Cambridge Scientific Abstracts - Published Literature Citations

Title: Tourist resourecs in Huo sao Island of Xiamen and it's development programme.

Description: This paper investigate, analyzes and evaluates the geographical, terrain, soil biological and other tourist resources in Huosao island of Xiamen, and proposes an overall development programme of them....

Author: Baoxuan Li

Subject: Tourism; Resource development; ISEW, China, People's Rep., Fujian Prov., Xiamen City, Huosao I.

Date Issued: 1998

Resource Type: Journal Article

Resource Identifier (ISSN) : 1007-7405

Source: J. Jimei Univ. (Nat. Sci.)/Jimei Daxue Xuebao. Vol. 3, no. 4, pp. 22-26. 1998.

Language: Chinese

Rights: Copyright held by Publisher

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