Cambridge Scientific Abstracts - Published Literature Citations

Title: Study of population biology of thick-lipped grey mullet, Chelon labrosus R. and thin-lipped grey mullet, Liza ramada R.

Description: Biology of population of grey mullet, thick-lipped, Chelon labrosus Risso and thin-lipped, Liza ramada Risso, on the coastal waters of the Bristol Channel has been studied. The population dynamics indicated that the females of Chelon labrosus and Liz...

Author: AR Abbasi, SE Shackley

Subject: population dynamics; life history; Chelon labrosus; Liza ramada; ANE, British Isles, Bristol Channel

Date Issued: 1996

Resource Type: Journal Article

Resource Identifier (ISSN) : 0030-9923

Source: Pakistan Journal of Zoology [PAK. J. ZOOL.], vol. 28, no. 1, pp. 69-74, 1996

Language: English

Rights: Copyright held by Publisher

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