                                          |                                         |
                                          | PRELIMINARY TEXTILE AND APPAREL IMPORTS |                                 March 5, 2009
                                          |         HTS Chapters 50-63 ONLY!        |
                                          |                                         |
                                          |  By Category,  Preliminary  2/2009 Data |

(P)  These data are limited preliminary import data based on import figures from U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP).
It will be supplanted by official imports from the Census Bureau as those data become available.  The release of these data 
is to allow preliminary analysis of the impact of total imports into the United States and imports from China into the 
United States to facilitate the administration of the textile safeguard in China's WTO Accession Agreement.

                                           Category 636:  MMF DRESSES
                     Data in Doz., 37.90 M2 per Doz . 

                Calendar Years               Year-to-Date              Year-Endings                                YE  2/2009
 Country        2007       2008       2/2008     2/2009  % Change    2/2008    12/2008     1/2009     2/2009   % Change % Share

                                                   (P)                                                  (P)

 WORLD         14275421  16299341    2852435    2731559     -4.24  14899386   16299341   16421410   16178465       8.58  100.00

 CHINA P        7635980   9464472    1597733    1424983    -10.81   8121396    9464472    9515207    9291722      14.41   57.43

 VIETNAM        1520322   1977705     394120     480360     21.88   1662078    1977705    2075396    2063945      24.18   12.76

 INDNSIA         787927    929087     190424     158005    -17.02    822860     929087     939217     896668       8.97    5.54

 PHIL R          681696    740310     109169     157061     43.87    662959     740310     749913     788202      18.89    4.87

 INDIA           509878    520585      96047     134472     40.01    505718     520585     530335     559010      10.54    3.46

 SRI LKA         566136    492074     107085      88312    -17.53    548243     492074     485052     473301     -13.67    2.93

 MEXICO          524781    390631      91346      51528    -43.59    539400     390631     359441     350813     -34.96    2.17

 CAMBOD          240023    316097      52597      29160    -44.56    246128     316097     306786     292660      18.91    1.81

 BNGLDSH         137154    294217      23832      18513    -22.32    147482     294217     291728     288898      95.89    1.79

 GUATMAL         446353    226792      58587      30433    -48.06    457343     226792     205374     198638     -56.57    1.23

 SALVADR         152935    145403      21231      25353     19.42    157276     145403     149249     149525      -4.93    0.92

 CHINA T         201830    136563      12057      21970     82.22    194793     136563     143256     146476     -24.80    0.91

 TURKEY           85277     70677      13099       9801    -25.18     85663      70677      68757      67379     -21.34    0.42

 KOR REP          99969     64608      11292      10540     -6.66     93936      64608      64768      63856     -32.02    0.39

 PAKISTN          15766     53006       5738      11109     93.60     19519      53006      54107      58377     199.08    0.36

 _ASEAN         3324962   4039257     754973     844607     11.87   3471792    4039257    4157023    4128891      18.93   25.52

 _CBI            658720    391345      81199      68449    -15.70    665586     391345     373985     378595     -43.12    2.34

 _CAFTA          657840    391202      81172      66407    -18.19    664679     391202     373842     376437     -43.37    2.33

 _ANDEAN          90533     66288      10848       7048    -35.03     88593      66288      63839      62488     -29.47    0.39