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evgen::GENIEHelper Class Reference

#include <GENIEHelper.h>

Inheritance diagram for evgen::GENIEHelper:

cfg::Observer List of all members.

Public Member Functions

 GENIEHelper ()
 GENIEHelper (std::string config, std::string version)
 ~GENIEHelper ()
void Update (const cfg::Config &c)
void Initialize ()
bool Sample (sim::MCTruth &truth)

Private Member Functions

void InitializeGeometry ()
void InitializeFluxDriver ()
void PackNuMIFlux (sim::MCTruth &truth)
void PackMCTruth (genie::EventRecord *record, sim::MCTruth &truth)

Private Attributes

genie::GeomAnalyzerI * fGeomD
genie::GFluxI * fFluxD
genie::GMCJDriver * fDriver
rawdata::det_id_ fDetector
std::string fFluxType
 ipnd, nd, fd
std::string fFluxFile
 histogram or ntuple
std::string fBeamName
 name of file containing histograms or ntuples, or txt
std::vector< TH1D * > fFluxHistograms
 name of the beam we are simulating
int fEvents
 histograms for each nu species
double fTotalGen
 number of events to generate
double fTotalRequested
 total number of events/pot generated to this point
double fPOT
 total number of events/pot requested to be generated
double fFluxNormalization
 total POT to generate
double fMonoEnergy
 POT per file.
std::vector< int > fGenFlavors
 energy of monoenergetic neutrinos
std::vector< string > fEnvironment
 pdg codes for flavors to generate
std::map< int, int > fFlavorMap
 environmental variables and settings used by genie

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

GENIEHelper::GENIEHelper  ) 

Definition at line 54 of file GENIEHelper.cxx.

References fFlavorMap, and cfg::Observer::SetWatch().

00054                          :
00055   fTotalGen(0.)
00056 {
00058   fFlavorMap[12]  = kNue;
00059   fFlavorMap[-12] = kNueBar;
00060   fFlavorMap[14]  = kNuMu;
00061   fFlavorMap[-14] = kNuMuBar;
00062   fFlavorMap[16]  = kNuTau;
00063   fFlavorMap[-16] = kNuTauBar;
00065   this->SetWatch("GENIE","default");
00066 }

GENIEHelper::GENIEHelper std::string  config,
std::string  version

Definition at line 69 of file GENIEHelper.cxx.

References fFlavorMap, and cfg::Observer::SetWatch().

00070 {
00071   fFlavorMap[12]  = kNue;
00072   fFlavorMap[-12] = kNueBar;
00073   fFlavorMap[14]  = kNuMu;
00074   fFlavorMap[-14] = kNuMuBar;
00075   fFlavorMap[16]  = kNuTau;
00076   fFlavorMap[-16] = kNuTauBar;
00078   this->SetWatch(config.c_str(), version.c_str());
00079 }

GENIEHelper::~GENIEHelper  ) 

Definition at line 82 of file GENIEHelper.cxx.

00083 {
00084 }

Member Function Documentation

void GENIEHelper::Initialize  ) 

initialize the Geometry and Flux drivers

turn on following line to speed up driver initialization

Definition at line 193 of file GENIEHelper.cxx.

References fDriver, fFluxD, fGeomD, InitializeFluxDriver(), and InitializeGeometry().

Referenced by main().

00194 {
00197   InitializeGeometry();
00198   InitializeFluxDriver();
00199   fDriver = new genie::GMCJDriver();
00200   fDriver->UseFluxDriver(fFluxD);
00201   fDriver->UseGeomAnalyzer(fGeomD);
00204   //driver->UseMaxPathLengths(***supply some xml file name***);
00206   fDriver->Configure();
00207   fDriver->UseSplines();
00208   fDriver->ForceSingleProbScale();
00210   return;
00211 }

void GENIEHelper::InitializeFluxDriver  )  [private]

z=0 is the front face of the tpc

set the number of cycles to run +++++++++this is stupid - to really set it i have to get a value from the MCJDriver and i am not even sure what i have below is approximately correct.

end if using ntuple flux files

get the geometry of the detector

set the beam direction and spot based on the detector beamR, bspot need to be fixed up for FD and ND, the 0.05 angle is an estimate

multiply by 1e-2 to put the values in meters, the default for genie

making sure we are in genie units

now add the different fluxes

end loop to add flux histograms to driver

weight each species equally in the generation

Definition at line 231 of file GENIEHelper.cxx.

References geo::Geometry::DetHalfHeight(), geo::Geometry::DetLength(), fDetector, fFlavorMap, fFluxD, fFluxFile, fFluxHistograms, fFluxNormalization, fFluxType, fGenFlavors, fMonoEnergy, fPOT, and geo::Geometry::Instance().

Referenced by Initialize().

00232 {
00234   if("ntuple") == 0){
00235     genie::flux::GNuMIFlux* numiFlux = new genie::flux::GNuMIFlux();
00236     numiFlux->LoadBeamSimData(fFluxFile);
00237     numiFlux->SetFilePOT(fFluxNormalization);
00238     numiFlux->SetUpstreamZ(-1000.);  
00244     numiFlux->SetNumOfCycles(int(fPOT/fFluxNormalization));
00246     fFluxD =  dynamic_cast<genie::GFluxI *>(numiFlux);
00247   }
00248   else if("histogram") == 0){
00251     geo::Geometry& geo = geo::Geometry::Instance(0, fDetector);
00253     TVector3 bdir(0.015,0.104,sqrt(1. - 0.104*0.104 - 0.015*0.015)); 
00254     double beamR = 0.5*(2.*geo.DetHalfHeight()*cos(0.11) + geo.DetLength()*sin(0.11));
00255     double epsilon = beamR - geo.DetLength()*sin(0.11);
00256     double cx = 0.;
00257     double cy = epsilon*cos(0.11)-geo.DetHalfHeight();
00258     double cz = -epsilon*sin(0.11);
00262     if(fDetector == rawdata::kNear){ 
00263       bdir.SetXYZ(0.014, -2.7*3.1415/180., sqrt(1. - 0.014*0.014 - 2.7*2.7*3.1415*3.1415/(180.*180.)));
00264       beamR = 0.5*(2.*geo.DetHalfHeight()*cos(0.05) + geo.DetLength()*sin(0.05));
00265       epsilon = beamR - geo.DetLength()*sin(0.05);
00266       cx = 0.;
00267       cy = geo.DetHalfHeight()-epsilon*cos(0.05);
00268       cz = -epsilon*sin(0.05);
00269     }
00270     else if(fDetector == rawdata::kFar){ 
00271       bdir.SetXYZ(0.014, 2.7*3.1415/180., sqrt(1. - 0.014*0.014 - 2.7*2.7*3.1415*3.1415/(180.*180.)));
00272       beamR = 0.5*(2.*geo.DetHalfHeight()*cos(0.05) + geo.DetLength()*sin(0.05));
00273       epsilon = beamR - geo.DetLength()*sin(0.05);
00274       cx = 0.;
00275       cy = epsilon*cos(0.05)-geo.DetHalfHeight();
00276       cz = -epsilon*sin(0.05);
00277     }
00279     TVector3 bspot(cx*1.e-2, cy*1.e-2, cz*1.e-2);
00281     genie::flux::GCylindTH1Flux* histFlux = new genie::flux::GCylindTH1Flux();
00283     histFlux->SetNuDirection(bdir);
00284     histFlux->SetBeamSpot(bspot);
00285     histFlux->SetTransverseRadius(beamR*1.e-2);
00287     std::cout << "beam r = " << beamR << " centered at ("
00288               << cx << "," << cy << "," << cz << ")" << std::endl; 
00291     for(unsigned int i = 0; i < fGenFlavors.size(); ++i){
00292       if(fFluxHistograms[fFlavorMap[fGenFlavors[i]]]) 
00293         histFlux->AddEnergySpectrum(fGenFlavors[i], fFluxHistograms[fFlavorMap[fGenFlavors[i]]]);
00294     }
00296     fFluxD = dynamic_cast<genie::GFluxI *>(histFlux);
00297   }//end if using a histogram
00298   else if("mono") == 0){
00301     double weight = 1./(1.*fGenFlavors.size());
00302     //make a map of pdg to weight codes
00303     std::map<int, double> pdgwmap;
00304     for(unsigned int i = 0; i < fGenFlavors.size(); ++i)
00305       pdgwmap[fGenFlavors[i]] = weight;
00307     genie::flux::GMonoEnergeticFlux *monoflux = new genie::flux::GMonoEnergeticFlux(fMonoEnergy, pdgwmap);
00308     fFluxD = dynamic_cast<genie::GFluxI *>(monoflux);
00309   }//end if using monoenergetic beam
00311   return;
00312 }

void GENIEHelper::InitializeGeometry  )  [private]

get the geometry of the detector

the detector geometry uses cgs units.

casting to the GENIE geometry driver interface

Definition at line 214 of file GENIEHelper.cxx.

References fDetector, fGeomD, geo::Geometry::Instance(), and geo::Geometry::ROOTGeoManager().

Referenced by Initialize().

00215 {
00217   geo::Geometry& geo = geo::Geometry::Instance(0, fDetector);
00219   genie::geometry::ROOTGeomAnalyzer *rgeom = new genie::geometry::ROOTGeomAnalyzer(geo.ROOTGeoManager());
00222   rgeom->SetLengthUnits(genie::units::centimeter);
00223   rgeom->SetDensityUnits(genie::units::gram_centimeter3);
00226   fGeomD = dynamic_cast<genie::GeomAnalyzerI *>(rgeom);
00227   return;
00228 }

void GENIEHelper::PackMCTruth genie::EventRecord *  record,
sim::MCTruth truth

check the vertex z position against the length of the detector if the neutrino interacts beyond the end of the detector, we dont need to save it in the file

get the Interaction object from the record - this is the object that talks to the event information objects and is in m

get the different components making up the interaction

set whether it is NC or CC

set the interaction type

add the particles from the interaction

GHepParticles return units of GeV/c for p. the V_i are all in fermis and are relative to the center of the struck nucleus. add the vertex X/Y/Z to the V_i for status codes 0 and 1

set the vertex location for the neutrino, nucleus and everything that is to be tracked. vertex returns values in meters.

end loop to convert GHepParticles to TParticles

Definition at line 364 of file GENIEHelper.cxx.

References sim::MCTruth::Add(), geo::Geometry::DetLength(), fDetector, geo::Geometry::Instance(), sim::MCTruth::SetCCNC(), sim::MCTruth::SetMode(), and sim::MCTruth::SetNeutrino().

Referenced by Sample().

00366 {
00368   TLorentzVector *vertex = record->Vertex();
00370   //std::cout << "vertex loc " << vertex->X() << "," << vertex->Y() << "," << vertex->Z() << std::endl;  
00375   geo::Geometry& geo = geo::Geometry::Instance(0, fDetector);
00376   if(vertex->Z() > geo.DetLength()) return;
00380   genie::Interaction *inter = record->Summary();
00383   const genie::InitialState &initState  = inter->InitState();
00384   const genie::ProcessInfo  &procInfo   = inter->ProcInfo();
00385   const genie::Kinematics   &kine       = inter->Kine();
00386   const genie::XclsTag      &exclTag    = inter->ExclTag();
00387   const genie::KPhaseSpace  &phaseSpace = inter->PhaseSpace();
00389   truth.SetNeutrino(initState.ProbePdg(), initState.GetProbeP4()->Energy());
00392   if(procInfo.IsWeakCC())      truth.SetCCNC(sim::kCC);
00393   else if(procInfo.IsWeakNC()) truth.SetCCNC(sim::kNC);
00396   if(procInfo.IsQuasiElastic())       truth.SetMode(sim::kQE);
00397   else if(procInfo.IsDeepInelastic()) truth.SetMode(sim::kDIS);
00398   else if(procInfo.IsResonant())      truth.SetMode(sim::kRes);
00399   else if(procInfo.IsCoherent())      truth.SetMode(sim::kCoh);
00402   TIter partitr(record);
00403   genie::GHepParticle *part = 0;
00407   while( (part = dynamic_cast<genie::GHepParticle *>(partitr.Next())) ){
00408     TParticle tpart(part->Pdg(), part->Status(), 
00409                     part->FirstMother(), part->LastMother(),
00410                     part->FirstDaughter(), part->LastDaughter(),
00411                     part->Px(), part->Py(), part->Pz(), part->E(),
00412                     part->Vx(), part->Vy(), part->Vz(), part->Vt());
00416     if(part->Status() == 0 || part->Status() == 1)
00417       tpart.SetProductionVertex(100.*(part->Vx()*1.e-15 + vertex->X()),
00418                                 100.*(part->Vy()*1.e-15 + vertex->Y()),
00419                                 100.*(part->Vz()*1.e-15 + vertex->Z()),
00420                                 part->Vt());
00422     truth.Add(tpart);
00424   }
00428   return;
00429 }

void GENIEHelper::PackNuMIFlux sim::MCTruth truth  )  [private]

cast the fFluxD pointer to be of the right type

Definition at line 353 of file GENIEHelper.cxx.

Referenced by Sample().

00354 {
00357   genie::flux::GNuMIFlux *gnf = dynamic_cast<genie::flux::GNuMIFlux *>(fFluxD);
00358   const genie::flux::GNuMIFluxPassThroughInfo& nflux = gnf->PassThroughInfo();
00360   return;
00361 }

bool GENIEHelper::Sample sim::MCTruth truth  ) 

pack the flux information

make sure you havent gone over the limit

set the flag in the parent object that says the fluxes came from histograms and fill related values

get the flux for each neutrino flavor of this energy

make sure you havent gone over the limit

Definition at line 315 of file GENIEHelper.cxx.

References sim::MCTruth::Enu(), fDriver, fFluxHistograms, fFluxType, fTotalGen, kNue, kNueBar, kNuMu, kNuMuBar, kNuTau, kNuTauBar, PackMCTruth(), PackNuMIFlux(), and sim::MCTruth::SetFluxGen().

Referenced by main().

00316 {
00317   genie::EventRecord* record = fDriver->GenerateEvent();
00319   if(!record) return false;
00321   PackMCTruth(record, truth);
00324   if("ntuple") == 0) PackNuMIFlux(truth);
00325   else if("histogram") == 0){
00327     if(fTotalGen > fTotalRequested) return false;
00328     fTotalGen += 1.;
00333     int bin = fFluxHistograms[kNue]->FindBin(truth.Enu());
00335     truth.SetFluxGen(fFluxHistograms[kNue]->GetBinContent(bin),
00336                      fFluxHistograms[kNueBar]->GetBinContent(bin),
00337                      fFluxHistograms[kNuMu]->GetBinContent(bin),
00338                      fFluxHistograms[kNuMuBar]->GetBinContent(bin),
00339                      fFluxHistograms[kNuTau]->GetBinContent(bin),
00340                      fFluxHistograms[kNuTauBar]->GetBinContent(bin));
00342   }
00343   else if("mono") == 0){
00345     if(fTotalGen > fTotalRequested) return false;
00346     fTotalGen += 1.;
00347   }
00349   return true;
00350 }

void GENIEHelper::Update const cfg::Config c  )  [virtual]

get a random number generator

set the environment, the vector should come in pairs of variable name, then value

figure out which detector you are using

make the histograms

get the detector mass and figure out how many events correspond to the requested POT if it is non-zero events = flux * pot * 10^-38 cm^2 (xsec) * mass detector (in kg) / carbon mass (in kg)

integrate the flux from all species you are using

end loop to add flux histograms to driver

pick the number of events to generate out of a poisson distribution if doing the ipnd, account for the rock under the detector

volume is now in cm^2, density of rock is 2.7 g/cm^3, convert to kg

end if figuring out how many events given POT corresponds to

Implements cfg::Observer.

Definition at line 87 of file GENIEHelper.cxx.

References geo::Geometry::DetLength(), fBeamName, fDetector, fEnvironment, fEvents, fFlavorMap, fFluxFile, fFluxHistograms, fFluxNormalization, fFluxType, fGenFlavors, fMonoEnergy, fPOT, fTotalRequested, util::RandomHandler::GetGenerator(), geo::Geometry::Instance(), and geo::Geometry::TotalMass().

00088 {
00089   std::string geom;
00091   c("FluxNormalization").Get(fFluxNormalization);
00092   c("Detector").Get(geom);
00093   c("FluxType").Get(fFluxType);
00094   c("FluxFile").Get(fFluxFile);
00095   c("BeamName").Get(fBeamName);
00096   c("Events").Get(fEvents);
00097   c("POT").Get(fPOT);
00098   c("MonoEnergy").Get(fMonoEnergy);
00099   c("GenFlavors").Get(fGenFlavors);
00100   c("Environment").Get(fEnvironment);
00103   util::TRandomNOVA *rand = util::RandomHandler::GetGenerator();
00104   TString junk = "";
00105   junk += rand->Integer(100000000);
00106   std::string seed(junk);
00107   fEnvironment.push_back("GSEED");
00108   fEnvironment.push_back(seed);
00110   for(unsigned int i = 0; i < fEnvironment.size(); i += 2){
00111     gSystem->Setenv(fEnvironment[i].c_str(), fEnvironment[i+1].c_str());
00112     std::cout << "setting GENIE environment " << fEnvironment[i]
00113               << " to " << fEnvironment[i+1] << std::endl; 
00114   }
00117   fDetector = rawdata::kIPND;
00118   if("near") == 0)     fDetector = rawdata::kNear;
00119   else if("far") == 0) fDetector = rawdata::kFar;
00121   if(fEvents > 0 && fPOT > 0.){
00122     std::cerr << "cant specify both # of POT and # of events - using pot" << std::endl;
00123   }
00125   fTotalRequested = 1.*fEvents;
00128   if("histogram") == 0){
00129     TDirectory *savedir = gDirectory;
00131     fFluxHistograms.resize(6);
00132     TFile tf(fFluxFile.c_str());
00135     fFluxHistograms[kNue]      = dynamic_cast<TH1D *>(tf.Get("nue"));
00136     fFluxHistograms[kNueBar]   = dynamic_cast<TH1D *>(tf.Get("nuebar"));
00137     fFluxHistograms[kNuMu]     = dynamic_cast<TH1D *>(tf.Get("numu"));
00138     fFluxHistograms[kNuMuBar]  = dynamic_cast<TH1D *>(tf.Get("numubar"));
00139     fFluxHistograms[kNuTau]    = dynamic_cast<TH1D *>(tf.Get("nutau"));
00140     fFluxHistograms[kNuTauBar] = dynamic_cast<TH1D *>(tf.Get("nutaubar"));
00142     for(unsigned int i = 0; i < fFluxHistograms.size(); ++i)
00143       if(fFluxHistograms[i]) fFluxHistograms[i]->SetDirectory(savedir);
00145     if(fPOT > 0.){
00149       geo::Geometry& geo = geo::Geometry::Instance(0, fDetector);
00151       double mass = geo.TotalMass();
00152       double flux = 0.;
00155       for(unsigned int i = 0; i < fGenFlavors.size(); ++i){
00156         if(!fFluxHistograms[fFlavorMap[fGenFlavors[i]]]) continue;
00157         else flux += fFluxHistograms[fFlavorMap[fGenFlavors[i]]]->Integral();
00158       }
00162       fTotalRequested = rand->Poisson(flux*fPOT*mass*5.02e-13*1.e-20);
00164       if(fDetector == rawdata::kIPND){
00165         double length = geo.DetLength();
00166         double vol = 3.141592654*(0.33*pow(length, 3.)*pow(sin(0.11)*cos(0.11), 2.)
00167                                   + pow(length, 3.)*pow(sin(0.11), 2.)*(pow(cos(0.11), 2.) - 1.));
00169         double massrock = 2.7*vol*1.e-3;
00170         fTotalRequested = rand->Poisson(flux*fPOT*(mass+massrock)*5.02e-13*1.e-20);
00171       }//end if IPND
00173     }
00175   }//end if getting fluxes from histograms
00177   std::cout << "Generating events for " << fFluxType.c_str() << " from "
00178             << fFluxFile.c_str() << " with an exposure of " 
00179             << fTotalRequested << "(events)/" << fPOT
00180             << "(POT) in detector " << geom.c_str() << std::endl;  
00182   std::cout << "Generating the following flavors " << std::endl;
00183   for(unsigned int i = 0; i < fGenFlavors.size(); ++i)
00184     std::cout << "        " << fGenFlavors[i] << std::endl;
00186   if("mono")==0)
00187     std::cout << "Generating monoenergetic (" << fMonoEnergy << " GeV) neutrinos" << std::endl;
00189   return;
00190 }

Member Data Documentation

std::string evgen::GENIEHelper::fBeamName [private]

name of file containing histograms or ntuples, or txt

Definition at line 57 of file GENIEHelper.h.

Referenced by Update().

rawdata::det_id_ evgen::GENIEHelper::fDetector [private]

Definition at line 54 of file GENIEHelper.h.

Referenced by InitializeFluxDriver(), InitializeGeometry(), PackMCTruth(), and Update().

genie::GMCJDriver* evgen::GENIEHelper::fDriver [private]

Definition at line 52 of file GENIEHelper.h.

Referenced by Initialize(), and Sample().

std::vector<string> evgen::GENIEHelper::fEnvironment [private]

pdg codes for flavors to generate

Definition at line 67 of file GENIEHelper.h.

Referenced by Update().

int evgen::GENIEHelper::fEvents [private]

histograms for each nu species

Definition at line 60 of file GENIEHelper.h.

Referenced by Update().

std::map<int, int> evgen::GENIEHelper::fFlavorMap [private]

environmental variables and settings used by genie

Definition at line 68 of file GENIEHelper.h.

Referenced by GENIEHelper(), InitializeFluxDriver(), and Update().

genie::GFluxI* evgen::GENIEHelper::fFluxD [private]

Definition at line 51 of file GENIEHelper.h.

Referenced by Initialize(), and InitializeFluxDriver().

std::string evgen::GENIEHelper::fFluxFile [private]

histogram or ntuple

Definition at line 56 of file GENIEHelper.h.

Referenced by InitializeFluxDriver(), and Update().

std::vector<TH1D *> evgen::GENIEHelper::fFluxHistograms [private]

name of the beam we are simulating

Definition at line 58 of file GENIEHelper.h.

Referenced by InitializeFluxDriver(), Sample(), and Update().

double evgen::GENIEHelper::fFluxNormalization [private]

total POT to generate

Definition at line 64 of file GENIEHelper.h.

Referenced by InitializeFluxDriver(), and Update().

std::string evgen::GENIEHelper::fFluxType [private]

ipnd, nd, fd

Definition at line 55 of file GENIEHelper.h.

Referenced by InitializeFluxDriver(), Sample(), and Update().

std::vector<int> evgen::GENIEHelper::fGenFlavors [private]

energy of monoenergetic neutrinos

Definition at line 66 of file GENIEHelper.h.

Referenced by InitializeFluxDriver(), and Update().

genie::GeomAnalyzerI* evgen::GENIEHelper::fGeomD [private]

Definition at line 50 of file GENIEHelper.h.

Referenced by Initialize(), and InitializeGeometry().

double evgen::GENIEHelper::fMonoEnergy [private]

POT per file.

Definition at line 65 of file GENIEHelper.h.

Referenced by InitializeFluxDriver(), and Update().

double evgen::GENIEHelper::fPOT [private]

total number of events/pot requested to be generated

Definition at line 63 of file GENIEHelper.h.

Referenced by InitializeFluxDriver(), and Update().

double evgen::GENIEHelper::fTotalGen [private]

number of events to generate

Definition at line 61 of file GENIEHelper.h.

Referenced by Sample().

double evgen::GENIEHelper::fTotalRequested [private]

total number of events/pot generated to this point

Definition at line 62 of file GENIEHelper.h.

Referenced by Update().

The documentation for this class was generated from the following files:
Generated on Wed Mar 18 04:45:45 2009 for NOvA Offline by  doxygen