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Charles W. Clark

Charles Clark
Contact Information
Visiting Positions
Honors and Awards
Recent Professional Activities
Current Research Interests
Five Recent Publications Emblematic of JQI Activities
Five Additional Significant Publications


1979 Ph.D., Physics, University of Chicago.
Thesis: "Electron scattering from diatomic polar molecules," supervised by Ugo Fano.
1974 B.A. (honors), Mathematics and Physics, magna cum laude
Western Washington University


1990-present Chief, Electron and Optical Physics Division
National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST)
2006-present Fellow, Joint Quantum Institute, University of Maryland (UMCP)
1990-present Adjunct Professor, Institute for Physical Science and Technology, UMCP
2003-present Program Manager for Atomic and Molecular Physics, Office of Naval Research
1981-1990 Physicist, National Bureau of Standards (NBS)/NIST
1979-1981 Junior Research Associate, Daresbury Laboratory (UK)
1979 Research Associate, University of Chicago

Visiting Positions:

2006 Visiting Professor, National University of Singapore
1999 Dr. Lee Fellow, Christ Church, University of Oxford
1985 & 1992 Visiting Fellow, Australian National University

Honors and Awards:

2007 Distinguished Presidential Rank Award, U.S. Senior Executive Service
2004 Gold Medal, U.S. Department of Commerce
2003 Physical Sciences Award, Washington Academy of Sciences
2003 Fellow, Washington Academy of Sciences
2002 Archie Mahan Prize, Optical Society of America
2002 Edward U. Condon Award, NIST
2002 Safety Award, NIST
2001 Fellow, American Association for the Advancement of Science
1999 Fellow, Institute of Physics
1997 Appointed to Senior Executive Service, U.S. Department of Commerce
1994 Silver Medal, U.S. Department of Commerce
1994 Fellow, Optical Society of America
1992 Fellow, American Physical Society
1991 Equal Employment Opportunity Award, NIST
1987 Excellence in Research Award, National Bureau of Standards Chapter of Sigma Xi
1981 National Research Council Postdoctoral Research Associateship, NBS

Recent Professional Activities:

2006-present Chair, Advisory Board for the Australian Research Council Centre of Excellence in Antimatter-Matter Studies
2005-2006 Chair, Division of Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics, American Physical Society
2006 Chair, Fellows and Honorary Members Committee, Optical Society of America
2006 Chair, Organizing Committee, "Towards Quantum Standards: A Workshop on Quantum Information Technology," The Royal Society, London
2006 Chair, NSERC Review Committee for the Institute for Quantum Computing, Waterloo
1996-2006 Member, Editorial Board, J.Phys. B: Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics
1998-present Editor for Scientific Applications, NIST Digital Library of Mathematical Functions

Current research interests:

  Dynamics of ultracold atoms,
Physical implementation of quantum information processing,
Absolute optical radiometry with synchrotron radiation sources,
Quantitative tomographic imaging,
Atomic electronic excitation in nuclear reactions.

Five Recent Publications Emblematic of JQI Activities:

"Observing Zitterbewegung with ultracold atoms,"
J.Y. Vaishnav and C.W. Clark,
Phys. Rev. Lett. 100, 153002 (2008).
"Reentrant quantum phase transition in double-well optical lattices,"
I. Danshita, C.A.R. Sá de Melo and C.W. Clark
Phys. Rev. A 77, 063609 (2008).
"Metal-Insulator Transition Revisited for Cold Atoms in Non-Abelian Gauge Potentials,"
I.I. Satija, D.C. Dakin, and C.W. Clark,
Phys. Rev. Lett. 97, 216401 (2006).
"Vortices in Attractive Bose-Einstein Condensates in Two Dimensions,"
L.D. Carr and C.W. Clark,
Phys. Rev. Lett. 97, 010403 (2006).
"Theory of Feshbach molecule formation in a dilute gas during a magnetic field ramp,"
J.E. Williams, N. Nygaard and C.W. Clark,
New J. Phys. 8, 150 (2006).

Five Additional Significant Publications:

"Watching Dark Solitons Decay into Vortex Rings in a Bose-Einstein Condensate,"
B.P. Anderson, P.C. Haljan, C.A. Regal, D.L. Feder, L.A. Collins, C.W. Clark, and E.A. Cornell,
Phys. Rev. Lett. 86, 2926-2929 (2001).
"Generating Solitons by Phase Engineering of a Bose-Einstein Condensate,"
J. Denschlag, J.E. Simsarian, D.L. Feder, C.W. Clark, L.A. Collins, J. Cubizolles, L. Deng, E.W. Hagley, K. Helmerson, W.P. Reinhardt, S.L. Rolston, B.I. Schneider, and W.D. Phillips,
Science 287, 97-101 (2000).
"Collective Excitations of Atomic Bose-Einstein Condensates,"
M. Edwards, P.A. Ruprecht, K. Burnett, R.J. Dodd, and C.W. Clark,
Phys. Rev. Lett. 77, 1671-1674 (1996).
"Atomic negative-ion resonances,"
"S.J. Buckman and C.W. Clark,
Rev. Mod. Phys. 66, 539-655 (1994).
"The quadratic Zeeman effect in hydrogen Rydberg series: application of Sturmian functions,"
C.W. Clark and K.T. Taylor,
J. Phys. B: At. Mol. Phys. 15, 1175-1193 (1982).

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Online: November 2006   -   Last update: June 2008