SUBENT A0583001 20020404 20050616 20050926 0000 BIB 14 42 TITLE Cross Sections of He3 Interaction with Nb-93 Experimental Data and Possible Predictions. AUTHOR (S.N.KONDRATYEV, YU.N.LOBACH, V.D.SKLYARENKO, V.V.TOKAREVSKY) INSTITUTE (4UKRIJI) REFERENCE (J,YF,59,2121,1996) HISTORY (19971020C) (20011105A) Reaction Lines are Corrected (20020404U) Last checking has been done. ADD-RES (COMP).Pre-Equilibrium Emission and Evaporation from Compound Nuclei Based on Alice-85 Code. (G-SPC) FACILITY (ISOCY,4UKRIJI) METHOD (ACTIV) Irradiation Time For Short-Lived Activities was 1.2 Hr, Fluence=4.9E+13 He-3 Ions. Irradiation Time For Long-Lived Activities was 15 Hr. Fluence=1.44E+15 He-3 Ions. (BCINT) The Stacks were Disposed in Faraday'S Cup. (STTA) Two Stacks have Been Used. 1. For Short-Lived Activities Nb/Al/Nb/Al.... 2. For Long-Lived Activities Co/Nb/Al/Co/Nb/Al.... (GSPEC) DETECTOR (HPGE) STATUS (TABLE) SAMPLE Chemical Purity Foils of Niobium were Used. The Foils were Collect in Cassete,the Thicknesses For Short-Lived Cassete Targets was 25-20 Mg/Cm**2, For Long-Lived Cassete Targets was 30-33 Mg/Cm**2. Co Foils,Thickness 30-23 Mg/Cm**2,were Used For Long- Lived Cassete Targets. ERR-ANALYS (ERR-T).The Uncertainty is Reported by Authors. This Uncertainty Does not Include Beam Current Uncertainty ( <10%). (EN-ERR).The Uncertainty is Reported by Authors. Systematic Uncertainty of Energies (1.0-1.5 MEV) Was Not Included. CORRECTION Needed Corrections For Secondary Neutrons Influence and Secondary Electron Yield from Faraday'S Cup were Included. ANALYSIS (AREA) (DECAY) ENDBIB 42 NOCOMMON 0 0 ENDSUBENT 45 SUBENT A0583003 20020404 20050616 20050926 0000 BIB 2 2 REACTION (41-NB-93(HE3,N)43-TC-95-G,,SIG) Independent DECAY-DATA (43-TC-95-G,20.HR,DG,765.8,0.94) ENDBIB 2 NOCOMMON 0 0 DATA 4 11 EN EN-ERR DATA ERR-T MEV MEV MB MB 69.1 0.7 1.12 0.41 63.9 0.7 1.09 0.29 58.5 0.7 1.68 0.28 52.8 0.7 1.63 0.24 48. 0.7 1.87 0.25 42.8 0.8 2.06 0.25 37.1 0.9 1.78 0.19 32.3 1. 3.06 0.29 26.8 1.1 3.61 0.29 20.5 1.3 4.14 0.33 14.7 2.1 3.02 0.23 ENDDATA 13 ENDSUBENT 20