Cambridge Scientific Abstracts - Published Literature Citations

Title: Field trials with a bivalent vaccine (HVT and SB-1) against Marek's disease.

Description: White leghorn chickens on five farms were given a bivalent Marek's disease (MD) vaccine consisting of turkey herpesvirus (HVT) and SB-1 (a mononcogenic MD virus); other chickens received only HVT. The farms had histories of "vaccination failures" pre...

Author: BW Calnek, KA Schat, MC Peckham, J Fabricant

Subject: Marek's disease virus; Marek's disease; vaccines; chickens; herpesvirus (turkey) ; field trials

Date Issued: 1983

Resource Type: Journal Article

Resource Identifier (ISSN) : 0005-2086

Source: Avian Diseases [AVIAN DIS.], vol. 27, no. 3, pp. 844-849, 1983

Language: English

Rights: Copyright held by Publisher

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