velcro
Rudolf Diesel (1858 1913)
German Engineer and Industrialist, Inventor of the Diesel Engine
Herbert Henry Dow (1866-1930)
American Chemist and Inventor, Founder of the Dow Chemical Company 
George Eastman (1854-1932)
American Inventor of Rolled Photographic Film and the Hand-Held Camera, Founder of Kodak
Thomas Edison (1847-1931)
American Inventor of More Than 1,000 Items, Including the Incandescent Electric Lamp (Light
Bulb), Phonograph and the Motion Picture Projector
Gertrude Elion (1918-1999)
American Scientist and Inventor of Life-Saving Drugs to Treat Leukemia and Other Diseases, 
 Winner of the Nobel Prize 
Daniel Gabriel Fahrenheit (1686-1736)
Dutch Instrument Maker and Inventor of the Mercury Thermometer
Philo Farnsworth (1906-1971)
American Scientist and Inventor of Electronic Television 
Alexander Fleming (1881-1955)
Scottish Doctor and Scientist Who Discovered Penicillin, the First Successful Antibiotic, 
Winner of the Nobel Prize
Henry Ford (1863 1947)
American Industrialist, Inventor, and Philanthropist, Developed Mass Production
Benjamin Franklin (1706-1790)
American Statesman, Printer, and Inventor of the Lightning Rod, the Franklin Stove, and Bifocals
Robert Fulton (1765-1815)
American Inventor of the First Successful Commercial Steamboat
Galileo Galilei (1564-1642)
Italian Mathematician, Physicist, and Astronomer, Inventor of the Thermometer and the First
Practical Telescope and "Father of the Scientific Method"
Bill Gates (1955-)
American Computer Software Pioneer and Co-Founder of Microsoft
King Gillette (1855-1932)
American Businessman and Inventor of the Safety Razor
Robert Hutchings Goddard (1882-1945)
American Physicist and Pioneer of Modern Rocketry, Inventor of the Liquid Fueled Rocket 
Charles Goodyear (1800-1860)
American Inventor of the Vulcanized Rubber Process
Gordon Gould (1920-2005)
American Scientist and Inventor of the Laser
Temple Grandin (1947-)
American Animal Scientist and Inventor of Equipment for Humane Treatment of Livestock
Wilson Greatbatch (1919- )
American Engineer and Inventor of the Implantable Cardiac Pacemaker
Johannes Gutenberg (1400? - 1468)
German Printer and Inventor of the Movable-Type Printing Press
Elizabeth Lee Hazen (1885-1975)
American Scientist and Co-Creator of the First Anti-Fungal Antibiotic
Elias Howe (1819-1867)
American Inventor of the First Practical Sewing Machine
Edward Jenner (1749-1823)
English Physician and Creator of Vaccination, "The Father of Immunology"
Steven Jobs (1955-)
American Computer Pioneer, Co-Founder of Apple Computer, and Head of Apple and Pixar
Dean Kamen (1951-)
American Inventor, Physicist, and Engineer, Inventor of the iBot and Segway
W. K. Kellogg (1860 1951)
American Businessman and Cereal Manufacturer, Inventor of Corn Flakes
Willem Kolff (1911-)
Dutch-Born American Doctor and Inventor of the Kidney Dialysis Machine
Stephanie Kwolek (1923-)
American Chemist and Inventor of Kevlar
Rene Laennec (1781-1826)
French Doctor and Inventor of the Stethoscope
Edwin Land (1909-1991)
American Physicist, Businessman and Inventor of Instant Photography
Jerome Lemelson (1923-1997)
American Inventor of More than 500 Items
Joseph Lister (1827-1912)
English Surgeon Who Created the Antiseptic Technique, Making Surgery Safe
Guglielmo Marconi (1874-1937)
Italian Scientist and Inventor of Successful Long-Distance Transmission of Radio
Cyrus McCormick (1809 1884)
American Businessman and Inventor of the Mechanical Reaper
Elijah McCoy (1844? 1929)
Canadian-Born American Inventor of the Automatic Lubricating Cup, "The Real McCoy"
Joseph-Michael Montgolfier (1740-1810)
Jacques-Etienne Montgolfier (1745-1799)
French Inventors of the First Practical Balloon, Making Possible the First Human Flight
Garrett Morgan (1877-1963)
American Inventor of the Traffic Signal and the Gas Mask
Samuel F.B. Morse (1791-1872)
American Inventor of Morse Code and the First Practical Electric Telegraph
Isaac Newton (1642-1727)
English Physicist, Mathematician, and Inventor, Who Formulated Key Laws of Motion and
Invented the Reflecting Telescope
Alfred Nobel (1833-1896)
Swedish Scientist, Businessman, and Inventor of Dynamite, Creator of the Nobel Prizes
Ellen Ochoa (1958- )
American Astronaut and Inventor of Optic Systems Used in Space Flight
Louis Pasteur (1822 1895)
French Chemist, Biologist, and Educator; the Father of Microbiology and Immunology, and
Inventor of the "Pasteurization" Process
Roy J. Plunkett (1910-1994)
American Chemist and Inventor of Teflon
Wilhelm Roentgen (1845-1923)
German Physicist and Inventor of the X-Ray
Jonas Salk (1914-1995)
American Physician and Scientist Who Developed the First Polio Vaccine
Patsy Sherman (1930- )
American Chemist and Co-Inventor of Scotchgard Fabric Protector
Christopher Sholes (1819-1890)
American Inventor of the First Practical Typewriter and the "QWERTY" Keyboard
Igor Sikorsky (1889-1972)
Russian-Born American Engineer and Inventor of the Helicopter and the First Multimotor
Percy Spencer (1894-1970)
American Scientist and Inventor of the Microwave Oven
George Stephenson (1781-1848)
English Engineer and Inventor, Pioneer of the First Successful Steam-Powered Locomotive
Levi Strauss (1829-1902)
German-Born American Inventor of Blue Jeans
Nikola Tesla (1856-1943)
Croatian-Born American Inventor, Electrical Engineer, Physicist, Researcher, and Pioneer in
Electricity; Inventor of the AC Electric Motor, and the Tesla Coil
Alessandro Volta (1745-1827)
Italian Physicist and Inventor of the First Battery
James Watt (1736-1819)
Scottish Inventor of an Improved Steam Engine
George Westinghouse (1846-1914)
American Industrialist and Inventor of the Railroad Air Brake, Developed an Alternating Current
System for Electrical Transmission
Eli Whitney (1765-1825)
American Inventor of the First Practical Cotton Gin
Frank Whittle (1907-1996)
British Inventor of the Jet Engine
Steve Wozniak (1950-)
American Computer Designer and Engineer, Co-Founder of Apple Computer and Inventor of the
Apple II
Wilbur Wright (1867-1912)
Orville Wright 1871-1948
American Inventors of the First Aircraft Capable of Powered, Sustained, and Controlled Flight
Vladimir Zworykin (1889-1982)
Russian-Born American Scientist and Inventor, Pioneer in the field of Electronic Television

Library of Congress Subject Headings for this publication:

Inventors -- Biography -- Juvenile literature.
Scientists -- Biography -- Juvenile literature.