Back Mother Board Front Mother Board Front MB at Barrel End

Mother Board Description:

The Mother Boards receive signals from the summing boards and transfer them to cables which carry the signals through the feedthrough to the front-end electronics for further processing. In addition, the mother boards receive and distribute calibration pulses to all channels through a series of resistive networks.

Each mother board covers a region x = 0.2 x 0.2. The mother boards located in the front of the module (along the inner radii) process the information from the strips. There are seven front mother boards in eta for each barrel in a given unit of phi ( = 0.2). These seven boards cover the pseudo rapidity region of 0 to 1.4. In addition, there is an eighth special front mother board to process the signals from the barrel-end region ( = 1.4-1.475).

The mother boards in the back region (located along the outer radii of the module) also have seven mother boards in a given phi interval, which process the signals from the middle and back layer. Hence a total of 15 mother boards per barrel per unit phi (Delta_Phi=0.2) are needed. These 15 mother boards geometrically differ from each other as the electrode connectors as Delta_z (and hence the electrode connector spacing) increases with increasing rapidity.

Channels processed by each mother boards:
Components on the mother boards include:

Cross talk measurements on the mother board and the effect of using sockets .
Uniformity studies on back mother boards.
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