The U.S. Census Bureau
Table 1.  State and Local Government Finances by Level of Government and by State: 2005-06
(Dollar amounts are in thousands. Coefficients of variation (CV) are expressed as percents. For meaning
of abbreviations and symbols, see note below table.)
Description Washington
State & local State & local  State  Local  Local
government government government government government
amount1 CV amount amount1 CV
1 2 3 4 5
 Revenue1 63,055,038 0.25 40,832,013 31,172,791 0.54
General revenue1 46,023,653 0.34 29,284,277 25,689,142 0.65
Intergovernmental revenue1 8,785,219 0.97 7,729,139 10,005,846 0.87
     From Federal Government 8,785,219 0.97 7,438,238 1,346,981 6.30
     From State government1 (1) 0.00 - 8,658,865 0.33
     From local governments1 (1) 0.00 290,901 (1) 0.00
General revenue from own sources   37,238,434 0.38 21,555,138 15,683,296 0.89
    Taxes   25,168,807 0.46 16,410,977 8,757,830 1.33
          Property 6,910,760 1.64 1,629,571 5,281,189 2.14
          Sales and gross receipts   15,413,133 0.10 12,906,661 2,506,472 0.61
               General sales   11,813,005 0.09 10,048,349 1,764,656 0.57
               Selective sales 3,600,128 0.29 2,858,312 741,816 1.43
                    Motor fuel 1,030,005 0.00 1,030,005 - 0.00
                    Alcoholic beverage 240,744 0.00 240,744 - 0.00
                    Tobacco products 474,907 0.00 474,907 - 0.00
                    Public utilities   919,254 1.09 425,238 494,016 2.03
                    Other selective sales   935,218 1.09 687,418 247,800 4.12
          Individual income   - 0.00 - - 0.00
          Corporate income   5 0.00 - 5 0.00
          Motor vehicle license   438,581 0.14 407,513 31,068 1.99
          Other taxes   2,406,328 0.98 1,467,232 939,096 2.52
     Charges and miscellaneous general  revenue   12,069,627 0.48 5,144,161 6,925,466 0.84
          Current charges   8,619,238 0.67 3,280,139 5,339,099 1.08
               Education   2,222,042 0.00 1,894,749 327,293 0.00
                    Institutions  of higher education   1,834,314 0.00 1,834,314 - 0.00
                    School lunch sales (gross) 119,315 0.00 - 119,315 0.00
               Hospitals   2,231,656 0.00 820,998 1,410,658 0.00
               Highways   199,398 0.08 165,369 34,029 0.45
               Air transportation (airports)   422,543 3.08 - 422,543 3.08
               Parking facilities   20,484 0.00 - 20,484 0.00
               Sea and inland port facilities   287,148 4.34 - 287,148 4.34
               Natural resources   273,413 0.72 200,932 72,481 2.70
               Parks and recreation   161,944 1.19 4,948 156,996 1.23
               Housing and community development   167,214 0.84 18,051 149,163 0.94
               Sewerage   1,207,851 2.60 - 1,207,851 2.60
               Solid waste management   607,885 1.79 7,879 600,006 1.82
               Other charges   817,660 5.32 167,213 650,447 6.69
          Miscellaneous general revenue   3,450,389 0.38 1,864,022 1,586,367 0.82
               Interest earnings   1,239,271 0.39 644,199 595,072 0.82
               Special assessments   125,832 4.53 - 125,832 4.53
               Sale of property   204,630 4.08 2,579 202,051 4.13
               Other general revenue   1,880,656 0.46 1,217,244 663,412 1.30
Utility revenue 5,138,802 0.26 - 5,138,802 0.26
     Water supply   804,527 1.50 - 804,527 1.50
     Electric power   4,092,420 0.11 - 4,092,420 0.11
     Gas supply   7,656 11.54 - 7,656 11.54
     Transit   234,199 0.11 - 234,199 0.11
Liquor store revenue   504,917 0.00 504,917 - 0.00
Insurance trust revenue   11,387,666 0.00 11,042,819 344,847 0.00
     Unemployment compensation   1,540,412 0.00 1,540,412 - 0.00
     Employee retirement   7,539,928 0.00 7,195,081 344,847 0.00
     Workers' compensation   2,307,326 0.00 2,307,326 - 0.00
     Other insurance trust revenue   - 0.00 - - 0.00
 Expenditure1 56,588,137 0.33 33,914,746 30,476,901 0.61
By character and object:        
     Intergovernmental expenditure1 45,160 0.00 7,820,778 27,892 1.53
     Direct expenditure   56,542,977 0.33 26,093,968 30,449,009 0.61
          Current operations   39,748,020 0.36 17,350,428 22,397,592 0.64
          Capital outlay   8,497,564 1.20 2,274,647 6,222,917 1.63
               Construction   6,414,004 1.39 1,856,798 4,557,206 1.96
               Other capital outlay   2,083,560 2.20 417,849 1,665,711 2.75
          Assistance and subsidies   1,197,403 0.00 1,197,403 - 0.00
          Interest on debt   2,516,318 0.42 836,020 1,680,298 0.62
          Insurance benefits and repayments 4,583,672 0.00 4,435,470 148,202 0.00
          Exhibit: Salaries and wages   16,941,989 0.48 5,517,525 11,424,464 0.72
Direct expenditure by function 56,542,977 0.33 26,093,968 30,449,009 0.61
     Direct general expenditure   45,175,479 0.38 21,235,254 23,940,225 0.71
          Capital outlay   6,783,802 1.46 2,271,851 4,511,951 2.19
          Other direct general expenditure    38,391,677 0.33 18,963,403 19,428,274 0.65
          Education services:        
               Education   15,350,347 0.00 5,805,600 9,544,747 0.00
                    Capital outlay   2,046,087 0.00 623,131 1,422,956 0.00
                 Higher education   4,745,606 0.00 4,745,606 - 0.00
                    Capital outlay   594,884 0.00 594,884 - 0.00
                 Elementary & secondary   9,544,778 0.00 31 9,544,747 0.00
                    Capital outlay   1,422,987 0.00 31 1,422,956 0.00
                 Other education   1,059,963 0.00 1,059,963 - 0.00
               Libraries   309,163 0.48 9,852 299,311 0.50
          Social services and income maintenance:        
               Public welfare   6,705,827 0.00 6,620,779 85,048 0.29
                    Cash assistance payments 654,500 0.00 654,500 - 0.00
                    Vendor payments   4,612,852 0.00 4,612,834 18 0.00
                    Other public welfare   1,438,475 0.02 1,353,445 85,030 0.29
               Hospitals   3,128,792 0.69 1,528,749 1,600,043 1.34
                    Capital outlay   177,976 12.05 27,657 150,319 14.27
               Health   2,101,105 0.22 1,252,641 848,464 0.54
               Employment security administration    124,867 0.00 124,867 - 0.00
               Veterans' services   6,261 0.00 6,261 - 0.00
               Highways   2,944,621 1.06 1,728,173 1,216,448 2.57
                    Capital outlay   1,918,144 1.54 1,238,748 679,396 4.35
               Air transportation (airports) 801,703 9.87 2,265 799,438 9.90
               Parking facilities   11,632 10.96 - 11,632 10.96
               Sea and inland port facilities   408,392 3.47 - 408,392 3.47
          Public safety:        
               Police protection   1,328,498 1.56 200,574 1,127,924 1.83
               Fire protection   884,851 15.34 - 884,851 15.34
               Correction   1,413,352 0.14 952,978 460,374 0.42
                    Capital outlay   116,143 0.59 101,233 14,910 4.58
               Protective inspection and regulation   465,915 0.52 339,587 126,328 1.92
          Environment and housing:        
               Natural resources   713,915 0.45 567,806 146,109 2.22
                    Capital outlay   106,317 2.71 84,366 21,951 13.14
               Parks and recreation   832,052 1.39 61,587 770,465 1.50
                    Capital outlay   256,253 2.12 3,658 252,595 2.15
               Housing and community development    796,027 1.00 79,569 716,458 1.11
               Sewerage   982,447 3.47 - 982,447 3.47
                    Capital outlay   389,017 5.28 - 389,017 5.28
               Solid waste management   564,490 1.98 52,101 512,389 2.18
                    Capital outlay   58,592 15.36 1,502 57,090 15.76
          Governmental administration:        
               Financial administration   697,013 0.64 377,940 319,073 1.40
               Judicial and legal   666,472 0.37 94,248 572,224 0.43
               General public buildings 105,906 0.61 25,199 80,707 0.79
               Other governmental administration    463,845 1.61 120,295 343,550 2.17
          Interest on general debt   1,837,890 0.55 836,020 1,001,870 1.00
          General expenditure, n.e.c.:        
               Miscellaneous commercial activities   10,412 48.51 - 10,412 48.51
               Other and unallocable   1,519,684 3.40 448,163 1,071,521 4.82
     Utility expenditure 6,378,443 1.35 17,861 6,360,582 1.35
               Capital outlay   1,713,762 1.57 2,796 1,710,966 1.58
          Water supply   817,604 6.86 - 817,604 6.86
          Electric power   3,949,893 1.35 - 3,949,893 1.35
          Gas supply   13,512 99.90 - 13,512 99.90
          Transit   1,597,434 0.20 17,861 1,579,573 0.20
     Liquor store expenditure   405,383 0.00 405,383 - 0.00
    0.00     0.00
     Insurance trust expenditure 4,583,672 0.00 4,435,470 148,202 0.00
          Unemployment compensation   705,284 0.00 705,284 - 0.00
          Employee retirement   2,338,852 0.00 2,190,650 148,202 0.00
          Workers' compensation   1,539,536 0.00 1,539,536 - 0.00
          Other insurance trust   - 0.00 - - 0.00
 Debt outstanding   56,655,485 0.44 18,329,181 38,326,304 0.65
Short-term    460,904 0.00 - 460,904 0.00
Long-term    56,194,581 0.44 18,329,181 37,865,400 0.66
     Public debt for private purposes   6,877,801 0.04 6,374,784 503,017 0.55
Long-term debt issued   9,526,807 1.12 3,353,352 6,173,455 1.73
Long-term debt retired   6,121,197 0.87 2,046,821 4,074,376 1.30
  - 0.00 - - 0.00
 Cash and security holdings   105,522,869 0.16 83,987,640 21,535,229 0.79
Insurance trust funds   72,286,569 0.00 69,345,114 2,941,455 0.00
     Unemployment compensation    2,697,663 0.00 2,697,663 - 0.00
     Employee retirement   59,405,882 0.00 56,464,427 2,941,455 0.00
     Workers' compensation   10,183,024 0.00 10,183,024 - 0.00
     Miscellaneous   - 0.00 - - 0.00
Other than insurance trust funds   33,236,300 0.51 14,642,526 18,593,774 0.92
     By purpose:        
          Offsets to debt   8,810,185 0.35 6,523,622 2,286,563 1.36
          Bond funds   5,581,136 1.31 218,652 5,362,484 1.37
          Other   18,844,979 0.98 7,900,252 10,944,727 1.68
1 Duplicative intergovernmental transactions are excluded.
Abbreviations and symbols:  -  zero or rounds to zero;  (X)   not applicable
n.e.c. = "not elsewhere classified"
