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Web posted Friday, November 30, 2001

photo: pplplaces

  Van Gelder is presented with NASA's Exceptional Achievement Medal at the 1995 Honor Awards. Flanking Van Gelder are a representative from NASA Headquarters (at left) and former Center Director Ken Szalai.
NASA Photo

Van Gelder set to retire after 16 years

By Sylvia E. Pierson
X-Press Assistant Editor

Walking into her office, it's easy to see that Carol Van Gelder has been busily collecting snapshots of her friends and co-workers as she prepares to leave Team Dryden Dec 31.

Although collecting candid photos gives her a chance to say farewell to her many friends across the Center, Van Gelder still has a long way to go before she meets with each and every member of her beloved team.

"I've got two photo collages in the works right now," said Van Gelder as she looked up at the 89-photo collage hanging on a wall in her office. "The first one is hanging right there where I can see it and enjoy it everyday, and the other is a 110-photo collage that I'm still working on."

After a 16-year career at Dryden, it's certain to be no small feat to try to capture Van Gelder's collection of friends and memories in just a few collages.

photo: pplplaces

  Van Gelder is credited with initiating Dryden's annual Christmas caroling program in 1986.

A major contributor to Team Dryden spirit and a long-standing volunteer on myriad committees, initiatives, and special programs, Van Gelder first started her career in Dryden's Logistics Branch supporting former manager Art Nash. During her four years in Logistics Van Gelder worked with many people from Dryden's past and present, including George Sloup, Robert Hudson and Nancy Arebalo, while becoming the first of five Dryden employees to achieve professional secretary certification and developing Dryden's mail stop locator list.

The locator list is the first of a number of long-standing and valued contributions Van Gelder has made to Team Dryden.

In 1995 Van Gelder was awarded the Exceptional Achievement Medal for her work spear-heading Dryden's migration from an antiquated system of purchase requisitions to a modern credit card program. In fact, Van Gelder's notable success with Dryden's credit card program inspired the rest of the Agency to adopt the program as well.

Soon after, Van Gelder's work as an avid promoter of manned space flight also gained her recognition as Dryden's only 1994 Manned Space Flight Awareness Honoree.

"This award gave me the opportunity to travel to Kennedy Space Center and be a special guest at the launch of STS-62," recalled Van Gelder. "That was an experience I'll never forget."

photo: pplplaces

  STS-62 astronaut Pierre Thuot greets Van Gelder as she arrives at NASA's Kennedy Space Center. She viewed the launch of his mission as Dryden's Manned Flight Awareness Honoree.

Whether founding Dryden's Christmas caroling program, promoting U.S. Savings Bond drives, chairing the Combined Federal Campaign (CFC), participating in Women's History Month and Disabled Americans Programs, developing the famous Fact 'N' Fun Game for Dryden's 50th anniversary program or winning a number of Group Achievement Medals, Van Gelder has long been known as a go-getter and instrumental participant in just about everything at the Center.

"I remember when carol first came to Dryden," recalled Nash. "She was so incredibly enthusiastic about learning new things that she'd even yell out 'Yippee!' when she'd accomplish something she'd been working hard to achieve. Her excitement was contagious - it makes me smile even today."

"I could always count on Carol to boost my spirits with her great sense of humor and willingness to participate in Center events," added Yvonne Kellogg, technology information specialist. "I'll miss Carol a lot. She's a great lady."

"Carol is an outgoing, generous, giving, energetic and fun person," agreed Yvonne Schmidt, ITI/SCSC financial specialist. "She's always a participator in whatever functions are happening at NASA and beyond."

"There are so many people I'll never forget," said Van Gelder, now a Code A contract specialist. "My mentors Art Nash, Betty Hall, Leomi Borden and Russ Davis; Milt Thompson and Bill Dana, of course, and so many others."

photo: pplplaces

  Van Gelder's 1997 Halloween costume for Dryden's annual contest was "Mimi" from the Drew Carey show. At right is Nick Kantartzis.

"I'll always remember Milt Thompson driving past me on Rosamond Blvd., He'd always wave at you," she recalled. "I'll always appreciate Art Nash for the opportunities I had and for being my good friend through the years. He always encouraged me. And Marta Bohn-Meyer, I think every woman here admires her for her achievements, for her fearlessness and adaptability to change."

"Monique Sullivan has always inspired me to try new things," she added, "and Michelle Vial has been my very best friend here at Dryden."

"I don't know how I'm going to handle my retirement. I have a lot of mixed emotions - the outpouring and care from my friends and co-workers has been overwhelming sometimes. I'm going to miss everyone and I'll try to come back as often as I can. I really encourage everyone to recognize how many new people we have here at Dryden. I hope they will reach out to these new people and talk with them, be the family Dryden's always been for me. Dryden will always hold a very warm place in my heart!"


Responsible NASA Official: Steve Lighthill
For questions, contact: Jenny Baer-Riedhart
Page Curator: Webmaster
Modified: May 31, 2001


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