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Student Summer Employment Opportunities

Student Summer Employment Opportunities

Students may apply for summer employment opportunities beginning February 16, 2009. ( Apply Now )

The CBP Student Employment Program (SEP) provides both paid and unpaid employment opportunities to students who are enrolled or accepted for enrollment and are taking at least a half-time course load in an accredited high school, technical, vocational, 2-year or 4-year college or university, graduate or professional school. This includes students pursuing their education through correspondence, videotaped lecture/instruction, the Internet, or telecom and video-telecom media. The program is comprised of several components: the Student Temporary Employment Program (STEP), the Student Career Experience Program (SCEP), the Student Volunteer Program and the CBP Explorer Program (EP).

Student Temporary Employment Program (STEP)
This program provides maximum flexibility to both students and managers, because the nature of the work does not have to be related to the student’s academic or career goals. Students are appointed to positions not-to-exceed one year. Appointments under this authority may be extended in one-year increments, as long as the student continues to take at least a half-time course load.

Appointments to the STEP program may be made anytime during the year, including summer. Students may work part-time or full-time schedules. There are no time limitations on the number of hours a student can work per week, but the student’s work schedule should not interfere with the student’s academic schedule.

This program does not allow for non-competitive conversion to a career or career-conditional appointment or count against existing vacancies in the office. Students are eligible for annual and sick leave.

Once a student in the STEP program completes the requirements for his/her degree, they are ineligible to continue in the program, even if the NTE date on their current appointment has not been reached.

Student Career Experience Program (SCEP)
The Student Career Experience Program (SCEP) has been designed to provide work experience which is directly related to a students’ academic program or career goals and to prepare him/her for non-competitive conversion into permanent positions following completion of their academic and program requirements.

This program requires a commitment by all the parties involved:

As an agency, we will mentor and guide the student through the program, and make a good faith effort to convert the student into a permanent position once all of the requirements have been completed. This includes completing all degree requirements and satisfying the 640 work hour requirement. The program allows for non-competitive conversion to a permanent position after graduation and completion of the 640 hours of career-related work experience. The 640 work hours MUST be completed prior to graduation and related to the student’s academic field of study or career goals.

The student will perform the duties outlined in the SCEP Student Agreement, remain enrolled and in good academic standing with the college or university; and the educational institution will support the student and agency regarding the student’s educational development.

Students selected for this program should be enrolled in their school’s Cooperative Education Program. If the school does not have a formal SCEP/Co-Op Program, CBP will create similar arrangements with the educational institution to hire individuals for this program.

Appointments for college students are primarily at the GS-3 and GS-4 levels; however, students may be hired at a higher level, based on their qualifications. This program can be utilized with any career field to prepare students for two-grade interval professional CBP occupations, many leading to the GS-12 grade level.

Student Volunteers (SV)
The Student Volunteer Program offers unpaid training opportunities to high school and college students. These opportunities provide work experience related to the students academic goals and provides them an opportunity to explore career options, develop their personal and professional skills all while earning school academic credit for their internship.

Student Volunteer service enriches the student’s future by:

  • Allowing career exploration early in their academic studies,
  • Exposing them to new and emerging occupations,
  • Giving them academic credit for the work they perform (determined by their school.), and
  • Giving them experience which will enhance their ability to obtain paying jobs in the future.

Volunteer service is not creditable for leave accrual or any other employee benefit. Student Volunteers are not considered to be Federal employees for any purpose other than Federal Tort Claims provisions and compensation for injuries sustained during the performance of work assignments.

This program requires a tailored written agreement, signed by all parties, CBP, the school and the student.

CBP Explorer Program
The U.S. Customs and Border Protection is committed to the partnership between law enforcement and America’s youth. U.S. Customs and Border Protection’s Explorer Program is the bridge to one of the most challenging and exciting missions in law enforcement today –the job of serving as the guardians of our Nation’s borders, America’s frontline.
CBP Explorers from Post 99 assist in sorting and loading toys for annual charity event.

The CBP Explorer Program is the Boy Scouts of America’s highest division. It offers opportunities in character building, good citizenship, and fitness for young men and women ages 14 through 21. Some Explorer units offer training in specific areas, like nautical training and law enforcement. Law Enforcement Explorer posts offer programs in law enforcement and criminal justice, which provide Explorers with practical training and hands-on experience in those areas.

The CBP Explorer Program provides opportunities for Explorers to participate in federal enforcement-related activities within the U.S. Customs and Border Protection. ( Be an Explorer )

Federal Benefits for Students
Health and life insurance coverage for Federal employees depends on the type of appointment the student is hired under and the expectation of substantial employment during the year.

Students in the STEP program are considered temporary employees and are generally not entitled to health and life insurance. However, once they have been continuously employed for a year, without a break in service exceeding 5 days, they may enroll in the Federal Employee Health Benefits Program (at full cost including employer and employee shares). Students are not eligible for life insurance or retirement coverage.

Students in the SCEP program are eligible for health and life insurance coverage, and annual and sick leave benefits as long as they are expected to be employed under this appointment for at least one year. Costs are split between the employee and the agency, as for all permanent Federal employees. Students in the SCEP program with less than 5 years of prior Federal service are generally covered by the Federal Employees Retirement System (FERS).

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