U.S. Department of Energy - Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy

Federal Energy Management Program – Industrial Facilities

The objective of FEMP's Industrial Facilities Initiative (IFI) is to help federal agencies improve the energy efficiency of their facilities and achieve the goals set by Executive Order 13423. The order applies to standard, laboratory, and industrial facilities and requires agencies to reduce their energy usage by 30% (relative to 2003) by 2015.

Through a partnership with BestPractices, under DOE's Industrial Technologies Program (ITP), IFI offers expert services, support, and resources to federal industrial facilities:


Comprehensive plant-wide assessments are conducted at industrial facilities by Industrial Assessment Center (IAC) teams of engineering faculty and students. Following a multi-day site visit, IFI documents the assessment, providing a detailed report that includes an analysis of utility (energy, water, and waste) history and rate structure; maps of energy, waste, and production flows; recommendations for saving energy, reducing waste, and enhancing productivity (including engineering calculations and payback estimates); and other information. Customers also receive follow-up consultations about the site visit from the IFI team.

System-specific assessments of steam, compressed air, process heat, and pumping systems are provided by BestPractices assessment teams. These assessments are conducted during multi-day site visits by professional engineering consultants (BestPractices Qualified Specialists). Assessed facilities receive detailed reports covering the status of the targeted systems and recommendations for saving energy and reducing O&M costs. Often the BestPractices and IAC teams work on assessments together. Also, IAC teams often include a BestPractices Qualified Specialist for one or more systems (e.g., steam).

If you are interested in an industrial assessment for your facility, contact the IFI technical contact who will help you determine whether an assessment is warranted and how IFI can best meet your schedule and technical requirements.


IFI provides training to federal industrial facilities on energy efficient practices and strategies and BestPractices tools. Training sessions can be held at the federal facility site or via Webcast.

Watch this space for future scheduled training.

Assistance with Implementing Efficiency Projects

To help industrial facilities realize the potential savings identified by the energy assessments, the IFI team follows up with customers and helps identify the best routes for implementing the recommended energy efficiency measures.

Other FEMP Resources

Federal industrial facilities can also use other FEMP resources:

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