The U.S. Census Bureau
State Government Finances: 2006
(Dollar amounts in thousands)  
Total Revenue 6,839,982
   General revenue 5,954,563
      Intergovernmental revenue 1,218,950
      Taxes 2,860,749
         General sales -
         Selective sales 431,518
         License taxes 972,702
         Individual income tax 1,018,633
         Corporate income tax 295,577
         Other taxes 142,319
      Current charges 807,693
      Miscellaneous general revenue 1,067,171
   Utility revenue 11,883
   Liquor store revenue -
   Insurance trust revenue 873,536
Total expenditure 6,519,932
   Intergovernmental expenditure 1,129,736
   Direct expenditure 5,390,196
      Current operation 4,018,397
      Capital outlay 676,585
      Insurance benefits and repayments 425,455
      Assistance and subsidies 96,784
      Interest on debt 172,975
Exhibit: Salaries and wages 2,033,720
Total expenditure 6,519,932
   General expenditure 6,019,481
      Intergovernmental expenditure 1,129,736
      Direct expenditure 4,889,745
   General expenditures, by function:
      Education 2,058,697
      Public welfare 1,255,513
      Hospitals 60,712
      Health 333,850
      Highways 503,870
      Police protection 101,319
      Correction 244,736
      Natural resources 84,207
      Parks and recreation 64,066
      Government administration 485,231
      Interest on general debt 172,975
      Other and unallocable 654,305
   Utility expenditure 74,996
   Liquor store expenditure -
   Insurance trust expenditure 425,455
Debt at end of fiscal year 4,204,365
Cash and security holdings 11,566,259
Symbol:  -  zero or rounds to zero
Source:  U.S. Census Bureau, Governments Division, 2006 Survey of State Government Finances,
     Tabulation Date:  December 12, 2007
