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Section 5: Mapping of Dataset, Theme, Surface Attributes

5. Mapping of Dataset, Theme, and Surface Attributes

This section addresses the mapping of the attributes for the DLG-E objects dataset, theme, and surface. Not all DLG-E attributes map to SDTS attributes. The definition of each attribute must be examined to decide how best to map it. The options to consider are:

  1. encode the attribute in a standard subfield; or

  2. encode the attribute as a user-defined attribute; or

  3. do not encode the attribute.

The order of Section 5 is first an enumeration of the attributes, followed by a mapping of these attributes employing the options just listed. Lastly, attribute table designs are given for the set of attributes that are to be encoded as SDTS attributes.

5.1 List of Attributes

The current set of attributes for the dataset, theme, and surface-objects are listed in the following sections. Most of the attributes come from the Standards Database (version 0.12), with a few from the DLG-E Portable Data File (DPDF of 12/92). Elements from the DPDF have "dpdf' on the left and the other attributes have their 3-character code from the Standards Database. The list are arranged in a topical order. (The mapping tables that follow in the next section are arranged in alphabetical order by the codes.)

5.1.1 Attributes of DLG-E Dataset

Following is the current list of attributes for the DLG-E dataset object, in topical order. The codes preceding the terms can be used to look up the elements in the mapping table.

5.1.2 Attributes of DLG-E Theme

Following is the current list of attributes for the DLG-E theme object, in topical order. The codes preceding the terms can be used to look up the elements in the mapping table.

5.1.3 Attributes of DLG-E Surface

Following is the current list of attributes for the DLG-E surface object, in topical order. The codes preceding the terms can be used to look up the elements in the mapping table.

5.2 Attribute Mapping

This section will describe in detail how each of the attributes for the dataset, theme, and surface objects are mapped into the SDTS. The mapping is presented in tabular form with table end notes when a more detailed description is necessary.

The format of the tables have DLG-E elements on the left and the SDTS elements on the right. The first column contains the 3-character attribute code which is used as a shorthand in identifying the attributes. The second column contains the descriptive name of the attribute. The third column contains multiple lines describing the mapping into the SDTS. The first line in the third column contains the SDTS Module, field, and subfield that are affected (identified by their mnemonics.) The second line contains the descriptive subfield name. Any additional lines discuss Conversion of values or other additional processing that is needed (references to table end notes are in parenthesis.)

5.2.1 Dataset Attribute Mapping

The following tables list all of the attributes for a DLG-E object in the left column and how they are mapped into the SDTS in the right column.

 Code   Dataset Attribute      SDTS Mod/Fld/Sub
-----   -----------------      ----------------------------------
 DMN    Domain Name            IDEN/IDEN/TITL
                               Title of the transfer.

 HCS    Horizontal             XREF/XREF/RSNM
        Coordinate System Id   Reference System Name.
                               Convert value to SDTS enumerated
                               type (3)

 HDM    Horizontal Datum       XREF/XREF/HDAT
                               Horizontal Datum.
                               Convert value to SDTS enumerated
                               type (4)
 HSG    Hor. Coor. System      ATPR/ATTP/HSG
        Granularity            user-defined attribute.

 HYM    Hypsographic Units     DDSH/DDSH/UNIT
        of Measure             Unit of an attribute.
                               Use for all records
                               describing contour interval
                               attributes: PCI, SCI, SPC

 MFL    Geographic MBR         SPDM/SPDM/COMT
        Filled Indicator       Comment.
 MLG    Geographic MBR SW      SPDM/DMSA/X
        Corner Longitude       Domain Spatial Address.
                               Convert to External System (1)

 MLT    Geographic MBR SW      SPDM/DMSA/Y
        Corner Latitude        Domain Spatial Address.
                               Convert to External System (1)

 NTC    Nation Coverage        ATPR/ATTP/NTC
                               user-defined attribute.
 PCI    Primary Contour        ATPR/ATTP/PCI
        Interval               user-defined attribute.

 RHD    Resolution of          IREF/IREF/XHRS & YHRS
        Horizontal Data        X,Y Component of Hor. Res.

 SCI    Secondary Contour      ATPR/ATTP/SCI
        Interval               user-defined attribute.

 Code   Dataset Attribute      SDTS Mod/Fld/Sub
 SLG    Geographic MBR         SPDM/DMSA/X
        Longitude Span         Domain Spatial Address.
                               Use to calculate NE (1)

 SLL    Geographic MBR         SPDM/DMSA/Y
        Latitude Span          Domain Spatial Address..
                               Use to calculate NE (1)

 SPC    Supplemental Contour   ATPR/ATTP/SPC
        Interval               user-defined attribute.
 STC    State Coverage         ATPR/ATTP/STC
                               user-defined attribute.

 UOM    Hor. Coor. System      IREF/IREF/SFAX & SFAY
        Units of Measure       Scaling Factor X,Y.
                               Indirectly used to set (2)

 VDM    Vertical Datum         ATPR/ATTP/VDM
                               user-defined attribute.

 VSG    Vert. Coor. System     ATPR/ATTP/VSG
        Granularity            user-defined attribute.
 dpdf   Dataset ID             IDEN/IDEN/DAID
                               Dataset Identifier.

 dpdf   DPDF Version Number    IDEN/IDEN/DAID
                               Dataset Identifier.
                               Concatenate this value to
                               Dataset ID with a "v" for
                               version. "1 v1.0"

 dpdf   GCTP Parms: Lat &      Not Encoded.
        Long of any point in   (derivable)
 dpdf   Horiz. Coord. System   XREF/XREF/ZONE
        Projection Zone        Projection Zone Number.

 dpdf   Hor. Coord. Integer    IREF/IREF/SFAX & SFAY
        to Float (HCIF)        Scaling Factor X, Y.
        Factor                 Used to set conversion from
                               internal coords to external (2)

 dpdf   DLG-E Standards        ATPR/ATTP/CONTENT_VERSION
        Content Version        user-defined attribute.

 Code   Dataset Attribute      SDTS Mod/Fld/Sub
 dpdf   Number of Surfaces     Not Encoded.


5.2.2 Theme Attribute Mapping

The following table lists all of the attributes of the theme object in the left column and how they are mapped into the SDTS in the right column. (The issue of whether certain attributes provide useful lineage information is still under review.)




5.2.3 Surface Attribute Mapping

The following table lists all of the attributes of the surface object in the left column and how they are mapped into the SDTS in the right column.


5.3 Attribute Table Design

Only those elements that are encoded as SDTS attributes will be placed in SDTS attribute tables. For each object, these can be located by inspecting the third column of the mapping tables in Section 5.2. Generally, each object would have one attribute table. The occurrence of multi-valued attributes or large numbers of attributes that break down by subject have caused additional attribute tables to be used.

The attribute tables used for each object are described. The table is listed as its column headings will appear. Following each table the more descriptive attribute terms are repeated for easier reference.

5.3.1 Dataset Attribute Tables

There are three attribute tables for the dataset object. The additional tables are needed because the attributes may be multi-valued.




5.3.2 Theme Attribute Tables

There are four attribute tables for the theme object. The attributes for a theme are partitioned into tables by topic.





5.3.3 Surface Attribute Tables

There is one attribute table for the surface object.


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