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Project Description |  Research Objectives |  Summary of Funding |  Reports-Updates/Publications

Hard Winter Wheat Coordinated Project (HWW-CP)

Hard Winter Wheat Coordinated Project CommitteeUpdated:  1/5/09
Chair, Bill Berzonsky, South Dakota State University, SD
Erick De Wolf, Kansas State University, KA
Stephen Baenziger, University of Nebraska, NE

Project Description:

The HWW-CP is a scientifically lean coordinated project that will measure its success by one goal:  Reducing DON in the hard winter wheat grain supply to the current level required in the European Union (EU) which is lower than the US standard.  We selected this target because half of our grain is exported and the majority of the grain shipped to the EU is sourced from the scab prone regions of the HWW region (e.g. the Eastern Great Plains).  As whole grain products increase, our goal will be to ensure that the DON concentration in these products is also below established thresholds.  Based upon the timelines expected for success in reducing DON, we include predominantly plant breeders, pathologists, geneticists and those that support these activities.  We work closely with those in disease management as we feel improved cultivars with improved management have the greatest potential for success within our timelines.  Our germplasm, information, and all other activities are freely available to other researchers in other Research Areas.  We fully support their efforts, but remain focused on reducing DON as quickly as possible.  The membership of the HWW-CP includes: all researchers currently funded within the CP, individuals designated as representatives from other Research Areas, all interested FHB researchers who may or may not be funded by the Initiative, our stakeholders committee representing members from groups that fund us (e.g. the KS, NE, SD, and ND Wheat Commissions), and lastly, members of groups that are key to our industry, but do not fund us monetarily.  These are the "independent" stakeholders and would include the major mills and bakeries, private wheat breeders, and chemical company representatives.

Research Objectives:

The HWW-CP is organized around the VDHR research area as outlined in the USWBSI Action Plan for FY08.  A set of 3 objectives are established within this RA.  In addition, we intend to work closely with the other Research Areas as they provide information applicable to our stated goal of reducing DON to the level of required by the EU.  Specifically we will work most closely with research coming from the FHB Management RA.

I.  Variety Development and Host Resistance (VDHR)

Objective 1.Increase acreage planted to varieties exhibiting improved FHB resistance.
Objective 2.Increase efficiency of individual breeding programs´ to develop and release FHB resistant varieties.
Objective 3.Develop new breeding technologies and germplasm to further enhance short term and long term improvement of FHB resistance and to efficiently introgress effective resistance genes into breeding germplasm.

II.  FHB Management (MGMT) - Related Research to the HWW-CP of Immediate Importance.

Objective 4.Validate integrated management strategies for FHB and DON.
Objective 5.Develop the next generation of management tools for FHB/DON control.
Objective 6.Develop a full understanding of specific environmental and biological factors influencing infection and toxin accumulation.
Objective 7.Enhance communication and end user education/outreach.


Summary of Funding
 FY08 (2008-09)
Number of Projects7
Number of PIs7
Total Award Amount$239,246
% Total Rec. Funding4.83%
Research ProjectsFY08


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