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I'm Just A Kid

By Betty J.Ford*

I'm just a kid you know
I can have fun everyday
I can enjoy myself and play
Without a care in the world.

I'm just a kid you know
I can enjoy hot dogs, puppy dogs,
peanut butter and butterflies.
I can learn anything and everything
I am taught - good and bad.
I can experience new adventures
And ask lots of questions
Over and over again.

I'm just a kid you see
I can pretend to be
A pirate, a teacher,
A baker or even a preacher.
But one day pretending will be over
And I will become what I have learned
So teach me well and remember


With the potential to be leader
Of this Nation one day.

But right now - I'm just a kid!

*Betty J. Ford is a musician, poet, member of NBCDI and Secretary of her local NAACP Chapter. This poem was inspired by children in an after-school program where she was a volunteer teacher helping children to memorize and recite poetry.