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Use of Woven Fabric for Weed Control in Conservation Tree/Shrub Plantings

Ecological Sciences Forestry Technical Note Number MT-23

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Forestry Technical Note Number MT-23 (PDF; 182 KB)

March 2004.
By Robert Logar, State Staff Forester.

Miles of woven fabric have been applied for weed control in conservation tree/shrub plantings. The use of woven fabric has resulted in improved survival and growth in these plantings. There are issues of tree girdling and reduced suckering with the use of fabric. Attached are two articles: 1) Points out the advantages/disadvantages and management recommendations for the use of woven fabric in conservation tree/shrub plantings, and, 2) Shares the results of some studies involving degradable fabric and the significance of how the fabric opening is cut.

  1. Synthetic Weed Control Fabric Advantages and Disadvantages
  2. Degradable Fabric is Not the Answer for Tree Girdling
  3. How the Fabric is Cut Makes a Huge Difference in Tree Girdling

The main point is we need to be aware of these issues when we are developing conservation plans that use these tools. We need to make the producer aware of the advantages and disadvantages of these products and the subsequent management/maintenance issues that need to be addressed with the use of fabric. Some of these issues can be addressed at the time of installation if we are aware of them and make the necessary changes. Other situations in which the fabric has already been installed will require inspections and adjustments to the fabric if an issue has developed. This type of information must be a part of the Operation & Maintenance (O&M) plan that is given to the producer and a copy is placed in the plan folder.

The use of woven fabric for weed control is just one method or tool to control competing vegetation. It is still very effective and I still recommend the use of it. However, all methods have their advantages and disadvantages. The use of fabric does pose some management/maintenance considerations that we need to express to the users of the product if we are going to suggest it in our conservation plans.

If you have any questions regarding this technical note, please contact one of the following:

Bob Logar, State Forester
Phone: (406) 587-6836
Email: Bob Logar

Ronald Nadwornick, State Resource Conservationist
Phone: (406) 587-6998
Email: Ronald.Nadwornick

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Last Modified: 08/18/2008