* * $Id: gdraw.doc,v 1.3 2009/02/16 05:41:41 schubert Exp $ * * Revision 2002/06/16 15:18:38 hristov * Separate distribution of Geant3 * * Revision 1999/05/18 15:55:03 fca * AliRoot sources * * Revision 1995/10/24 10:20:18 cernlib * Geant * * #include "geant321/pilot.h" #if defined(CERNLIB_DOC) *CMZ : 3.21/02 29/03/94 15.41.25 by S.Giani *-- Author : * ************************************************************************ * * * Introduction to the Drawing package * * ----------------------------------- * * * * * * THE DRAWING PACKAGE * * * * The drawing package has been designed mainly to: * * * * - draw the detector * * - draw the detector geometrical tree * * - draw particle trajectories * * - draw hits. * * * * DRAWING THE DETECTOR * * * * The detector can be looked at from any view point and with any * * scale factor (GDRAW, GDRVOL); appropriate attributes can be set in * * order to see only selected objects (so avoiding messy pictures); * * hidden line removal is available as well as surface shading. * * 'Cut' views, i.e. intersections of a given plane with the * * detector, can also be displayed (GDRAWC, GDRAWX). This feature is * * very useful to see internal details that the routine GDRAW would * * not show. * * When hidden line removal is used, the possibility exists to cut * * the volume to be drawn with various shapes, to visualise the inner * * details. * * * * DRAWING THE GEOMETRICAL TREE * * * * The geometrical tree (GDTREE) is a representation of the overall * * structure of the detector, namely the mother-daughter relationship * * among the various objects composing it. Several types of * * additional information are available on request: multiplicity of a * * given volume (i.e. how many times it is positioned in other * * places, or number of subdivisions), detector nature, visibility * * flag, etc. This drawing tree capability can be very useful when * * tuning the detector geometry. If used interactively, this * * facility allow to invoke via a click of the mouse the GDSPEC * * utility (see below) for any node of the tree. * * * * DRAWING THE GEOMETRICAL SPECIFICATIONS * * * * The geometrical specifications (GDSPEC) give a detailed picture * * of one particular piece of the detector. Three drawings of the * * volume (a projection view and two cut views), its shape type and * * numerical parameters (i.e. dimensions), and a scale to aid * * geometric calculations, are presented together in a single * * graphics frame. The set of geometrical specifications of all the * * descendants of a given node on the tree, can easily be obtained * * with the routine GDFSPC. * * * * DRAWING PARTICLE TRAJECTORIES * * * * The tracks generated by the tracking package, and stored in the * * data structure JXYZ, can be easily drawn with the routine GDXYZ. * * The names of the particles and/or the track numbers can be drawn * * as well (GDPART). * * Four types of representations are used to display the classes of * * particles, with different colour and line style: * * * * - red solid lines for charged particles (GTELEC, GTHADR) * * - green dashed lines for muons (GTMUON) * * - black blank/dotted lines for neutral particles (GTNEUT) * * - blue dotted lines for gammas (GTGAMA) * * * * A special routine has been provided to display the tracks online * * (GDCXYZ), if called under the DEBUG/SWITCH control from GUSTEP. * * That routine shows the tracks exactly at the same time they are * * trasorted by the tracking package of GEANT3, giving so a useful * * interactive debugging tool. * * * * DRAWING HITS * * * * The hits generated by the tracking package and stored in the * * data structure JHITS, can be displayed by the hits routines, * * with different functionality: * * * * - draw one hit (GDAHIT); called by user routines * * - draw all the hits of trajectory type sets/detectors (GDHITS) * * - draw all the hits of calorimeter type sets/detectors (GDCHIT) * * * * Different symbols for every subdetector can be used, chosen among * * hardware characters (dots), software crosses, or from the HPLOT * * table of software characters. The size of the software characters * * and crosses is given as an argument to GDAHIT/GDHITS, while it is * * computed as a function of the hits value in GDCHIT. * * * * THE VIEW BANKS * * * * The basic detector drawing routines (GDRAW, GDRAWC, GDRAWX) have * * to scan the data structure JVOLUM repeatedly. When the detector * * is described in a very detailed way, the time spent in the * * interpretation of the JVOLUM bank and in the 3D transformations * * can increase dramatically. For a detector with more than 100 * * different volume names, for example, this time can reach real time * * minutes on some machines, whereas the specific time required just * * by the drawing would be only a few seconds. If the hidden line * * removal option is active, this time can reach several minutes and * * even hours, depending on the speed of the machine and the * * complexity of the drawing requested. * * In order to alleviate this problem the 'bank-mode' routines have * * been developed. The basic idea is to separate the interpretation * * (i.e. the JVOLUM scanning to convert the 3D geometry structure * * into a set of 2D lines) from the drawing itself. In this way, the * * interpretation is performed only once and all the 2D information * * is stored in view banks (data structure JDRAW) [DRAW 399]. These * * views can then be looked at in a quicker way, having only to draw * * all 2D vectors previously stored. For a detector with more than * * 100 different volume names, for example, this is achieved at the * * cost of only a few thousand words of memory for each view bank. * * One can therefore open a view bank (GDOPEN), identified by a * * number, perform appropriate drawings (only interpretation will be * * made, of course), close the bank (GDCLOS) and finally look at the * * picture stored in it (GDSHOW). When a view bank has been closed * * it cannot be modified anymore, but it can be displayed as many * * times as wanted (GDSHOW) or deleted (GDELET). * * * * OTHER FEATURES * * * * The user can control some drawing options (GDOPT), by selecting * * for instance to have either parallel or perspective projection, * * either Y-Z or R-Z projection, hidden line removal, surface * * shading, etc. * * There is a routine (GDZOOM) that, if called, applies a zoom to * * everything (volumes, tracks, hits, etc.) will be drawn from then. * * This feature, in conjunction with the interactive command MEASURE * * [XINT 110], can be used for detailed viewing. * * Another tool that could help in the interactive debugging or * * tuning of the detector geometry is the routine GEDITV [DRAW 600], * * by which it is possible to modify interactively some geometrical * * parameters set by the user routines defining the detector * * geometry. * * It is possible to draw the axes of the 3D MAster Reference System * * (GDAXIS) oriented in agreement with the current view point. * * Two other routines draw a scale (GDSCAL) or a profile of a man * * (GDMAN) in 2D user coordinates to give an idea of the dimensions * * within current scale factors. A 2D text (GDRAWT) using software * * characters (hardware characters should be implemented later on), * * 2D vectors (GDRAWV) or a frame header (GDHEAD) are also available. * * Attributes like colour (GDCOL) and line width (GDLW) can be * * globally set for all 2D drawings (i.e. text, vectors, man, etc.); * * they are overridden in 3D drawings by volume attributes set by the * * GSATT routine with 'COLO' or 'LWID' option. * * A graphics input is available (GDCURS) to fetch the 2D user * * coordinates of the graphics cursor on the screen, allowing an * * immediate user interface with the interactive version of GEANT3. * * In particular there are interactive commands to zoom, measure, * * pick tracks or hits points that make use of that routine. * * Various conversions from 3D to 3D, and 3D to 2D coordinates are * * performed by GDFR3D and GD3D3D. * * * * BASIC AND ADVANCED GRAPHICS * * * * The underlying graphics system is completely hidden from the * * GEANT program. All graphics call are made via the HIGZ package. * * Various implementations of the HIGZ package are available, notably * * for X11, GKS, DI3000 and, shortly, PHIGS. * * * * RUNNING INSTRUCTIONS * * * * Thanks to the HIGZ package, it is possible to produce postscript * * metafiles from the drawings. When the GKS implementation of HIGZ * * is used, the possibility is there to produce also a GKS metafile. * * * * SUMMARY * * * * The drawing package is initialized by (in the order): * * IGINIT to initialize the HIGZ package and the underlying basic * * graphics software * * GDINIT to initialize the GEANT drawing package * * * * Main drawing routines are: * * GDRAW to draw a projection view of the detector * * GDRVOL to draw a projection view of the detector * * GDRAWC to draw a cut view of the detector (along one axis) * * GDRAWX to draw a cut view of the detector (from any point) * * GDXYZ to draw tracks at the end of the event * * GDCXYZ to draw tracks while the event is running * * GDPART to draw particle names and track numbers on tracks * * GDAHIT to draw one single hit * * GDHITS to draw hits for trajectory type detectors * * GDCHIT to draw hits for calorimeter type detectors * * * * Routines that show how the detector has been modeled are: * * GDTREE to draw a picture with the geometrical tree * * GDSPEC to draw a picture with volume specifications * * GDFSPC to draw several GDSPEC pictures * * * * Routines that perform control operations on view banks are: * * GDOPEN to open a given view bank, identified by a view number; * * in this way we enter in bank-mode * * GDCLOS to close current view bank, i.e. the last one opened, * * and restore screen-mode * * GDSHOW to show all graphics information contained in a given * * view bank * * GDELET to delete a given view bank from memory * * * * Other routines are: * * GDOPT to set drawing options * * GDZOOM to set the zoom parameters * * GDAXIS to draw the axes of the MARS, oriented according * * to the current view parameters * * GDSCAL to draw the current scale * * GDMAN to draw a profile of a man (or a woman) at the current * * scale * * GDRAWT to draw text, with software characters * * GDRAWV to draw polylines in 2D user coordinates * * GDHEAD to draw a frame header * * GDCOL to set colour code * * GDLW to set line width * * GDCURS to have an input from the graphics cursor * * GDFR3D to convert from 3D coordinates (either in MARS or DRS) * * to 2D user coordinates * * GD3D3D to convert from 3D MARS coordinates to 3D Projection * * Reference System coordinates. * * * * Labelled COMMON blocks related to section DRAW * * ---------------------------------------------- * * * * COMMON/GCDRAW/NUMNOD,MAXNOD,NUMND1,LEVVER,LEVHOR,MAXV,IPICK, * * + MLEVV,MLEVH,NWCUT,JNAM,JMOT,JXON,JBRO,JDUP,JSCA,JDVM,JPSM, * * + JNAM1,JMOT1,JXON1,JBRO1,JDUP1,JSCA1,JULEV,JVLEV, * * + LOOKTB(16), * * + GRMAT0(10),GTRAN0(3),IDRNUM,GSIN(41),GCOS(41),SINPSI,COSPSI, * * + GTHETA,GPHI,GPSI,GU0,GV0,GSCU,GSCV,NGVIEW, * * + ICUTFL,ICUT,CTHETA,CPHI,DCUT,NSURF,ISURF, * * + GZUA,GZVA,GZUB,GZVB,GZUC,GZVC,PLTRNX,PLTRNY, * * + LINATT,LINATP,ITXATT,ITHRZ,IPRJ,DPERS,ITR3D,IPKHIT,IOBJ,LINBUF, * * + MAXGU,MORGU,MAXGS,MORGS,MAXTU,MORTU,MAXTS,MORTS, * * + IGU,IGS,ITU,ITS,NKVIEW,IDVIEW, * * + NOPEN,IGMR,IPIONS,ITRKOP,IHIDEN, * * + DDUMMY(18) * * C * * NUMNOD number of nodes in non-optimized tree * * MAXNOD max. number of nodes of non-optimized tree. * * NUMND1 number of nodes in optimized tree * * LEVVER vertical level in the tree currently scanned * * LEVHOR horizontal node in the tree currently scanned * * MAXV max vertical levels in the tree to be scanned * * IPICK node selected by GDTREE * * MLEVV number of vertical levels in the last tree scanned * * MLEVH number of horizontal nodes in the last tree scanned * * NWCUT max. workspace allocated by cut routines * * JNAM-JVLEV pointers used by the tree routines * * LOOKTB colour look-up table, LOOKTB(I)=I,I=1,16 * * GRMAT0 rotation matrix saved by GDRVOL * * GTRAN0 translation matrix saved by GDRVOL * * IDRNUM flag for GDRAW, set to 1 when called by GDRVOL * * GSIN sine table * * GCOS cosine table * * SINPSI SIN(GPSI*DEGRAD) * * COSPSI COS(GPSI DEGRAD) * * GTHETA Theta angle of the parallel projection of 3-D images * * GPHI Phi angle of the parallel projection of 3-D images * * GPSI Psi angle of rotation of the image on the screen * * GU0 U position (X in screen coordinates) of the origin * * GV0 V position (Y in screen coordinates) of the origin * * GSCU scale factor for the U screen coordinate * * GSCV scale factor for the V screen coordinate * * NGVIEW flag for GDFR3D and GD3D3D if view point has changed * * ICUTFL flag for GDRAW if it was called by cut routines * * ICUT axis along which the cut is performed * * CTHETA Theta angle of cut supplied to GDRAWX * * CPHI Phi angle of cut supplied to GDRAWX * * DCUT coordinate value at which the cut is performed * * NSURF number of surfaces stored in SURF * * ISURF pointer for array SURF * * GZUA zoom parameter (horizontal scale factor) * * GZVA zoom parameter (vertical scale factor) * * GZUB zoom parameter * * GZVB zoom parameter * * GZUC zoom parameter * * GZVC zoom parameter * * PLTRNX screen and plotter X range * * PLTRNY screen and plotter Y range * * LINATT current line attributes * * LINATP permanent line attributes * * ITXATT current text attributes * * ITHRZ string containing the status of THRZ option * * IPRJ string containing the status of PROJ option * * DPERS distance from the origin for perspective view * * ITR3D track being scanned * * IPKHIT flag for GPHITS, if>0 then print only hit number * * IOBJ type of the object being drawn * * LINBUF flag for GDRAWV if line buffering is active * * MAXGU current physical number of words for graphic unit banks * * MORGU number of words to be pushed in graphic unit banks * * MAXGS current physical number of words for graphic segment banks * * MORGS number of words to be pushed in graphic segment banks * * MAXTU current physical number of words for text unit banks * * MORTU number of words to be pushed in text unit banks * * MAXTS current physical number of words for text segment banks * * MORTS number of words to be pushed in text segment banks * * IGU pointer to current graphic unit bank * * IGS pointer to current graphic segment bank * * ITU pointer to current text unit bank * * ITS pointer to current text segment bank * * NKVIEW number of view data banks * * IGVIEW current view bank number or 0 for screen * * NOPEN unused * * IGMR unused * * IPIONS unused * * ITRKOP status of TRAK option of GDOPT * * DDUMMY array of dummy words * * * * * * * * The View data structure JDRAW * * ----------------------------- * * * * NKVIEW Number of views * * IVIEW Current view selected * * IGU Current graphic unit pointer * * MAXGU Number of graphic units * * MORGU Number of words to push in graphic unit bank * * IGS Current graphic segment pointer * * MAXGS Number of graphic segments * * MORGS Number of words to push in graphic segment bank * * ITU Current text unit pointer * * MAXTU Number of text units * * MORTU Number of words to push in text unit bank * * ITS Current text segment pointer * * MAXTS Number of text segments * * MORTS Number of words to push in text segment bank * * LENGU Array containing: lengths for each graphic unit + LINATT * * (line attributes) * * ADDGU Array containing addresses for each graphic unit * * ADDTU Array containing addresses for each text unit * * X Array containing u-coordinates of graphic segments * * Y Array containing v-coordinates of graphic segments * * ICUT Cut axis (1,2,3 or 0 if no cut) of the view * * LINWID Text line width + ITXATT (text attributes) * * GTHETA, GPHI, GPSI, GU0, GV0, GSCU, GSCV, are the viewing * * parameters stored in /GCDRAW/. * * U0, V0, SIZE, ANGLE, IOPT, ITEXT have the same meaning of those * * given as parameters in HPLSOF or GDRAWT routines. * * A control word is stored in Q(JDRAW+IVIEW), to identify the view * * banks among three classes: * * * * =1 for empty banks (created just to avoid gaps) or for deleted * * banks; * * =2 for all previously created banks (i.e. opened); * * =3 for protected banks (all banks that can't be deleted by the * * user with GDELET, because reserved for internal use). * * * * | JDRAW * * | * * NKVIEW IVIEW v NKVIEW * * ........................................ * * | | | | | Control words | * * ........................................ * * | * * | JV = LQ(JDRAW-IVIEW) * * 6 v 22 * * ............................................................ * * | | | | | | | |igu,maxgu,morgu,igs,maxgs,morgs,itu,maxtu, | * * | | | | | | | | mortu,its,maxts,morts,gtheta,gphi, | * * | | | | | | | | gpsi,gu0,gv0,gscu,gscv,-,-,icut | * * ............................................................ * * | | | | | | * * | | | | | | JV1 = LQ(JV-1) * * | | | | | v MAXGU * * | | | | |.................................................. * * | | | | || | lengu(1) | .... | lengu(igu) | .... | lengu(mgu) * * | | | | |.................................................. * * | | | | | * * | | | | | JV2 = LQ(JV-2) * * | | | | v MAXGU * * | | | |.................................................... * * | | | || | addgu(1) | ..... | addgu(igu) | ..... | addgu(mgu) * * | | | |.................................................... * * | | | | * * | | | | JV3 = LQ(JV-3) * * | | | v MAXTU * * | | |...................................................... * * | | || | addtu(1) | ...... | addtu(itu) | ...... | addtu(mtu) * * | | |...................................................... * * | | | * * | | | JV4 = LQ(JV-4) * * | | v MAXGS * * | |........................................................ * * | || | x(1) | ...... | x(igs) | ...... | x(mgs) | * * | |........................................................ * * | | * * | | JV5 = LQ(JV-5) * * | v MAXGS * * |.......................................................... * * || | y(1) | ...... | y(igs) | ...... | y(mgs) | * * |.......................................................... * * | * * | JV6 = LQ(JV-6) * * v MAXTS * * ............................................................ * * | |u0(1)|v0(1)|size(1)|angle(1)|linwid(1)|iopt(1)|itext(1)|nchar(1)|.* * ............................................................ * * * ************************************************************************ #endif