United States Department of Agriculture
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Montana Rangeland Quiz

  1. How many acres of private and public rangeland are there in Montana?
  2. 25 million
  3. 40 million
  4. 65 million
  5. What is the state flower of Montana?
  6. prickly pear
  7. Indian paintbrush
  8. bitterroot
  9. What is the number one industry in Montana?
  10. tourism
  11. beef cattle production
  12. wheat production
  13. mining
  14. How many more cows live in Montana than people?
  15. as many
  16. almost twice as many
  17. two and a half times as many
  18. What is Montana’s state grass?
  19. Western wheatgrass
  20. green needlegrass
  21. bluebunch wheatgrass
  22. prairie junegrass
  23. What is the state tree of Montana?
  24. Ponderosa pine
  25. Douglas fir
  26. blue spruce
  27. cottonwood
  28. Lewis and Clark found which range plant to be a nuisance by getting stuck in their moccasins?
  29. wild rose
  30. Hawthorne
  31. prickly pear cactus
  32. yucca
  33. How many pounds of beef, veal, and lamb do Americans eat every year?
  34. 5 lbs
  35. 25 lbs
  36. 30 lbs
  37. 64 lbs
  38. How many sheep are there in Montana?
  39. 175,000
  40. 200,000
  41. 335,000
  42. 430,000
  43. What percentage of total acres in Montana do private lands account for?
  44. 67% (62 million acres)
  45. 40% (37 million acres)
  46. 90% (83 million acres)
  47. Which large herbivore once roamed the Northern Great Plains in large numbers?
  48. mollusk
  49. bison
  50. elephant
  51. rabbit
  52. What range plant was used by American Indians for several medical purposes, especially toothaches?
  53. blanket flower
  54. sagebrush
  55. black sampson (Echinacea)
  56. yucca
  57. Which of the following is not a noxious weed on Montana rangelands?
  58. Japanese brome
  59. leafy spurge
  60. spotted knapweed
  61. St. Johnswort
  62. Rangeland supports over 50 species of big game and other wildlife as a main part of their habitat. What is the state bird of Montana?
  63. magpie
  64. bald eagle
  65. bluebird
  66. western meadowlark
  67. Rangelands include many riparian areas which are vital for:
  68. fish and wildlife habitat
  69. clean water
  70. flood control
  71. all of the above

Answers to the Montana Rangeland Quiz