Argonne National Laboratory

Advanced Photon Source

A U.S. Department of Energy, Office of Science,
Office of Basic Energy Sciences national synchrotron x-ray research facility

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Argonne Accelerator Institute Members

Wei Gai  
Phone: (630) 252-6560
E-mail address:
Division and group: High Energy Physics

Areas of Research Interest

RF photocathode based high current electron beam generation and propagation; Development electron beam driven wakefield acceleration schemes, particularly in dielectric structures; Development dielectric based RF linear accelerator; Comprehensive studies of the undulator based positron source for the International Linear Collider.

Selected List of Publications

  • Measurements of the Longitudinal Wakefields in a Multimode, Dielectric Wakefield Accelerator driven by a train of Electron Bunches.   Power, J. G.; Conde, M. E.; Gai, W.; Konecny, R.; Schoessow, P.; Kanareykin, A. D.  In Phys. Rev. ST Accel. Beams ; 3, 101302 ; Oct. 2000
  • Radio-Frequency Measurements of Coherent Transition and Cherenkov Radiation : Implications for High-Energy Neutrino Detection. Gorham, P. W.; Saltzberg, D. P.; Schoessow, P.; Gai, W.; Power, J. G.; Konecny, R.; Conde, M. E.  In Phys. Rev. E ; 62(6, PT. B): 8590-8605 ; Dec. 2000.
  • A Hybrid Dielectric and Iris loaded Periodic Accelerating Structure. Zou, P.; Xiao, L.; Sun, X.; Gai, W.; Wong, T. In J. Appl. Phys. ; 90(4): 2017-23 ; Aug. 15, 2001.
  • Field Analysis of a Dielectric-Loaded Rectangular Waveguide Accelerating Structure.  Xiao, L.; Gai, W.; Sun, X.  Phys. Rev. E ; 65(1, pt. 2): 016505(9) ; Jan. 2002.
  • Dipole Mode Wakefields in Dielectric-Loaded Rectangular Waveguide Accelerating Structures. Jing, C.; Liu, W.; Xiao, L.; Gai, W.; Schoessow, P.; Wong, T.  Phys. Rev. E ; 68(1, pt. 2): 016502(6); Jul. 2003).
  • Observation of Multipactor in an Alumina-Based Dielectric-Loaded Accelerating Structure. Power, J. G.; Gai, W.; Konecny, R.; Jing, C.; Liu, W.; Yusof, Z.; Gold, S. H.;  Kinkead, A. K. Phys. Rev. Lett. ; 92(16): 164801(4); Apr. 23, 2004.
  • Schottky-Enabled Photoemission in a RF Accelerator Photoinjector - Possible Generation of ulta-Low Transverse Thermal Emittance Electron Beam.  Yusof, Z.; Conde, M. E.; Gai, W. Phys. Rev. Lett. ; 93(11): 114801 ; Sep. 10, 2004.
  • Mode Analysis of a Multilayered Dielectric-Loaded Accelerating.  Jing, C.; Liu, W. M.; Gai, W.; Power, J. G.; Wong, T. Published In: Nucl. Instrum. Methods Phys. Res. A ; 539(3): 45-454 ; Mar. 1, 2005.
  • Trasverse Beam Envelope Measurements and the Limitations of the 3-screen Emittance method for space-charge Dominated Beams.  Power, J. G.; Wang, H.; Conde, M. E.; Gai, W.; Konecny, R.; Liu, W.; Yusof, Z.  Nucl. Instrum. Methods Phys. Res. A ; 546(3): 345-355; Jul. 11, 2005.
  • High-Power RF Tests on X-Band Dielectric-Loaded Accelerating Structures. Jing, C.; Gai, W.; Power, J. G.; Konecny, R.; Gold, S. H.;Liu, W.;  Kinkead, A. K.  IEEE Trans. Plasma Sci. ; 33(4): 1155-1160 ; Aug. 2005.
  • Observation of Enhanced Transformer Ratio in Collinear Wakefield Acceleration. Power, J.G.; Conde, M.; Yusof, Z.;Gai,  W.; Jing, C.; Kanareykin, A.,  Physical Review Letters (2007), Accepted


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