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SANCRT International Movement of Goods Governmental Regulatory Message

The SANCRT message permits a commercial operator to apply to a national agency for the issue of a certificate, permit, authorization etc. regarding products to be imported or exported. It further permits the issuing authority to transmit to the applicant and to the exporting or importing country's relevant national authority, (e.g. U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP), Agriculture etc.) the details of the certificate, permit or authorization in respect of those products thus facilitating the import/export clearance of the consignment whilst ensuring that all certificate, permit, authorization requirements are met.

This Message Implementation Guideline (MIG) for the Electronic Visa System must be used to transmit Visa information to U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP).

Multiple SANCRT messages must be batched together in separate UNH-UNT message loops within the same interchange envelope (UNB/UNZ). U.S. Customs and Border Protection will accept a maximum of three thousand (3000) UNH-UNT message loops ( a complete Visa transaction) per interchange envelope.

UNG/UNE group header/trailer segments will not be supported in the Electronic Visa System.

Only one message type (e.g.: SANCRT) per interchange envelope is acceptable to CBP.

The SANCRT message incorporates all required data elements required by CBP and the Department of Commerce to satisfy the business data requirements of the electronic Visa program..

Data elements and segments shown as 'Conditional' in this MIG must be reported if specific conditions are stated for their inclusion. There are no 'Optional' segments.

 Pos. No.Seg. IDNameReq. Des.Max. UseGroup RepeatNotes and Comments
M0010UNHMessage HeaderM1  
M0020BGMBeginning of MessageM1  
Must Use0030DTMDate/Time/PeriodC1  
Must Use0040 Segment Group 1: PNA-ADRC 3 
M0050PNAParty IdentificationM1  
Must Use0060ADRAddressC1  
Must Use0070 Segment Group 2: LIN-RFF-QTYC 5 
M0080LINLine ItemM1  
Must Use0090RFFReferenceC5  
Must Use0100QTYQuantityC5  
 0110CNTControl TotalC1  
M0120UNTMessage TrailerM1  

Segment:UNH Message Header
Max Use:1
Purpose:A service segment starting and uniquely identifying a message. The message type code for the International movement of goods governmental regulatory message is SANCRT.
Dependency Notes: 
Semantic Notes: 

Data Element Summary
 Data ElementComponent ElementNameAttributes
M0062 Message Reference NumberM 1 an..14
 Unique message reference assigned by the sender.
This is a control number generated by the electronic Visa participant.
MS009 Message IdentifierM 1
 Identification of the type, version etc. of the message being interchanged.
M 0065Message Type IdentifierM an..6
 Code identifying a type of message and assigned by its controlling agency.
Always "SANCRT".
SANCRT International movement of goods governmental regulatory message
M 0052Message Type Version NumberM an..3
 Version number of a message type.
Always "D".
D Draft version/UN/EDIFACT Directory
M 0054Message Type Release NumberM an..3
 Release number within the current message type version number (0052).
Always "99A".
99A Release 1999 - A
M 0051Controlling AgencyM an..2
 Code identifying the agency controlling the specification, maintenance and publication of the message type.
Always "UN".

Segment:BGM Beginning of Message
Max Use:1
Purpose:A segment uniquely identifying the type of document (e.g. certificate of origin, export license, application for license), its function and the document reference number.
Dependency Notes: 
Semantic Notes:
Notes:This segment must be used to identify the Visa number and the action that this message represents: Cancellation, Addition or Replacement.

Data Element Summary
 Data ElementComponent ElementNameAttributes
Must UseC002 Document/Message NameC 1
 Identification of a type of document/message by code or name. Code preferred.
Must Use 1001Document/Message Name, CodedC an..3
 Document/message identifier expressed in code.
Always "811".
811 Export license
Must UseC106 Document/Message IdentificationC 1
 Identification of document/message by its number and eventually its version or revision.
Must Use 1004Document/Message NumberC an..35
 Reference number asigned to the document/message by the issuer.
For the Electronic Visa System and the Visa document, always use the 9-character Visa number. The standard Visa number format is required for the Visa number. The Standard format is as follows:
Y = Year of export from country of origin
CC = Country of origin
NNNNNN = Document number
Number must not duplicate within the year of issuance.

This formula is subject to change in the future.

 1225 Message Function, CodedC1 an..3
 Code indicating the function of the message.
Only the following codes can be used in the Electronic Visa System:

1 - Cancellation. This code indicates that the transmitter wishes to cancel Visa data that has already been accepted by CBP.

2 - Add. This code indicates that the current Visa transaction is the initial transmission.

5 - Replace. This code indicates that the Visa transaction in the current message is meant to replace Visa data that is already on file in the CBP system.

Note: Visas on file in the CBP system in a "Cancel" status, cannot be replaced or added. A canceled Visa is permanently inactivated.

Segment:DTM Date/Time/Period
Usage:Conditional (Required)
Max Use:1
Purpose:A segment identifying dates relevant to the document specified in the above BGM (e.g. date of issue, the validity period, the date on which license is available for inspection, the date goods are available for inspection, the authentication date, time of the document).
Dependency Notes: 
Semantic Notes: 
Notes:This segment is required to report the effective date of the Visa identified in the BGM segment, C106, sub-element 1004.

To specify a Visa effective date, data element 2005 must equal "7", data element 2380 must equal.

Data Element Summary

 Data ElementComponent ElementNameAttributes
MC507 Date/Time/PeriodM 1
 Date and/or time, or period relevant to the specified date/time/period type.
M 2005Date/Time/Period QualifierM an..3
 Code giving specific meaning to a date, time or period.
This data element reports the effective date of the Visa. Always "7".
7 Effective date/time
Must Use 2380Date/Time/PeriodC an..35
 The value of a date, a date and time, a time or of a period in a specified representation.
Format "CCYYMMDD".
Must Use 2379Date/Time/Period Format QualifierC an..3
 Specification of the representation of a date, a date and time or of a period.
Always use "102".

Segment:PNA Party Identification
Postion:0050 (Trigger Segment)
Group:Segment Group 1 (Party Identification) Conditional (Required)
Max Use:1
Purpose:A segment identifying the name or other references of a party associated with the message (e.g. importer, consignor, consignee, exporter, applicant, transport company, manufacturer, company to which product is to be transferred, certificate issuing authority, authenticating party).
Dependency Notes: 
Semantic Notes: 
Notes:A maximum of three (3) PNA loops may be used to provide identification information.
For the Electronic Visa System, this segment references the official company name of the Manufacturer, Buyer or Exporter associated with the Visa. Personnel names are not acceptable.

Data Element Summary
 Data ElementComponent ElementNameAttributes
M3035 Party QualifierM 1 an..3
 Code giving specific meaning to a party.
Document Party Role. Providing data on party qualifier 'EX' - Exporter, by the participant is optional. U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) requires the participant to report at a minimum, 'MF' - manufacturer information.
BY Buyer
EX Exporter
MF Manufacturer of goods
Must UseC206 Identification NumberC 1
 The identification of an object.
M 7402Identity NumberM an..35
 The number given to an object for its unique identification.
CBP Manufacturer's Identification Number (MID Number) for Manufacturer information is required. Use CBP formula to create MID.
Importer number for Buyer ID.
Manufacturer Country ID for export information
 C082 Party Identification DetailsC 1
 Identification of a transaction party by code.
Not Used
 3403 Name Type, CodedC 1 an..3
 Code for type of name such as official name, alias.
Always "9".
9 Company name
 3397 Name Status, CodedC 1 an..3
 To specify the status of a name (such as current name).
Not Used.
Must UseC816 Name Component DetailsC 1
 To specify a name component.
M 3405Name Component QualifierM an..3
 To identify the type of name component.
This data element requires the complete company name of the party identified in data element 7402 of composite C206.
10 Whole name
Must Use 3398Name ComponentC an..70
 Part of party name such as family name or given name.
Complete, legal (Company) name of Manufacturer, Exporter or Buyer.

Segment:ADR Address
Group:Segment Group 1 (Party Identification) Conditional (Required)
Usage:Conditional (Required)
Max Use:1
Purpose:A segment identifying the address of a party associated with the message (e.g. importer, consignor, consignee, exporter, applicant, transport company, manufacturer, company to which product is to be transferred, certificate issuing authority, authenticating party).
Dependency Notes: 
Semantic Notes: 
Notes:This segment is not required if data element 3035 - Party qualifier - in the PNA segment at position 50 equals "EX".

Data Element Summary

 Data ElementComponent ElementNameAttributes
Must UseC817 Address UsageC 1
 To describe the usage of an address.
Always "2"
Must Use3299 Address Purpose, CodedC an..3
 To specify the purpose of the address.
Use of code "2" in this data element implies the contact address of the business enterprise (e.g., manufacturer, exporter, buyer). CBP will not accept a Post Office Box Number, "In Care Of (c/o)", a forwarding or personal address.
2 Contact address
 C090 Address DetailC 1
 To specify the details of an address.
M 3477Address Format, CodedM an..3
 To specify the content of the various address components.
Always "5"/
5 Unstructured address
M 3286Address ComponentM an..70
 To specify a component of an address.
Company Address.
  3286Address ComponentC an..70
 To specify a component of an address.
Company Address (continued)- For the Electronic Visa System, use up to 35 bytes.
Must Use3164 City NameC 1 an..35
 Name of a City (a town, a village)for addressing purposes.
Legal name of the City.
Must Use3251 Post Code IdentificationC 1 an..9
 Code defining postal zones or addresses.
Postal codes such as Zip Codes, Province or Regional codes, Prefecture or Zone Codes must NOT include hyphens or other non character punctuation.
Must Use3207 Country, CodedC 1 an..3
 Identification of the name of a country or other geographical entity as specified in ISO 3166.
Use only the two (2) character International Standards Organization (ISO) code for the Country.
 C819 Country Sub-Entity DetailsC 1
 To specify a part of a country (e.g. county or part of a city).
Country sub-entity includes, but not limited to Proinces, Regions, Prefectures or Zones.
  3229Country Sub-Entity IdentificationC an..9
 Identification of the name of sub-entitie (state, province) defined by appropriate governmental agencies.
When data element 3035 of the PNA segment in position 50 equals "BY" - Buyer, then this data element must identify the State in the buyer's address.

Segment:LIN Line Item
Postion:0080 (Trigger Segment)
Group:Segment Group 2 (Line Item) Conditional (Required)
Max Use:1
Purpose:A segment identifying product item details for a line on the message.
Dependency Notes: 
Semantic Notes: 

Data Element Summary
 Data ElementComponent ElementNameAttributes
M1082 Line Item NumberM 1 an..6
 Serial number designating each separate item within a series of articles.
This data element must begin with a value of q, subsequently incremented by +1 as needed within each Visa treansaction.

Segment:RFF Reference
Group:Segment Group 2 (Line Item) Conditional (Required)
Usage:Conditional (Required)
Max Use:5
Purpose:To specify a reference.
Dependency Notes: 
Semantic Notes: 
Notes:The RFF segment is used to identify the 'Article' (category) codes. A maximum of five (5) RFF segments are allowed in each

Data Element Summary
 Data ElementComponent ElementNameAttributes
MC506 ReferenceM 1
 Identification of a reference.
M 1153Reference QualifierM an..3
 Code giving specific meaning to a reference segment or a reference number.
Always "ABU".
ABU Article number
Must Use 1154Reference NumberC an..35
 Identification number the nature and function of which can be qualified by an entry in data element 1153 Reference qualifier.
For the USCS Electronic Visa System and the Visa document, use the category number with the Standard format. Category numbers are 3-5 character identifiers with the first three (3) positions numeric.

The fourth (4th) and fifth (5th) positions can be alpha, numeric or combinations thereof . No leading spaces will be supported.

Examples of acceptable formats are : NNN, NNNA, NNNAA, NNNN, NNNNN, NNNAN, NNNNA.

Segment:QTY Quantity
Group:Segment Group 2 (Line Item) Conditional (Required)
Usage:Conditional (Required)
Max Use:5
Purpose:A segment identifying quantity details relevant to the product item (e.g. quantity manufactured, quantity in commercial units, quantity in control units, quantity in quota units, quantity shipped).
Dependency Notes: 
Semantic Notes: 

Data Element Summary
 Data ElementComponent ElementNameAttributes
MC186 Quantity DetailsM 1
 Quantity information in a transaction, qualified when relevant.
M 6063Quantity QualifierM an..3
 Code giving specific meaning to a quantity.
Always "346".
346 Number of units
M 6060QuantityM n..15
 Numeric value of a quanity.
This data element requires a numeric value in whole numbers only. No decimals or fractional values are accepted. The Electronic Visa System will accept a maximum of nine (9) whole number digits.
Must Use 6411Measure Unit QualifierC an..3
 Indication of the unit of measurement in which weight (mass), capacity, length, area, volume or other quantity is expressed.
The electronic Visa application will support the following units of measure:

DOZ Dozen
DPR Dozen Pair
KG Kilograms
M2 Square Meters
NO Number of Pieces.

Segment:CNT Control Total
Usage:Conditional (Optional)
Max Use:1
Purpose:To provide control total.
Dependency Notes: 
Semantic Notes: 
Notes:This CNT segment must provide the nunber of LIN segments associated with a Visa transaction.

Data Element Summary
 Data ElementComponent ElementNameAttributes
MC270 ControlM 1
 Control totla for checking integrity of a message or part of a message.
M 6069Control QualifierM an..3
 Determines the source data elements in the message which forms the basis for 6066 Control value.
Always "5".
5 Number of CBP item detail lines
M 6066Control ValueM n..18
 Value obtained from summing the values specified by the Control Qualifier throughout the message (Hash total).
This data element must reflect the total number of LIN Loop segments in this Visa transaction.

Segment:UNT Message Trailer
Max Use:1
Purpose:A service segment ending a message, giving the total number of segments in the message and the control reference number of the message.
Dependency Notes: 
Semantic Notes: 

Data Element Summary
 Data ElementComponent ElementNameAttributes
M0074 Number of Segments in a MessageM1 n..6
 Control count of number of segments in a message.
M0062 Message Reference NumberM1 an..14
 Unique message reference assigned by the sender.

SANCRT4 (D.99A)November 28, 2001

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