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[IGLOSMAIL-696] New IGX orbit combination weighting scheme

IGLOS Electronic Mail      04 Dec 08:03:03 PST 2002   Message Number 696

Author: Robert Weber

Dear Colleagues,

 this is to inform you, that the IGLOSS-PP Analysis Centers BKG, ESA and MCC
 started to provide meaningful satellite specific accuracy codes in their
 GLONASS SP3-orbit files. Therefore, starting with GPS Week 1163,
 these codes are used for a proper satellite weighting in the 
 GLONASS orbit combination (IGX -solution). This procedure is very 
 similar to the current IGS GPS orbit weighting  scheme.


   Robert Weber
   IGLOSS-PP AC Coordinator

Robert Weber                           Tel:    ++43-1-58801-12865               
Department of Advanced Geodesy         Fax:    ++43-1-58801-12896              
University of Technology, Vienna       E-Mail: rweber @ luna.tuwien.ac.at
Gusshausstrasse 27-29                          robweber @ aiub.unibe.ch
A-1040 Vienna, Austria                         

Robert Weber                           Tel:    ++43-1-58801-12865               
Department of Advanced Geodesy         Fax:    ++43-1-58801-12896              
University of Technology, Vienna       E-Mail: rweber @ luna.tuwien.ac.at
Gusshausstrasse 27-29                          robweber @ aiub.unibe.ch
A-1040 Vienna, Austria                         

Robert Weber                           Tel:    ++43-1-58801-12865               
Department of Advanced Geodesy         Fax:    ++43-1-58801-12896              
University of Technology, Vienna       E-Mail: rweber @ luna.tuwien.ac.at
Gusshausstrasse 27-29                          robert.weber @ aiub.unibe.ch
A-1040 Vienna, Austria                         