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[IGSREPORT-12278] Wk 1305 IGLOS Final Orbits

IGS Electronic Report   23 Feb 12:46:59 PST 2005      Message Number 12278

Author:   AC Coordinator / GFZ Potsdam                                               
IGLOS Orbit Combination - Week 1305   (Jan 09, 2005 - Jan 15, 2005) 
Contact: Gerd Gendt     (gendt @ gfz-potsdam.de)                   
         Thomas Nischan ( nisn @ gfz-potsdam.de)                             
COMBINATION STRATEGY:                                                            
Ephemeris are combined as weighted averages computed over all centres.          
Each centre and satellite is given a position weight computed from the centers  
absolute deviation to the unweighted average orbit after removing small         
differences in the reference frames. These weights were applied in a            
second iteration to estimate Helmert transformation parameters for each         
center. Finally the transformation parameters with respect to the combined      
solution and the RMS of the fit are reported in Tables 2.1305.
For long arc computations the Earth Orientation Parameters (EOPs) are fixed to
the values of the final IGS (GPS) combination.                                                    
The weighted average software used was originally developed by T. Springer
and G. Beutler in 1993. The GPS long arc orbit analysis software used here for
individual centre ephemeris evaluation was developed by Beutler et al. at the
Astronomical Institute of the University of Bern (AIUB). For more details on
the orbit combination and complete references for both software see:

  Beutler G., Kouba J. and T. Springer, 1995, Combining the orbits of the IGS 
  Analysis Centers, Bulletin Geodesique, 69, pp 200-222.

  Kouba J., Mireault Y. and F. Lahaye, 1995, 1994 IGS Orbit/Clock Combination
  and Evaluation, Appendix I of the Analysis Coordinator Report, International
  GPS Service for Geodynamics (IGS) 1994 Annual Report, pp. 70-94.

  Kouba J. and Y. Mireault, 1996, IGS Analysis Coordinator Report, 
  International GPS Service for Geodynamics (IGS) 1995 Annual Report, 
  pp. 45-76.

  Kouba J. and Y. Mireault, 1997, Analysis Coordinator Report, 
  International GPS Service for Geodynamics (IGS) 1996 Annual Report, 
  pp. 55-100.
  Weber R., 2000, IGS Technical Report 1999                                    
PRODUCTS GENERATED:                                                             
The combined IGL-ephemerides are written to daily files in the SP3-format.     
The satellite accuracy codes in the header are based on the weighted rms.       
for each satellite. Note, that the result files contain all satellites          
that were analysed by at least one center. We refer to the 'REMARKS' section    
below, in case a satellite or center was excluded from the combination.         
The following naming convention is used for the result files:                   
 igl1305[0-6].sp3  IGLOS-PP Glonass ephemerides files for days 0-6
                   of GPS Week 1305 in the SP3 format.
 igl13057.sum      Combination Report for GPS Week 1305.

REMARKS concerning the IGL Orbit Combination:                                  

 1. Broadcast (brd) orbits and clocks are included in the combination for
    statistics only.

 2. Having only a few satellites the mcc orbits are included in the combination 
    for statistics only.

 3. The satellite clock values in the combined orbit files are taken from the bkg
    solution (broadcast).        
    The value of 999999.999999 microseconds, according to the sp3 format         
    convention, is used to indicate that no clock solution is available.         

ORBIT COMBINATION AND EVALUATION STATISTICS:                                    
Table 1 summarizes all statistics for the week. It contains means and standard 
        deviations over the week of satellite ephemeris  and  clock correction
        transformation parameters for each centre (Tables 1.1305, 1a.1305).
Table 2 contains the complete  ephemeris  and  clock correction transformation
        parameters (includes both the apriori and a posteriori values) for each
        centre and each day (Tables 2.1305.0-6)                                                                                
Table 3 contains two types of daily  RMS  for each satellite and centre, along
        with the computed  satellite position sigmas  for the  combined orbits 
        (tables 3.1305.0-6). 
        The first type of satellite RMS is based on orbit combination and  the
        second RMS type is a result of the 7-day arc evaluation of each centre
Table 1: Week 1305 summary.                      (Jan 09, 2005 - Jan 15, 2005)

Table 1.1305.a     GPS week : 1305   MJD: 53379.0-53385.0

         Mean and standard deviations of transformation parameters to the 
         combined IGL orbit.
         WRMS - orbit RMS weighted by the SP3 header accuracy codes.
         STA  - Mean number of stations in the daily solutions.
         Units: mas, ppb, meters, nano-sec, nano-sec/day.

bkg   45|-.00 -.00  .01  -.08  -.00  -.07  -.0  .04  .04 |    -.0     .0    .0 
        | .00  .00  .01   .06   .05   .29   .2           |     .0     .0
cod  164| .00 -.00  .01   .10   .01   .00   .0  .04  .04 |    ---    ---    ---
        | .00  .00  .01   .04   .07   .24   .1           |    ---    ---
esx   54| .00 -.00 -.09  -.09  -.05   .12   .1  .16  .13 | 2800.1   51.1  18.96
        | .01  .01  .01   .07   .11   .44   .3           |     .0     .0
mcc  n/a|-.03 -.00 -.02  -.70   .03  -.84  -.3  .36  .36 |    ---    ---    ---
        | .06  .02  .02   .31   .41  3.17  1.8           |    ---    ---

Table 1.1305.b     GPS week : 1305   MJD: 53379.0-53385.0   

         Satellite position sigmas for the combined orbits
         (coded in the IGS SP3 orbit files).
         "E" flags eclipsing satellites.
         Units: cm.

              Day of GPS week
 PRN  |   0   1   2   3   4   5   6 |  Remarks
 R02  |   4   3   3   4   3   4   4 |
 R03  |   4   4   3   4   4   8   9 |
 R04  |   4   4   4   3   4   3   4 |
 R05  |   5   4   5   3   4   3   3 |
 R06  |   5   5   6   6   4   5   4 |
 R17  |   5   5   4   4   3   4   5 |
 R18  |   6   4   3   4   4   9   5 |
 R21  |   9  15   8   5   6  13   5 |
 R22  |   4   3   4   3   4   3   5 |
 R23  |   4   4   4   4   4   4   5 |
 R24  |   6   6   5   4   4   5   6 |

Table 1.1305.c     GPS week : 1305   MJD: 53379.0-53385.0   

         Daily transformation of broadcast orbits (brd) to the combined IGL orbit.
         Mean and standard deviations of the transformation parameters for the
         whole gpsweek.      Units: mas, ppb, meters, nano-sec, nano-sec/day

CEN WEEK DAY |    DX    DY    DZ      RX      RY      RZ   SCL   RMS  WRMS |   TOFT  TDRFT    RMS
brd 1305 0   |  -.08   .12 -1.24   11.58  -18.91 -372.30  86.0  4.13  4.13 |   30.9    -.2   4.39
brd 1305 1   |   .17  -.03 -1.38   16.44  -17.03 -371.90  86.6  4.70  4.70 |   17.5     .3   4.08
brd 1305 2   |  -.30   .06 -1.36   18.67  -21.79 -378.90  85.8  6.53  6.53 |   18.2   -1.6   5.99
brd 1305 3   |  -.08  -.23  -.89   16.79  -16.21 -402.50  78.9  8.41  8.41 |   -8.9   -1.5   5.94
brd 1305 4   |   .39  -.01  -.89   20.57  -19.38 -401.10  86.8  7.62  7.62 |   31.9    -.8   4.61
brd 1305 5   |  -.18   .48 -1.04    7.98  -25.93 -404.20  87.3  5.68  5.68 |   29.9    -.3   4.11
brd 1305 6   |   .03   .43  -.81   15.33  -14.70 -402.50  85.4  5.05  5.05 |   48.1   -1.4   5.16
brd 1305 mean|  -.01   .12 -1.09   15.34  -19.14 -390.49  85.3  6.02  6.02 |   24.0    -.8   4.90
brd 1305 sdev|   .23   .25   .24    4.28    3.79   15.27   2.9  1.57  1.57 |   17.7     .7    .81

Table 2: Daily transformation of each centre to the combined IGL orbit and
         clocks for each day of the week. The transformation displayed is the
         sum of a priori and estimated transformations.
         WRMS - RMS weighted by the centres SP3 header accuracy codes.
         STA  - Number of stations in the daily solutions.
         Units: mas, ppb, meters, nano-sec, nano-sec/day.
Table 2.1305.0  GPS week: 1305   Day: 0   MJD: 53379                            

bkg   45|-.00 -.00  .02  -.10  -.01  -.05  -.1  .04  .04 |     .0     .0    .0 
cod  164| .00 -.00  .01   .11   .03   .07   .1  .05  .05 |    ---    ---    ---
esx   54| .00  .00 -.09  -.03   .09   .22   .5  .16  .14 | 1752.9   68.1  13.17
mcc  n/a| .01  .00 -.04  -.80  -.04  1.30  1.9  .31  .31 |    ---    ---    ---

Table 2.1305.1  GPS week: 1305   Day: 1   MJD: 53380                            

bkg   45|-.01 -.00  .01  -.10  -.07  -.27  -.4  .04  .04 |     .0     .0    .0 
cod  164| .01 -.00  .02   .11   .08   .07   .1  .04  .04 |    ---    ---    ---
esx   54| .01  .01 -.11  -.16  -.09   .73   .0  .21  .14 | 2719.7   36.1  17.88
mcc  n/a| .02 -.03  .02  -.77  -.22  2.55  -.8  .53  .53 |    ---    ---    ---

Table 2.1305.2  GPS week: 1305   Day: 2   MJD: 53381                            

bkg   45| .00 -.01  .01  -.06   .04  -.06   .1  .04  .04 |     .0    -.0    .0 
cod  164|-.00  .00  .02   .15  -.05  -.01  -.2  .05  .05 |    ---    ---    ---
esx   54| .00 -.02 -.09  -.16   .07  -.01   .4  .14  .11 | 2868.9   64.0  22.44
mcc  n/a|-.06  .02  .01  -.17  -.23 -6.79 -4.0  .41  .41 |    ---    ---    ---

Table 2.1305.3  GPS week: 1305   Day: 3   MJD: 53382                            

bkg   45|-.00  .00  .01  -.04   .07   .43   .3  .03  .03 |    -.0     .0    .0 
cod  164| .00  .00  .00   .07  -.10  -.47  -.2  .04  .04 |    ---    ---    ---
esx   54| .01 -.01 -.08  -.03  -.02  -.37   .3  .12  .11 | 2207.1   46.0  17.49
mcc  n/a|-.14 -.02 -.04  -.64  -.53 -3.10  -.1  .45  .45 |    ---    ---    ---

Table 2.1305.4  GPS week: 1305   Day: 4   MJD: 53383                            

bkg   45|-.00 -.00  .03  -.01  -.00   .08   .2  .03  .03 |    -.0    -.0    .0 
cod  164| .00  .00  .01   .02   .03  -.08  -.1  .04  .03 |    ---    ---    ---
esx   54| .01 -.00 -.11  -.01  -.22   .02  -.0  .13  .12 | 3866.3   18.9  20.04
mcc  n/a| .00  .02 -.02  -.92   .11  -.87   .2  .31  .31 |    ---    ---    ---

Table 2.1305.5  GPS week: 1305   Day: 5   MJD: 53384                            

bkg   45|-.01  .00  .01  -.21  -.02  -.49   .1  .06  .05 |    -.0     .0    .0 
cod  164| .00 -.00  .02   .12  -.01   .18   .1  .04  .03 |    ---    ---    ---
esx   54|-.01  .01 -.09  -.06  -.06   .63  -.4  .22  .13 | 2320.1   53.2  16.33
mcc  n/a|-.00  .01 -.02 -1.12   .59   .29  -.0  .20  .20 |    ---    ---    ---

Table 2.1305.6  GPS week: 1305   Day: 6   MJD: 53385                            

bkg   45|-.01  .00  .02  -.05  -.02  -.15  -.1  .04  .04 |    -.0     .1    .0 
cod  164| .01 -.00 -.00   .10   .08   .27   .1  .05  .05 |    ---    ---    ---
esx   54| .00 -.00 -.07  -.16  -.11  -.40  -.2  .17  .16 | 3865.4   71.1  25.37
mcc  n/a|-.01 -.01 -.02  -.47   .54   .73   .6  .31  .31 |    ---    ---    ---

Table 3: Daily fit for each satellite and each centre resulting from weighted
         average combination and from long arc orbit dynamics (7-day). The
         first IGL column gives resulting satellite accuracy measures found in
         SP3 header. The last IGL column gives the RMS fit of the IGL orbit
         when processed through the 7-day arc evaluation.

         "E"    stands for eclipsing satellites (earth).
         "M"    stands for eclipsing satellites (moon).
         "X"    stands for excluded from the statistics but included in IGL orbit.
         "T"    stands for Total long arc orbit RMS for all satellites.
         "NE"   stands for long arc orbit RMS for Non-Eclipsing satellites only.
         "MEDI" stands for median of the centre's satellite RMS.
         Units: cm.

Table 3.1305.0  GPS week: 1305   Day: 0   MJD: 53379                            

        Weighted Average          Orbit Dynamics (7 days)
 PRN  | brd bkg cod esx mcc  IGL |  bkg cod esx mcc  IGL
 R02  | 415   2   5  13 ---    4 |    6   9   9 ---    7 
 R03  | 124   3   5  12  15    4 |   10  10  12  20   10 
 R04  | 282   3   4  11 ---    4 |    7   8   9 ---    7 
 R05  | 320   5   5  14 ---    5 |    8   9   8 ---    8 
 R06  |1049   4   4  17 ---    5 |   15  15  15 ---   14 
 R17  | 410   2   6  14 ---    5 |    6   7  12 ---    6 
 R18  | 141   3   6  18 ---    6 |   20  21  27 ---   21 
 R21  | 187   7   8  30 ---    9 |    9   9  34 ---   10 
 R22  | 251   3   5  12  39    4 |    7   8  10  12    7 
 R23  | 210   3   4  11 ---    4 |    9  11  12 ---    9 
 R24  | 281   7   4  19  34    6 |    7   8  14  18    7 
 RMS  | 413   4   5  16  31      |T   9  10  15  17   10 
 WRMS | 413   4   5  14  31      |NE  9  10  15  17   10 
 MEDI | 281   3   5  14  34      |MD  8   9  12  18    8 

Table 3.1305.1  GPS week: 1305   Day: 1   MJD: 53380                            

        Weighted Average          Orbit Dynamics (7 days)
 PRN  | brd bkg cod esx mcc  IGL |  bkg cod esx mcc  IGL
 R02  | 715   3   2  11 ---    3 |    5   7  13 ---    7 
 R03  | 123   3   2  12  33    4 |   14  12  16  36   13 
 R04  | 334   4   4  11 ---    4 |    8   9   7 ---    7 
 R05  | 264   3   3  13 ---    4 |    8   9   6 ---    8 
 R06  |1132   4   5  15 ---    5 |    9   8  17 ---    8 
 R17  | 348   5   4  15 ---    5 |    5   5   9 ---    4 
 R18  | 175   2   4  12 ---    4 |   19  17  18 ---   18 
 R21  | 278   8   9  55 ---   15 |    6   4  56 ---    9 
 R22  | 138   3   3  11  37    3 |    5   6   8  24    6 
 R23  | 356   3   2  13 ---    4 |    5   5   9 ---    4 
 R24  | 258   6   5  17  78    6 |    5   7   9  27    5 
 RMS  | 470   4   4  21  53      |T   8   8  15  29    8 
 WRMS | 470   4   4  14  53      |NE  8   8  15  29    8 
 MEDI | 278   3   4  13  37      |MD  6   7   9  27    7 

Table 3.1305.2  GPS week: 1305   Day: 2   MJD: 53381                            

        Weighted Average          Orbit Dynamics (7 days)
 PRN  | brd bkg cod esx mcc  IGL |  bkg cod esx mcc  IGL
 R02  |1179   3   3  10 ---    3 |    6   6   8 ---    5 
 R03  | 267   2   3  10  41    3 |    7   8  11  45    7 
 R04  | 507   4   6  11 ---    4 |    7   9   8 ---    6 
 R05  | 193   3   7  12 ---    5 |    9  13   6 ---    9 
 R06  |1500   6   4  16 ---    6 |   10   9  17 ---   10 
 R17  | 318   4   4  13 ---    4 |    6   6   7 ---    5 
 R18  | 520   2   3  10 ---    3 |   15  16  15 ---   15 
 R21  | 319   7   6  25 ---    8 |    7  10  25 ---    9 
 R22  | 141   4   5   9 ---    4 |    9   7   9 ---    7 
 R23  | 333   3   6  12 ---    4 |    7   7  12 ---    6 
 R24  | 269   4   4  16 ---    5 |    6   6   9 ---    5 
 RMS  | 652   4   5  14  41      |T   8   9  12  45    8 
 WRMS | 652   4   5  11  41      |NE  8   9  12  45    8 
 MEDI | 319   4   4  12  41      |MD  7   8   9  45    7 

Table 3.1305.3  GPS week: 1305   Day: 3   MJD: 53382                            

        Weighted Average          Orbit Dynamics (7 days)
 PRN  | brd bkg cod esx mcc  IGL |  bkg cod esx mcc  IGL
 R02  |1106   2   4  11 ---    4 |    6   8  13 ---    7 
 R03  | 570   3   3  11  32    4 |   16  13  18  20   14 
 R04  | 606   2   3  10 ---    3 |    7   4   7 ---    5 
 R05  | 262   3   3  10 ---    3 |    8   7   8 ---    7 
 R06  |2152   7   5  17 ---    6 |   11  14  18 ---   12 
 R17  | 322   3   3  13 ---    4 |    6   5   7 ---    4 
 R18  | 665   2   6  11 ---    4 |   16  17  18 ---   17 
 R21  | 198   3   4  17 ---    5 |    8   9  32 ---    9 
 R22  | 149   3   3  10  56    3 |    9   8   8  35    7 
 R23  | 666   3   5  11 ---    4 |   11  10   8 ---    9 
 R24  | 335   3   5   9 ---    4 |   10   6   8 ---    7 
 RMS  | 841   3   4  12  45      |T  10   9  13  28    9 
 WRMS | 841   3   4  11  45      |NE 10   9  13  28    9 
 MEDI | 570   3   4  11  32      |MD  9   8   8  20    7 

Table 3.1305.4  GPS week: 1305   Day: 4   MJD: 53383                            

        Weighted Average          Orbit Dynamics (7 days)
 PRN  | brd bkg cod esx mcc  IGL |  bkg cod esx mcc  IGL
 R02  | 637   3   2  10 ---    3 |    6   4   5 ---    4 
 R03  | 659   4   2  14  18    4 |    9  11  18  11   10 
 R04  | 896   3   3  12 ---    4 |    4   5   8 ---    5 
 R05  | 562   4   3  11 ---    4 |    8   8   8 ---    7 
 R06  |1708   5   5  10 ---    4 |   12  16  19 ---   15 
 R17  | 341   3   3  11 ---    3 |    5   4   8 ---    4 
 R18  | 364   2   4  11 ---    4 |   16  17  18 ---   17 
 R21  | 142   3   5  21 ---    6 |    6   6  21 ---    8 
 R22  | 324   3   3  13  30    4 |    6   7  10  12    6 
 R23  | 968   3   4  13 ---    4 |   10   9   9 ---    8 
 R24  | 438   4   5  11  39    4 |    7   7   8  36    6 
 RMS  | 762   3   4  13  31      |T   8   9  12  20    8 
 WRMS | 762   3   3  12  31      |NE  8   9  12  20    8 
 MEDI | 562   3   3  11  30      |MD  7   7   9  12    7 

Table 3.1305.5  GPS week: 1305   Day: 5   MJD: 53384                            

        Weighted Average          Orbit Dynamics (7 days)
 PRN  | brd bkg cod esx mcc  IGL |  bkg cod esx mcc  IGL
 R02  | 298   6   3  11 ---    4 |    5  10  11 ---    7 
 R03  | 283   7   4  29  18    8 |   15  14  28  11   15 
 R04  | 568   2   2  11 ---    3 |    6   4   7 ---    5 
 R05  | 430   3   2  10 ---    3 |    7   7   6 ---    6 
 R06  |1331   8   5  12 ---    5 |   13  18  19 ---   15 
 R17  | 465   6   4  11 ---    4 |    8   5   5 ---    4 
 R18  | 233   7   5  31 ---    9 |   16  16  33 ---   17 
 R21  | 203   9   8  48 ---   13 |    5   6  43 ---    6 
 R22  | 259   4   3  10  20    3 |    6   5   7  26    5 
 R23  | 598   3   4  14 ---    4 |    7   5  13 ---    6 
 R24  | 600   5   3  15  23    5 |    5   4   9  38    3 
 RMS  | 568   6   4  22  20      |T   8   9  16  25    8 
 WRMS | 568   5   3  13  20      |NE  8   9  16  25    8 
 MEDI | 430   6   4  12  20      |MD  7   6  11  26    6 

Table 3.1305.6  GPS week: 1305   Day: 6   MJD: 53385                            

        Weighted Average          Orbit Dynamics (7 days)
 PRN  | brd bkg cod esx mcc  IGL |  bkg cod esx mcc  IGL
 R02  | 212   4   4  12 ---    4 |    8   7  10 ---    7 
 R03  | 218   7   5  33  18    9 |   15  13  27  19   14 
 R04  | 390   2   3  12 ---    4 |    6   5   7 ---    5 
 R05  | 666   2   3  11 ---    3 |    7   8   7 ---    7 
 R06  | 902   5   3  11 ---    4 |   18  18  18 ---   18 
 R17  | 521   5   4  15 ---    5 |    7   6  10 ---    6 
 R18  | 328   2   6  17 ---    5 |   18  19  29 ---   19 
 R21  | 268   4   6  16 ---    5 |    9  11  18 ---   10 
 R22  | 277   3   6  16  19    5 |    8  11  13  18    9 
 R23  | 310   4   7  13 ---    5 |   11  11  14 ---   11 
 R24  | 821   6   5  17  47    6 |    8   7  12  28    7 
 RMS  | 505   4   5  17  31      |T  10  11  15  22   10 
 WRMS | 505   4   5  16  31      |NE 10  11  15  22   10 
 MEDI | 328   4   5  15  19      |MD  8  11  13  19    9