1999 California Hydrologic Data Report

                          11413515 NEW BULLARDS BAR RESERVOIR NEAR NORTH SAN JUAN, CA

LOCATION.-Lat 39°23'34", long 121°08'25", in SE 1/4 NW 1/4 sec.25, T.18 N., R.7 E., Yuba County,
Hydrologic Unit 18020125, Plumas National Forest, in center of dam on North Yuba River, 2.2 mi upstream from
Middle Yuba River, and 2.4 mi northwest of North San Juan. 
DRAINAGE AREA.-489 mi2. 
PERIOD OF RECORD.-January 1969 to current year. 
GAGE.-Water-stage recorder. Datum of gage is sea level (levels by Yuba County Water Agency). 
REMARKS.-Reservoir is formed by concrete-arch dam with a concrete-sidehill spillway. Spill controlled by three
30-ft by 53-ft radial gates. Storage began in January 1969. Usable capacity, 727,380 acre-ft between elevations
1,732.0 ft, minimum power poo1, and l,955.0 ft, normal gross pool. Dead storage, 233,920 acre-ft. Total capacity
at normal gross pool, 961,300 acre-ft, e1evation, 1,955.0 ft. Water is released to New Colgate Powerplant
(station 11413510) through a tunnel at the dam. Water is diverted into the reservoir from Middle Yuba River via
Lohman Ridge Tunnel to Oregon Creek then via Camptonville Tunnel (stations 11408870 and 11409350). Records,
including extremes, represent total contents at 2400 hours. See schematic diagram of Yuba River Basin. 
COOPERATION.-Records provided by Yuba County Water Agency, under general supervision of the U.S. Geological
Survey, in connection with a Federal Energy Regulatory Commission project. Contents not rounded to U.S.
Geological Survey standards. 
EXTREMES FOR PERIOD OF RECORD.-Maximum contents, 972,224 acre-ft, June 27, 1995, elevation, 1,957.27 ft; minimum
since reservoir first filled, 178,230 acre-ft, Dec. 29, 1980, elevation, 1,700.00 ft. 
EXTREMES FOR CURRENT YEAR.-Maximum contents, 926,561 acre-ft, June 20, elevation, 1,947.66 ft; minimum, 580,709
acre-ft, Jan. 16, elevation, 1,862.12 ft. 
  Capacity table (elevation, in feet, and contents, in acre-feet)
  (Based on survey by Yuba County Water Agency in 1969)
	1,600	64,900	1,750	270,110
	1,630	90,570	1,800	389,977
	1,660	122,993	1,850	539,748
	1,690	162,983	1,900	721,130
	1,720	211,768	1,960	985,471


                                        DAILY OBSERVATION AT 2400 HOURS
DAY       OCT      NOV      DEC      JAN      FEB      MAR      APR      MAY      JUN      JUL      AUG      SEP
  1    706827   658710   656505   629905   693480   798598   761441   783365   900648   913680   807520   670071
  2    705106   656431   660546   626237   693171   794667   760005   785207   904778   911506   803179   666145
  3    703700   654194   677017   622800   690699   794287   758365   787219   906802   909337   798683   664187
  4    702490   652297   684507   618619   688734   790664   757628   788268   908000   907539   794245   661107
  5    701204   651033   688503   613811   687156   786087   756442   789822   908092   905192   790075   659683
  6    700192   649995   692205   611987   685658   781610   754685   790874   908829   902574   785333   657103
  7    699142   650625   693906   609562   696191   777940   752849   792980   909475   899504   780900   654418
  8    697200   650440   694564   606395   706358   777108   752360   794794   909705   896623   776193   652743
  9    695261   648809   693249   602601   735854   777732   750812   798980   909844   893475   771380   651033
 10    693171   646959   691162   598225   747115   777316   749755   800463   910582   890107   766709   649439
 11    691626   643120   688849   594323   752604   776733   747602   801608   910629   886974   762140   648587
 12    690083   639993   686810   590683   755829   775985   746142   803774   912338   883712   757628   645665
 13    688426   637279   686081   586430   757628   774946   745049   806327   914744   880458   753053   643710
 14    686503   636436   684584   584034   758365   773992   745292   808971   917155   876762   749267   641868
 15    684890   635449   682706   581574   758160   772705   745899   812989   919245   873659   744765   640287
 16    682898   632673   681252   580709   759759   771214   746385   816292   920175   870295   740281   638598
 17    681520   631142   678465   582370   767370   769600   747805   817408   921524   867967   735613   637388
 18    680296   628850   675799   595692   772788   768649   751057   819430   922175   864617   730724   635449
 19    678732   626383   672760   608672   776692   767741   756319   821240   924180   860920   725260   633622
 20    677093   623631   668748   634461   780065   767163   758775   824736   926561   856170   720892   631470
 21    675685   621645   664601   648550   783156   766503   762879   827464   926234   851391   716816   629504
 22    673899   621790   660957   655461   784830   765596   765967   832457   926187   846983   712519   627361
 23    672115   627725   657178   673140   785668   764442   766874   838082   925487   842810   707728   625440
 24    671093   632089   654492   681787   786254   763085   769021   842985   924413   840137   702802   623993
 25    670374   632016   652297   687349   789150   762304   771587   848348   923807   837645   697704   623270
 26    668748   630923   650032   691008   790285   761605   774739   855904   923947   833502   692785   621970
 27    667012   631142   647861   693249   791126   762304   777649   863726   923340   829328   688233   619411
 28    664940   631652   645149   693944   794709   762879   779773   872806   921524   825212   683128   617540
 29    663097   633147   642604   693751      ---   762551   781610   880549   919710   820938   678999   615352
 30    661145   648290   638341   692862      ---   762551   781652   887881   915949   816249   676331   613525
 31    659384      ---   634425   693442      ---   762263      ---   894114      ---   811449   673443      ---
MAX    706827   658710   694564   693944   794709   798598   781652   894114   926561   913680   807520   670071
MIN    659384   621645   634425   580709   685658   761605   745049   783365   900648   811449   673443   613525
 a    1883.98  1881.00  1877.23  1892.93  1917.98  1910.19  1914.87  1940.63  1945.38  1921.92  1887.71  1871.45
 b     -48854   -11094   -13865   +59017  +101267   -32446   +19389  +112462   +21835  -104500  -138006   -59918
CAL YR 1998 b +87114
WTR YR 1999 b -94713

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Last modified: Wed Jun 14 11:27:20 PDT 2000