
Go to the documentation of this file.
00001 /****************************************************************************
00002 **
00003 ** Copyright (C) 1992-2006 Trolltech ASA. All rights reserved.
00004 **
00005 ** This file is part of the tools applications of the Qt Toolkit.
00006 **
00007 ** This file may be used under the terms of the GNU General Public
00008 ** License version 2.0 as published by the Free Software Foundation
00009 ** and appearing in the file LICENSE.GPL included in the packaging of
00010 ** this file.  Please review the following information to ensure GNU
00011 ** General Public Licensing requirements will be met:
00012 **
00013 **
00014 ** If you are unsure which license is appropriate for your use, please
00015 ** review the following information:
00016 ** or contact the
00017 ** sales department at
00018 **
00019 ** This file is provided AS IS with NO WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, INCLUDING THE
00021 **
00022 ****************************************************************************/
00024 #include "qvfbview.h"
00025 #include "qvfbshmem.h"
00026 #include "qvfbmmap.h"
00028 #include "qanimationwriter.h"
00029 #include <QApplication>
00030 #include <QPainter>
00031 #include <QImage>
00032 #include <QBitmap>
00033 #include <QTimer>
00034 #include <QMatrix>
00035 #include <QPaintEvent>
00036 #include <QScrollArea>
00037 #include <QFile>
00038 #include <QDebug>
00040 #include <stdlib.h>
00041 #include <unistd.h>
00042 #include <sys/ipc.h>
00043 #include <sys/types.h>
00044 #include <sys/shm.h>
00045 #include <sys/stat.h>
00046 #include <sys/sem.h>
00047 #include <fcntl.h>
00048 #include <errno.h>
00049 #include <math.h>
00051 extern int qvfb_protocol;
00053 QVFbView::QVFbView( int id, int w, int h, int d, Rotation r, QWidget *parent )
00054 #ifdef QVFB_USE_GLWIDGET
00055     : QGLWidget( parent ),
00056 #else
00057     : QWidget( parent ),
00058 #endif
00059     viewdepth(d), rsh(0), gsh(0), bsh(0), rmax(15), gmax(15), bmax(15),
00060     contentsWidth(w), contentsHeight(h), gred(1.0), ggreen(1.0), gblue(1.0),
00061     gammatable(0), refreshRate(30), animation(0),
00062     hzm(1.0), vzm(1.0), mView(0),
00063     emulateTouchscreen(false), emulateLcdScreen(false), rotation(r)
00064 {
00065     int _w = ( rotation & 0x1 ) ? h : w;
00066     int _h = ( rotation & 0x1 ) ? w : h;
00068     switch(qvfb_protocol) {
00069         default:
00070         case 0:
00071             mView = new QShMemViewProtocol(id, QSize(_w, _h), d, this);
00072             break;
00073         case 1:
00074             mView = new QMMapViewProtocol(id, QSize(_w, _h), d, this);
00075             break;
00076     }
00078     connect(mView, SIGNAL(displayDataChanged(const QRect &)),
00079             SLOT(refreshDisplay(const QRect &)));
00081     setAttribute(Qt::WA_PaintOnScreen, true);
00082     setMouseTracking( true );
00083     setFocusPolicy( Qt::StrongFocus );
00084     setAttribute( Qt::WA_NoSystemBackground );
00086     resize( contentsWidth, contentsHeight );
00088     setGamma(1.0,1.0,1.0);
00089     mView->setRate( 30 );
00090 }
00092 QVFbView::~QVFbView()
00093 {
00094     stopAnimation();
00095     sendKeyboardData( 0, 0, 0, true, false ); // magic die key
00096 }
00098 QSize QVFbView::sizeHint() const
00099 {
00100     return QSize(contentsWidth, contentsHeight);
00101 }
00103 void QVFbView::setRate(int i)
00104 {
00105     mView->setRate(i);
00106 }
00108 void QVFbView::setGamma(double gr, double gg, double gb)
00109 {
00110     if ( viewdepth < 12 )
00111   return; // not implemented
00113     gred=gr; ggreen=gg; gblue=gb;
00115     switch ( viewdepth ) {
00116       case 12:
00117   rsh = 12;
00118   gsh = 7;
00119   bsh = 1;
00120   rmax = 15;
00121   gmax = 15;
00122   bmax = 15;
00123   break;
00124       case 16:
00125   rsh = 11;
00126   gsh = 5;
00127   bsh = 0;
00128   rmax = 31;
00129   gmax = 63;
00130   bmax = 31;
00131   break;
00132       case 18:
00133         rsh = 12;
00134         gsh = 6;
00135         bsh = 0;
00136         rmax = 63;
00137         gmax = 63;
00138         bmax = 63;
00139         break;
00140       case 24:
00141       case 32:
00142   rsh = 16;
00143   gsh = 8;
00144   bsh = 0;
00145   rmax = 255;
00146   gmax = 255;
00147   bmax = 255;
00148     }
00149     int mm = qMax(rmax,qMax(gmax,bmax))+1;
00150     if ( gammatable )
00151   delete [] gammatable;
00152     gammatable = new QRgb[mm];
00153     for (int i=0; i<mm; i++) {
00154   int r = int(pow(i,gr)*255/rmax);
00155   int g = int(pow(i,gg)*255/gmax);
00156   int b = int(pow(i,gb)*255/bmax);
00157   if ( r > 255 ) r = 255;
00158   if ( g > 255 ) g = 255;
00159   if ( b > 255 ) b = 255;
00160   gammatable[i] = qRgb(r,g,b);
00161 //qDebug("%d: %d,%d,%d",i,r,g,b);
00162     }
00164     mView->flushChanges();
00165 }
00167 void QVFbView::getGamma(int i, QRgb& rgb)
00168 {
00169     if ( i > 255 ) i = 255;
00170     if ( i < 0 ) i = 0;
00171     rgb = qRgb(qRed(gammatable[i*rmax/255]),
00172                qGreen(gammatable[i*rmax/255]),
00173                qBlue(gammatable[i*rmax/255]));
00174 }
00176 int QVFbView::displayId() const
00177 {
00178     return mView->id();
00179 }
00181 int QVFbView::displayWidth() const
00182 {
00183     return ( (int)rotation & 0x01 ) ? mView->height() : mView->width();
00184 }
00186 int QVFbView::displayHeight() const
00187 {
00188     return ( (int)rotation & 0x01 ) ? mView->width(): mView->height();
00189 }
00191 int QVFbView::displayDepth() const
00192 {
00193     return viewdepth;
00194 }
00196 QVFbView::Rotation QVFbView::displayRotation() const
00197 {
00198     return rotation;
00199 }
00201 void QVFbView::setZoom( double hz, double vz )
00202 {
00203     if ( hzm != hz || vzm != vz ) {
00204   hzm = hz;
00205   vzm = vz;
00206         mView->flushChanges();
00208         contentsWidth = int(displayWidth()*hz);
00209         contentsHeight = int(displayHeight()*vz);
00210         resize(contentsWidth, contentsHeight);
00212   updateGeometry();
00213   qApp->sendPostedEvents();
00214   topLevelWidget()->adjustSize();
00215   update();
00216     }
00217 }
00219 static QRect mapToDevice( const QRect &r, const QSize &s, QVFbView::Rotation rotation )
00220 {
00221     int x1 = r.x();
00222     int y1 = r.y();
00223     int x2 = r.right();
00224     int y2 = r.bottom();
00225     int w = s.width();
00226     int h = s.height();
00227     switch ( rotation ) {
00228   case QVFbView::Rot90:
00229       return QRect(
00230                     QPoint(y1, w - x1 - 1),
00231                     QPoint(y2, w - x2 - 1) );
00232   case QVFbView::Rot180:
00233       return QRect(
00234                     QPoint(w - x1 - 1, h - y1 - 1),
00235                     QPoint(w - x2 - 1, h - y2 - 1) );
00236   case QVFbView::Rot270:
00237       return QRect(
00238                     QPoint(h - y1 - 1, x1),
00239                     QPoint(h - y2 - 1, x2) );
00240   default:
00241       break;
00242     }
00243     return r;
00244 }
00246 void QVFbView::sendMouseData( const QPoint &pos, int buttons, int wheel )
00247 {
00248     QPoint p = mapToDevice( QRect(pos,QSize(1,1)), QSize(displayWidth(), displayHeight()), rotation ).topLeft();
00249     mView->sendMouseData(p, buttons, wheel);
00250 }
00252 void QVFbView::sendKeyboardData( QString unicode, int keycode, int modifiers,
00253          bool press, bool repeat )
00254 {
00255     mView->sendKeyboardData(unicode, keycode, modifiers, press, repeat);
00256 }
00258 void QVFbView::refreshDisplay(const QRect &r)
00259 {
00260     if ( animation ) {
00261       if ( r.isEmpty() ) {
00262     animation->appendBlankFrame();
00263       } else {
00264     int l;
00265     QImage img = getBuffer( r, l );
00266     animation->appendFrame(img,QPoint(r.x(),r.y()));
00267       }
00268     }
00269     if ( !r.isNull() )
00270   repaint();
00271 }
00273 QImage QVFbView::getBuffer( const QRect &r, int &leading ) const
00274 {
00275     static QByteArray buffer;
00277     const int requiredSize = r.width() * r.height() * 4;
00279     switch ( viewdepth ) {
00280     case 12:
00281     case 16: {
00282         if (requiredSize > buffer.size())
00283             buffer.resize(requiredSize);
00284         uchar *b = reinterpret_cast<uchar*>(;
00285   QImage img(b, r.width(), r.height(), QImage::Format_RGB32);
00286   const int rsh = viewdepth == 12 ? 12 : 11;
00287   const int gsh = viewdepth == 12 ? 7 : 5;
00288   const int bsh = viewdepth == 12 ? 1 : 0;
00289   const int rmax = viewdepth == 12 ? 15 : 31;
00290   const int gmax = viewdepth == 12 ? 15 : 63;
00291   const int bmax = viewdepth == 12 ? 15 : 31;
00292   for ( int row = 0; row < r.height(); row++ ) {
00293       QRgb *dptr = (QRgb*)img.scanLine( row );
00294       ushort *sptr = (ushort*)(mView->data() + (r.y()+row)*mView->linestep());
00295       sptr += r.x();
00296       for ( int col=0; col < r.width(); col++ ) {
00297     ushort s = *sptr++;
00298     *dptr++ = qRgb(qRed(gammatable[(s>>rsh)&rmax]),qGreen(gammatable[(s>>gsh)&gmax]),qBlue(gammatable[(s>>bsh)&bmax]));
00299     //*dptr++ = qRgb(((s>>rsh)&rmax)*255/rmax,((s>>gsh)&gmax)*255/gmax,((s>>bsh)&bmax)*255/bmax);
00300       }
00301   }
00302   leading = 0;
00303   return img;
00304     }
00305     case 4: {
00306         if (requiredSize > buffer.size())
00307             buffer.resize(requiredSize);
00308         uchar *b = reinterpret_cast<uchar*>(;
00309   QImage img(b, r.width(), r.height(), QImage::Format_Indexed8);
00310         //img.setColorTable(mView->clut());
00311   for ( int row = 0; row < r.height(); row++ ) {
00312       unsigned char *dptr = img.scanLine( row );
00313       const unsigned char *sptr = mView->data() + (r.y()+row)*mView->linestep();
00314       sptr += r.x()/2;
00315       int col = 0;
00316       if ( r.x() & 1 ) {
00317     *dptr++ = *sptr++ >> 4;
00318     col++;
00319       }
00320       for ( ; col < r.width()-1; col+=2 ) {
00321     unsigned char s = *sptr++;
00322     *dptr++ = s & 0x0f;
00323     *dptr++ = s >> 4;
00324       }
00325       if ( !(r.right() & 1) )
00326     *dptr = *sptr & 0x0f;
00327   }
00328   leading = 0;
00329   return img;
00330     }
00331     case 18: {
00332          // packed into 24 bpp
00333         if (requiredSize > buffer.size())
00334             buffer.resize(requiredSize);
00335         uchar *b = reinterpret_cast<uchar*>(;
00336   QImage img(b, r.width(), r.height(), QImage::Format_RGB32);
00337         const int rsh = 12;
00338         const int gsh = 6;
00339         const int bsh = 0;
00340         const int rmax = 63;
00341         const int gmax = 63;
00342         const int bmax = 63;
00343   for ( int row = 0; row < r.height(); row++ ) {
00344       QRgb *dptr = (QRgb*)img.scanLine( row );
00345             uchar *sptr = (uchar*)(mView->data() + (r.y()+row)*mView->linestep());
00346       sptr += r.x()*3;
00347       for ( int col=0; col < r.width(); col++ ) {
00348                 uint s = *(reinterpret_cast<uint*>(sptr));
00349                 s &= 0x00ffffff;
00350                 sptr += 3;
00351                 *dptr++ = qRgb(qRed(gammatable[(s>>rsh)&rmax]),qGreen(gammatable[(s>>gsh)&gmax]),qBlue(gammatable[(s>>bsh)&bmax]));
00352       }
00353   }
00354   leading = 0;
00355   return img;
00356      }
00357     case 24: {
00358         static unsigned char *imgData = 0;
00359         if (!imgData) {
00360             int bpl = mView->width() *4;
00361             imgData = new unsigned char[bpl * mView->height()];
00362         }
00363         QImage img(imgData, r.width(), r.height(), QImage::Format_RGB32);
00364         for (int row = 0; row < r.height(); ++row) {
00365             uchar *dptr = img.scanLine(row);
00366             const uchar *sptr = mView->data() + (r.y() + row) * mView->linestep();
00367             sptr += r.x() * 3;
00368             for (int col = 0; col < r.width(); ++col) {
00369                 *dptr++ = *sptr++;
00370                 *dptr++ = *sptr++;
00371                 *dptr++ = *sptr++;
00372                 dptr++;
00373             }
00374         }
00375         leading = 0;
00376         return img;
00377     }
00378     case 32: {
00379   leading = r.x();
00380   return QImage( mView->data() + r.y() * mView->linestep(),
00381                        mView->width(), r.height(), QImage::Format_RGB32 );
00382     }
00383     case 8: {
00384         leading = r.x();
00385         QImage img( mView->data() + r.y() * mView->linestep(),
00386                     mView->width(), r.height(), QImage::Format_Indexed8 );
00387         img.setColorTable(mView->clut());
00388         return img;
00389     }
00390     case 1: {
00391   leading = r.x();
00392   return QImage( mView->data() + r.y() * mView->linestep(),
00393                        mView->width(), r.height(), QImage::Format_MonoLSB );
00394     }
00395     }
00396     return QImage();
00397 }
00399 static int findMultiple(int start, double m, int limit, int step)
00400 {
00401     int r = start;
00402     while (r != limit) {
00403   if ( int(int(r * m)/m) == r )
00404       break;
00405   r += step;
00406     }
00407     return r;
00408 }
00410 void QVFbView::drawScreen()
00411 {
00412     QPainter p( this );
00414     /* later just draw the update */
00415     QRect r(0, 0, mView->width(), mView->height() );
00417     if ( int(hzm) != hzm || int(vzm) != vzm ) {
00418         r.setLeft( findMultiple(r.left(),hzm,0,-1) );
00419         r.setTop( findMultiple(,vzm,0,-1) );
00420         int w = findMultiple(r.width(),hzm,mView->width(),1);
00421         int h = findMultiple(r.height(),vzm,mView->height(),1);
00422         r.setRight( r.left()+w-1 );
00423         r.setBottom( );
00424     }
00425     int leading;
00426     QImage img( getBuffer( r, leading ) );
00427     QPixmap pm;
00428     if ( hzm == 1.0 && vzm == 1.0 ) {
00429         pm = QPixmap::fromImage( img );
00430     } else if ( emulateLcdScreen && hzm == 3.0 && vzm == 3.0 ) {
00431         QImage img2( img.width()*3, img.height(), QImage::Format_RGB32 );
00432         for ( int row = 0; row < img2.height(); row++ ) {
00433             QRgb *dptr = (QRgb*)img2.scanLine( row );
00434             QRgb *sptr = (QRgb*)img.scanLine( row );
00435             for ( int col = 0; col < img.width(); col++ ) {
00436                 QRgb s = *sptr++;
00437                 *dptr++ = qRgb(qRed(s),0,0);
00438                 *dptr++ = qRgb(0,qGreen(s),0);
00439                 *dptr++ = qRgb(0,0,qBlue(s));
00440             }
00441         }
00442         QMatrix m;
00443         m.scale(1.0, 3.0);
00444         pm = QPixmap::fromImage( img2 );
00445         pm = pm.transformed(m);
00446     } else if ( int(hzm) == hzm && int(vzm) == vzm ) {
00447         QMatrix m;
00448         m.scale(hzm,vzm);
00449         pm = QPixmap::fromImage( img );
00450         pm = pm.transformed(m);
00451     } else {
00452         pm = QPixmap::fromImage( img.scaled(int(img.width()*hzm),int(img.height()*vzm), Qt::IgnoreAspectRatio, Qt::SmoothTransformation) );
00453     }
00455     int x1 = r.x();
00456     int y1 = r.y();
00457     int leadingX = leading;
00458     int leadingY = 0;
00460     // Do the rotation thing
00461     int rotX1 = mView->width() - x1 - img.width();
00462     int rotY1 = mView->height() - y1 - img.height();
00463     int rotLeadingX = (leading) ? mView->width() - leadingX - img.width() : 0;
00464     int rotLeadingY = 0;
00465     switch ( rotation ) {
00466         case Rot0:
00467             break;
00468         case Rot90:
00469             leadingY = leadingX;
00470             leadingX = rotLeadingY;
00471             y1 = x1;
00472             x1 = rotY1;
00473             break;
00474         case Rot180:
00475             leadingX = rotLeadingX;
00476             leadingY = leadingY;
00477             x1 = rotX1;
00478             y1 = rotY1;
00479             break;
00480         case Rot270:
00481             leadingX = leadingY;
00482             leadingY = rotLeadingX;
00483             x1 = y1;
00484             y1 = rotX1;
00485             break;
00486         default:
00487             break;
00488     }
00489     x1 = int(x1*hzm);
00490     y1 = int(y1*vzm);
00491     leadingX = int(leadingX*hzm);
00492     leadingY = int(leadingY*vzm);
00493     if ( rotation != 0 ) {
00494         QMatrix m;
00495         m.rotate(rotation * 90.0);
00496         pm = pm.transformed(m);
00497     }
00498     p.setPen( Qt::black );
00499     p.setBrush( Qt::white );
00500     p.drawPixmap( x1, y1, pm, leadingX, leadingY, pm.width(), pm.height() );
00501 }
00503 //bool QVFbView::eventFilter( QObject *obj, QEvent *e )
00504 //{
00505 //    if ( obj == this &&
00506 //   (e->type() == QEvent::FocusIn || e->type() == QEvent::FocusOut) )
00507 //  return true;
00508 //
00509 //    return QWidgetView::eventFilter( obj, e );
00510 //}
00512 void QVFbView::paintEvent( QPaintEvent * /*pe*/ )
00513 {
00514     /*
00515     QRect r( pe->rect() );
00516     r = QRect(int(r.x()/hzm),int(r.y()/vzm),
00517       int(r.width()/hzm)+1,int(r.height()/vzm)+1);
00519     mView->flushChanges();
00520     */
00521     drawScreen();
00522 }
00524 void QVFbView::mousePressEvent( QMouseEvent *e )
00525 {
00526     sendMouseData( QPoint(int(e->x()/hzm),int(e->y()/vzm)), e->buttons(), 0 );
00527 }
00529 void QVFbView::contextMenuEvent( QContextMenuEvent* )
00530 {
00532 }
00534 void QVFbView::mouseDoubleClickEvent( QMouseEvent *e )
00535 {
00536     sendMouseData( QPoint(int(e->x()/hzm),int(e->y()/vzm)), e->buttons(), 0 );
00537 }
00539 void QVFbView::mouseReleaseEvent( QMouseEvent *e )
00540 {
00541     sendMouseData( QPoint(int(e->x()/hzm),int(e->y()/vzm)), e->buttons(), 0 );
00542 }
00544 void QVFbView::skinMouseEvent( QMouseEvent *e )
00545 {
00546     sendMouseData( QPoint(int(e->x()/hzm),int(e->y()/vzm)), e->buttons(), 0 );
00547 }
00549 void QVFbView::mouseMoveEvent( QMouseEvent *e )
00550 {
00551     if ( !emulateTouchscreen || (e->buttons() & Qt::MouseButtonMask ) )
00552   sendMouseData( QPoint(int(e->x()/hzm),int(e->y()/vzm)), e->buttons(), 0 );
00553 }
00555 void QVFbView::wheelEvent( QWheelEvent *e )
00556 {
00557     if (!e)
00558         return;
00559     sendMouseData( QPoint(int(e->x()/hzm),int(e->y()/vzm)), e->buttons(), e->delta());
00560 }
00562 void QVFbView::setTouchscreenEmulation( bool b )
00563 {
00564     emulateTouchscreen = b;
00565 }
00567 void QVFbView::setLcdScreenEmulation( bool b )
00568 {
00569     emulateLcdScreen = b;
00570 }
00572 void QVFbView::keyPressEvent( QKeyEvent *e )
00573 {
00574     sendKeyboardData(e->text(), e->key(),
00575          e->modifiers()&(Qt::ShiftModifier|Qt::ControlModifier|Qt::AltModifier),
00576          true, e->isAutoRepeat());
00577 }
00579 void QVFbView::keyReleaseEvent( QKeyEvent *e )
00580 {
00581     sendKeyboardData(e->text(), e->key(),
00582          e->modifiers()&(Qt::ShiftModifier|Qt::ControlModifier|Qt::AltModifier),
00583          false, e->isAutoRepeat());
00584 }
00587 QImage QVFbView::image() const
00588 {
00589     int l;
00590     QImage r = getBuffer( QRect(0, 0, mView->width(), mView->height()), l ).copy();
00591     return r;
00592 }
00594 void QVFbView::startAnimation( const QString& filename )
00595 {
00596     delete animation;
00597     animation = new QAnimationWriter(filename,"MNG");
00598     animation->setFrameRate(refreshRate);
00599     animation->appendFrame(QImage(mView->data(),
00600                 mView->width(), mView->height(), QImage::Format_RGB32));
00601 }
00603 void QVFbView::stopAnimation()
00604 {
00605     delete animation;
00606     animation = 0;
00607 }
00610 void QVFbView::skinKeyPressEvent( int code, const QString& text, bool autorep )
00611 {
00612     QKeyEvent e(QEvent::KeyPress,code,0,text,autorep);
00613     keyPressEvent(&e);
00614 }
00616 void QVFbView::skinKeyReleaseEvent( int code, const QString& text, bool autorep )
00617 {
00618     QKeyEvent e(QEvent::KeyRelease,code,0,text,autorep);
00619     keyReleaseEvent(&e);
00620 }

Generated on Thu Mar 15 12:03:19 2007 for Qt 4.2 User's Guide by  doxygen 1.5.1