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The Great Mars Debate

photo of mars surface
photo of mars surface
photo of mars surface
photo of mars surface

February 5 - February 9, 2001

Forum 2/5 - 2/9
Live Webcast 2/9 10:00 a.m. PT / 1:00 p.m. ET



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Mars Landing Site Lesson Plan

Educational Objectives and Standards

Educational Objectives

National Education Standards

Evaluation of Objectives

1. Students will choose a Mars landing site that they believe would best answer scientist’s scientific questions.

NSES A1, A2, D4, D5

ISTE 3, 5, 6


  • Create a class Prediction Tree of the scientific question(s) to be answered by the site as the trunk, each selected site with the reason chosen as branches and multiple pieces of evidence that support each site as leaves coming off the branch they support.

2. Students will use evidence, logically consistent arguments, scientific observations of similar features on Earth to identify cause and effect relationships and to support their selection of a Mars landing site in an online forum.

NSES A1, A2, D4, D5

ISTE 3, 4, 5, 6


  • Create a class Prediction Tree of the scientific question(s) to be answered by the site as the trunk, each selected site with the reason chosen as branches and multiple pieces of evidence that support each site as leaves coming off the branch they support.
  • Post the chosen site and reasoning in the online forum.

3. Students will use an online forum to ask questions and query other students’ explanations of their selected Mars landing sites. They will compare evidence, identify faulty reasoning, point out statements that go beyond evidence and suggest alternative explanations for the same observations.

NSES A1, A2,

ISTE 3, 4, 5, 6

  • Choose one explanation of a chosen site posted by someone else that you disagree with. Design questions and arguments to clarify parts you found confusing or to point out explanations that are not logical or go beyond evidence or suggest alternative explanations for the same observations. Post your argument in the online forum.
  • Create a T-Chart comparing 2 of the most popular sites and the reasons to choose each. Write an explanatory paragraph describing the better site with at least three supporting pieces of evidence to choose that site.



1. Have students observe images of the possible Mars landing sites either on the computer or printed from the links on the Web page. Have them also look at the scientific questions that scientists wish to research and the video clips of what characteristics scientists are looking for in a site. Present the scientific questions in the trunk of a large tree on a bulletin board or chalk board.

Use the Concept Map to help you with this. The concept map is a way of representing ideas and organizing information. This specific concept map is a research tool especially designed for this event.

2. Divide students into groups. Have each group take a different site and make observations of the site and what they see in the site that might be of interest to scientists.

3. Have groups describe their observations to the class. Observations might be written around the image of the site and posted on different branches of the tree.

4. Have students make hypotheses about which site they feel will best help scientists to answer their scientific questions and why.


5. Group students with others who chose the same landing site they did. Have students conduct research online to support their chosen site. They should look for information on their chosen site as well as images on Earth of similar land features that might help to support their observations.
Our Images page is a crucial element for their exploration. It contains images of Earth for camparison, images of Mars, and specific landing sites.
You also need to know the following information for the research.

Valles Marineris Sites: These are sites located in parts of the canyon system that is as long as the width of the United States. Since Valles Marineris is a canyon, layers in the rocks should be easy to see. These layers may be sedimentary or from lava flows. Also, there could be evidence of water-carved features. Unlike the Grand Canyon which was formed by water, many Mars scientists think Valles Marineris was formed by tectonics (fracturing of the surface). The closest Earth analog would be the East African Rift.
Melas Chasma

Terra Meridiani Hematite Sites: Sites located on Mars by Global Surveyor that have sand-sized grains of the mineral hematite. Hematite is a common iron mineral found on Earth and usually occurs where rock has interacted with water. The grains in this deposit are grey, similar to the hematite used to make jewelry because of their size. The red grains in the dust of Mars are the size of powdered sugar. Both the red and grey hematite are altered minerals that are produced from iron bearing rocks like basalt, common in places like the seafloor of Hawaii. The volcanoes on Mars are the same type of volcanoes on Hawaii, therefore they should be producing similar rock. Most meteorites from Mars are basalt. An example of this type of site: Terra Meridiani Hematite

Paleo-lake Sites:Ancient lake bed
Obviously a lake bed is an area that shows evidence where liquid water was once on the surface of Mars. White Rock Basin White Rock Basin

Hydrothermal Sites: We do not know if there are hydrothermal locations on Mars. However, because there are volcanoes and substantial evidence of liquid water at the surface of Mars in the past and there is current evidence for ground ice and small amounts of liquid water near the surface, Hydrothermal systems should be present on Mars. Impacts from meteors can also provide heat for Hydrothermal systems. The sites in this category are in areas that would be the most likely to be hydrothermal. Hydrothermal sites would give us evidence of water and rock interactions which is important for life. These sites are characterized by water carved features or evidence of water discharged on the surface and a source of hear such as volcanoes or impact craters. An example of a hydrothermal site, the top of the image very clearly shows branches like a tree which looks much like our river valleys on Earth would appear from above. Apollinaris Patera 2.
Apollinaris Patera

6.Have students record their reasons for choosing a site on the site’s branch and add two or more leaves with supporting evidence to the branch. Students should also write out their explanation as they will post it in the online forum.

7. Have students present their reasoning to the class and post their explanations in the online forum.

8. After a few days, print out postings to the online forum.

9. Have students identify one explanation that was posted that they disagree with. Have them design questions and arguments to clarify parts they found confusing or to point out explanations that are not logical or go beyond evidence or suggest alternative explanations for the same observations.

10. Have students post their argument in the online forum and look for responses to their explanations.

11. From the debates that take place in the online forum, have students record questions that they might have for a Mars expert to help clarify points that come up.

12. Once students have been exposed to many arguments and explanations, ask them to vote as a class on the site they would choose. (They can change their mind from their initial choice.


13. Attend the Webcast where Mars experts will discuss the most popular sites, what they observe in each site and what is attractive about each site. Experts will comment on the explanations posted in the online forum, will identify strong, scientific arguments and what makes them strong. They will take questions from the students.

*** Some notes on why each type of site is of interest to scientists and specific site images are available in this section. Specific site images are available for landing sites that had been previously proposed for other missions in the Mars Surveyor Program. Many of these are very close to the currently proposed landing sites, and therefore these images can be very helpful in this debate. Images of larger regions usually containing several sites are available for all of the proposed landing sites through the clickable map here or by category from the links below. By using the clickable map you can access additional information such as the location of hematite deposits discovered by Mars Global Surveyor, rock abundance in percent surface coverage, topography from the Mars Orbiter Laser Altimeter (MOLA) in kilometers, or the thermal inertia. (Thermal inertia is a measure of how a surface resists changes in temperature which is in part an indication of how much dust is covering the surface. Lower values generally correspond to more dust.) Some sites may have features that could place them in multiple categories, but have been listed in the category that best represents the site.

More than 150 different potential landing sites for the Mars Exploration Rovers were identified by Fall 2000. At the time of the First Landing Site Workshop for the Mars Exploration Rovers in late January 2001, the Mars science community had narrowed that list down to a total of 29 specific sites. Each of those 29 sites is in a regional image in the list below. The goal of the scientists attending the workshop was to reduce the list of high priority sites to about half a dozen.

Our Images page is a crucial element for explaining. It contains images of Earth for camparison, images of Mars, and specific landing sites.


14. At the end of the Webcast, a Mars site that was already visited will be shown. Students will be asked to submit their observations of what they see in the site and their reasoning for why they think that site was chosen and will receive feedback from the Mars expert on why it was chosen.


15. Evaluate students' explanations, observations and use of evidence for logical reasoning, recognition of cause and effect relationships and for clear communication of ideas.

16. Have students create a T-Chart comparing 2 of the most popular sites and the reasons to choose each. Write an explanatory paragraph describing the better site with at least three supporting pieces of evidence to choose that site.

Videos of Scientists

Additional Web sites for research:

Mars Virtual Reality Website
Main Science page for the MER2003
Center for Mars Exploration
Conference Web Site
Rover Site
Arizona K-12 Mars Exploration Program
JPL Mars Education
Viking Orbiter images
Viking Orbiter images of Mars surface
JPL Mars site
Mars Exploration Rover website
United States Geological Survey MER page
On-line Education and Outreach by Mary Urquhart, Ph.D.
Teachers tour guide to the planets
Question of life on Mars

MER Abstract You will need Adobe Acrobat Reader(download here) to open this PDF. Click on numbers by titles of the abstracts to see scientists abstracts describing the site they would choose and why. (This is not written at a K-12 level)

Web site extensions:

Learn more about Astrobiology and requirements for life. Astrobiology Institute

Astro-Venture this interactive, multimedia Web environment allows students in grades 5-8 role-play NASA occupations as they search for and build a planet that would be habitable to humans.

Follow Up

This event will be archived and available from the Quest Archive page, and the expert's profile. This archive can provide a rich source of information when studying Mars, Debate, and 2003 Rover mission. Use the evaluation tools provided in the lesson plan or creat your own using the following links.

Hot Potatoes - Quiz Program

Inquiry Example - Explanation



Questions and comments about this event can be sent to: tkrieg@quest.arc.nasa.gov


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