L3 Algorithms Group: brief overview of current activities and plans

N.B. A number of important projects are not being done due to lack of manpower.
We maintain a file that summarizes: Opportunities for New People to Get Involved in Level 3 Work

New code implemented in p15

New code planned for p16

Other Work In Progress (Not necessarily tied to any particular new code release)

New code for p14

N.B. p14 was made specifically for offline RECO. It was never intended for online use in L3.

New code for p13

N.B. p13.06.00 is the first version of the code ready for online use. This code version is compatible with the Monte Carlo trigger list tsim_p13 and online trigger lists global_CMT-9.41 and global_CMT-10.00 and later versions.

New code implemented in p12

(p12.04.00 used online as of trigger list global_CMT-9.20)