Phenix Newsletter 1992

S. Aronson: Magnet
                      B. Jacak: Si + Beam/Beam
                      E. O'Brien: Tracking
                      E. Kistenev: EM Calorimeter
                      P. McGaughey: e-mu coincidence
                      W. Zajc: Physics comments
                      C. Maguire: PISA 
                      M. Chen: HBD test

      o 2:00 - 4:30: Individual group meetings
                     Progress report, R&D plan, cost estimate, etc.
      o 4:30 - 6:00: CDG + EC meeting on the Detector elements to be 
                     listed in the CDR, urgent tasks, etc. 
      o 6:00 -     : Supper at B. Jacack's House

     October 19 (Monday)

      o Entire day:  Individual group meetings
                     Agreement on the contents to be written in CDR, 
                     CDR responsibility distribution
      o 4:00 - 6:00: CDG + EC meeting (continued discussion from Sunday) on
                     the Detector elements to be listed in CDR, urgent 
                     tasks, etc. 

     October 20 (Tuesday)

      o 9:00 - 10:30: Individual group meetings
                      Summaries on 1) R&D schedules, 2) Responsibility 
                      distributions for sub-element construction and R&D, 
                      3) Detector elements to be listed in CDR (the real
                      detector to be built), 4) CDR writing plan.
      o 10:30 - 4:00: Joint meeting
                      Reports from the individual subgroups
      o 4:00        : End of the collaboration meeting



     Shoji  will be traveling  extensively  in October.  His plans are  as

            10/16 - 21:  Santa Fe
            10/23 - 27:  Korea
            10/29 - 31:  Japan

     Shoji, Sam, Glenn, and Leo will all be at the Santa Fe meetings.


     Local LLNL PHENIX Magnet Meeting Notes from Sept 23, 1992.
     (from Jim Thomas)

     Attendees: Engineering: Joe Ryland, Art Harvey, Winston Wong, Bob
     Highland, Joel Bowers, Donn Bupp, Allen House, Bob Yamamoto.  
     (Missing VIP: Ross Sleuter).  Physics: Shaheen Tonse, Jim Costales, 
     David Krofcheck, Ron Zasadzinski, Jim Thomas

     Bob Yamamoto has recruited  a strong team of Engineers  to work on the
     PHENIX magnet.  Some are old hands at PHENIX and some are quite new. A
     general round  of introductions was  held  and suggested the following
     engineering assignments:

     Art Harvey   - Senior magnet engineer.  Will work on cooling,
                    water flow, and engineering analysis for coils.
     Winston Wong - Designer.  Proposes to design central magnet coils,
                    fixturing for coils, and fixturing for epoxy
                    potting of coils.
     Donn Bupp    - Designer.  Proposes to design muon piston coil.
     Joel Bowers  - Engineer.  Will work on steel for magnets and support 
     Bob Highland - Designer.  Proposes to design support structure and 
                    return steel for both the central and muon magnets.
     Ross Sleuter - (absent) Engineer.  Magnetic field analysis.
     Joe Ryland   - Retired engineer.  Will serve as the coordinator for
                    large procurements and fabrication.
     Allen House  - Engineer.  Will do finite element analysis on support
                    structure.  Also, is doing Muon Chamber design for GEM.
     Bob Yamamoto - Group Leader.  Overall responsibility for Engineering
                    design, costing, and analysis.

     With the  addition of another   Designer or perhaps Designer-Detailer,
     Bob thought this group was the right team for the job.

     Bob mentioned that he, Ross S., and Joel B. will  be going to Santa Fe
     to attend engineering meetings.  In addition, Joel may be going to the
     Efremov institute in November.  This would be a GEM mission but he may
     also make PHENIX contacts.

     Bob then reviewed the status of  the magnet design for  the physicists
     in the room. He emphasized that the  goal is  to stay as "low tech" as
     possible especially when it comes to winding the coils.

     The muon coil is a conical, 2 layer, coil with a quadrafillar winding.
     Copper  coils  will  be  used as   a   compromise   between  space and
     convenience.  Water will  enter at the front and  back of the windings
     (towards the central magnet and as far away from the central magnet as
     possible) but the electrical connections will be made only at the back
     of the   coils.   Having the hydraulics at   the two ends  of the coil
     lowers the pressure drop through the coils, allows more water to flow,
     and hence lowers the temperature  of the  coils, and ultimately allows
     us to run more current in the coils.   This coil will  be wound  on an
     epoxy shell so that it can slip over  the iron piston  ... rather than
     trying to wind a coil directly onto a 70 ton piece.  The coils will be
     wrapped in mylar and then a dacron sleeve to insulate them.  The mylar
     is tough and  resists  tearing  while  hammering (physicists call   it
     "winding") the coil.  But the  mylar doesn't pot  into epoxy very well
     and  so a Dacron  sleeve is added.   The Dacron  is very absorbent and
     will  hold   the epoxy  around   the  coil as it   sets into its final

     The biggest challenge in winding the muon coil is figuring  out how to
     join the two layers of coils at the front of the coil. (The electrical
     connections  are at the  back so current travels  down the outer layer
     and returns up the inner layer.)  This transition  is crucial and will
     probably determine how the coil is wound.  Art Harvey has worked out a
     possible scheme and we are building a quarter scale model  of the muon
     magnet to test it out.

     Bob showed a sample of the "dead soft"  copper to be used  in the full
     sized coil.  (2  centimeters square  with an  approximately 1  cm hole
     down the  center for a cross-section that is 50%  open.) It looks more
     like a "crow bar" than a magnet coil.  It is  very stiff; even  with a
     large  hole down the center  for water cooling.  The  water lines will
     have  to  come in along the eight  spokes that support the muon magnet
     flux return lamp shade.

     The flux  returning lamp shade  will  be made in   8 pieces or facets.
     Each weighs 10  to 12 tons.  The backs  of these facets  are bolted to
     the first 30  cm of Mu ID steel.   (This 30  cm of steel  comes in one
     giant piece.)  The spokes, or impellors,  to  support the facets would
     preferably be made out of Stainless steel so  they could be welded but
     since the physics prefers low Z material, they are looking at Al. This
     causes some concern  about strength (especially  the method of bolting
     in place) but appears to be do-able.

     For now,  we assume that the engineers  responsibility ends  after the
     first 30 cm of muon  ID steel.  The thinking  is that the remaining Mu
     ID steel is part of the detector and not the magnet. This  needs input
     from Leo and Sam.

     It was generaly agreed that the muon piston magnet needs the most work
     since it is so intimately integrated into PHENIX.

     Bob Highland then  commented  on how  to support all  this steel.  The
     muon piston is a 70 ton conical piece of steel.  (Apparently, a French
     company  has been found  who can make it  in a single piece.)  It will
     rest on a three sided cradle that holds the bottom three facets of the
     lampshade.  These bottom facets will  be welded in place  to  give the
     whole structure the necessary strength.  The cradle will be stationary
     because the muon magnet  doesn't have to move.  (However,  the central
     magnet  DOES  move.)  The  cradle  then supports  the impellors (solid
     sheets of aluminum running the full length of the piston) that hold up
     the lampshade.   There are some  obvious  questions which remain to be
     answered (and will take a thorough discussion between  Eng. and Phys.)
     For example,  how do you  get the bottom tracking  chamber sections in
     and out?    How fragile   are the   detectors?   The overall  assembly
     scenario  is still being  worked out.  Additional questions are:  What
     are the loads on the facets of the lampshade?  What pressure goes onto
     the  piston?  What are the magnetic  loads   and forces  on the steel?
     Other forces?  We are assuming only gravity for now.

     Winston Wong discussed  the status of  the  central  coils.  These are
     double sided pancakes  with bifilar winding  (two conductors to  go on
     top  of  each other).  The   windings are electrically  in series  but
     hydraulically in parallel,  like the muon  magnet coil,  for the  same
     reasons. Three   pancakes   together    make  a single  coil  that  is
     parallelogram shaped to get the maximum amount  of Cu into the allowed
     space.  The pancakes for the  inner coils will weigh approximately 200
     kilograms and the  pancakes  for the outer  coil  will weigh about 700
     kilograms each.  Each coil  is identical  but  they increase  in size.
     The major technical challenge is to find a  way to make the transition
     from the inner to outer layer of the  bi-filar coil pack at the center
     of  the coil.   Art Harvey has  found a way  to wind the filaments for
     these  coils but   he still  worries about   the Epoxy cracking  while
     handling  the coils.   May need to   design special handling tools and

     Art has  a computer code that allows  us to change the current density
     in the coils  etc.  etc. for  the  purposes of  evaluating  structure,
     cooling, temperature, weight, power dissipation, and  cost issues.  He
     prefers not to make changes now  but he has  the capability to iterate
     on the  magnet parameters  in  an automated way.  Previously, this was
     done by hand.

     Ross Sleuter  was missed at this  point  because everyone  was curious
     whether the new coil shapes (parallelograms) would change the magnetic
     field and/or the physics.

     Joel Bowers offered  a list of  specifications  that will  have to  be
     defined soon by physicists and engineers, together.  These include:

           Defining the space envelope for each detector.
           Support for each detector.
           Stay out tolerance zone.
           Stability and motion tolerance.
           Static deflection and dynamic deflection requirements.
           Alignment requirements.
           Access requirements.
           Temperature tolerance.
           Electrical, gas, water, requirements.
           Feedthoughs for all of the above.  How many, where?
           Line of sight (for alignment) requirements.
           Maintenance period.

     We then developed a list of questions to  be answered in collaboration
     with BNL engineers.

     Can BNL do a ground motion and vibration study?  We need this data for
     input to the Dynamic motion study ... for  performance  issues such as
     alignment and drift.  Long  term  stability  vs short  term stability.
     Also,  these  specs need  to  be called  out  by  someone.  LLNL  will
     construct a global motion model for the detector structure.

     Where do  pumps for the  beam pipes go?  Other access  issues for beam
     pipe are important to the design of the central magnet. Can we support
     the beam pipe on the side opposite the muon arm? Perhaps translate the
     central magnet to get to the flange that allows breaking vacuum.

     Specifications for uniformity of the steel.

     We need to work on the motion of the  central magnet.  Need "jockying"
     room  for alignment, jacking,  and  shimming as re-install the central
     magnet (eg. after maintenance).

     The Tungsten nose cone.  How does it attach and what can the designers
     do to it?

     What   range of motion  is  required for  the  adjustment of  the muon
     chambers?  Who designs this,  the  magnet  people or the  muon chamber

     Finally,   the discussion turned to   the possibility  of building the
     magnet in Russia or  China.  Some concern  was expressed about Quality
     control; especially   regarding  materials and  fabrication standards.
     This will require  input   from  the  institutions  involved.   Bob Y.
     proposed that the  design proceed as if   we were going   to build the
     magnet in the US but we should seek guidance from Russian  and Chinese
     engineers as  soon   as  possible  so  that   we  don't preclude   the
     possibility  of  working overseas.   J.  Thomas  will arrange for  the
     Russians and Chinese to visit LLNL.


     Mailing List Changes:
     (from Jim Thomas)

     The  following changes   to the    mailing list were  made  for    the
     distribution of this  weeks  Newsletter.  Please  review the list  for
     errors and fix  the noted problems (usually,  disk quotas exceeded) as
     soon as possible.  Please advise and help your friends if you see they
     are in trouble.

     ADDED the following users:                         10/11/92                  10/11/92                             10/11/92                  10/11/92                 10/11/92

     CHANGED the following users addresses:               was              was    hans-ake.gustafsson@kosufy ...    was    was       was                was

     CAUSES TIME-OUTS (usually due to disk quota exceeded, please fix ASAP):
                      (Mail is NOT delivered if systems time-out.)

     INCORRECT ADDRESSES don't know how to fix:


     DEAD deleted these names:



     The Newsletter will appear weekly. Submissions should be sent to: 

                 igw::buddha::phenix                  (decnet)

     The submission deadline is Friday at 5:00  pm EDT for  items to appear
     in  the next  weeks  Calendar and  Newsletter.  All   submissions  are
     welcome;  especially  meeting announcements and  minutes  of meetings.
     Please  try to provide  at least two  weeks  notice  for all meetings.
     Anyone may  log  onto the PHENIX account  on Buddha and  view the mail
