A.Ageyev, V.Alferov, A.Dunaitsev, Y.Ivanov, A.Khvorostyanov, V.Krendelev, A.Lukyantsev, V.Proshin, A.Sytin

Institute for High Energy Physics, Protvino, Russia

The Cryocomplex was designed to supply the Superconducting Magnet Test Facility with Liquid Heliun and Nitrogen. The Control System is based on 4 IBM/PC's (MS-DOS) and 34 CAMAC crates. Each crate houses intellectual controller (32K RAM) which runs home made operation system and an application programs, performing data aquisition and local control functions. Special application program on the operator console PC's provides multiprogrammed environment under MS-DOS. Programming languages are C on PC and Assembler on the crate controller. A hot reserve of electronics (17 of 34 crates) as well as an analog protection system provide high reliability of controls. An imitator of cryoequipment was designed for developing of modules and applicatins. Main results of testing of the System are presented.

Submitted by SSC Institute for High Energy Physics 142284, Protvino,Moscow Region, Russia.
E-mail adress: Alferov@t6.OEA.IHEP.SU
FAX 007-(0967)-744907 (for Alferov)
Keywords: Cryocomplex, Control System, CAMAC, PC Thank you. V.Alferov. 13.05.1997.

ID002: Redesigning a Radio Frequency Control System
with TACO Why and How?

Jens Meyer et. all.

European Synchrotron Radiation Facility, Grenoble, France

At construction time of the ESRF three radio frequency transmitters were bought as turnkey systems. Today they still operate according to the original specifications. Nevertheless, a decision was taken to redesign the control system of these transmitters. The main reasons for this decision were maintenance and upgrade problems for electronics and software, the difficulties encountered with technical evolution of the radio frequency transmitters and an insufficient integration into a developing accelerator control system The goal of the new system was an easy to maintain and very flexible control system, which allows easy integration of technical evolution, a maximum of user access to configuration and sequencing and full integration to TACO (the ESRF control system) and its tools.This paper analyses the reasons which led to the decision to redesign the control system and the special needs, we have to take into account, in an research environment. Based on the new object oriented radio frequency control system, we will present the analysis, our conclusions and our solutions, from the hardware interface level up to the graphical user interface.

Submitted by: Jens Meyer Full
address: ESRF BP200 38043 Genoble Cedex France
E-mail address:
Fax number: 033 / 0476882020
Keywords: Redesign, maintenance, flexibility, object oriented

ID003: An Engineering Experiment of DECnet TTT
Technique for Accelerator Control

T.H. Huang G.X. Zhang Z. Wang K.J. Guo M.L. Tao

DECnet TTT technique is briefly presented. And a pilot engineering experiment is described. If all the devices of HIRFL can be operated at central console via DECnet TTT realtime communication, it would be convenient to beam tuning, and make HIRFL control system a unitary system. The philosophy of upgrading an existing control system was discussed.

Submitted by: Tuanhua Huang
Full address: Institute of Modern Physics, Academia Sinica 253 Nanchang
Road, Lanzhou, 730000, P.R. China
E-mail address:
Fax number: 86 0931 888 1100

ID004: A Diagnostic Tool for Console Applications of the Fermilab Accelerator Control System

Junye Wang, Brian Hendricks

Fermilab Beam Division Accelerator Controls Department MS 347 P.O Box 500 Batavia, IL. 60510 USA

The Fermilab accelerator console software consists of console manager programs, console applications, and a library that has more than one thousand entry points which is named CLIB. CLIB provides support for data acquisition, user interface, error handling, memory management, database access, file access, network access, and many other things. The CLIB Peeker is a network capable diagnostic tool which allows progammers to view information about CLIB routines in a running application. CLIB Peeker runs as an application program. It can be used to inspect any application program running on any active console, and it can be set up to automatically update any diagnostic information. CLIB Peeker is an efficient tool which helps users debug and improve programs.

Submitted by : Junye Wang, Brian Hendricks
Full address : MS 347, P.O Box 500, Fermilab, Batavia, IL. 60510 USA
E-mail address:
Fax number: 630-840-4989
Keywords: Fermilab, CLIB Peeker, Console Original

ID005: Toward a new generic approach for Web access to control data


LHC Division CERN, 1211 Geneva 23

For more than two years, we offered Web remote access to the data from our supervisory and control systems ("Using World-Wide-Web for Control Systems" in ICALEPCS'95). In a simple and unique way, users can access real-time data, process alarms and archived data. The first system, based on technologies available at that time, focused on the Web server to access data and to dynamically build the presentation pages (trend curves, graphical synoptics, alarms list, etc.).Internet/Intranet technologies have now greatly evolved. The Java programming language is available and even the most common desktop software can access Web data. Concurrently, more and more industrial control and supervisory systems offer an Internet interface. The structure of our remote access system has conjointly evolved. We aimed to install specialised servers that would offer access to different kinds of data. Wherever possible, we used the new Internet components offered by the installed industrial products. In the other cases, developments had to be made. On the client side, we used new technologies (such as Java) in order to increase functionality and the possibilities offered to users. This means the load on the server side is also reduced. The paper describes the new structure we have adopted. Java programs to access control data and ways of using common desktop software to access this data are presented, as well as a survey of the different kinds of Internet access proposed by commercial products (supervisory systems, Labview, etc.).

Submitted by: Frédéric MOMAL
Full address: division LHC, CERN, 1211 Geneva 23, Switzerland
E-mail address:

ID006: A Microcontroller Based Temperature Measurement Module for the LEP2 SC RF Cavities

R. Brun and E. Ciapala

CERN, Geneva, Switzerland M. Pirotte, CPL Electronics, Gex, France

For each of the 272 SC cavities of the LEP2 RF system a total of 24 temperatures at various points around the cavity and in the cryostat must be continuously monitored. In the event of certain limit values being exceeded appropriate actions must be taken to protect valuable equipment. These temperature measurements are most conveniently done within the G64 based equipment controller (EC) which provides the interface and low level control functions for the cavity. Since reliability and fail-safe action is of utmost importance the temperature measurement and equipment protection functions must be completely independent of the other EC tasks, although temperature data and limits status must be available to the EC. A dedicated temperature measurement module has been developed to meet these requirements. The design is based on a general purpose intelligent base acquisition module with an on-board industrial micro-controller. A mezzanine board provides the specific functions such as temperature measurement signal conditioning and digital I/O for external control functions. A protected dual port memory allows the main EC CPU access to all local information without direct interaction with the local CPU. The design can be easily adapted for other similar applications, making use of the same base acquisition board but with different firmware and specific versions of the mezzanine board.

Submitted by: Edmond Ciapala
Full address: SL Division, CERN, 1211 Geneva, Switzerland
Fax number: +41 22 767 9185

ID007: Front-end Computing in the LEP2 RF System

L. Arnaudon, A. Butterworth and E. Ciapala

CERN, Geneva, Switzerland

Since 1996 the Large Electron Positron Collider (LEP), has been running at beam energies above the W+- production threshold, following the LEP2 energy upgrade which involved the installation of a large superconducting (SC) RF system. Much of the intelligence required to run this RF system resides in the front-end machines of the RF control system, and many enhancements have been made to meet the increasingly complex requirements of the new SC cavity equipment. A large number of G64-based crates containing the equipment interfaces are connected to a layer of VME machines which are in turn connected to the accelerator control system via the LEP machine Ethernet. New hardware and software has been installed in the VME systems to monitor rapidly-changing parameters such as oscillations in cavity fields and vacuum outbursts in the cavities' main power couplers. A closed loop system has been implemented for automatic RF conditioning of cavities and couplers. The VME/G64 communications interface has been upgraded, leading to improved reliability. A new touch-screen operator interface has been implemented using the MGR window manager.

Submitted by: Andrew Butterworth
Full address: SL Division, CERN, 1211 Geneva, Switzerland
Fax number +41 22 767 9185



Brookhaven National Laboratory

The Front End Computer (FEC) environment imposes special demands on software, beyond real time performance and robustness. FEC software must manage a diverse inventory of devices with individualistic timing requirements and hardware interfaces. It must implement network services which export device access to the control system at large, interpreting a uniform network communications protocol into the specific control requirements of the individual devices. Object oriented languages provide programming techniques which neatly address these demands, and also offer benefits in terms of maintainability and flexibility. Applications are discussed which exhibit the use of inheritance, multiple inheritance and inheritance trees, and method overloading to address the needs of FEC software.

* Work performed under the auspices of the U.S. Department of Energy.

Submitted by: Joseph Skelly AGS Department, Bldg. 911C Brookhaven
National Laboratory P.O. Box 5000 Upton, NY 11973-5000
fax: 516-344-5443
keywords: object oriented, front end computer, inheritance

ID009: Integration of Industrial Equipment and Distributed Control Systems
into the Control Infrastructure at CERN

R. J. Lauckner and R. Rausch

CERN, Geneva, Switzerland

CERN Accelerators and Services have an existing large investment in control networks, fieldbuses, front-end process computers, workstations, system software and application programs. Increasingly industrial equipment and complete Distributed Control Systems (DCS) are being installed to rejuvenate old and obsolete systems and new projects for LHC are taking shape.
The object of this paper is to report experience of CERN's control engineers in industrial equipment and system integration. Several projects will be presented covering a vast area of applications including: Sites and Accelerators Access Systems, Smoke Detection and Tunnel Ventilation, Electricity Distribution, Main Dipole Power Converters and Beam Targets.
The paper presents several interfacing issues, network connection of industrial equipment, software integration, homogeneous equipment access and alarm retrieval compatible with the existing Accelerators and Services control system. The present experience takes into account future extensions depending on the evolution of the multi-protocol networking technology and on the emergence of new open DCSs proposed by manufacturers.

Submitted: Robin LAUCKNER
Full address: CERN - SL Division, Controls Group, 1211- GENEVA-23, Switzerland
E-mail address:
Fax Number: + 41 22 767 20 08
Keywords: Distrubuted Control Systems,Integration and communication,Industrial
Equipment,Multi-Protocol Networks ,off_the_shelf systems PLS

ID010: Accelerated ion energy measurement by means of
circulating electron flow

B.Yu. Bogdanovich, A.V. Nesterovich

Moscow state physics engineering institute 115 409, Kashirskoe shosse, 31, Moscow, Russia

In this report it is stated the method of ion beam average energy measurement in high energy accelerator. Primary transducer design and operation are explained. Proposed method consists as follows: on the site of ion beam trajectory there is electron beam moving coaxially with ion beam. Electron beam is bended in opposite direction by magnetic mirror again gets at ion beam trajectory, making recirculation. In coulomb interacting the electrons and ions velocities become close to each other in short time. This effect is tested experimentally. The electron velocity measurement, equal ion velocity, is performed by magnetic spectrometer. Electron spectrometer has higher accuracy and essentially smaller magnetic field induction, than spectrometer for ion energy measurement with velocity close to electrons velocity. The electron injection can be carried out or by means of small-sized heated cathode, or ionization of residual or injected gas by ion beam itself. This ionization can be done in drift tube, located under negative potential. Calculations show, that dispersion in magnet, intended for electron bending back, can exceed on 3-4 order dispersion in magnet, intended for ion bending back. For proton beam with energy 150 MeV appropriate electron energy will make only 80 keV. At proton potential change about 50 kV electron beam position at detection region will shift on 4 mm. It corresponds to magnetic field induction 0.01 tesla. For proton beam with following parameters: velocity - 0.01c (c - light velocity), current -10 mA and electron beam with following parameters: beam radius - 1 mm, particles velocity initial deviation from final significance - 0.01c, stationary process is reached in 2 ms.

Submitted by: B.Yu. Bogdanovich, A.V. Nesterovich
Full address: 115 409 MPhEI, Kashirskoe shosse, 31,Moscow,Russia
E-mail address:
Fax number: 095-324-21-11
Keywords: electron, ion, collision, magnet, transducer



INR RAS,Moscow, RF

The Architecture of Data Acquisition and Control System on the base of advanced technology equires new approach to micromodular compurter subsystem structure and system interc-connections. Distributed data processing systems with embeded single-chip microcomputers open new possibilities in system development, including multiprocessor systems on standard single board or more compact systems with high-speed microcomputer based modules. One of the main problem is to select optimal microcomputers and effiient approach to modern system architecture. The optimal approach should give not only the way to develop a new generation systems but yo upgrade a lot of existing systems to modern requirements. The selected single-chip microcomputers /1/ with floating-point and fix-point ariphmetics shoul have a flexible I/O with DMA in the chp to get a high bandwidth of systems. Each system node should have SMP possibilities and flexible interfaces for interconnections.The new Distributed memory approach to Data Acquisition and Control System Architecture based on single or multi-processor modules and Interconnections with PC are proposed and discussed. As example the compatible upgrade (up to 20-40 MB/s) approach to existing systems (FASTCAMAC) on the base of fix-point microcomputer in distributed controllers and new generation compact systems with distributed multiprocessor nodes are discussed.

Submitted by : Dr.V.I.Vinogradov
Full address: prosp. 60- let Oktyabrya dom 7-a Institute for Nuclear
Research , Russian Academy of Science Moscow 117312, Russia
Fax Number: (095)-3340184
Keywords: interface, interconnections, Control, Data acquisition, System Architecture,


V.N.Boriskin*, V.A.Gurin, A.N.Savchenko, V.I.Tatanov,
A.E.Tolstoy,V.L.Uvarov, V.A.Shendrik.
National Science Center, Kharkov Institute of Physics
and Technology (KFTI), Kharkov 310108, Ukraine

Recently several linacs of electrons with energies from 8 to 25 MeV and power from 8 to 12 kW were worked out and put into operation in KFTI. These linacs equipped with control systems which alloys to control electrons energy on the exit of the linacs.

Submitted by: Dr. Victor N.Boriskin
Full address: National Science Center, Kharkov Institute of Physics & Technology,
1, Academicheskaja St., Kharkov 310108, Ukraine
Fax: 38-057-235-3731
Keywords: control, system, linac, electron, energy

ID013: Overview of the New Control System Software for the U-70 Complex

S.Balakin, E.Klimenkov, V.Voevodin

IHEP,Protvino,Moscow region,Russia

The software architecture of the new control system for the 70 GeV accelerator complex is described. Main attention at the software design was paid to management of real time dynamic data and to organization and standardization of applications. The basic principles are to separate data from applications, to separate hardware access and MMI from data processing. Hence there are three levels of applications: hardware access tasks, running on the equipment controllers; data processing tasks, running on the work stations and front-end computers; man-machine interface tasks, running on PCs and MMI servers (supporting X-terminals). Applications are built around the real time DDBMS SSUDA which provides a 3-D table structures and distribution of tables through all levels of the control system. Communications between application tasks are made solely by using DB tables, therefore application of each level can be modified and developed without any influence on other levels.

Submitted by: Valeri Voevodine
Full Address: P.O.Box 35,142284,IHEP,Protvino,Moscow Region,Russia
E-mail address:
Key words: software architure

ID015: The Features of the Pulsed Power Technology Control Systems

A.V.Kartashov, N.I.Lachtjushko, V.I.Zaitsev Troitsk

Institute for Innovation and Fusion Research

The pulsed power technology is being used for generation of intense x-ray and charged particle beams (electron, light ions), inertial confinement fusion researches, high current z-pinch experiments. The main part of pulsed power facility is generator with parameters: power >1013 Wt, current >106 A, output pulse time duration »10-7sec. The operation of pulsed power facilities have specific features, namely, a small number experiments (shot) per day, short time duration of processes in generator (<10-6sec), hundreds of measuring parameters during shot. According to specific operation the control equipment of facility contain several types of systems. One of them is system for technological preparation of installation to shot. Because technological parameters are changed slowly it is possible to realize on-line operation of this system. Second one is date acquisition system of processes during shot. This system include fast ADC of different types. Part of them have the time step of waveform measurements <10-9sec. The special timing system provide the synchronization of all systems operation in the wide time scale of events. In this paper control systems of pulsed power Angara-5 facility as an example is given.

Submitted by: V.I.Zaitsev
Full address: V.I.Zaitsev, TRINITI, Troitsk, 142092, Moscow reg.,Russia
E-mail address:
Fax number: (7-095) 334 5614
Keywords: pulsed power facility, intense beam, control system,date acquisition

ID016: The PC Based Control System of the NAC

H.F.Weehuizen, I.H.Kohler, M.E.Hogan and P.J.Theron

National Accelerator Centre, Faure, South Africa

The NAC has been operating a PC based control system since 1990. Currently it consists of 30 PCs grouped into functions of operator consoles, instrumentation nodes and database nodes communicating over an Ethernet LAN. The PCs run the OS/2 operating system and use LanServer to communcate over the network. SQL Server is being used as the database server but this is in the process of being changed to DB/2. The operator consoles offer a mouse based graphical user interface while the instrumentation nodes interface via CAMAC or embedded microcontroller interfaces to the instrumentation. The system grew to its present size from an original pilot system as it incrementally replaced the previous minicomputer based system which has come to the end of its useful life. This paper looks at the design of the system, discusses the integration process and the difficulties encountered in its development and integration.

Submitted by: H F Weehuizen
Address: National Accelerator Centre P O Box 72 Faure 7131 SouthAfrica
Email address:
Fax number: +27-21-843-3525
Key words: PC, control, distributed

ID017: Using Reconfigurable Processors as Control System Elements

Timo Korhonen, Junji Urakawa

Accelerator Division ,High Energy Accelerator Research Organization (KEK) Oho 1-1, Tsukuba, Ibaraki 305 Japan

Adrian E. Lawrence

Ian Page Computing Laboratory , Oxford University, England

The ATF (Accelerator Test Facility) at KEK has been built with the purpose of studying the techniques and phenomena related to building a linear collider. One of the primary goals of the accelerator is producing ultra-low emittance beams in the Damping Ring (DR). An active alignment system is built for the ATF, with purpose of keeping the components of the DR constantly aligned by compensating for the floor motion. The accuracy of the alignment has to be in level of tens of microns . The control system for the alignment system utilizes reconfigurable processors. By a reconfigurable processor is meant here a logic device that can be dynamically programmed for specific tasks, for example a field-programmable logic array (FPGA). By using a reconfigurable processor the hardware interface can be dynamically changed so that the system is extremely flexible. If some additional components are later added to the system the additional hardware can be integrated with only a simple reprogramming of the control circuits. As the same control circuits can be adapted to almost any control task, we can reduce the number of components required for the control system. What makes the programmable logic effective as processing elements is a technology called hardware compilation. We use the Handel compiler, developed at Oxford, to program the logic arrays. The Handel compiler is based on sound mathematical principles that guarantee that the hardware operates as programmed under any circumstances. This makes the programming very much simpler than using contemporary tools, as the hardware details need not to be worried about. With Handel, the computing circuit is generated from the source code, making the computation very fast. Our control system comprises three levels, in increasing level of functionality. A simple FPGA board is applied for lowest level control. This level acts as the interface to the hardware and performs some simple tasks. The processors read the position sensors, communicate with the active girder controller through a serial line and the upper level control through a serial data link. At this level the FPGA is the only processing device. For doing more complicated calculations, the data is transferred to the upper level. For the middle level control we use a more powerful board that gathers the data from the sub-controllers and acts as an interface to the CAMAC-based control system. On the top level, we can thus use the same control software (V-system) as the other subsystems and thus reduce the development effort and utilize effectively the software that has already been developed for the accelerator control. In the paper, the system structure is presented and experiences in building and operating it are reported.

Submitted by: Timo Korhonen
Full address: Accelerator Division, KEK, Oho1-1, Tsukuba, Ibaraki 305 Japan

ID018: Using PCs in the BEPC Beam Diagnostic Instrumentation System

L.Ma, P.Shi, P.Lu, H.J.Cheng and K.R.Ye

Institute of High Energy Physics, P.O.Box 918, Beijing 100039, China

PCs are getting more and more popular in the accelerator control and the beam instrumentation systems in recent years because of some reasons such as their inexpensive prices, the support of a large amount of commercially available hardware and software products, etc. Some PCs are added to the BEPC beam diagnostic instrumentation system for the beam diagnostic control and the data acquisition. These PCs are connected with each other and with BEPC control computers via TCP/IP over the Ethernet. In this paper, we will describe the implementation of PCs in the BEPC beam diagnostic instrumentation system. The performances of the system are also given.

Submitted by: L.Ma
Full address: IHEP, P.O.Box 918, Beijing 100039, China
E-mail address:
Fax number: +86 10 68213374
Keywords: instrumentation diagnostics interface client/server TCP/IP

ID019: Status of the New U-70 Control System Project
(IHEP-CERN collaboration)

N.Tyurin, V.Komarov, V.Voevodin, Yu.Milichenko, E.Troyanov (IHEP, Protvino, Russia)

F.Perriollat, H.Lustig, B.Kuiper, F.Giudici (CERN. Geneva, Switzerland)

The paper acquaints with the goal and scope of the Project and gives a short overview of the designed Control System for the existing accelerators complex at IHEP. This System representing the classical model is based on modern computing and networking means which form three data processing layers: a) workstations and servers, b) front end computers, c) equipment controllers. The kernel of the software organization is a distributed real time DBMS. Four variants of interfacing with the technologicale equipment are described. The paper contains information about the structure, components and executed functions of the General Timing System based on the MIL-1553 media. The realization plan and the current state of the new Control System Project for the U-70 complex are discussed.

Submitted by: Komarov Vladimir V.
Full address: Russia, Moscow region, 142284, Protvino, IHEP
E-mail address:
Fax number: 007-095-230-23-37
Keywords: Accelerator Control System

ID020: Object ORIENTED PROGRAMMING the controlling applications


Siberian Synchrotron Radiation Center, Budker Institute of Nuclear Physics, Institute of Solid State Chemistry, Novosibirsk, Russia


Photon Factory, National Laboratory for High Energy Physics, Tsukuba, Japan


Engineering Research Institute, School of Engineering, The University of Tokyo, Japan

The Motif based class Object Library written in C++ is presented. The Object Library may be used for applications running under UNIX operating system (Solaris 2.x) and using CAMAC interface for controlling the experimental equipment. The class hierarchy structure is presented and discussed. Some root and derived classes for creating the main application window are presented. The procedure of creating the main application window menu is optimized. A set of classes for creating the control elements (button, switch, scroll bar), the input/output fields (classes of different variables), the graphic windows for presenting and controlling the one dimensional array, the file structure is presented and discussed. Objects of the variable classes act like objects of the general classes (int, float, ...). It is possible to use it in expressions. The convenient way of controlling the graphical objects proposed. In the Object Library the quantity of additional controlling elements is minimized. The structure of the classes describing CAMAC crate and CAMAC block is described. The controlling application for testing, adjusting and making the different time resolved experiments with the fast one coordinate position sensitive x-ray detector OD3 is presented.

Submitted: Gaponov Yurii Alexandrovich
Full address: Budker Institute of Nuclear Physics,Lavrentyeva 11,Novosibirsk-90,630090, Russia E-mail address:
Fax number: +7-3832-35-21-63
Keywords : programming controlling C++ Object library