Usage Statistics for

Summary Period: December 2008
Generated 28-Dec-2008 04:36 PST

[Daily Statistics] [Hourly Statistics] [URLs] [Entry] [Exit] [Sites] [Agents] [Countries]

Monthly Statistics for December 2008
Total Hits 1493809
Total Files 966837
Total Pages 1137635
Total Visits 66876
Total KBytes 46281929
Total Unique Sites 15534
Total Unique URLs 44964
Total Unique User Agents 2400
. Avg Max
Hits per Hour 2222 11666
Hits per Day 53350 74396
Files per Day 34529 53975
Pages per Day 40629 60915
Visits per Day 2388 2925
KBytes per Day 1652926 4948731
Hits by Response Code
Undefined response code 1
Code 200 - OK 966837
Code 206 - Partial Content 14667
Code 301 - Moved Permanently 76697
Code 302 - Found 76
Code 304 - Not Modified 377578
Code 400 - Bad Request 176
Code 403 - Forbidden 812
Code 404 - Not Found 56794
Code 405 - Method Not Allowed 143
Code 416 - Requested Range Not Satisfiable 1
Code 500 - Internal Server Error 24
Code 501 - Not Implemented 3

Daily usage for December 2008

Daily Statistics for December 2008
Day Hits Files Pages Visits Sites KBytes
1 72364 4.84% 41292 4.27% 56080 4.93% 2744 4.10% 1441 9.28% 1112120 2.40%
2 56620 3.79% 44548 4.61% 41626 3.66% 2611 3.90% 1251 8.05% 2200272 4.75%
3 63146 4.23% 43934 4.54% 42364 3.72% 2752 4.12% 1294 8.33% 4710177 10.18%
4 74396 4.98% 48894 5.06% 56437 4.96% 2699 4.04% 1208 7.78% 1571168 3.39%
5 62351 4.17% 39159 4.05% 50139 4.41% 2530 3.78% 1044 6.72% 1121162 2.42%
6 50995 3.41% 36618 3.79% 43123 3.79% 2190 3.27% 832 5.36% 1496829 3.23%
7 42759 2.86% 28417 2.94% 31392 2.76% 2277 3.40% 957 6.16% 3095604 6.69%
8 44066 2.95% 28366 2.93% 28298 2.49% 2561 3.83% 1175 7.56% 1331746 2.88%
9 66055 4.42% 32167 3.33% 53070 4.66% 2701 4.04% 1222 7.87% 1050308 2.27%
10 46002 3.08% 33347 3.45% 28784 2.53% 2615 3.91% 1227 7.90% 983121 2.12%
11 49348 3.30% 40406 4.18% 34856 3.06% 2553 3.82% 1206 7.76% 1008003 2.18%
12 34770 2.33% 27326 2.83% 25408 2.23% 2389 3.57% 1053 6.78% 1174226 2.54%
13 61829 4.14% 53975 5.58% 54135 4.76% 2353 3.52% 761 4.90% 2658799 5.74%
14 43694 2.93% 32829 3.40% 35553 3.13% 2555 3.82% 944 6.08% 1122220 2.42%
15 61953 4.15% 37578 3.89% 45541 4.00% 2807 4.20% 1165 7.50% 1523301 3.29%
16 71926 4.81% 32718 3.38% 58285 5.12% 2627 3.93% 1167 7.51% 1224620 2.65%
17 49547 3.32% 31959 3.31% 33705 2.96% 2706 4.05% 1242 8.00% 1669596 3.61%
18 44419 2.97% 27555 2.85% 30766 2.70% 2925 4.37% 1155 7.44% 2116935 4.57%
19 73822 4.94% 37232 3.85% 60915 5.35% 2434 3.64% 919 5.92% 1034244 2.23%
20 68490 4.58% 29650 3.07% 56002 4.92% 2192 3.28% 688 4.43% 4948731 10.69%
21 43125 2.89% 30520 3.16% 33006 2.90% 2143 3.20% 820 5.28% 964898 2.08%
22 44664 2.99% 33350 3.45% 31904 2.80% 2338 3.50% 1058 6.81% 1385595 2.99%
23 47879 3.21% 37404 3.87% 30655 2.69% 2350 3.51% 888 5.72% 1258396 2.72%
24 63593 4.26% 37807 3.91% 50822 4.47% 2333 3.49% 747 4.81% 1614362 3.49%
25 43128 2.89% 31422 3.25% 32326 2.84% 2207 3.30% 747 4.81% 1381756 2.99%
26 46456 3.11% 27680 2.86% 35626 3.13% 2063 3.08% 763 4.91% 1164912 2.52%
27 57305 3.84% 33868 3.50% 49129 4.32% 2264 3.39% 759 4.89% 1156843 2.50%
28 9107 0.61% 6816 0.70% 7688 0.68% 401 0.60% 251 1.62% 201986 0.44%

Hourly usage for December 2008

Hourly Statistics for December 2008
Hour Hits Files Pages KBytes
Avg Total Avg Total Avg Total Avg Total
0 2644 74058 4.96% 1754 49123 5.08% 2016 56457 4.96% 55112 1543144 3.33%
1 2806 78577 5.26% 1708 47846 4.95% 2091 58549 5.15% 76833 2151330 4.65%
2 2143 60027 4.02% 1362 38143 3.95% 1652 46269 4.07% 35970 1007173 2.18%
3 2152 60269 4.03% 1511 42308 4.38% 1624 45474 4.00% 105192 2945383 6.36%
4 2219 62155 4.16% 1397 39122 4.05% 1615 45234 3.98% 188441 5276354 11.40%
5 1960 54882 3.67% 1379 38629 4.00% 1446 40504 3.56% 54195 1517461 3.28%
6 2879 80624 5.40% 1861 52126 5.39% 2191 61351 5.39% 71671 2006802 4.34%
7 2989 83697 5.60% 1986 55623 5.75% 2260 63292 5.56% 81719 2288145 4.94%
8 2020 56585 3.79% 1430 40052 4.14% 1535 42982 3.78% 42540 1191133 2.57%
9 2243 62804 4.20% 1627 45573 4.71% 1437 40259 3.54% 37227 1042346 2.25%
10 2312 64745 4.33% 1417 39681 4.10% 1819 50957 4.48% 38611 1081106 2.34%
11 2259 63275 4.24% 1242 34792 3.60% 1806 50593 4.45% 35790 1002117 2.17%
12 2269 63540 4.25% 1383 38726 4.01% 1823 51055 4.49% 44002 1232070 2.66%
13 2584 72364 4.84% 1512 42340 4.38% 2011 56325 4.95% 78384 2194764 4.74%
14 1672 46842 3.14% 1114 31201 3.23% 1359 38077 3.35% 82530 2310828 4.99%
15 1780 49861 3.34% 1238 34681 3.59% 1372 38437 3.38% 125989 3527694 7.62%
16 1702 47666 3.19% 1140 31924 3.30% 1292 36196 3.18% 44237 1238634 2.68%
17 2063 57787 3.87% 1181 33068 3.42% 1501 42043 3.70% 74215 2078030 4.49%
18 2703 75704 5.07% 1395 39076 4.04% 2171 60796 5.34% 89990 2519717 5.44%
19 2893 81013 5.42% 1778 49809 5.15% 2360 66102 5.81% 81471 2281182 4.93%
20 1673 46868 3.14% 1145 32068 3.32% 1325 37119 3.26% 81622 2285418 4.94%
21 1586 44411 2.97% 1114 31199 3.23% 1266 35470 3.12% 34362 962129 2.08%
22 1885 52799 3.53% 1420 39780 4.11% 1400 39220 3.45% 45457 1272803 2.75%
23 1902 53256 3.57% 1426 39947 4.13% 1245 34874 3.07% 47363 1326164 2.87%

Top 30 of 44964 Total URLs
# Hits KBytes URL
1 37339 2.50% 3483737 7.53% /igscb/product/
2 32275 2.16% 191351 0.41% /
3 11278 0.75% 15028 0.03% /favicon.ico
4 11094 0.74% 842 0.00% /robots.txt
5 10256 0.69% 88364 0.19% /igscb/product/1510/
6 9383 0.63% 77221 0.17% /igscb/product/1511/
7 9233 0.62% 79029 0.17% /igscb/product/1509/
8 8084 0.54% 84231 0.18% /igscb/product/1508/
9 7747 0.52% 3874 0.01% /js/lastMod.js
10 7049 0.47% 7420 0.02% /igscb.css
11 6971 0.47% 800715 1.73% /organization/cb/cbis/08wwwstats/usage_200807.html
12 6950 0.47% 755517 1.63% /organization/cb/cbis/08ftpstats/usage_200807.html
13 3515 0.24% 126282 0.27% /components/prods_cb.html
14 3016 0.20% 439899 0.95% /network/list.html
15 2707 0.18% 782 0.00% /components/prod_data_tbl.css
16 2444 0.16% 161 0.00% /components/prods.css
17 2389 0.16% 23846 0.05% /components/prods.html
18 2200 0.15% 4269 0.01% /components/compindex.html
19 2177 0.15% 35196 0.08% /gallery/main.php
20 2141 0.14% 23504 0.05% /network/netindex.html
21 1989 0.13% 666 0.00% /components/dcnav/dcnav.css
22 1400 0.09% 5464 0.01% /components/data.html
23 1357 0.09% 48160 0.10% /network/complete.html
24 1243 0.08% 1072 0.00% /igscb/station/general/skel/albh.skl
25 1166 0.08% 35982 0.08% /faqs.html
26 884 0.06% 760 0.00% /igscb/station/general/skel/algo.skl
27 872 0.06% 749 0.00% /igscb/station/general/skel/cagz.skl
28 825 0.06% 133108 0.29% /mail/igsreport/2008/maillist.html
29 812 0.05% 8203 0.02% /organization/cb/cbis/08wwwstats/
30 796 0.05% 257 0.00% /faq.css

Top 10 of 44964 Total URLs By KBytes
# Hits KBytes URL
1 37339 2.50% 3483737 7.53% /igscb/product/
2 57 0.00% 1293139 2.79% /overview/pubs/IGSWorkshop2008/docs/08IGS-sella.pdf
3 76 0.01% 1022294 2.21% /overview/pubs/IGSWorkshop2008/docs/REALTIME_GFZ_CHEN.ppt
4 140 0.01% 958346 2.07% /igscb/resource/pubs/2003-2004_IGS_Annual_Report.pdf
5 76 0.01% 825949 1.78% /overview/pubs/IGSWorkshop2008/docs/IGS_Fuller-Rowell.ppt
6 6971 0.47% 800715 1.73% /organization/cb/cbis/08wwwstats/usage_200807.html
7 70 0.00% 782049 1.69% /overview/pubs/IGSWorkshop2008/docs/Meertens_IGSWorkshop2008_Finalb.ppt
8 135 0.01% 774521 1.67% /igscb/resource/pubs/wksp.pdf
9 6950 0.47% 755517 1.63% /organization/cb/cbis/08ftpstats/usage_200807.html
10 51 0.00% 643373 1.39% /igscb/data/format/sp1.pdf

Top 10 of 9281 Total Entry Pages
# Hits Visits URL
1 37339 2.50% 8633 18.22% /igscb/product/
2 32275 2.16% 7963 16.80% /
3 3515 0.24% 1537 3.24% /components/prods_cb.html
4 3016 0.20% 1425 3.01% /network/list.html
5 2389 0.16% 791 1.67% /components/prods.html
6 2141 0.14% 600 1.27% /network/netindex.html
7 535 0.04% 449 0.95% /organization/cb/cbis/03wwwstats/usage_200312.html
8 9233 0.62% 362 0.76% /igscb/product/1509/
9 10256 0.69% 355 0.75% /igscb/product/1510/
10 9383 0.63% 324 0.68% /igscb/product/1511/

Top 10 of 9762 Total Exit Pages
# Hits Visits URL
1 10256 0.69% 5947 9.74% /igscb/product/1510/
2 9383 0.63% 5648 9.25% /igscb/product/1511/
3 9233 0.62% 5561 9.11% /igscb/product/1509/
4 32275 2.16% 5469 8.95% /
5 8084 0.54% 4768 7.81% /igscb/product/1508/
6 3016 0.20% 1423 2.33% /network/list.html
7 37339 2.50% 1355 2.22% /igscb/product/
8 3515 0.24% 1272 2.08% /components/prods_cb.html
9 2389 0.16% 669 1.10% /components/prods.html
10 2141 0.14% 482 0.79% /network/netindex.html

Top 30 of 15534 Total Sites
# Hits Files KBytes Visits Hostname
1 165823 11.10% 58207 6.02% 1897863 4.10% 903 1.35%
2 159460 10.67% 124377 12.86% 4856550 10.49% 21 0.03%
3 110974 7.43% 18668 1.93% 598985 1.29% 83 0.12%
4 101298 6.78% 31053 3.21% 725317 1.57% 146 0.22%
5 29577 1.98% 29558 3.06% 664766 1.44% 3 0.00%
6 24515 1.64% 24490 2.53% 120606 0.26% 96 0.14%
7 20505 1.37% 435 0.04% 32038 0.07% 0 0.00%
8 18320 1.23% 18260 1.89% 615724 1.33% 153 0.23%
9 17880 1.20% 17501 1.81% 376999 0.81% 17 0.03%
10 16826 1.13% 8163 0.84% 615328 1.33% 2455 3.67%
11 13856 0.93% 13856 1.43% 1552295 3.35% 113 0.17%
12 13117 0.88% 12227 1.26% 1210462 2.62% 15 0.02%
13 13109 0.88% 6365 0.66% 371690 0.80% 651 0.97%
14 11919 0.80% 5366 0.56% 363694 0.79% 1446 2.16%
15 11648 0.78% 11643 1.20% 209685 0.45% 3 0.00%
16 11032 0.74% 11032 1.14% 163100 0.35% 2 0.00%
17 10003 0.67% 9989 1.03% 107083 0.23% 28 0.04%
18 9245 0.62% 4823 0.50% 351321 0.76% 1044 1.56%
19 9232 0.62% 9207 0.95% 185318 0.40% 107 0.16%
20 9084 0.61% 9045 0.94% 16988 0.04% 13 0.02%
21 8538 0.57% 4267 0.44% 337329 0.73% 1355 2.03%
22 7635 0.51% 7538 0.78% 163435 0.35% 15 0.02%
23 7443 0.50% 1488 0.15% 332220 0.72% 4 0.01%
24 6764 0.45% 6758 0.70% 124559 0.27% 5 0.01%
25 6359 0.43% 6359 0.66% 40023 0.09% 4 0.01%
26 6231 0.42% 5576 0.58% 113467 0.25% 8 0.01%
27 6065 0.41% 6065 0.63% 5277 0.01% 0 0.00%
28 6012 0.40% 5942 0.61% 205386 0.44% 1 0.00%
29 5760 0.39% 5760 0.60% 102581 0.22% 96 0.14%
30 5603 0.38% 5509 0.57% 127543 0.28% 9 0.01%

Top 10 of 15534 Total Sites By KBytes
# Hits Files KBytes Visits Hostname
1 159460 10.67% 124377 12.86% 4856550 10.49% 21 0.03%
2 940 0.06% 918 0.09% 3522265 7.61% 2 0.00%
3 3300 0.22% 3284 0.34% 3362363 7.26% 1 0.00%
4 165823 11.10% 58207 6.02% 1897863 4.10% 903 1.35%
5 13856 0.93% 13856 1.43% 1552295 3.35% 113 0.17%
6 13117 0.88% 12227 1.26% 1210462 2.62% 15 0.02%
7 243 0.02% 233 0.02% 1059915 2.29% 1 0.00%
8 695 0.05% 691 0.07% 768448 1.66% 1 0.00%
9 581 0.04% 555 0.06% 748012 1.62% 4 0.01%
10 101298 6.78% 31053 3.21% 725317 1.57% 146 0.22%

Top 15 of 2400 Total User Agents
# Hits User Agent
1 141076 9.44% nasagsacrawler (Enterprise; GEX-01320;,ssr
2 131770 8.82% Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; Yahoo! Slurp;
3 113028 7.57% Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; Googlebot/2.1; +
4 110974 7.43% gsa-crawler (Enterprise; S5-QEL533SZ7SNJS; admin@google5-1m.j
5 101298 6.78% gsa-crawler (Enterprise; S5-BPWVJ5SZPUNAT; sauwan.leung@jpl.n
6 39580 2.65% WebVac ( )
7 35230 2.36% DoCoMo/2.0 N905i(c100;TB;W24H16) (compatible; Googlebot-Mobil
8 33986 2.28% Nokia6820/2.0 (4.83) Profile/MIDP-1.0 Configuration/CLDC-1.0
9 31943 2.14% Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 7.0; Windows NT 5.1; .NET CLR 1
10 30889 2.07% msnbot/1.1 (+
11 26992 1.81% Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 5.1; SV1; .NET
12 24754 1.66% Mozilla/5.0 (Twiceler-0.9
13 24747 1.66% nasagsacrawler (Enterprise; GEX-01320;
14 23342 1.56% Wget/1.10.2 (Red Hat modified)
15 18320 1.23% gsa-crawler (Enterprise; S5-KX5QU3PWT2JAT; Angie.Guzman@dcma.

Usage by Country for December 2008

Top 30 of 123 Total Countries
# Hits Files KBytes Country
1 474669 31.78% 278719 28.83% 19543866 42.23% Unresolved/Unknown
2 284952 19.08% 216502 22.39% 7018146 15.16% US Commercial
3 227398 15.22% 57708 5.97% 1854405 4.01% US Government
4 214763 14.38% 198480 20.53% 6754587 14.59% Network
5 54743 3.66% 31343 3.24% 428757 0.93% Japan
6 45473 3.04% 44522 4.60% 1000298 2.16% US Educational
7 30771 2.06% 25136 2.60% 4006406 8.66% Germany
8 19497 1.31% 19322 2.00% 642792 1.39% US Military
9 15912 1.07% 8645 0.89% 430548 0.93% Sweden
10 10441 0.70% 9601 0.99% 218845 0.47% Poland
11 8579 0.57% 5571 0.58% 216525 0.47% Italy
12 7922 0.53% 7793 0.81% 80221 0.17% Non-Profit Organization
13 7637 0.51% 7517 0.78% 68736 0.15% Netherlands
14 7047 0.47% 6141 0.64% 341181 0.74% France
15 6150 0.41% 5422 0.56% 91536 0.20% Canada
16 6066 0.41% 3113 0.32% 144960 0.31% Slovak Republic
17 4778 0.32% 3811 0.39% 135179 0.29% Russian Federation
18 4671 0.31% 3615 0.37% 158661 0.34% Spain
19 4664 0.31% 4300 0.44% 92982 0.20% United Kingdom
20 4463 0.30% 3492 0.36% 100803 0.22% Brazil
21 3910 0.26% 2398 0.25% 152601 0.33% Belgium
22 3392 0.23% 2781 0.29% 89328 0.19% Taiwan
23 3204 0.21% 1986 0.21% 120473 0.26% Greece
24 2531 0.17% 1298 0.13% 88585 0.19% Croatia (Hrvatska)
25 2390 0.16% 1924 0.20% 152230 0.33% Australia
26 2328 0.16% 1645 0.17% 56500 0.12% Austria
27 2273 0.15% 2073 0.21% 43530 0.09% Czech Republic
28 2088 0.14% 1218 0.13% 74551 0.16% United States
29 1891 0.13% 1533 0.16% 291615 0.63% China
30 1632 0.11% 1410 0.15% 49934 0.11% Thailand

Generated by Webalizer Version 2.01