Table of contents for A guide to wildlife sounds / Lang Elliott.

Bibliographic record and links to related information available from the Library of Congress catalog.

Note: Contents data are machine generated based on pre-publication provided by the publisher. Contents may have variations from the printed book or be incomplete or contain other coding.

@$:Credits and Acknowledgments
A Survey of Animal Sounds
1. Eastern Chipmunk
2. Red Squirrel 
3. Eastern Gray Squirrel
4. Eastern Fox Squirrel
5. Flying Squirrel 
6. Woodchuck 
7. American Beaver 
8. Nutria
9. Meadow Vole
10. Common Muskrat
11. North American Porcupine
12. Timber Wolf
13. Coyote
14. Red Fox
15. Gray Fox
16. Black Bear
17. Northern Raccoon
18. Striped Skunk
19. Northern River Otter
20. Bobcat
Even-toed Ungulates:
21. White-tailed Deer
22. Moose
Nightbirds and Dove
23. Barred Owl
24. Mourning Dove
25. Great Horned Owl
26. Eastern Screech-Owl
27. Whip-poor-will
28. Red-tailed Hawk
29. Red-shouldered Hawk
30. Broad-winged Hawk
31. Northern Flicker
32. Pileated Woodpecker
33. Red-bellied Woodpecker
34. Red-headed Woodpecker
35. Downy Woodpecker
Common Songbirds
36. American Robin
37. Northern Cardinal
38. Baltimore Oriol
39. Gray Catbir
40. Brown Thrashe
41. Northern Mockingbird
42. Black-capped Chickadee
43. Carolina Chickadee
44. Tufted Titmouse
45. White-breasted Nuthatch
46. House Wren
47. Carolina Wren
48. Blue Jay
49. Eastern Phoebe
50. Wood Thrush
51. Red-winged Blackbird
52. Common Yellowthroat
53. Eastern Towhee
54. American Goldfinch
55. Song Sparrow
56. Chipping Sparrow
57. American Alligator
58. Timber Rattlesnake
Frogs and Toads
Treefrogs and Allies
59. Spring Peeper
60. Western Chorus Frog
61. Northern Cricket Frog
62. Gray Treefrog
63. Cope's Gray Treefrog
64. Green Treefrog
True Frogs
65. Green Frog
66. Bullfrog
67. Wood Frog
68. Pickerel Frog
69. Northern Leopard Frog
70. Southern Leopard Frog
True Toads
71. American Toad
72. Fowler's Toad
73. Southern Toad
Narrowmouth Toads
74. Eastern Narrowmouth Toad
Spadefoot Toads
75. Eastern Spadefoot 
Mole Crickets
76. Northern Mole Cricket
Field Crickets
77. Fall Field Cricket
Ground Crickets
78. Allard's Ground Cricket
79. Tinkling Ground Cricket
80. Carolina Ground Cricket
81. Striped Ground Cricket
Tree Crickets
82. Snowy Tree Cricket
83. Broad-winged Tree Cricket 
84. Black-horned Tree Cricket
Meadow Katydids
85. Common Meadow Katydid
86. Handsome Meadow Katydid
Coneheaded Katydids
87. Sword-bearing Conehead
88. Nebraska Conehead
89. Slightly Musical Conehead
90. Round-tipped Conehead
True Katydids
91. Northern True Katydid
False Katydids
92. Rattler Round-winged Katydid
93. Oblong-winged Katydid
94. Greater Angle-wing
95. Lesser Angle-wing
96. Broad-winged Bush Katydid
97. Scissor-Grinder Cicada
98. Swamp Cicada
99. Linne's Cicada
100. Periodical Cicada

Library of Congress Subject Headings for this publication:

Animal sounds -- Identification.