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Workforce Management Office (WFMO)
Serving NOAA's Most Valuable Asset - People

NOAA Human Resources Administrator's Awards History Page Heading


Offices of the Under Secretary
Margarita Conkright Gregg, NESDIS

For leading the effort in organizing and implementing the December 3-5, 2002, U.S. Climate Change Science Program Planning Workshop for Scientists and Stakeholders.

Stephanie Harrington, OAR

For committed and dedicated efforts in the implementation of the President’s new interagency management structure for federal climate and global change research.

Nancy R. Jackson

For coordinating the consolidation, including the temporary move, construction, installation, and final move into the work spaces, of ten NOAA staff offices.

Timothy R.E. Keeney
James P. Burgess III, NMFS
Neil Christerson, NOS
Dane Clark, NESDIS
James Cohen, NMFS
Maria DeCillis
Susan Kennedy, CIO
Nicolette McClurkin
Robert Stockman
Brenda C. Taylor, NWS

For broad ranging expertise and leadership in the revision of NOAA’s Strategic Plan involving key internal and external stakeholders.

Janet E. Ward, CIO
Madelyn Appelbaum

For dedication and commitment to the inception and maintenance of accessNOAA, NOAA’s first online employee newsletter.

Thomas L. Laughlin III
Susan Ware Harris
Elizabeth McLanahan
Elaine Denning
Ann Bryant
Ruby Johnson

For contributions to environmental conservation and policy development and excellent public service through work for the World Summit on Sustainable Development.

NOAA Finance and Administration
Mildred D. Ingels

For leadership in the development of CAMS, a system which brings NOAA into compliance with the Chief Financial Officer’s Act and all applicable accounting, budget, and management standards.

William Holdsworth

For leadership in the planning and execution of the FIMA to CAMS conversion effort.

Edward J. Rockenstire

For outstanding administrative support leading to significant cost savings and improvement in contractor support to the critical NESDIS satellite tracking mission at the Fairbanks Command and Acquisition Station.

Eric Locklear
Ken Jones, OAR
Debby Kay, OAR
Charles Walker, NMFS
Tiyo Fonte, NMFS
Sylvia Stribling, NMFS

For instituting an agency-wide research and development manual that improves financial accuracy and accountability to support NOAA’s environmental stewardship, assessment, and prediction missions.

Melvyn A. DesJarlais
Lynne B. Phipps
Michelle R. Morales
Teresa L. Watson
Sybil S. Custer
William D. Privott
Linda L. Jacobs
Michele A. McCoy
Margaret A. Rankin
Linda C. Stein
Jack O. Salmon, Jr.

For using the Balanced Scorecard Survey to drive performance measurement improvements, increase the motivation, education, and empowerment of employees, and improve customer satisfaction.

Katherine Day
Carol Gocke
Carolyn Herder
Cheryl Homan-Wendell
Sara Martin
Heather McCullough
Patricia Perry
Joan St. Germain
Linda Vaughn
John Welsh

For innovative and aggressive application of information technology in bringing electronic information services and resources directly to the scientists in the Commerce Boulder Laboratories.

Ruben Pedroza, Jr.
Lyvia Hernandez
Ryan B. Corpus
David J. Maw

For the design and implementation of the Web-interactive New Employee Orientation CD-ROM.

James P. Faulkner
Stephanie Jones
Necolle Mayhew-Eimas
Maria Buie-Walker
Bernadette Anderson
Ken Tiktin

For implementing a highly successful NOAA Diversity Council sponsored Survey Feedback Action process.

National Ocean Service
Paula E. Whitfield
Jonathan A. Hare

In recognition of anticipatory actions to protect public health and the environment.

Elisabeth A. Morgan
Elaine B. Vaudreuil

For excellence in developing and implementing the Coastal and Estuarine Land Conservation Program.

George M. Frank
Douglas B. Graham
Mark W. Howard
Rickey O. Johanson
Michael A. Keltz

For outstanding work in the development and implementation of the NOAA Shoreline Data Explorer.

NOAA Marine and Aviation Operations
Stephen H. Manzo

For superb leadership and staffing expertise in formulating NOAA's ship platform requirements.

RADM Nicholas A. Prahl

For leadership and initiative in improving and modernizing NOAA's fleet of fisheries, oceanographic, and hydrographic survey ships.

Alexander K. Rotteveel
Michael J. Merek
Glen A. Franke
CDR Brian K. Taggart
LCDR Mark P. Moran
LT Geoffrey S. Sandorf
LT Philip G. Hal
LT Carl E. Newman
LT Adam D. Dunbar
LTJG Bradley H. Fritzler
LTJG Nancy L. Ash
LTJG Kristie J. Twining

For the Twin Otter crews high level of mission accomplishments and unparalleled
safety to NOAA, government and university customers.

Office of Oceanic and Atmospheric Research
Christian Meinig

In recognition of leadership and engineering development accomplishments as exemplified by the successful deployment of the New Millennium Observatory Network interactive seafloor sampling system.

Christopher W. Fairall

For advancing the science and engineering of air-sea interaction measurements and producing vastly improved parameterizations that have now been widely adopted in global climate and weather models.

Darryl Kuniyuki
Leslie Pajo

For conceiving, installing, operating and maintaining a state-of-the-art instrument control, data collection, and data transfer system linking a remote location on a volcano to the Internet via microwave and fiber optics.

Robert L. Molinari

For leadership in scientific research and for promoting international and national coordination of ocean observations.

National Weather Service
Clinton E. Wallace

For professional achievement in the design and development of the AWC Infrastructure Reconfiguration (AIR) program, which resulted in an immediate positive impact on forecast operations.

David W. Sharp

For exceptional innovation and leadership in applying scientific research results to the provision of hazardous weather information to the citizens of east-central Florida.

Bruce A. Sherbon

For technical development and leadership in the operational implementation of a new and innovative policy and training aid for the National Weather Service Upper Air Program.

Robert S. Davis

For outstanding leadership and public service in improving NOAA’s National Weather Service’s flash flood program.

Scott A. Mentzer

For major achievements in strengthening the relationship between the National Weather Service and volunteer amateur radio (ham) operators involved in hazardous weather communications throughout the U.S.

Lawrence L. Lehmann

For demonstrating outstanding initiative and leadership as the NOAA Weather Radio Voice Improvement Program manager in fielding a world-class, text-to-speech voicing system for NOAA Weather Radio.

Dennis D. Hull

For public service and the implementation of NOAA Weather Radio information systems in southeast Washington and northeast Oregon.

Stephan B. Smith

For extraordinary commitment as the National Weather Service Diversity Program Coordinator/Manager.

Tyndall Traversa
Jeffrey E. Carr
Victoria L. Alexander

For the design, development and implementation of the NWS Cost Management Program–an innovative financial and program management information system that is helping to improve the effectiveness and efficiency of NWS programs.

Bruce J. Giza
William A. Johnson
Doran S. Platt III
Marlene S. Quade

For demonstrating outstanding initiative, ingenuity, and leadership in acquiring and fielding a highly complex and technically advanced Strategic Backup weather communications capability for NWS and the Nation.

Lynn P. Maximuk
Alan A. Rezek

For leading corporate culture change by sharing a new vision for the delivery of valuable weather information to NOAA’s partners and customers, resulting in national implementation of the Interactive Forecast Preparation System.

Armando L. Garza
Marco A. Bohórquez
Douglas D. Streu
Teresa K. DeLand

For significant improvement of aviation services provided to pilots nationwide.

Office of the Chief Information Officer
Greg Bass, NMAO
Linda B. Burlington, OGC
Kristen C. Koch, OAR
Jamie Krauk, OAR
Richard A. Lane, NWS
Marian Macpherson, OGC
Steven J. Meyers, USEC
Bonnie Ponwith, NMFS
Cheryl Scannell, OGC
Don Scavia, NOS
Kurt J. Schnebele, NESDIS
Carla Steinborn
Robert Swisher, NFA

For teamwork and dedication, under tight time constraints, to the development of information quality guidelines covering all of the information disseminated by NOAA.

National Environmental Satellite Data and Information Service
David M. Anderson

For success in promoting the use and visibility of NOAA’s pre-instrumental climate information and excellence in NOAA research.

Richard M. Barazotto

For developing an innovative approach which led to NOAA’s full participation in Japan’s Advanced Land Observing Satellite (ALOS) program, at no cost to NOAA, and with a cost benefit to NOAA of at least $4,000,000.

Charles S. Bryant
Paul T. Pegnato, NFA

In recognition of skill, effectiveness and success in mitigating obstacles and keeping the NOAA Satellite Operational Facility (NSOF) on schedule, resulting in the on-time award of the Construction Management Contract.

Van D. Crawford

For exceptional performance in the areas of environmental compliance and safety.

Stephen A. Del Greco
Timothy D. Crum, NWS

For outstanding leadership and innovation in improving the ingest, archive and access of the Weather Surveillance Radar -1988 Doppler data.

Colonel Francis G. Hinnant, USAF

For outstanding leadership of the source selection leading to award of the acquisition of the National Polar-orbiting Operational Environmental Satellite System acquisition and operations contract.

Roberta A. McQuilkin

For sustained and extraordinary contributions to the executive operations of NOAA’s Satellite and Information Services.

Linda J. Williams

For outstanding administrative skills and effectiveness in insuring the seamless integration of SAO staff into NESDIS and for developing innovative processes to satisfy NOAA CWIP audit requirements.

Charles T. Wooldridge

For leadership and tireless efforts in achieving significant improvement in executive office operations, organizational communications and coordination, and support of NOAA Satellites and Information’s Senior Executive team.

National Marine Fisheries Service
Rodney McInnis

For exceptional leadership as Acting Regional Administrator, Southwest Region, National Marine Fisheries Service, from October 2001 to the present.

Gordon Helm, USEC

For enabling public understanding and support for NOAA’s efforts to protect and preserve our Nation’s living marine resources.

Lawrence Tyminski

For establishing exemplary outsourcing best practices that significantly improve NOAA Fisheries information systems and foster outstanding customer service.

Charlotte Ambrose

For developing forestry policy and programs that protect listed Endangered Species Act Salmonids in the NOAA Fisheries Southwest Region.

Andrew Bruckner, Ph.D.

For linking high quality coral reef research with innovative policy and management approaches to preserve domestic and international coral reefs.

Michael Schiewe, Ph.D.

In recognition of substantial and significant contributions to fishery science in the Pacific Northwest.

Robert Hoffman

For exceptional leadership in the eradication of an invasive species, Caulerpa taxifolia, in California coastal waters.

Kyle Baker
Cheryl Scannell, OGC
Katherine Wang, Ph.D.

For significant contributions to the protection and recovery of the endangered Gulf of Mexico sperm whale population.

Joe Scordino
J. Brent Norberg

For unprecedented success in rescuing, rehabilitating and relocating an orphaned orca whale from Puget Sound back to its family pod.

Nancy Thompson, Ph.D.
John Merriner, Ph.D.
Michael Prager, Ph.D.
Peter Thompson, Ph.D.

For significantly increasing public confidence in NOAA’s assessments of population status for specific marine fisheries in the southeastern United States.

James Sargent
Deborah Ben-David, OGC
Davis Hays
Karen Salvini
Maria Uitterhoeve

For significantly improving NOAA's customer service through a pioneering e-Commerce system for soliciting, accepting and processing comments on proposed regulations.

Patrick Rutten
Joyce Ambrosius
Brian Cluer, Ph.D.
William Hearn, Ph.D.
John McKeon

For the Restoration of Flows to the Carmel River for the Conservation and Recovery of ESA listed South-Central California Coast Steelhead Trout.

Linda Jones, Ph.D.
James Coe

For outstanding leadership in the successful and challenging transition of West Coast groundfish monitoring, assessment and observer programs.

James Herkelrath
Bruce McCain, Ph.D.
Tino Escalona, NFA
Abram Vinikoor, NFA

In recognition of outstanding leadership, teamwork, and dedication in the planning and construction of the Captain Barry Fisher Building in Newport, Oregon.

Aleta Hohn, Ph.D.
Patricia Rosel, Ph.D.
Debra Palka, Ph.D.
Marjorie Rossman
Lance Garrison, Ph.D.

For developing and implementing innovative research programs to assess the stock structure and status of bottlenose dolphins in the mid-Atlantic.

Page last edited: January 11, 2008

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