Site log - Melbourne (May 1998) Flags: 1-Satellite coincidence data 2-Scan in TSDIS data 3-Scan not in TSDIS data A-Major problem (moderate to strong AP &/or widespread coverage) B-Minor problem (weak AP &/or very litte coverage) *************************************************************************************************** 01 May 98: Strong convection with large area of stratiform rain continues to move off the coast early on (00-08Z). Midday lull in acitivty is short-lived as isolated, strong convective cells begin to fire south of the radar and treck off to the east. By the end of the day, several of these isolated cells have merged to form an appreciable convective cluster with intense reflectivities. Data processed: 0001-2357 Z Satellite Coincidence: 0057Z(576 km), 0411Z(375 km), 0547Z(534 km), 2345Z(312 km) QC notes: 0001-0036Z: intense AP splotches remaining -----> corrected 0054-0159Z: intense AP splotches remaining 2A !!FLAG!! -----> corrected for AP not embedded within light precip. Towards the end of this time period, the intense AP specks become embedded within light precip and therfore can not be removed...hence the major flag. 0054-0738Z: weak/moderate CAE remaining (precip is often embedded within AP shield so QC may prove difficult) 2B,1A,2A,3A !!FLAG!! -----> this was a very difficult time to reprocess. During this time, light precipitation was traversing a region covered by a large shield of weak/moderate CAE. Therefore, much of the AP (which at times even became intense) was embedded within precipitation. The VOS's were improved in that some of the CAE was removed, but it is still riddled with problems. Early on (i.e., before 04Z), the CAE isn't that bad, but some weak splotches are still present which is the reason for the minor flag. After 04Z, the CAE increases in both size and intensity and with the light precipitation still in the vicinity, much of the false echo was picked up and remains within the data... hence the major flags. 0159-0543Z: 10 km ring of missing precip surrounding radar (Z2 too high) -----> corrected 1637-1727Z: removal of light precipitation -----> corrected 1822-1842Z: weak AP splotches remaining 3B !!FLAG!! -----> improved, but a couple of the VOS's still contain a weak splotch of AP....problem considered quite minor. 2002-2022Z: weak AP splotches remaining -----> corrected ******************************************************************************************************* 02 May 98: Early on, strong convection southeast of the radar continues to move off the coast and is completely out of range by 0630Z. No other precipitation within 150 km during the rest of the day. Data processed: 0003-2359 Z Satellite Coincidence: 0258Z(618 km), 0435Z(84 km), 2232Z(47 km) QC notes: 0208-0338Z: weak/moderate/intense AP remaining, within 150 km (all VOS's before 0208Z which contain AP are not a concern since the false echo is beyond 150 km) -----> much improved and almost completely corrected. The only AP which now remains is beyond 150 km and not a concern, except for the following VOS's which still contain weak AP specks within range. 1B-,3B- !!FLAG!! -----> 0248Z, 0258Z, 0303Z, and 0313-0318Z still contain small splotches of Ap within 150 km which hardle deserved to be mentioned...hence the very minor flags. 0343-0513Z: weak/moderate/intense AP (no precip within 150 km) -----> corrected. 2A-54 convective/stratiform image (truncated at 150 km was used to confirm that all precip was out of range) 0518-0628Z: weak/moderate/intense AP remaining with precip present as well. 2A,3A !!FLAG!! -----> vastly improved...but in this case that is not enough to escape a major flag. The widespread moderate to intense AP has been reduced to just scattered specks of AP but their elevated intensities earn them major flags. 0633-1331Z: weak/moderate/intense AP remaining (no precip within range which was confirmed with 2A-54 convective/stratiform image which is truncated at 150 km) -----> corrected ********************************************************************************************************* 03 May 98: No precipitation on this day. Data processed: 0009-2353 Z Satellite Coincidence: 0009Z(635 km), 0323Z(282 km), 0459Z(684 km), 2257Z(403 km) QC notes: 0039-1404Z: scattered weak/moderate AP remaining -----> corrected 1958-2353Z: scattered weak/moderate/intense AP remaining -----> corrected ********************************************************************************************************* 04 May 98: Light precipitation early on (06-14Z) gives way to large mesoscale convective system which moves in during the latter part of the day. Strong squall line eventually passes over KMLB on its way to the coast from the northwest. Data processed: 0003-2358 Z Satellite Coincidence: 0210Z(556 km), 0347Z(213 km), 2144Z(70 km!), 2321Z(685 km) QC notes: 0003-0606Z: scattered weak/moderate/intense AP remaining (no precip within 150 km of radar) -----> corrected 0616-1330Z: scattered weak/moderate/intense AP remaining along with light precipitation (could be difficult) 2B,2A !!FLAG!! -----> improved but most of the VOS's still contain weak splotches of AP which could not be removed without removing the light precipitation. These VOS's received the minor flag. The major flag is for the VOS's between 0844-0930Z which still contain moderate AP, mostly embedded within light precipitation 1523-1528Z: weak AP splotches remaining NE of radar 3B !!FLAG!! -----> improved but could not completely remove weak AP without removing light precipitation....very minor problem 1848-2143Z: 10 km ring of missing precip surrounding radar (Z2 too high) -----> corrected 1948-2023Z: horrifically intense AP NW of radar, mostly embedded within light, stratiform precipitation 2A+ !!FLAG!! -----> only slightly improved in that most of non-embedded AP was removed. Unfortunately, most of the very intense AP was embedded within precip and therefore could not be removed....hence the very major flag. 2103-2343Z: moderate/intense AP specks and splotches remaining, often embedded within light stratiform precipitation -----> improved but a host of problems still exist so let me outline them Vos by Vos: 3A !!FLAG!! 2103-2113Z: moderate/intense AP specks remain, embedded within decaying stratiform rain. Embedded AP can not be removed without removing significant precipitation as well 1A !!FLAG!! 2118-2123Z: moderate/intense AP specks and/or splotches remain, embedded in light precipitation which prevents its removal. 1B !!FLAG!! 2133-2158Z: weak AP specks and splotches remaining which could not be removed without removing precip as well. 1A !!FLAG!! 2203-2213Z: intense AP specks and splotches remaining 3A !!FLAG!! 2218Z: moderate AP splotches remaining 3A !!FLAG!! 2308-2313Z: intense AP splotch remaining 2A !!FLAG!! 2333Z: intense AP splotch remaining 3B !!FLAG!! 2338Z: thin sliver of moderate AP remaining ********************************************************************************************************** 05 May 98: Moderate stratiform precipitation from the previous day's convection still present early on, south of the radar, as it continues to move out of range (which it does by 0230Z). Midday lull in activity is short-lived as new convective development commences after 17Z. This convection quickly becomes intense, and several large cells merge to form a significant convective cluster south of the radar. Convection persists through the end of the day. Data processed: 0004-2355 Z Satellite Coincidence: 0058Z(725 km), 0234Z(182 km), 2032Z(350 km), 2208Z(482 km) QC notes: 0009-0059Z: weak AP remaining SE of radar 3B,2B,1B !!FLAG!! -----> improved, but could not completely remove weak splotches of AP without removing significant precipitation as well. Remaining AP is weak and limited in size....hence the minor flags 0114-0119Z: scattered weak AP remaining -----> corrected. Any AP which remains is beyond 150 km from the radar and therefore not a concern. 0124-0747Z: scattered weak/moderate/intense AP remaining (no precip within 150 km range of the radar) -----> corrected. Confirmed that all precip in this time period was beyond 150 km by inspecting 2A-54 convective stratiform image which is automatically truncated at 150 km....and no precip was present in these images 1008-1057Z: scattered weak AP remaining (no precip present) -----> corrected 1739-1829Z: 10 km ring of missing precip surrounding radar (Z2 too high) -----> corrected 2355Z: moderate AP splotch remaining SSE of radar -----> corrected *********************************************************************************************************** 06 May 98: Unorganized convective cells, some of then intense, persist off the coast for most of the day (mostly at the start and finish of the day). Some isolated cells are present over Florida as well. Data processed: 0000-1534 Z 1827-2358 Z Satellite Coincidence: 0122Z(486 km), 0258Z(244 km), 2055Z(176 km), 2232Z(723 km) QC notes: 0100-0125Z: weak AP splotches remaining -----> corrected 0159-0239Z: 10 km ring of missing precip surrounding radar (Z2 too high) 2B,1B !!FLAG!! -----> hole corrected. Flags are for the weak/moderate AP which surrounds precipitation cores and can not be removed without removing precip as well. 0259-0344Z: scattered weak AP remaining -----> corrected. Portions of the very weak precip returns west of the radar were also reduced but this was seen as a fair trade-off due to (1) the rampant AP which needed to be removed and (2)the precip was in fact very weak, very shallow, and of little areal coverage. 0434-0619Z: scattered weak/moderate/intense AP remaining 2B,3A !!FLAG!! -----> much improved but a couple moderate/intense AP specks still remain from 0434-0504Z. Flag 2B is for VOS 0434Z while the 3A flag are for the remainder of the VOS's in the aforemanetioned time period. VOS 0504Z has been moved to the bad_files_not_in_1C.hdf directory. 0629-0729Z: scattered weak AP remaining (no precip present within 150 km of radar) -----> corrected 2038Z: weak AP specks remaining S of radar -----> corrected 2053-2103Z: weak AP specks remaining S of radar 3B !!FLAG!! -----> almost completely corrected except that VOS 2053Z still contains specks of AP which are within 150 km from the radar....hence the minor flag *********************************************************************************************************** 07 May 98: Strong convection present early on, near extreme southern fringe of scope. Intermittent, widely scattered convective cells present throughout the rest of the day but nothing to significant. Data processed: 0003-2352 Z Satellite Coincidence: 0009Z(687 km), 0146Z(77 km), 1943Z(222 km), 2119Z(551 km) QC notes: 0159-0423Z: scattered weak AP remaining within 150 km range of radar -----> corrected. Any AP which remains is beyond 150 km and therefore not a concern. 0433-0522Z: widespread AP remaining (no precip within range) -----> corrected 0551-0631Z: weak/moderate AP splotches remaining in range -----> corrected. Any AP which remains is beyond 150 km and therefore not a concern. 1246-1313Z: horrifically intense AP remaining N of radar, weak/moderate AP remaining W of radar 2A,3A !!FLAG!! -----> much improved, but the majority of the VOS's still contain intense AP north of the radar....hence the major flags. 1348-1408Z: weak/moderate/intense AP w of radar 2A,3A !!FLAG!! -----> could not remove AP without also removing light precip. So, the AP remains and the VOS's are given major flags. 1819-2014Z: removal of light precip -----> corrected 2149Z: moderate AP speck remaining -----> corrected 2303-2342Z: widely scattered AP specks remaining (no precip present) -----> corrected note: many of the VOS's before 11Z look much worse than they actually are due to the "ring" of AP remaining beyond 150 km. For aesthetics, I would love to remove this AP but it is just a waste of time to determine which if any, parameter scheme would do the trick when precip is present. Since this AP is beyond 150 km, we can ignore it. When no precip is present, this "ring", even when it is beyond 150 km, is removed so as to present cleaner-looking images. *********************************************************************************************************** 08 May 98: No precipitation on this day. Data processed: 0002-2356 Z Satellite Coincidence: 0033Z(409 km), 0209Z(479 km), 1831Z(693 km), 2007Z(277 km) 2321Z(639 km) QC notes: 0002-1257Z: chaff + widespread CAE remaining -----> corrected. Verified as chaff and removed. 1337-2356Z: chaff echo remaining -----> corrected. Verified as chaff and removed. *********************************************************************************************************** 09 May 98: No precipitation on this day. Data processed: 0002-2356 Z Satellite Coincidence: 0057Z(40 km), 1855Z(91 km), 2031Z(615 km), 2345Z(317 km) QC notes: 0002-0012Z: chaff echo remaining -----> corrected 0131-0350Z: weak/moderate radial spike remnant remaining S of radar -----> corrected 0529-0558Z: weak/moderate radial spike remnant remaining S of radar -----> corrected *********************************************************************************************************** 10 May 98: No precipitation on this day. Data processed: 0008-2350 Z Satellite Coincidence: 0121Z(629 km), 1742Z(371 km), 2232Z(580 km) QC notes: 0116-1619Z: widespread weak/moderate/intense AP remaining -----> corrected ************************************************************************************************************ 11 May 98: Only precipitation on this day occurs between between 07-13Z, in the form of a band of showers and weak convection south of the radar. Data processed: 0001-2359 Z Satellite Coincidence: 0009Z(165 km), 1806Z(29 km), 1943Z(737 km), 2120Z(737 km) 2257Z(220 km) QC notes: 0712-1146Z: removal of light precipitation -----> corrected 1509-2359Z: chaff echo remaining -----> corrected. Verified as chaff and removed. ************************************************************************************************************ 12 May 98: Only precipitation on this day occurs between 1230-14Z in the form of a very thin, N-S line of showers off the Florida coast. Data processed: 0010-2357 Z Satellite Coincidence: 1654Z(401 km), 1830Z(454 km), 2144Z(513 km), 2320Z(294 km) QC notes: 0010-0830Z: chaff echo remaining -----> corrected 1008-1226Z: scattered AP remaining -----> corrected 1305-1404Z: removal of light precipitation 3B !!FLAG!! -----> all precip removal problems were corrected but a minor flag was given due to the existence of chaff near the area of precip in VOS's 1344-1404Z. The chaff could not be removed without removing the light precip as well. VOS 1404Z was moved to the bad_files_not_ in_1C.hdf directory. 1413-2357Z: chaff echo remaining -----> corrected. Verified as chaff and removed. *********************************************************************************************************** 13 May 98: No precipitation on this day. Data processed: 0007-2358 Z Satellite Coincidence: 1718Z(138 km), 1854Z(710 km), 2031Z(702 km), 2208Z(117 km) QC notes: 0007-2358Z: chaff echo, giving way to widespread AP of varying intensities, which once again gives way to chaff echo remaining by day's end -----> corrected ************************************************************************************************************ 14 May 98: Only precipitation on this day in the form of a couple of showers off the coast mostly after 23 Z. Data processed: 0008-2350 Z Satellite Coincidence: 1605Z(269 km), 1741Z(526 km), 2055Z(439 km), 2231Z(426 km) QC notes: 0008-0433Z: chaff echo + weak AP remaining (no precip present) -----> corrected 1007-1233Z: weak/moderate AP remaining (no precip present) -----> corrected 1342-1926Z: chaff echo remaining (no precip present) -----> corrected 2034-2223Z: chaff echo remaining (no precip present) -----> corrected ************************************************************************************************************ 15 May 98: Weak showers off the coast are out of range by 04Z. No other precipitation for the rest of the day. Data processed: 0001-2353 Z Satellite Coincidence: 1629Z(237 km), 0546Z(742 km), 1942Z(660 km), 2119Z(9 km) QC notes: 0841-1216Z: scattered weak AP remaining -----> corrected 1246-2353Z: chaff echo remaining -----> corrected. Verified as chaff and removed. note: any and all AP present before 08Z is beyond 150 km and therefore not a concern. Early on (before 04Z), it was not removed because it would changing the parameters to do so would have compromised the precip present southeast of the radar. ************************************************************************************************************* 16 May 98: No precipitation on this day. Data processed: 0003-2355 Z Satellite Coincidence: 1516Z(141 km), 1652Z(592 km), 2007Z(354 km), 2143Z(570 km) QC notes: 0003-1356Z: chaff remnants giving way to scattered AP all of intensities remaining -----> corrected ************************************************************************************************************* 17 May 98: No precipitation on this day. Data processed: 0005-2357 Z Satellite Coincidence: 1404Z(599 km), 1541Z(336 km), 1854Z(604 km), 2031Z(116 km) QC notes: 0005-1319Z: scattered weak/moderate/intense AP remaining -----> corrected 1853-2041Z: weak AP remainind NE of radar -----> corrected 2238-2357Z: weak AP remaining north of radar -----> corrected ************************************************************************************************************* 18 May 98: Convective cells begin firing north of the radar after 12Z. By 20Z, a cluster of intense convection is present NW of the radar moving eastward. By day's end, several convective cells with intense reflectivities reside on the KMLB scope. Data processed: 0007-2357 Z Satellite Coincidence: 1428Z(17 km), 1605Z(649 km), 1742Z(747 km), 1918Z(258 km), 2055Z(722 km) QC notes: 0007-1004Z: scattered AP remaining (no precip present) -----> corrected 1119-1239Z: AP present during this time period is beyond 150 km and therefore no a concern. If precip was not present, I would remove it anyways for nothing more than to make the images look cleaner. With the precip present, I will not waster time fooling with parameters for AP which can be ignored anyways. 2322Z: removal of light precipitation -----> corrected ************************************************************************************************************* 19 May 98: Intense convection from previous day quickly weakening and dissipating, leaving only light showers and small, scattered convective cores by 03Z. For the rest of the day, intermittent and widely scattered convection present. Interesting note: convection forced along the sea breeze front is evident from 1940Z through ~2130Z. Data processed: 0002-2354 Z Satellite Coincidence: 1316Z(454 km), 1452Z(424 km), 1806Z(539 km), 1942Z(245 km) QC notes: 0002-0203Z: weak/moderate/intense AP specks and splotches remaining, often embedded within light precipitation 2A,3A !!FLAG!! -----> slightly imrpoved but most of the moderate/intense splotches remain because (a) AP was embedded within precip and/or (b) could not remove AP without removing light precip as well....hence the major flags. Moved VOS 0133Z to bad_files_not_in_1C.hdf directory. 0243-0303Z: weak AP splotches remaining 3B- !!FLAG!! -----> all corrected except for VOS 0303Z where the weak AP splotch remains and could not be removed without removing light precip. Moved VOS to bad_files_not_in_1C.hdf directory....hence the very minor 3B- flag. 0537-0607Z: weak AP splotches remaining 2B,3B !!FLAG!! -----> could not remove weak AP without removing light precip as well. Moved VOS 0607Z to bad_files_not_in_1C.hdf directory. 2256-2354Z: chaff echo remaining, in vicinity of convective cells 2B,3B !!FLAG!! -----> much improved in that most of chaff was removed (by raising Z0) without removing any precipitation. Some small splotches of chaff remain....hence the minor flags. ************************************************************************************************************** 20 May 98: Early on, precipitation comes in the form of unorganized convective cells south of the radar, over Florida. Once these cells dissipate and/or move out of range, the only precip is widely scattered showers and cells over the Atlantic, which occur off and on through much of the day. Data processed: 0005-2357 Z Satellite Coincidence: 1340Z(97 km), 1516Z(695 km), 1653Z(716 km), 1830Z(156 km) QC notes: 0005-0538Z: chaff and weak AP remaining -----> improved in that most of weak chaff and all of AP was successfully removed. The larger problem lies in the fact that the moderate chaff returns could not be removed since their reflectivities were similar to the real precip cores which meant you couldn't remove one type of echo without removing the other. The following times received flags for the false echo which remains: 2A,3A !!FLAG!! -----> 0005-0232Z: moderate chaff echo remains. Moved VOS 0232Z to bad_files_not_in_1C.HDF directory. 3B !!FLAG!! -----> 0242Z: weak chaff echo remaining 0548-0657Z: weak AP remaining (no precip within 150 km of the radar) -----> corrected 0954-1018Z: widespread weak/moderate/intense AP W of the radar (precip present east of the radar may make QC difficult) 3A !!FLAG!! -----> Vastly improved....flag is for one VOS, 1013Z, which still has a splotch of intense AP within the 150 km range. All the other VOS's are correct. 1048-1058Z: weak/moderate AP W of radar, within 150 km of KMLB -----> corrected 1213-1303Z: weak/moderate AP W of radar, within 150 km of KMLB 3B !!FLAG!! -----> much improved but a couple VOS's still contain a speck or two of AP which remains inside of 150 km...hence the minor flag. 1323-1343Z: weak/moderate/intense AP W of radar (no precip within 150 km of radar) -----> corrected 1854-1939Z: intense radial spike remnants NNW of radar, within 150 km of radar (no precip within range) -----> corrected 1944-2019Z: intense radial spike remnants NNW of radar, within 150 km of radar 3A !!FLAG!! -----> improved but most specks still contain a speck or two of moderate to intense Ap within the 150 km range, which could not be removed without removing precip cores as well....hence the flag. 2027-2357Z: intense radial spike remnants and chaf echo remaining (no precip present) -----> corrected *************************************************************************************************************** 21 May 98: No precipitation on this day. Data processed: 0003-2353 Z Satellite Coincidence: 1227Z(317 km), 1404Z(500 km), 1717Z(467 km), 1854Z(377 km) QC notes: 0003-0736Z: chaff echo + widespread weak/moderate AP remaining -----> corrected. Chaff verified and removed. 1701-2353Z: weak/moderate/intense AP + chaff echo remaining -----> corrected. Chaff verified and removed. *************************************************************************************************************** 22 May 98: No precipitation on this day. Data processed: 0003-2356 Z Satellite Coincidence: 1251Z(201 km), 1428Z(731 km), 1605Z(676 km), 1741Z(49 km) QC notes: 0003-2356Z: chaff echo and/or widespread weak/moderate/intense AP remaining -----> corrected *************************************************************************************************************** 23 May 98: No precipitation on this day. Data processed: 0006-2355 Z Satellite Coincidence: 1138Z(190 km), 1315Z(567 km), 1628Z(388 km), 1805Z(513 km) QC notes: 0006-2355Z: scattered weak/moderate/intense AP remaining -----> corrected *************************************************************************************************************** 24 May 98: No precipitation on this day. Data processed: 0005-2358 Z Satellite Coincidence: 1026Z(657 km), 1202Z(299 km), 1636Z(626 km), 1653Z(68 km) QC notes: 0005-2358Z: scattered weak/moderate/intense AP remaining -----> corrected *************************************************************************************************************** 25 May 98: Only precipitation occurs after 15Z, in the form of widely scattered, extremely weak showers which barely deserve to be mentioned. Data processed: 0008-2351 Z Satellite Coincidence: 1050Z(63 km), 1227Z(628 km), 1540Z(295 km), 1717Z(664 km) QC notes: 0008-1333Z: scattered weak/moderate/intense AP remaining (no precip present) -----> corrected note: any and all AP specks which pop up intermittently after 1540Z were not removed due to the presence of the very light showers which would also be removed in the attempt. However, all AP which remains after 15Z is beyond 150 km and therefore not a concern. *************************************************************************************************************** 26 May 98: Before ~15Z, only precipitation occurs in the form of one or two showers or convective cells, but most often even these cores are beyond the effective range of the radar. Towards the end of the day, larger, more intense convective cells begin firing west of the radar. Data processed: 0001-2356 Z Satellite Coincidence: 0938Z(508 km), 1114Z(391 km), 1428Z(565 km), 1604Z(194 km) QC notes: 0001-0110Z: removal of light precipitation 2B-,3B !!FLAG!! -----> precip removal problem was corrected. The flags are for the bits of weak AP which sneaks within 150 km after 01Z. This AP could not be removed without removing the light shower off the coast. The 2B- flag is for VOS 0100Z, where an AP speck barely creeps inside 150 km (verified by 2A-54 C/S image, truncated at 150 km). The 3B flag is for VOS 0110Z where a bit more of the weak AP extends inside 150 km, but its coverage is still relatively small and intensity is weak. 0050-0752Z: scattered weak/moderate/intense AP remaining (no precip present within 150 km of the radar) -----> corrected. Precipitation verified to be beyond 150 km by 2A-54 convective/ stratiform image. 0841Z: weak radial spike remnants remaining NE of radar (no precip present) -----> corrected 0920Z: weak radial spike remnants remaining NE of radar (no precip present) -----> corrected 1157-1207Z: weak AP splotches remaining (no precip present) -----> corrected 1903Z: weak radial spike remnants remaining NE of radar -----> left alone because it was determined (by inspecting 2A-54 C/S image) that the radial spike remnant is beyond 150 km and therefore not a concern. 2301-2321Z: weak/moderate radial spike remnants remaining NW of radar -----> corrected. Any AP which remains is now beyond 150 km and therefore not a concern. *************************************************************************************************************** 27 May 98: Precipitation with some embedded convection present throughout radar scope for much of the day. Data processed: 0002-2357 Z Satellite Coincidence: 1002Z(56 km), 1138Z(679 km), 1315Z(729 km), 1452Z(195 km) QC notes: 0002-0132Z: weak/moderate/intense AP remaining NW of radar 3B+ !!FLAG!! -----> almost completely corrected except for VOS's 0107-0112Z which still contain one splotch of moderate AP inside of 150 km...the 3B+ flag is for these two VOS's only. The rest of the volume scans in this time period only contain AP which is beyond 150 km. 1426-1546Z: 10 km ring of missing precip surrounding radar (Z2 too high) -----> corrected 1857-2357Z: removal of light precipitation -----> corrected **************************************************************************************************************** 28 May 98: Extensive coverage of weak to moderate precipitation with intermittent pulses of embedded convection, occurring throughout the day. Data processed: 0002-2359 Z Satellite Coincidence: 0849Z(367 km), 1026Z(473 km), 1340Z(495 km), 1516Z(328 km) QC notes: 0002-0717Z: removal of light precipitation -----> corrected 0532-0912Z: 10 km ring of missing precip surrounding radar (Z2 too high) -----> corrected 1208-1213Z: horrifically intense AP W of radar 3A !!FLAG!! -----> improved, but very intense AP still remains and can not be removed without removing precip as well...hence the major flag. 1218-1253Z: weak/moderate/intense AP W-NW of radar 2B,3A !!FLAG!! -----> improved in that the areal coverage of the AP was reduced but splotches of moderate to intense AP still remain. The AP could not be totally removed without removing the light precip present as well....hence the flags. 1433-1809Z: 10 km ring of missing precip surrounding radar (Z2 too high) -----> corrected 1934-2104Z: 10 km ring of missing precip surrounding radar (Z2 too high) -----> corrected ***************************************************************************************************************** 29 May 98: During the first half of the day, light precipitation of modest areal coverage, with some embedded convection, reigns over the KMLB scope. During the second half of the day, convection of modest areal coverage reigns over the KMLB scope. Data processed: 0004-2359 Z Satellite Coincidence: 0913Z(165 km), 1050Z(719 km), 1227Z(691 km), 1404Z(89 km) QC notes: 0054-0209Z: weak/moderate AP remaining SSE of radar 2B,3B !!FLAG!! -----> could not remove any remaining AP without removing light precipitation which was in abundance during this time period. Most weak AP remains embedded within light precip SSE of the radar....hence the minor flags. 0114-0134Z: weak/moderate/intense AP specks remaining NW of radar 3A,2B !!FLAG!! -----> presence of abundant light precipitation makes it impossible to remove remaining AP specks without removing true echoes as well....hence the flags. 0154Z: intense AP splotch remaining NW of radar 3A !!FLAG!! -----> could not remove AP splotch without removing light precipitation as well. AP remains and is flagged accordingly. 0224Z: intense AP splotch remaining NW of radar 3A !!FLAG!! -----> could not remove intense splotch without removing and greatly compromising light precip present at the same time....hence the major flag. 0234-0239Z: moderate/intense AP splotch remaining NW of radar 3A !!FLAG!! -----> could not remove AP without removing light precip which was abundant at this time. Moved both 0234Z and 0239Z to bad_files_not_in_1C.HDF directory....hence the 3A flag. 0424-0434Z: weak/intense/weak AP splotch remaining NW of radar 3A,3B !!FLAG!! -----> could not remove AP without removing precip as well. Major flag is for VOS 0429Z which contains intense AP. Moved VOS 0434Z to bad_files_not_in_1C.HDF directory. 0504-0509Z: moderate/intense AP splotch remaining NW of radar 3A !!FLAG!! -----> could not remove intense AP splotch without removing precip as well. Moved 0504-0509Z VOS's to bad_files_not_in_1C.hdf directory....hence the 3A flag. 0519-0524Z: moderate/intense AP splotch remaining NW of radar 3A !!FLAG!! -----> once again, the increased vertical depth of this AP prevented it from being removed, without removing precip as well. The AP remains and earns a major flag. 0714-0719Z: moderate AP speck remaining near and SSE of radar -----> corrected 0729Z: intense AP splotch remaining SSE of radar 3A- !!FLAG!! -----> could not remove AP without removing precipitation as well. AP left in and given a relatively less severe major flag. 0825-1124Z: intense AP splotch remaining N of radar 1A,2A,3A !!FLAG!! -----> Continuing with what appears to be the theme of the day, the intense AP splotch (with it's relatively deep vertical structure) could not be removed without removing precip as the AP remains and it receives the entire spectrum of major flags. 1129-1939Z: removal of light precipitation -----> precip removal problem completely corrected. However, the relaxing of some parameters to bring back light precip results in the re-introduction of some weak AP. The following VOS's are flagged due to minor false echo still remaining (which could not be removed without removing precip as well): 3B !!FLAG!! -----> 1139-1149Z: weak AP remaining 1B !!FLAG!! -----> 1219-1244Z: weak AP remaining 3B !!FLAG!! -----> 1519Z: weak AP remaining 2319-2359Z: chaff echo remaining N of radar, within 150 km range 3B- !!FLAG!! -----> by raising Z0 to 16 dBZ, was able to further reduce chaff echo without removing any precipitation (helped that most precip was at least moderate intensity and not affected by modest Z0 change). The very minor flag is for the occassional VOS where a hint of chaff sneaks inside the 150 km range (confirmed by 2A-54 C/S image). This flag is hardly worth mentioning it is so minor. note: for all the flags where the algorithm was unable to remove specks or splotches of AP, there was a hint of reflectivity from this AP present in the second-tilt scan. It is this atypically high vertical depth of the AP which made its removal (without removing precip as well) next to impossible. ****************************************************************************************************************** 30 May 98: At the start of the day, a small cluster of convection is present SW of the radar, but quickly dissipates to stratiform rain and light precip by 02Z. Light showers and scattered, weak cells persist through the heart of the day. By 17Z, widespread convection begins rapidly firing west of the radar. Through the end of the day, this siginificant precipitation moves off to the east and the stratiform region increased in coverage, creating an appreciable precipitation event. Data processed: 0005-2358 Z Satellite Coincidence: 0801Z(235 km), 0937Z(544 km), 1251Z(417 km), 1427Z(464 km) QC notes: 0005-0509Z: weak chaff echo remainin N to NE of radar 2B,3B !!FLAG!! -----> much improved, but could not totally remove chaff without removing precip as well. The minor flags are generally for VOS's before 03Z, where splotches of chaff remain. After 03Z, only a couple of VOS's still contain one or two splotches of chaff. 0554-1554Z: removal of light precipitation -----> corrected 0639-0649Z: moderate/intense AP splotch remaining 3A !!FLAG!! -----> slightly improved in that VOS 0649Z was completely corrected. The moderate to intense AP splotch still remains in the other VOS's....hence the major flag. 2103-2358Z: 10 km ring of missing precip surrounding radar (Z2 too high) -----> corrected ****************************************************************************************************************** 31 May 98: A significant area of light precipitation, along with some embedded convection (which dissipates rather quickly) dominates the scope early on. By 06Z, almost all light precipitation is gone, but new convective cells begin to fire over the Atlantic. By 09Z, there is an appreciable convective cluster off the coast of Florida. By 15Z, convection begins firing over Florida as well. A large cluster pushes in from the southwest while scattered cells elsewhere, particularly in the vicinity of the sea breeze front, which is clearly visible. By 20Z, a strong line of convection is present south of the radar, with other scattered strong storms present north of the radar. A weakening trend in the convection is evident by day's end. Data processed: 0003-2356 Z Satellite Coincidence: 0648Z(713 km), 0825Z(264 km), 1001Z(749 km), 1138Z(646 km) 1315Z(24 km) QC notes: 0003Z: precip-eating mode (~50 km ring of missing precip around radar) -----> corrected 0013-0048Z: 10 km ring of missing precip surrounding radar (Z2 too high) -----> corrected 0113Z: moderate AP splotch remaining SW of radar -----> corrected 0128-0218Z: weak/moderate/intense AP remaining S of radar -----> vastly improved but a few of the VOS's containing the most severe AP are still contaminated (although not as bad)....hence the following flags: 3A !!FLAG!! 0138-0143Z: intense AP splotch remaining 3B !!FLAG!! -----> 0148-0153Z: moderate specks of AP remaining, near 150 km cutoff 3A- !!FLAG!! -----> 0158Z: moderate AP splotch remaining 3A- !!FLAG!! -----> 0208Z: weak/moderate AP splotch remaining 3A !!FLAG!! -----> 0213-0218Z: intense AP remaining south of radar 0834-0904Z: moderate/intense AP speck remaining near radar -----> corrected *******************************************************************************************************************