[NIFL-WOMENLIT:3325] Adult Literacy and Hurricanes Katrian and Rita-xpost from

From: Daphne Greenberg (alcdgg@langate.gsu.edu)
Date: Sat Oct 08 2005 - 09:58:07 EDT

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Dear Colleagues,

I was pleased to attend a meeting in Baton Rouge recently that ProLiteracy
held to gather information about how we might assist members of our literacy
community in the hurricane stricken area.  ProLiteracy and Literacy USA
heard a plea to help folks reconnect, so we have set up a discussion list
where people can correspond on-line.

If you are a learner, teacher, tutor, administrator, staff member, board
member, funder, or other interested stakeholder of an organization that
provides or did provide direct service or a literacy coalition in the Gulf
Coast region, please subscribe to the list by sending a message to

Please pass this message on to anyone whom you think may be interested.

We hope this helps to begin to re-establish connections with people who need
to be talking with each other in order to rebuild services in the area.

Best regards,

Edith Gower, Executive Director
Literacy USA
5433 Westheimer Road, Suite 215
Houston, TX 77056
FAX:  713-961-4775
edith.gower@literacyusa.org <mailto:edith.gower@literacyusa.org>
www.literacyusa.org <http://www.literacyusa.org>;

Daphne Greenberg
Assistant Professor
Educational Psych. & Special Ed.
Georgia State University
P.O. Box 3979
Atlanta, Georgia 30302-3979
phone: 404-651-0127

Daphne Greenberg
Associate Director
Center for the Study of Adult Literacy
Georgia State University
P.O. Box 3977
Atlanta, Georgia 30302-3977
phone: 404-651-0127

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