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Glossary - NAFTA Definitions
Terms Specifically Defined in the NAFTA, Customs Regulations and/or the Uniform Rules of Origin Regulations

accessories, spare parts or tools that are delivered with a good and form part of the good's standard accessories, spare parts or toolsRules of origin Regulations - general definitions19 CFR 181, App. Sec. 2
adjusted to an F.O.B. basisRules of origin Regulations - general definitions19 CFR 181, App. Sec. 2
adverse marking decisionCustoms Reg.-c/o marking19 CFR 181.112
advertising filmsChapter 3 definitionArticle 318
after-market partsRules of origin Regulations - automotive definitions19 CFR 181, App. Sec. 8
AgreementRules of origin Regulations - general definitions19 CFR 181, App. Sec. 2
agricultural goodSection definition - agricultureArticle 708
animalSection definition - agricultureArticle 724
applicable change in tariff classificationRules of origin Regulations - general definitions19 CFR 181, App. Sec. 2
appropriate level of productionSection definition - agricultureArticle 724
approval procedureSection definition - agricultureArticle 724
area of low pest or disease prevalenceSection definition - agricultureArticle 724
automotive componentRules of origin Regulations - general definitions19 CFR 181, App. Sec. 2
automotive component assemblyRules of origin Regulations - general definitions19 CFR 181, App. Sec. 2
average method Rules of origin Regulations - inventory mgt.-fungible materials19 CFR 181, App. Sched. X, Sec. 10
average methodRules of origin Regulations - inventory mgt.-fungible materials19 CFR 181, App. Sched. X, Sec. 1
average yarn numberAnnex definition-textilesAnnex 300-B(10)
buyerRules of origin Regulations - transaction value19 CFR 181, App. Sched. III
buyerRules of origin Regulations - value of goods19 CFR 181, App. Sched. I
buying commissionsRules of origin Regulations - value of materials19 CFR 181,App. Sched. VIII
buying commissionsRules of origin Regulations - value of goods19 CFR 181, App. Sched. II
CanadaCustoms Reg.-Gen. Provisions19 CFR 181.1
categoryAnnex definition-textilesAnnex 300-B(10)
class of motor vehiclesChapter 4 definitionArticle 415
class of motor vehiclesRules of origin Regulations - automotive definitions19 CFR 181, App. Sec. 8
closedRules of origin Regulations - RVC for CAMI19 CFR 181, App. Sched. VI
commercial importationChapter 5 definitionArticle 514
commercial importationCustoms Reg.-Gen. Provisions19 CFR 181.1
commercial samples of negligible valueChapter 3 definition Article 318
CommissionGeneral DefinitionArticle 201
complete motor vehicle assembly processRules of origin Regulations - automotive definitions19 CFR 181, App. Sec. 8
confidential informationChapter 17 definitionArticle 1721
conspicuousAnnex definition-c/o markingAnnex 311(11)
consultation levelAnnex definition-textilesAnnex 300-B(10)
consumedChapter 3 definitionArticle 318
contaminantSection definition - agricultureArticle 724
control or inspection procedureSection definition - agricultureArticle 724
costsRules of origin Regulations - reasonable allocation of costs19 CFR 181, App. Sched. VII
costs incurred in packingRules of origin Regulations - general definitions19 CFR 181, App. Sec. 2
customs administrationChapter 5 definitionArticle 514
customs administrationCustoms Reg.-Gen. Provisions19 CFR 181.1
customs administrationRules of origin Regulations - value of materials19 CFR 181,App. Sched. VIII
customs administrationRules of origin Regulations - transaction value19 CFR 181, App. Sched. III
customs dutiesArticle definitions - Restrictions on drawback & duty deferralArticle 303(9)
customs dutySection definition - agricultureArticle 708
customs dutyChapter 3 definitionArticle 318
customs dutyCustoms Reg.-Gen. Provisions19 CFR 181.1
Customs Valuation CodeGeneral DefinitionArticle 201
customs valueAnnex definition-c/o markingAnnex 311(11)
customs valueRules of origin Regulations - general definitions19 CFR 181, App. Sec. 2
daysGeneral DefinitionArticle 201
daysRules of origin Regulations - general definitions19 CFR 181, App. Sec. 2
determination of originChapter 5 definitionArticle 514
determination of originCustoms Reg.-Gen. Provisions19 CFR 181.1
direct labor costsRules of origin Regulations - general definitions 19 CFR 181, App. Sec. 2
direct material costsRules of origin Regulations - general definitions 19 CFR 181, App. Sec. 2
direct overheadRules of origin Regulations - general definitions 19 CFR 181, App. Sec. 2
discontinued operationsRules of origin Regulations - reasonable allocation of costs19 CFR 181, App. Sched. VII
distilled spiritsChapter 3 definitionArticle 318
duty deferral programChapter 3 definitionArticle 318
duty-freeSection definition - agricultureArticle 708
duty-freeChapter 3 definitionArticle 318
encrypted program-carrying satellite signalChapter 17 definitionArticle 1721
enterpriseGeneral DefinitionArticle 201
enterpriseRules of origin Regulations - general definitions19 CFR 181, App. Sec. 2
enterprise of a PartyGeneral DefinitionArticle 201
excluded costsRules of origin Regulations - general definitions19 CFR 181, App. Sec. 2
existingGeneral DefinitionArticle 201
existing producer of vehiclesAnnex definition-automotive Annex 300-A(4)
exporterCustoms Reg.-c/o marking19 CFR 181.112
exporterCustoms Reg.-Gen. Provisions19 CFR 181.1
exporter in the territory of a PartyChapter 5 definition Article 514
exporting PartyAnnex definition-textilesAnnex 300-B(10)
F.O.B.Chapter 4 definitionArticle 415
FIFO methodRules of origin Regulations - inventory mgt.-fungible materials19 CFR 181, App. Sched. X, Sec. 10
FIFO methodRules of origin Regulations - inventory mgt.-fungible materials19 CFR 181, App. Sched. X, Sec. 1
FIFO methodRules of origin Regulations - value of fungible materials 19 CFR 181, App. Sched. IX
finished goods inventoryRules of origin Regulations - inventory mgt.-fungible materials19 CFR 181, App. Sched. X, Sec. 10
first protoptypeRules of origin Regulations - automotive definitions 19 CFR 181, App. Sec. 8
fish or fish productSection definition - agricultureArticle 708
fixed rate contractRules of origin Regulations - non-allowable interest costs19 CFR 181, App. Sched. XI
flexibility provisionsAnnex definition-textilesAnnex 300-B(10)
floor pan of a motor vehicleRules of origin Regulations - automotive definitions19 CFR 181, App. Sec. 8
fungible goodsChapter 4 definitionArticle 415
fungible goodsRules of origin Regulations - general definitions19 CFR 181, App. Sec. 2
fungible materialsChapter 4 definitionArticle 415
fungible materialsRules of origin Regulations - general definitions19 CFR 181, App. Sec. 2
Generally Accepted Accounting PrinciplesGeneral DefinitionArticle 201
Generally Accepted Accounting PrinciplesCustoms Reg.-Gen. Provisions19 CFR 181.1
Generally Accepted Accounting PrinciplesRules of origin Regulations 19 CFR 181, App. Sched. XII
geographical indicationChapter 17 definitionArticle 1721
GMRules of Origin Regulations - Schedule Definition19 CFR 181, App.Sched.VI(1)
goods imported for sports purposesChapter 3 definitionArticle 318
goods intended for display or demonstrationChapter 3 definitionArticle 318
goods of a Party General DefinitionArticle 201
goods wholly obtained or produced entirely in the territory of one or more of the Parties Chapter 4 definitionArticle 415
Harmonized SystemGeneral DefinitionArticle 201
Harmonized SystemRules of origin Regulations - general definitions 19 CFR 181, App. Sec. 2
heavy-duty automotive goodRules of origin Regulations - automotive definitions19 CFR 181, App. Sec. 8
heavy-duty componentRules of origin Regulations - automotive definitions19 CFR 181, App. Sec. 8
heavy-duty vehicleRules of origin Regulations - general definitions19 CFR 181, App. Sec. 2
HTSUSCustoms Reg.-Gen. Provisions19 CFR 181.1
identical goodsChapter 5 definitionArticle 514
identical goodsRules of origin Regulations - general definitions19 CFR 181, App. Sec. 2
identical materialsRules of origin Regulations - general definitions19 CFR 181, App. Sec. 2
identical materialsRules of origin Regulations - value of fungible materials19 CFR 181, App. Sched. IX
identical or similar goodsChapter 4 definition 
identical or similar goodsArticle definitions - Restrictions on drawback & duty deferralArticle 303(9)
importerCustoms Reg.-Gen. Provisions19 CFR 181.1
importer in the territory of a PartyChapter 5 definitionArticle 514
importing PartyAnnex definition-textilesAnnex 300-B(10)
in a manner contrary to honest commercial practicesChapter 17 definitionArticle 1721
incorporatedRules of origin Regulations - general definitions19 CFR 181, App. Sec. 2
indirect materialChapter 4 definitionArticle 415
indirect materialRules of origin Regulations - general definitions 19 CFR 181, App. Sec. 2
indirect overheadRules of origin Regulations - reasonable allocation of costs19 CFR 181, App. Sched. VII
integrated into the GATTAnnex definition-textilesAnnex 300-B(10)
intellectual property rightsChapter 17 definitionArticle 1721
interest costsRules of origin Regulations - general definitions 19 CFR 181, App. Sec. 2
intermediate materialChapter 5 definitionArticle 514
intermediate materialChapter 4 definitionArticle 415
intermediate materialCustoms Reg.-Gen. Provisions19 CFR 181.1
intermediate materialRules of origin Regulations - general definitions19 CFR 181, App. Sec. 2
internal management purposeRules of origin Regulations - reasonable allocation of costs19 CFR 181, App. Sched. VII
international standard, guideline or recommendationSection definition - agricultureArticle 724
itemChapter 3 definitionArticle 318
legibleAnnex definition-c/o markingAnnex 311(11)
LIFO methodRules of origin Regulations - inventory mgt.-fungible materials19 CFR 181, App. Sched. X, Sec. 10
LIFO methodRules of origin Regulations - inventory mgt.-fungible materials19 CFR 181, App. Sched. X, Sec. 1
LIFO methodRules of origin Regulations - value of fungible materials 19 CFR 181, App. Sched. IX
light-duty vehicleRules of origin Regulations - general definitions19 CFR 181, App. Sec. 2
linear interpolationRules of origin Regulations - non-allowable interest costs19 CFR 181, App. Sched. XI
listed materialRules of origin Regulations - general definitions19 CFR 181, App. Sec. 2
local area network apparatusChapter 3 definitionArticle 318
location of the producerRules of origin Regulations - general definitions19 CFR 181, App. Sec. 2
Marking RulesChapter 5 definitionArticle 514
Marking RulesCustoms Reg.-Gen. Provisions19 CFR 181.1
marqueChapter 4 definitionArticle 415
marqueRules of origin Regulations - automotive definitions19 CFR 181, App. Sec. 8
materialSection definition - agricultureArticle 708
materialChapter 5 definitionArticle 514
materialChapter 4 definitionArticle 415
materialArticle definitions - Restrictions on drawback & duty deferralArticle 303(9)
materialRules of origin Regulations - general definitions 19 CFR 181, App. Sec. 2
materials inventoryRules of origin Regulations - inventory mgt.-fungible materials19 CFR 181, App. Sched. X, Sec. 1
materials inventoryRules of origin Regulations - value of fungible materials19 CFR 181, App. Sched. IX
materials of the same class or kindRules of origin Regulations - value of materials19 CFR 181,App. Sched. VIII
measureGeneral DefinitionArticle 201
measureCustoms Reg.-Gen. Provisions19 CFR 181.1
MexicoCustoms Reg.-Gen. Provisions19 CFR 181.1
model lineChapter 4 definitionArticle 415
model lineRules of origin Regulations - automotive definitions 19 CFR 181, App. Sec. 8
model nameRules of origin Regulations - automotive definitions 19 CFR 181, App. Sec. 8
monthRules of origin Regulations - general definitions19 CFR 181, App. Sec. 2
motor vehicle assemblerChapter 4 definitionArticle 415
motor vehicle assemblerRules of origin Regulations - general definitions19 CFR 181, App. Sec. 2
NAFTACustoms Reg.-Gen. Provisions19 CFR 181.1
NAFTA countryRules of origin Regulations - general definitions 19 CFR 181, App. Sec. 2
NAFTA DrawbackCustoms Reg.-Gen. Provisions19 CFR 181.1
nationalGeneral DefinitionArticle 201
nationalRules of origin Regulations - general definitions 19 CFR 181, App. Sec. 2
nationals of another PartyChapter 17 definitionArticle 1721
net costChapter 4 definitionArticle 415
net cost methodRules of origin Regulations - general definitions 19 CFR 181, App. Sec. 2
net cost of a goodChapter 5 definitionArticle 514
net cost of a goodChapter 4 definitionArticle 415
net cost of a goodCustoms Reg.-Gen. Provisions19 CFR 181.1
new buildingChapter 4 definitionArticle 415
new buildingRules of origin Regulations - automotive definitions 19 CFR 181, App. Sec. 8
new producer of vehiclesAnnex definition-automotiveAnnex 300-A(4)
non-allowable interest costsRules of origin Regulations - general definitions19 CFR 181, App. Sec. 2
non-originating goodRules of origin Regulations - general definitions 19 CFR 181, App. Sec. 2
non-originating materialChapter 4 definitionArticle 415
non-originating materialRules of origin Regulations - general definitions19 CFR 181, App. Sec. 2
opening inventoryRules of origin Regulations - inventory mgt.- fungible goods19 CFR 181, App. Sched. X, Sec. 10
opening inventoryRules of origin Regulations - inventory mgt.-fungible materials19 CFR 181, App. Sched. X, Sec. 1
origin identifierRules of origin Regulations - inventory mgt.- fungible goods19 CFR 181, App. Sched. X, Sec. 10
origin identifierRules of origin Regulations - inventory mgt.-fungible materials19 CFR 181, App. Sched. X, Sec. 1
original equipmentRules of origin Regulations - general definitions 19 CFR 181, App. Sec. 2
originatingGeneral DefinitionArticle 201
originatingCustoms Reg.-Gen. Provisions19 CFR 181.1
originating goodRules of origin Regulations - general definitions 19 CFR 181, App. Sec. 2
originating materialRules of origin Regulations - general definitions 19 CFR 181, App. Sec. 2
other costsRules of origin Regulations - general definitions 19 CFR 181, App. Sec. 2
over-quota tariff rateSection definition - agriculture Article 708
overheadRules of origin Regulations - reasonable allocation of costs 19 CFR 181, App. Sched. VII
packaging materials and containersRules of origin Regulations - general definitions19 CFR 181, App. Sec. 2
packing materials and containersRules of origin Regulations - general definitions19 CFR 181, App. Sec. 2
paymentsRules of origin Regulations - general definitions 19 CFR 181, App. Sec. 2
performance requirementChapter 3 definitionArticle 318
period costsRules of origin Regulations - general definitions 19 CFR 181, App. Sec. 2
personGeneral DefinitionArticle 201
personCustoms Reg.-Gen. Provisions19 CFR 181.1
personRules of origin Regulations - general definitions 19 CFR 181, App. Sec. 2
person of a NAFTA countryRules of origin Regulations - general definitions19 CFR 181, App. Sec. 2
person of a PartyGeneral DefinitionArticle 201
pestSection definition - agricultureArticle 724
pest-free or disease-freeSection definition - agriculture Article 724
plantSection definition - agricultureArticle 724
plantRules of origin Regulations - automotive definitions 19 CFR 181, App. Sec. 8
platformRules of origin Regulations - automotive definitions 19 CFR 181, App. Sec. 8
point of direct shipmentRules of origin Regulations - general definitions19 CFR 181, App. Sec. 2
preferential tariff treatmentChapter 5 definitionArticle 514
preferential tariff treatmentCustoms Reg.-Gen. Provisions 19 CFR 181.1
printed advertising materialsChapter 3 definitionArticle 318
producerChapter 5 definitionArticle 514
producerChapter 4 definitionArticle 415
producerCustoms Reg.-c/o marking19 CFR 181.112
producerCustoms Reg.-Gen. Provisions19 CFR 181.1
producerRules of origin Regulations - value of materials 19 CFR 181,App. Sched. VIII
producerRules of origin Regulations - general definitions 19 CFR 181, App. Sec. 2
producerRules of origin Regulations - transaction value 19 CFR 181, App. Sched. III
producerRules of origin Regulations - value of goods19 CFR 181, App. Sched. II
product costsRules of origin Regulations - general definitions 19 CFR 181, App. Sec. 2
productionChapter 5 definitionArticle 514
productionChapter 4 definitionArticle 415
productionCustoms Reg.-Gen. Provisions19 CFR 181.1
productionRules of origin Regulations - general definitions 19 CFR 181, App. Sec. 2
publicChapter 17 definitionArticle 1721
reasonably allocateChapter 4 definitionArticle 415
received in the territory of a NAFTA countryRules of origin Regulations - automotive definitions19 CFR 181, App. Sec. 8
refitChapter 4 definitionArticle 415
refitRules of origin Regulations - automotive definitions 19 CFR 181, App. Sec. 8
related personChapter 4 definitionArticle 415
related personRules of origin Regulations - general definitions 19 CFR 181, App. Sec. 2
repair or alterationChapter 3 definitionArticle 318
reusable scrap or by-productRules of origin Regulations - general definitions19 CFR 181, App. Sec. 2
right to useRules of origin Regulations - general definitions 19 CFR 181, App. Sec. 2
risk assessmentSection definition - agricultureArticle 724
rolling average methodRules of origin Regulations - value of fungible materials19 CFR 181, App. Sched. IX
royaltiesChapter 4 definitionArticle 415
royaltiesRules of origin Regulations - general definitions 19 CFR 181, App. Sec. 2
sales promotion, marketing and after-sales costsChapter 4 definitionArticle 415
sales promotion, marketing and after-sales service costsRules of origin Regulations - general definitions19 CFR 181, App. Sec. 2
sanitary or phytosanitary measureSection definition - agriculture Article 724
satisfactory evidenceChapter 3 definitionArticle 318
scientific basisSection definition - agricultureArticle 724
secondary uses or sound recordingsChapter 17 definition Article 1721
SecretariatGeneral DefinitionArticle 201
self-produced materialChapter 4 definitionArticle 415
self-produced materialRules of origin Regulations - general definitions 19 CFR 181, App. Sec. 2
sellerRules of origin Regulations - value of materials 19 CFR 181,App. Sched. VIII
shipping and packing costsChapter 4 definitionArticle 415
shipping and packing costsRules of origin Regulations - general definitions19 CFR 181, App. Sec. 2
similar goodsRules of origin Regulations - general definitions 19 CFR 181, App. Sec. 2
similar materialsRules of origin Regulations - general definitions 19 CFR 181, App. Sec. 2
size categoryChapter 4 definitionArticle 415
size categoryRules of origin Regulations - automotive definitions 19 CFR 181, App. Sec. 8
specific limitAnnex definition-textilesAnnex 300-B(10)
square meter equivalent (SME)Annex definition-textiles Annex 300-B(10)
state of enterpriseGeneral DefinitionArticle 201
sub-componentRules of origin Regulations - general definitions 19 CFR 181, App. Sec. 2
subject to a regional value-content requirementRules of origin Regulations - general definitions19 CFR 181, App. Sec. 2
sufficiently permanentAnnex definition-c/o markingAnnex 311(11)
sugar or syrup goodSection definition - agricultureArticle 708
tariff itemSection definition - agricultureArticle 708
tariff preference level (TPL)Annex definition-textiles Annex 300-B(10)
tariff provisionRules of origin Regulations - general definitions 19 CFR 181, App. Sec. 2
tariff rate quotaSection definition - agricultureArticle 708
territoryGeneral DefinitionArticle 201
territoryRules of origin Regulations - general definitions 19 CFR 181, App. Sec. 2
the form in which it was importedAnnex definition-c/o marking Annex 311(11)
total costChapter 4 definitionArticle 415
total costRules of origin Regulations - general definitions 19 CFR 181, App. Sec. 2
total export shipmentsChapter 3 definitionArticle 318
total supplyChapter 3 definitionArticle 318
traced materialRules of origin Regulations - automotive definitions 19 CFR 181, App. Sec. 8
transaction valueChapter 5 definitionArticle 514
transaction valueChapter 4 definitionArticle 415
transaction valueCustoms Reg.-Gen. Provisions19 CFR 181.1
transaction value methodRules of origin Regulations - general definitions19 CFR 181, App. Sec. 2
transition periodAnnex definition-textilesAnnex 300-B(10)
ultimate purchaserAnnex definition-c/o markingAnnex 311(11)
underbodyChapter 4 definitionArticle 415
underbodyRules of origin Regulations - automotive definitions 19 CFR 181, App. Sec. 8
Uniform RegulationsChapter 5 definitionArticle 514
United StatesCustoms Reg.-Gen. Provisions19 CFR 181.1
usedChapter 5 definitionArticle 514
usedChapter 4 definitionArticle 415
usedArticle definitions - Restrictions on drawback & duty deferral Article 303(9)
usedCustoms Reg.-Gen. Provisions19 CFR 181.1
usedRules of origin Regulations - general definitions 19 CFR 181, App. Sec. 2
used vehicleAnnex definition-automotiveAnnex 300-A(4)
usual containerAnnex definition-c/o markingAnnex 311(11)
valueChapter 5 definitionArticle 514
valueCustoms Reg.-Gen. Provisions19 CFR 181.1
variable rate contractRules of origin Regulations - non-allowable interest costs19 CFR 181, App. Sched. XI
vehicleAnnex definition-automotiveAnnex 300-A(4)
verification of originRules of origin Regulations - general definitions19 CFR 181, App. Sec. 2
waiver of customs dutiesChapter 3 definitionArticle 318
weighted average principal maturityRules of origin Regulations - non-allowable interest costs19 CFR 181, App. Sched. XI
weighted principal paymentRules of origin Regulations - non-allowable interest costs19 CFR 181, App. Sched. XI
wool apparelAnnex definition-textilesAnnex 300-B(10)
yield on federal government debt obligationsRules of origin Regulations - non-allowable interest costs19 CFR 181, App. Sched. XI

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