Particulate matter and lung neoplasm development 74:44,45 pollution levels in four U.S. locations 75:65,66 Particulate phase, cigarette smoke 64:51-60,263,264,265 carcinogenic accelerators in 72:5,65 effect on pulmonary and cardiac struc- ture and function 727~1 8 harmful constituents in 72:143 Particulate phase, tobacco smoke composition of 64:51 deposition sites of 641264.265 gravitational settling of 64:264 measurement of 64~263 removal of 641264 respiratory damage from 64:2?9 retention of 64:264,300 water content of 64:51 Passive smokers pathologic studies 75:99 summary of previous findings 75:87,88 summary of recent findings 75:107,108 Passive smoking CO, nicotine, benzo(a)pyrene, acrolein and acetaldehyde levels 75:90-95 effect on cardiovascular function in dogs 73:14 effect on children 72:129/ effect on respiratory tract in laboratory animals 72:129,130 effects of carboxyhemoglobin levels, in persons with angina pectoris X:95,97 effects of carboxyhemoglobin levels on CO absorotion 75:95,98 effects of CO in tobacco smoke on psychomotor performance 75:99-101 effects of exposure to cigarette smoke, in passive smokers 75199 effects of tobacco smoke constituents 75:88-98 effects on bus and plane passengers 75:102 excretion of nicotine 75:97 exposure to cigarette smoke, and devel- opment of eye and throat irritations 75:99,100 incidence of pneumonia and bronchitis in children of parental smokers 75:105,106 maternal smoking, and development of bronchitis and pneumonia in infants 75:103,104 in neoplasm induction in laboratory ani- IMlS 72:130 oarental cough and phlegm production, and respiratory s$npioms in children 75:103 Pathophysiological studies alveolar macrophages and smoking 75:76,77 effects of cigarette smoke on leukocytes, in guinea pigs 75X71,78 effects of cigarette smoke on pulmonary macrophages, in guinea pigs 75:17,78 effects of smoking on tracheal mucus velocity, in dogs 75:78 suppression of immunoglobulin response bv nicotine or water soluble fraction of cigarette 75177 Patulin 64:145 Peak Flow Meter 64:290 Pearl's hypothesis 64:105 Peer group status 64~372,373 Penicillic acid 64:145 Penis skin neoplasms of 64:147 Pentacyclic compounds 64~54 Pentolinium blockage of nicotine cardiac stimulation by 71157 Peoples Gas Company Study epidemiologic study of smoking and CHD 74:6,7 Peoples Gas Light and Coke Co. study of CHD, serum cholesterol and smoking relationships 71:43 Peptic ulcer 64:337-340 antacid efficacy and healing of, effects of cigarette smoking on 71:423 cessation of smoking as therapy for 67:182 cigarette smoking m 64:39 193 clinical studies 73:155-157 development in smokers 71:13 and diet 67:182 duodenal. and smoking 67~39 eprdemiological studies 73:155-157 gastric, morbidity, and smoking 67:40, 182 gastric, mortality, and smoking 67:40, 181-182 gastric secretion in smokers vs. nonsmok- ers 73:157,158 incidence rates, smokers vs. nonsmokers, by sex 67:182 increased mortality in Japanese smokers vs. nonsmokers 73:155.156 increased prevalence in male smokers 72:97 and lung neoplasms, relation to smoking 69~57 morbidity, and smoking 67:40,181 mortality rates 67:40; 71:423 mortalitv rates. bv amount smoked 67:182 . mortality rates, by smoking classification 67:182 mortality rates, smokers vs. ex-smokers 67:181 mortality ratios, for men by age 67:181 mortality ratios from 64:339, 340 mortality ratios from, in smokers and nonsmokers 71~424 mortality ratios from, smokers vs. ex- smokers by age 67:181 mortality ratios in Japanese adults by age started smoking 73:155,156 mortality ratios in male cigar and pipe smokers 731222 predrsposing factors 73:157 recurrence in smokers vs. nonsmokers 73:157 retrospectwe and cross section study methods for smoking relationship to 71~425427 smoking and 67:22, 3940, 181-182; 72:5, 6, 97, 98;73:155 smoking as cause in dogs 72:26 Perception of health hazards, and smoking behavior 67.191 1,8,9-Perinaphthoxanthene 6454 Perinatal studies effect of maternal smoking on mortality, summary of findings 73:134,135 maternal smoking and 72:83-88 Periodontal diseases smoking and 69:85-86; 72~6 smoking and, in Ceylon 69:85-86 smoking and, in Norwegian Army re- cruits 69:85 Peristalsis 64:71 Peroxides suspected carcinogenic agent in cigarette smoke 71:265 Personality characteristics 64:365-368 and coronary disease 64:321;67:57 coronary disease morbidity ratios, smok- ers vs. nonsmokers by 67~57 drug use and 64:353 relationship to CHD and smoking 71:4849, 105-106 in smokers 64:326,365-368 and smoking habit 67:57,,188-192 and smokmg habit in college students 67:189 Pesticides 64:61,62,145 content in cigarette smoke 71:265,266 PH pipe/cigar smoke inhalation and 73:183 of smoke in cigarettes, cigars, and little cigars 73~223~224,228 Phagocytosis 64:35,267,269,270,300 effect of cigarette smoke in laboratory animals 73:53,54 effect of cigarette smoke in rabbits 72:109 effect of tobacco smoke 72:4748 pulmonary alveolar, in smokers vs. non- smokers 71:165 Pharyngeal fungi smokers vs. nonsmokers in South Africa 73:54 Pharyngeal neoplasms 64:201,202 frequency in smokers vs. nonsmokers 71:238 194 incidence of secondary primary, smokers vs. nonsmokers 75:50 mortality rates, by smoking classification 67:35, 146-147 mortality rates, cigar smokers vs. non- smokers 671146 mortality rates, for men by amount smoked 67~147 mortality rates, for women 67:153 mortality rates, pipe smokers vs. non- smokers 67: 146 mortality ratios 67135 mortality ratios, by smoking classifica- tion 67:146 mortality ratios, for cigar smokers 67135 mortality ratios, for ctgar smokers by age 67:146 mortality ratios, for men by age 67~146 mortality ratios, for men by amount smoked 67~146-147 mortality ratios, for pipe smokers 67135 mortality ratios, for pipe smokers by age 67~146 recurrent, incidence in smokers vs. ex- smokers 73:74,75 relationship to tobacco use 71~362-364, 366 retrospective studies of, by type of smoking 64:200,201 smoking in etiology of 67:35, 145,147 Phenols 64:49,54',58,59,61,62,145,267 in cigar, pipe, and cigarette smoke 73:117 ciliatoxic agents 67:108 cocarcinogens 67:131 as probable contributors to health haz- ards of smoking 72: 144 suspected carcinogenic agent of cigarette smoke 71:266 in tobacco smoke 67:129 tumor promoting agents 67:129 Phenotypes partially deficient heterozygote, in COPD etiology 75:73,74 Phenylmethyloxadiazole (PMO) protection against adverse effects of ciga- rette smoke in animals 73:49,53 Philadelphia Pulmonary Neoplasm Research Project lung neoplasm histopathologic studies and 74:38 Phlebitis 64:103 Phlegm uroductron b; occupation and smoking habit 67:97 by parental smokers, and development of respiratory symptoms in children 75:103 by parental smokers, and incidence of pneumonia and bronchitis in children 75:105,106 by smoking habit and sex 67:98 Phospholipids function as surfactants in lung tissue 71:172 smokers vs. nonsmokers 71:99-100,102 Physical activity 64:322 as a factor in coronary heart disease 73:4,5 myocardial infarct morbidity ratios, for smokers vs. nonsmokers by level of 67:56 occupational, and smoking habit 67156 relationship to myocardial infarction, smokers vs. nonsmokers 71:44 and risk of cerebrovascular accident 67:68 smoking and, relationship to CHD 71:41,43,44 Physique smokers 64:383-387 Phytadiene 64:51 Phytol structural formula of 64~52 Picoline 64:59 Pigmentation induction of 64: 146 Prgments 64~272 in lungs of emphysematous patients 64~273 Pinocytosrs decrease in alveolar macrophages, in smokers vs. nonsmokers 75~76 effect of mcotine. in mouse peritoneal macrophages 74:105 195 Piperidine, nitroso- suspected carcinogenic properties in ciga- rette smoke from 71:265 Pipe smoke see Smoke, pipe Pipe smokers see Smokers, cigar and pipe; Smokers, pipe Pipe smoking see Smoking, pipe Pipe tobacco see Tobacco, pipe Pitch 64~147,229 skin neoplasms from 64~33 Placebos ginseng root as 64:355 nicotine-free cigarettes as 64:70 Placenta ability to hydroxylate benzofajpyrene in smoking mothers 71:407 morphology 64:343 Platelets see Blood platelets Plethysmogram abnormalities, in smokers vs. nonsmok- ers 73122 Pleural neoplasms mesotheliomas, classification of 64:174 Plumbers neoplasm risks in 64:134 Pneumoconiosis 64:269,290,298 in coal miners 7214244 in coal miners, smokers vs. nonsmokers 73:42 smokers vs. nonsmokers 72:4244 Pneumonia 64~217,294. 302 epithelial changes in 64:170 incidence in children of smokers 75:105,106 maternal smoking, and development in infants 75:103 mortality ratios in 64~276 neoplastic-like pathology in 64:195 in passive smokers, summary of recent findings 75:lOS phenol induction of 641267 Pneumothorax, spontaneous smoking and 73:37 Poisson distribution in mortality rates 64:117, 118, 119 Poland bladder neoplasms, in, methods and re- sults in retrospective studies of smok- ing and 71:382. 383 CHD mortality and morbidity in, 71.9h _._. esophageal neoplasms in Polish-born 64:135 esophageal neopfasms in, retrospective studies of tobacco use with 64:214;71:378 gastric neoplasms in Polish-born 64:135 laryngeal neoplasms in, retrospective studies of tobacco use with 64:205,208; 71:357 lung neoplasms, in males 64:135 oral neoplasms in, retrospective studies of tobacco use with 64:200,201;71:364 serum lipid differences in smokers VS. nonsmokers in 71:100,102 smoking and nicotine effects on human blood levels in 71:124 smoking relationship to thrombosis in 71:131 Polonium 210 64:145 carcinogenicity 67:128 in cigarette smoke 67:128 levels in lung tissue, smokers vs. non- smokers 67:128 and lung neoplasms 67:128 suspected carcinogenic agent in cigarette smoke 71:265-267,335-336 in tobacco leaf 67:128 as tumor initiator 67: 128 Polyoma virus 64: 166 Polyphenols 64x54 Population studies British physicians, mortality and smok- ing (Doll and Hill Study) 67:5, 17, 52, 93, 139, 155, 182-186 bronchitis and smoking 69:37 Canadian pensioners smoking and health study 67:5,48,93, 138, 154, 159 U.S. population, mortality and smoking (Hammond) 67~5, 13,49-54,66,69,94, 135-137, 146-158. 181-189 196 U.S. veterans, mortality and smoking nicotine effects on myometrial strips in Pod 71:408 675, 13, 4849, 61-69, 92, 137-139, 146-159, 181-184 Portland student study 64:368 Postal employees breathlessness in 64:286 chronic cough in 64:281 Post-operative complications in duodenal ulcer removal, smokers vs. nonsmokers 73:157 incidence in bronchitic and nonbron- chitic smokers vs. nonsmokers 74~92 pulmonary, smokers vs. nonsmokers 71:174-175; 72~38 smoking, obesity, anesthesia and 73:39 Potassium 64:55 Potassium40 64:145 present in tobacco leaf 71~266 and previous smoking habits, effect on infant birth weight 73:112-114 summary of previous findings 75:5,6 timing of influence of smoking on birth weight 73:i20, 121 unsuccessful, smoking effects on 71:13 see also Maternal fetal exchame; Smoking, maternal - Premalignant lesions in bronchi 64x27 in epithelial tissue 64:231 in oral cavity 64:142 Prematurity and maternal smoking 64~343; 67~185.186; 69~77, 79; 71:390, 400403; 725, 83-87; 73:112 and maternal smoking, among Negroes 69:78 Presbyterian Hospital Study 64:141, 174 Pressure-volume work loops 64:292 Prevalence studies 64:301 in bronchopulmonary disease 64:280-293 pulmonary function tests in 64:280 sputum production in 64:383 Printing ink 64:193 Professional workers smoking incidence of 64:187 Promoting agents 64:26,142,146,229 ethyl alcohol as 64:217 urethan as 64: 142 Propane 64:60 beta-Propiolactone 64:145 Propionaldehyde 64~52 Propionic acid ciliatoxic agent 67:108 in tobacco smoke 67:108 Propylene 64:60 Prospective mortahty studies age adjustments in 64:84 , Preeclampsia maternal smoking and 69:79; 72:84; 73:142 in smoking vs. nonsmoking women 71:404,407;73:142 Pregnancv carboxyhemoblobin levels in fetuses 75:26,27 carboxyhemoglobin levels of smokers in 69:80 effect of blood pressure and smoking habits on 69:77-78 effect of nicotine on, in rats 69:80 effect of smoking during 64:343; 67:185-187; 69:4-5, 77-81; 71:4 9 3, 82-81, 389, 397-399,415; 73:lO -142 effect of smoking during, and develop- ment of bronchitis and pneumonia in infants 75:103.104 effect of sr&ing during, in Hungary 69~79 effect of smoking during, in Ireland 69:79 effect of smoking during, in Scotland 69:19 effect of smoking during, in Venezuela 69~19 effect of tobacco smoke, nicotine, and carbon monoxide in laboratory ani- ItUlS 73:114-118 effects of nicotine on uterus during 67:187 human, methods used in smoking study of 71:391-396 197 alcohol in 64:99, 101 by Amertcan Cancer Society 64:El. 96, 101 by Best, Josie, and Walker 64:81 British doctors study as 64:97,102.109 California occupational study as 64:95,106 Canadian study as 64191, 92,94 cause of death in 64: 109 certitication validity in 64:109,110 city population size in 64:99 comparison of 64:83 by Dorn 64:81 by Dunn, Buell, and Breslow 64:81 by Dunn, Linden, and Breslow 64:81 educational level in 64:100,101 exercise in 64:lOl in ex-smokers 64193 fried foods in 64:lOO genetic longevity in 64~99 by Hammond 64:81 by Hammond and Horn 64:81 infectious diseases in 64~276 Inhalation practtces in 64~99 hmitations in 64:94.95.96. 111,163 male death rates in 64:28 maternal smoking in 64:343 mortality ratios in 64:84, 118 nonresponse bias m 64~96.97, 104 occupational exposure in 64:100,101 prevtous disease in 64:100, 101 rehgious factors in 64:99. 101 smoking data m 64:82 socioeconomrc factors m 64:96 tranquilizers in 64.100 twenty five-state study as 64:103,104 type of smokers in 64:82 usable responses in 64~96 U.S. veterans study as 64:91,94,96,97, 103 variables affecting 64:84 weaknesses of 64:96 Prospective studies 64~21, 28, 30, 81-116, 293, 294, 322, 323 bias in 64:36 by Doll and Hill 64:81 esophageal neoplasms 641217 excess deaths in 64:28 in gastric neoplasms 64~227 methodology of 64~81 methodology of, in peptic ulcer 64:338.339 morphology correlations in 64:385,386 neoplasms 64:231 neoplasms by site 64:149 reliability of 64:180 Prostatic neoplasms 64:135,136 mortality rates in 64:131 mortality ratios in 64:148,149 Protestants smoking prevalence in 64~364 Protozoa ciliary function in, effect of cigarette smoke on 71:165,224 Pseudoephedrine 64:349 Psychoanalytic theory 641367 Psychomotor performance effects of CO in tobacco smoke 75:99-101 in passive smokers, summary of recent findings 75:108 Psvchosocial factors -. tn cardiovascular disease 64~327 smoking habit 67:39,188-192 Psychosomatic disorders in heavy smokers 641367 Psychotherapy cure of tobacco habit by 64:354 198 Public Health Service 64:6,13,127,342 1967 study of, starting point for new studies 71:4 review of medical literature on smoking hazards 71:7 Public transportation effects of passive smoking on bus and plane passengers 75:102 Puerto Rico esophageal neoplasms in, retrospective studies of tobacco use with 71:378 relationship of tobacco use and neo- plasms of oral cavity in 71~367 Puffmeter ratios 641291,292 Pulmonary alveoli changes in rates after exposure to nitro- gen dioxide 69:41 effect of smoking on 64:274,275;67:30,107 epithelium 64:165 epithelium, experimentally induced changes in 641272 fluid lining, smoking effects on 64~269,270 rupture, in pipe/cigar smokers vs. ciga- rette smokers and nonsmokers 73:217 septa, rupture of 64:35,274,275,301 septa, thickening of 64:275 stability, cigarette smoke in 64135,300 Pulmonary clearance effect of heavy smoking 73:52,/53 effect of nitrogen dioxide, in rats 74:103 effect of smoking 72:3,47;73:55;74:101,102 effect of sulfur dioxide on 64:295 mechanical vs. bactericidal clearance in guinea pigs 7353 mechanism, in smokers vs. nonsmokers 73:52,53 in monozygotic vs. dizygotic twins 73:51 particle deposition in smokers vs. n&t- smokers 73:53 in smokers, ex-smokers, and nonsmokers with and without pulmonary disease 74:100,101 see also Pulmonary function Pulmonary diseases see Lung diseases Pulmonary edema nitrogen dioxide in 641266 Pulmonary embolism 64:103 Pulmonary emphysema see Emphysema Pulmonary fibrosis 64:35,301 in asbestos textile workers 72x44 autopsy studies, smokers vs. nonsmokers 75174-76 chronic 64~277-294 in heavy smokers 64~274 in moderate smokers 64~274 obliterating 64~266 in pipe/cigar smokers vs. cigarette smok- ers and nonsmokers 73~217 smokers vs. nonsmokers 71:161 smoking and 67:107; 72~44 Pulmonary function 64~35 abnormalities, and rheumatoid arthritis in smokers vs. nonsmokers 74:92,93 abnormalities, during viral illness, in smokers vs. nonsmokers 75~63 in asymptomatic young men in Romania 73:39 before and after smoking one non-filter cigarette 74:99 of Boston policemen, smokers vs. non- smokers 74:82,R1 -- closing volume abnormalities as mdicator of small airuays disease 75~71, 72 in coal miners, smokers vs. nonsmokers 73:42,43 in coal miners vs. nonminers 73~42 decline in forced expiratory volume, in smokers by race 75~72 diffusmg capacity, smokers vs. nonsmok- ers in Berlin, New Hampshire 73:50,51 effect of asbestos exposure and smoking 73:41 effect of cigarette smoke, in monkeys 74:102 effect of coal dust exposure and smoking 73:4143 effect of dust exposure and smoking 74:95 effect of exercise performance and smoking 74:99 199 effect of isoproterenol in smokers, non- smokers and bronchitics 74:99,100 effect of lung hyperinflation in coal miners 73:42.43 effect of nitrogen dioxide, in animals 74:102. 103 effect of smoking 69:5,42;72:31,38;74:80 effect on exercise performance in smok- ers vs. nonsmokers 73~246,247 in ex-smokers 73:39 of insurance company employees, smok- ers vs. nonsmokers 74:80,81 in jet fighter pilots, smokers vs. non- smokers 73:43 of male and female smokers, in New Guinea 74:81,82 of male executives, smokers vs. non- smokers 74:Sl in males from industrial town in Eng- land, smokers vs. nonsmokers 68:69 of pipe and cigarette smokers, ex-smok- ers, and nonsmokers 74:99 in pipe/cigar smokers vs. nonsmokers 73:217,221 prevalence of deficient heterozygote phenotypes, in smokers vs. nonsmok- US 75:14 pulmonary hypertension and 73:43 respiratory flow resistance 64~266 small airways disease, smoking, and 74:84-87;75:11,72 in smokers vs. nonsmokers 67:99-101; 72~40; 7355; 74~80-82 in smokers vs. nonsmokers in Berlin, New Hampshire 73:50,51 in smokers vs. nonsmokers, under 30 years of age 73:50 smoking and 73:38,39 summary of recent findings 75:78 tests 641218,292 volume tests 64:292 in young smokers 67:110-111 see also Pulmonary clearance; Respira- tory function tests Pulmonary heart disease COPD and 72~24 smoking as cause 72:24,21 Pulmonary surfactant effect of smoke 67:llO; 72:48 effect of smoking 69:42;73:55 Pyelitis 64:224 Pyrene 6459,141 in cigar, pipe, and cigarette smoke 73:178 Pyridine 64:54,59 as suspected contributor to health haz- ards of smoking 72:145 3-Pyridylacetic acid 64~72 gamma- (3-Pyridyl)-gamma-methylamino butyric acid 64:71,72 gamma- (3-Pyridyl)-gamma*xo-butyric acid 64:72 Pyrolysis 64:50.53,59,62 Pyrrolidine, nitroso- suspected carcinogenic properties in ciga- rette smoke from 71~265 Pyruvic acid 64~51 Quassia 64~354 Quinine 64:354 Quinoline 64:54 Rabbits atherogenic effects of carbon monoxide and hypoxia 71:64 atherogenic effects of nicotine 71:120-122 blood lipids in, smoking and nicotine effects on 71:127 cardiovascular function in, smoking and nicotine effects 71:lOS. 109 cholesterol fed, carbon monoxide effects 0" 71:65-66 ciliary function in, cigarette smoke ef- fect on 71:221-222 ciliastasis in 64~268 coronary blood flow in 64:318 200 leukoplakia in 64:233 neoplasm induction in 64:143, 146,202,203 offspring, nicotine and smoke effects on birth weight 71:407 offspring, smoking effects on stillbirth and mortalitv 71:411 - pregnant, tritium-labeled nicotine effects in 71:413 pulmonary changes in cigarette smoking 71:159 pulmonary clearance in, cigarette smoke effect on 71:164, 170, 171 pulmonary damage in 64:266 skin paintim, smoke condensate effects ;;:267, 338 smoke deposition in 64:265 Race 64~224, 363,364 as a factor in coronary heart disease 73:4,5,23 as a factor in permatal mortality in smoking vs. nonsmoking mothers 73:129-132 as a factor in stillbirth rates 73:124,125 Radiation exposure smoking and, as cause of respiratory cancers 73~72 smokis and, in uranium miners 72:64,65 Radioactive carbon 64:166 Radioactive cerium 64:166 Radioactive particles in tobaccp leaf, tobacco smoke, and smokers' lungs 73~12 Radioactive substances epidermoid neoplasms from 64:166,230 as tracers 64:265 Radioactivity 64:145,166, 193,230 Radionuclides 64: 193 Radium 64:145 Radon inhalation 64: 145 Rats alveolar lining changes in 64:269, 270 atherosclerosis in, nicotine induced 64:319;71:120. 121 blood hpids in, nicotine and smoke effects 71:128 carcinoma induction rn 64~165 ciliary function in, cigarette smoke on 71:221, 222 clearance mechanisms in 64~269 epidermoid lung neoplasm induction in 64:66 hepatoma induction in 64: 145 nicotine determmation in female LD%4,2 lune neoolasms. from intrabronchial im- planting of chromium compounds 71:258 lung neopfasms, from nickel carbonyl and dust inhalation 71:256 lungs. cigarette smoke effects on sur- factant activity 71:172, 225 mucous cell increase in 641269 neoplasm induction in 64: 143 offspring, nicotine and smoke effects on birth weight 71:407 pregnant, aromatic compound stimula- tion of placental BP-hydroxylase ac- tivity 71:414 pregnant, fetal wastage and neonatal death in nicotine and smoking 71:411 pulmonary carcinoma induction follow- ing asbestos dust inhalation 711257 pulmonary changes from chronic nitro- gen dioxide inhalation 71:161, 220 pulmonary damage in 64~269 respiratory tract. cigarette smoke inhala- tion effects 71:268,349, 353 sarcoma induction in 64 : 266 skin painting, smoke condensates effect 71:267. 340 tobacco allergy in 64:319 trachea. cigarette smoke effects on 71:343 tracheal ligation, cigarette smoke and papain effects on 71:163 tracheobronchial tree, cigarette smoke effects on 71:268. 346-349 Reading ability in children of smoking mothers 71:407 Rectal neoplasms 64: 103 201 Registrar General of England and Wales 64:134 Relative risk ratios amount smoked in 64:161 Cornfield method in 64: 160 measu*e of 64:183 Religion 64 ~244 cure of tobacco habit 64:354 in prospective studies 64:99, 101 and smoking habit 67 54, 97 smoking prevalence by 64:364 Reserpine nicotine cardiac stimulation blockage by 71:57 Residues 64:145 Resorcinol 64~54 Respiration effect of nicotine, clinical and experi- mental studies 67~26 rate 64:266 Respiratory function tests 64:289-293, 297 body height effect on 64:290 effect of smoking 72~45 in ex-smokers 67: 100 smokers 71:146-147, 206-214 smokers vs. nonsmokers by sex 67:99 smokers vs. nonsmokers, twins 67:103 of smokers with mild bronchitis 69~39 by smoking history 67: 100 using radioactive xenon 69:39 and young smokers 67: 100-101 seealso Pulmonary function; Respira- tory system Respiratory symptoms 68~69. 70.71 effect of au pollution and smoking 74:90.91 effect of air pollution exposure levels in telephone workers 75:67 effect of asbestos exposure in smokers vs. nonsmokers 73:41 effect of cigarette smoke 68:73.74 pipe/cigar smokers and cigarette smokers vs. nonsmokers 72:3,40 prevalence in cement and rubber indus- try workers, smokers vs. nonsmokers 74:95,96 prevalence in children of parental smok- ers 75:102, 103 prevalence in Duisburg, Germany, by age and cigarette consumption 73:39 prevalence in ex-smokers 73:39 prevalence in pipe and cigar smokers 73:217,220,221 prevalence in smokers vs. nonsmokers 73:ss prevalence in smokers vs. nonsmokers in Bordeaux, France 73:36 in school children 67:69,70,71 in smokers vs. nonsmokers 68:66,61,71; 75:62,63 in smokers vs. nonsmokers by amount smoked 73x31 summary of previous findings 75:s summary of previous findings on rela- tionihip to-passive smoking 75:88 summary of recent findings 75:78 in women 64~286 Respiratory system acute effect of cigarette smoke on hu- man pulmonary function 71:163, 166-169 animal, cigarette smoke instillation or implantation effects on 71:268, 346-348 animal, effect of cigarette smoke inhala- tion on 71:268-269, 349-353 defense mechanisms in 64:267,268 effect of cigarette and cigar smoke on bronchial reactivity 71:164 effect of cigarette smoke on human ciliary function 71:165,221-224 effect of cigarette smoke on human pulmonary clearance 71:164, 170 effect of smoking on 67:141 glossary of terms used in testing 71:215 histological changes in smokers 64:210-274; 71:154-157 improvements in function following smoking cessation 7 I : 148, 149 202 irritation, prevalence in rubber industry workers, smokers vs. nonsmokers 74:96 pathological changes in cigarette smokers 71:17s postoperative complication in, of smok- ers vs. nonsmokers 71:174-176, 230 pulmonary alveolar phagocytosis in smokers vs. nonsmokers 71:165 pulmonary infarction in dogs inhaling cigarette smoke 71:271 surface tension of, effect of cigarette smoke on 71: 172, 225 surfactant activity of, in smokers vs. nonsmokers 71~172, 225 surfactants in, definition 71:172 see also Bronchi; Lungs Respiratory tract diseases 64:263-302 by amount smoked 67~97 chronic, definition 64:288 chronic, epidemiology 64~297,298 cigarette smoking and 64:216 clinical evidence of 641294 definition of 64:289 epidemiology of 64~297,298 etiology of 64:302 infections, in emphysema development 67:lll infections, prevalence in smokers 71:10, 176 infections, smoking and 67:29;71:172,226-229;72:3,38 non-influenza& in smokers vs. nonsmok- :;:48 pathological and cytological changes in, of smokers vs. nonsmokers 71:258-263 role of constitutional factors in 67:102-104 role of heredity factors in 67:102-104 rural vs. urban dwellers 67:97 smokers vs. nonsnokers, by age 67:lOO smokers vs. nonsmokers, by occupation 67197 by smoking characteristics 67:97-98 by smoking classification 67197-98 in smokingdiscordant twin pairs 67:102-104 twin studies 67:102-104 ventilatory function in, smokers vs. non- smokers 71:17s see also Lung diseases Respiratory tract neoplasms carcmogenesis induction in animals 74:46,47 by country, in females 64:131 experimental induction of 69~63-64 mortahty rates 671147 mortality trends in 641136 and smoking 67:lO and smoking classification 67:147 see also Lung neoplasms Respondents age-adjusted death rates in 64:114 mortality ratios in 64:116 Restricted activity days by age, sex, and smoking history 67:19-21 definition of 67:19 Reticulosarcoma and cigarette smoke 67:148 and tobacco tars 67:148 Retinal sensitivity to tobacco 64:341 Retinoblastoma 64:191 Retrospective studies 64:27, 28-31, 150-157, 160, 161, 198, 199 association of diseases in 64:160,161 control groups in 64:181 definition of 64:27 inhalation patterns in 64:159 laryngeal neoplasrns 64~233,234 lung neoplasms, and smoking, methods 71:323-328 lung neoplasms, duration of smoking in 64:158 maternal smoking 64:343 methods 64:152, 153. 154, 198. 199, 200 mortality studies 64:150 203 pepttc ulcer 64:337 reliability of 64:lSO risk ratios in 64.160.161 smoking charactenstics m 64:156 Reverse smoking 64:203,204 effect on oral mucosa 72:6.69,70 heat effects in 64:204 leukopkkia and 73~76 nicotine stomatitis and 72:6.69,70 oral neoplasms and 73:76 Rhesus monkeys 64:166 Rheumatic heart disease mortality from 64:103,325 Rhinitis 64~215 Rhodesia methods used in retrospective studies of smoking in relation to lung neo- plasms 71:328 Risk factors in coronary heart disease 72:16-18 Risk ratios calculation of 64:183,230 on cessation of smoking, in lung neo- plasms 64:187, 188 consistency of 64:182, 183 by lifetime cigarette ConsumptiOn 64:161 in lung neoplasms 64:187. 188 RNA bmding of polycyclic hydrocarbons to 73:86,87 synthesis, effect of cigarette smoke on 69z62.63 Rodents carcinogenesis tests in 64:142 ozone effect on 64:142 Roswell Park Memorial Institute 641174,219 Rubber carcinogenic activity of 64:147 Rubidium-84 tracmg capillary flow in coronary blood flow 71:59 Rum 64:62 Running effect of smoking 73:243,244 Rural areas 64:99 lung neoplasm incidence in. in Su,r,c, land 71:244 relationships of lung neoplasm to smok ing, air pollution, and 7i:252-255 smokers in 64~99,364 Rural populations lung neopfasms in, suspected etiology ,,t increased 71~216 Rural vs. urban populations bladder neoplasm prevalence 64:225 mortality rates 67:ll smoking and 67~97 Russia atherogenic effects Of nicotine on rabbtts in 71:120 atherosclerosis autopsy studies in 71:54 cigarette tar effects on rat tracheo- bronchial tree in 71:348 gastric neoplasms, in Russian-born 64:135 gastric neoplasms in Russian Jews 64:135 Rutin structural formula of 64:54 Saliva 64:203 interference in action of carcinogens on oral cavity 71:288 Salivary gland neoplasns 64:134 see also Mouth neoplasms; Oral neo- plasms Salivary glands 64:271 Sample selection bias resulting from 64:180, 181 Sarcomas anaplasttc, tar induction of 64:223 classification of 64:174 formation following animal skin painting with smoke condensates 71:338,340 mduction in rats by cigarette smoke injection 71~346-347 204 induction of 64:144, 176 subcutaneous 64:143 Saslow Psychosomatic Screening Inventory 641367 Saturated fats 64:322 Scholastic achievement 64~370, 372 School children smoking and respiratory systems m 68:69,70,71 School grade level smoking prevalence by 64:361, 362 Scotland respiratory symptoms in miners of 64~288,298 Scotoma 64:341 Scottish Home and Health Department Standing Medical Advisory Committee 64:304 Scrotal neopfasms 64:147 Secondary infections 641272 Sedation smoking effect as 64:350 Sedatives withdrawal treatment with 64~352 Selection bias in health studies 64:180,181 Selenium carcinogenicity 67:128 in cigarette smoke 67:128 potential respiratory carcinogenesis 68:92 Senile keratos,is 64:203 Sensory drives 641354 Seven Countries Studv epidemiologic study of smoking and CHD 74~6 Seventh Day Adventists coronary disease incidence in 64:322 laryngeal neoplasm prevalence in 64:209 lung neoplasm prevalence in 64:155 sex acute diseases in smokers and non- smokers by 67~22 ages of cigarette smokers by 71:6 bed days by, and smoking history 67 : 20-2 1 bladder neoplasm mortality rates in United States by 67:154 bronchitis, prevalence rates by 67~96 cerebrovascuiar disease mortality rates, by age and 67~66 cerebrovascular disease mortality rates, by smoking classification and 67~66 cerebrovascular disease mortality ratios, by age and 67 ~66 cerebrovascular disease mortality ratios, by smoki% classification and 67:66 chronic diseases in smokers and non- smokers by 67:22 coronary disease incidence rates and smokmg history by 69:21-22, 24 coronary disease mortality rates, by 67:25,47,50,56; 69: 13. 17 coronary disease mortality ratios, by 67:49;69:13 cough and smoking habit by 67198 effect of, in alpha-1-antitrypsin defi- ciency emphysema 71:151 effect of, in lung neoplasms and tobacco use 711244. 329-333 effect of, in mortality in cigarette smok- ;ls:276 uffect of, on laryngeal neoplasm inci- dence development 71~271 emphysema mortality rates 67:91 esophageal neoplasm mortality rates 67: 150 laryngeal neoplasm mortality rates 67: 148 liver cirrhosis mortality rates, by 67:184 liver cirrhosis mortality ratios. by 67:184 lung neoplasm development by 7l:ll lung neoplasm mortality rates by 67:34, 134, 140:71:252 lung neoplasm mortality ratios by 67:33, 134, 140 mortality by, and smoking history 67123 mortality rates of cigarette smokers by 71:3 pancreatic neoplasm mortality rates, by 67:158 pancreatic neoplasm mortality ratros. by 67:158 peptic ulcer morbidity rates. by 67:182 205 ratio, effect of maternal smoking on 73:135, 136 ratio, in lung neoplasm mortality 74:40. 46 ratlo. tn lung neoplasm mortality in Norway and I mland 7 1~245-246 restricted acttvtty days by, and smoking history 67 :20-2 1 and smoking habit 67~4 stroke mortality rates by 69:13, 17 stroke mortality ratios by 69:13 tumor prevalence among smokers by 69156 Sex differentials 64:133 in lung cancer 64:18S, 186 in smoking prevalence 64:363 Sheep pregnant, nicotme injection and smoke inhalatton effects on 71:414 Sheet metal workers neoplasm risks in 64:134 Sheldon somatotyping method 64: 383 Shoe repairers bladder neoplasms in 64:222. 224 Side stream smoke see Smoke streams Silica 64127 1 Silver nitrate 64:354 Single-breath tests smokers vs. nonsmokers 73:Sl Sinusitis 641215 in smokersand nonsmokers 67 ~22 Sitosterols 64:52 Skin benzo(a)pyrene effect on 64: 146 effect of tobacco extracts 72:105-107 reactions of. tobacco mduced 64:319 tests of 64:143 tobacco anttgens and 72:7. 104. 105 Skm neoplasms 64:143, 144 carcinogentc induction of 64~229 carcinoma in situ 64-172 experimentally induced by cigarette smoke 67:144 mineral oil induction of 641229 ultraviolet radiation induction of 64~144 Skin testing for reactions to tobacco 72:105-107 Smog 64~295 Smoke, cigar benzo(a)pyrene content of 64:58 chemical constituents in 73:177-179 ciliotoxicitv 73:218- effect of curing methods 73:218,219 effect of pH on inhalation of 73:183 little, pH, compared to cigarette and cigar smoke 73~224, 228 tumorigenic activity in laboratory ani- mals 73:210-214 see also Smoke, tobacco Smoke, cigarette 64:50-62 alteration of coronary blood flow 71:58 aromatic hydrocarbons in 67~127-128 benzo(a)pyrene content of 6458 and bronchoconstriction in animals 68~72 bronchogenic carcinoma induction in dogs inhaling 71~269,270 butylmethylnitrosamine in 67:128 cadmium levels in 71:154 carbon monoxide levels in 71:59 carcinogenic content of 75:48 carcinogenicity 67:1S, 34, 144;72:65, 66 carcmogenicity of components to ani- mals 71:12, 277 cause of death in dogs from inhalation 71:271 chemical constituents in, compared to pipe/cigar smoke 73~177. 178 ctliary activity 67:107-108, 140; 68:71, 72; 69:42 ciliary depression by 64:61, 265, 267, 268, 270 ciliary inhibition 71:267 206 ciliatoxic effect, mechanism of action 67:107 cocarcinogenic effect on respiratory tract in rabbits 72:67 cocarcinogens in 64:144 composition of 64:50-60 and decrease in pulmonary macrophages, in guinea pigs 75:77,18 deposition patterns of 64:265 effect of curing methods 73:218,219 effect of nickel on induction of lung aryl hydroxylase 711256-257 effect on adenosine triphosphatase 67:108 effect on alveolar macrophages 69:42 effect on apexcardiogram 72:21 effect on bacterial retention in hamsters 73:54 effect on breathing in guinea pigs 72:46 effect on bronchial epithelium 67:107,144-145 effect on bronchial epithelium in dogs 69:40; 73:49 effect on bronchial mucosa 67:30, 104-107.144-145 effect on DNA and RNA synthesis 69:62-63 effect on Dunoliella bioculafa 69:42 effect on infhrenza virus in mice 68:70, 71 effect on lung AHH-activity 74:50,51 effect on lungs 67 : 106 effect on lu,ng surface tension in dogs 72:48 effect on nasociliary mucosa in donkeys 72:47 effect on oxidative enzymes 67:108 effect on phagocytosis in laboratory animals 73:53,54 effect on phagocytosis in rabbits 72:109 effect on pulmonary clearance . 73:51-53 effect on pulmonary macrophage func- tion, in rabbits 74: 104 effect on pulmonary physiology, in ani- mals 74:102 effect on pulmonary surfactant 67:110;69:42 effect on rat and mouse fetus, site of action 73:121 effect on respiratory tract, in rats 74: 104 effect on tissue cultures 69:42; 71~267, 343-345 effect on tracheobronchial clearance, in donkeys 75:78 effect on vascular resistance 67:61 effect on ventrrcular fibrillation thresh- old in dogs 73:13, 14 endrin in 64162 epidermoid neoplasms from 64:144 experimental mduction of bronchial neo- ptasms 67:144-145 experimental mduction of lung neo plasms by 67:144-145 experimental induction of tracheal neo- plasns by 67: 144-145 experimental studies in dogs 73:13,14 experimental studies in laboratory am- mals 72:21 exposure magnrtude to 641296, 291, 298 extract, effect on pulmonary macro- phages, in sheep lungs 74:105 formaldehyde gas in 64:266 gaseous deposition of 64:265 harmful constituents of 72:8, 141-146 heterocyclic nitrogen compounds in 67:127 high tar, risks in 71:ll inhalation by dogs, lung neoplasm de- velopment 7l:268-269, 272-214 inhalation effects on animal respiratory tract 71:268-269, 349,353 inhalation effects on hamster larynx 71:281, 284 inhalation methods 69162 inhalation of, and coronary disease 67154 inhalation of, effect on blood pressure 67:54 and leukemia 67:148 listing of identified or suspected tumori- genie agents 71~264-267 and lymphosarcoma 67:148 metallic constituents of 64:SS 201 naphthylamine content, and bladder carcinogenesis 68:105 2.naphthylamine Identified in 71:265 negative ions in 64:268 neoplastic changes in animals inhaling 71:238-239 nickel carbonyl in 69:62 nickel in 64:167 nicotine content in 67:34 nitrosamines in 67:127-128 nonvolatile condensates of 64:50 phenols in 64:54, 267;67:127-128 polonium-210 in 671128 positive ions in 641268 pyraQ4;ts)reactions in radioactivity of 64:145 reduction of adverse effects in animals by phenylmethyloxadiazole (PMO) 73:49,53 and reticulosarcoma 67:148 selenium in 67:128 skin neoplasm induction by 67:144 and suluhur dioxide. effect on glands in laboratory animals 73.49 .-. ._ suppression of immunoglobulin re- sponse, in cell cultures 75:77 TDE content of 64:62 tobacco amblyopia relationship to cyanide metabolism in 71~435436 see also Smoke, tobacco Smoke condensates see Tars, cigarettes; Tars, tobacco Smoke. pipe benzo(a)pyrene in 64:58 carcinogenicity 671147-148 chemical constituents in 73:177, 178 cihotoxicitv of 73:218- effect of pH on inhalatton of 73:183 mouth neoplasms experimentally in- duced by 67:147-148 tumorigenic activity in mals 73:210-214 see also Smoke, tobacco Smokers airway resistance in 64~292,293 alcohol consumption by 64:385 allergic reactions in 64:319 angina pectoris in 64:325 arteriosclerosis in 69:26 behavioral variables in 64:112 laboratory ani. bladder neoplasms in 64:131, 132, 219, 222, 223, 224, 225 body weight of 64~326, 384, 385 breathlessness in 64:21,286, 287 bronchitis prevalence in 64:289 cholesterol levels in 641326, 385 chronic cough in 64~27, 280, 281, 282, 283, 299, 302 ciliary effects in 64:27, 34, 35, 61, 168, 169, 170, 172, 173,267 --. constitutional differences in 64:112,326 coronary disease in 641322-325 current, mortality rates in 64 ~95 current, mortality ratios in 64:93 current, neoplasm risk in 64:158 current, pulmonary fibrosis in 641274 epithelial charges in 64:165, 167-173, 189.263-275 forced expiratory flow rate in 64:290,291 heavy, risk ratios in 64:161,213,232 heavy, urban-rural mortality in 64:186, 194 hemoglobin levels in 641319 hereditary factors in 64:385 1.Q. measurements in 64:370 laryngeal neoplasms in 64:131,132,133,209,211 lung function in 64~27 lung neoplasms in 64:118, 131, 132, 133, 149-196, 232 morphologic constitution of 64:383-387 208 mortality rates in, from gastric neo- plasms 64:132 mortality rates in 64:99, 117, 118, 162, 209,322, 323 mortality rates in, from laryngeal neo- plasms 64:211 nonrespondents amo% 64:-l 14 occupational asbestos exposure and car- cinogenesis 67~35 occupational uranium exposure and car- cinogenesis 67~35 oral neoplasliis m 64:131,132, 133,202,204 as percentage of population 64:114 personality 64~39. 326, 365, 368 physical characteristics of 64~326 population of 64:45 usvchological factors in 1 -64:ll2 reduction of life expectancy 69:3 respiratory conditions in 64:289 risk ratios in 64:160,161,222,223,232 risk ratios in, in bladder neoplasms 64:222 risk ratios in, in lung neoplasms 64:161 serum cholesterol in 64~326 smoking patterns in 64:177,178,179 somatotype classification of 64:383,385 sputum analysis of 69:39-10.57-58 sputum production in 64:27,283-286 urban-rural differences in 64:99.101 U.S. incidence of 64:178, 179 see also passive smokers; Smokers, cigar; Smokers, cigar and pipe; Smokers, cigarette; Smokers, pipe Smokers, cigar amblyopia in 64~341,342 atypical nuclei in male esophageal epi- thelium 71:379 bladder neoplasm mortality in 64:219,222,223,224, 235 bladder neoplasms in 7 1~293-294 body weight of 64:384 carboxyhemoglobin levels in 72:21-23 cell rows and atypical cells in vocal cords %280, 359-360 coal miners as 64:299 COPD morbidity in 71:146, 197-198, 201-202, 204-205 coronary deaths in 64:323 decreased neoplasm risk in 64~37 duodenal ulcers in 64:37 duration of smoking in 64136 effects of smoke on bronchial reactivity 71:164 epithelial lesions in 64:170. 173, 189 esophageal neoplasm mortality ratios in 71:290 esophageal neoplasms in 64:213. 217. 218,234 fibrosis in 64:291 forced expiratory volume in 64:291 gastric ulcers m 64:37 gingival neoplasms in 64:202 inhalation practices in 64:36, 92, 188 kidney neoplasms in 7 1: 294295 Lack of risk in CVD 71:67 laryngeal neoplasm induction in 71:12.354-357 laryngeal neopksms in 64:37, 192, 205, 209, 211, 212; 71:281 lip neoplasms in 64:197, 202, 230, 240 lung neoplasms in 64:37, 150,155, 159, 163,170, 173, 175,188.l lung neoplasms, incidence in rural Swit- zerland 71:244 lung neoplasms, mortality in 71:ll. 240-243 morphological constitution of 64:385, 386 mortality rates in 64:30, 36 mortality ratios from COPD in 71:142-143, 145 mortality ratios from pancreatic neo- plasms in 71:298 mortality ratios from peptic ulcer in 71:424 mortality ratios in 64:86, 87, 107, 112. 163 myocardial arteriole wall thickness in 72:19 myocardial infarction in 71 132, 38-39 209 oral neoplasms m 64:37. 189. 192.202 pharyngeal neoplasms in 64:202 relationship of neoplasms of oral cavity with 71:12, 361-365. 367-371 relationship to infectious respiratory dis- eases 71:221 relative risk in esophageal neoplasm de- velopment 72~68 relative risk in laryngeal neoplasm de- velopment 72~67 relative risk in lung neoplasms develop- ment 71:276; 73:67, 68 respiratory diseases in 641274. 289 risk;{:gHD risk of COPD 7l:lO risk ratios in 64:31, 37.231.233 tongue neoplasms in 64 : 189, 202 U.S. trends in number of 64:26,45 see also Smokers, cigar and pipe Smokers, cigar and pipe causes of death in 64: 107 expected death rate in 64:107 gastric neoplasn mortality in 64:288 gastric ulcer in 64:113 incidence of atyprcal nuclet in larynx 69:59 Incidence of coronary heart disease 69:21,24 incidence of gingivitis 69:86 incidence of stomatitis nicotina 69:87 liver cirrhosis in 64:113 lung neoplasms in 64:113 mortality ratios in 64:107 observed deaths in 64: 107 oral neoplasns in 64:113 thickness of vocal cords 69:60 seealso Smokers, cigar; Smokers. pope Smokers, crgarette air pollution effects on 64:194, 195.276, 295-298. 301, 302 arterial occlusions in 71:73 atherosclerosis in aortic and coronary arteries 71:52-56 atypical nuclei in male esophageal ept. thelium 7 I :379-380 bladder neoplasms in 71:293-295 bladder neoplasms mortality in 64:32,37,219,234 bronchitis in 64:102,103, 301 cell rows and atypical cells in vocal cords of 7 1:280,359-360 cessation of smoking, effects on CDpD morbidity 71:146, i97, 199,203-204 cessation of smoking, lowers lung neo. plasm rate in il:ll changes in ventifatory function and put. monary histology 71:175 comparative risk for lung neoplasms 71:23? coronary diseases in 64~322 coronary diseases in, AHA pooling pro. ject 71:28,30, 39 coronary diseases risk by 71:8, 23-25 coronary mortality in 64~324 decline in, British physicians 71:48 development of altered ventilatory func- tion in young 71:lO development of esophageal neoplasms 71:12. 293 development of laryngeal neoplasms 71:12 development of oral neoplasms 71:12 development of second primary oral neoplasms in continuing 71:287 effect of filters on emphysema develop- ment 71:162 effect on cardiovascular system 71:56-58, 107-118 effects of inhalation on bronchial reac- tivity 71:164 effects on uterine activity in gravidic women 71:408 emphysema in 641277-294 emphysema mortality in 64:102. 103 epithelial changes in 64:170,173, 189 esophageal neoplasms in 64:102. 103, 188,212,213 esophageal neoplasms, mortality ratios in 7 1: 290-29 1 210 excess mortality in 64: 108 expected mortality m 64:108 forced expiratory volume in 64:291 histology and smokmg relationship of lung neoplasms in 7 I :246-249 hypertension in 64:325 infant birth weight 7 1:391-399 inhalation effects on human pulmonary function 71:163, 166-169 inhalation patterns in 64:159 kidney neoplasms in 64:102; 71:294-196 laryngeal neoplasm induction in 71:354-357 laryngeal neoplasm mortality in 64:32,188, 205, 212.234 lung neoplasms, etiology 711239 lung neoplasms in 64~31, 37, 149-196, 229-233 lung neoplasms, mortality in 7 1:240-243-244 mortality from cerebrovascular disease 71:67-70 mortality from neoplasms, by site 64: 149 mortality rates affected by sex 71:3 mortality rates in 64:35, 102,106,108, 109,110. 115, 162,194,3 mortality ratios 64:90, 93, 102, 103 mortality ratios from COPD 71:142-144 mortality ratios from pancreatic neo- plasms in 71:298 mortality ratios from peptic ulcers in 71:424 nonrespondents, mortality in 64:115 oral neoplasms, mortality in 64:102, 103.131, 132, 196.205,233 otolaryngological symptoms in 641215 peptic ulcer 711427 peptic ulcer in, smoke effects on antacid therapy 71~423 percent of population as 64:26 percent of women of childbearing age 71:389 pharyngeal neoplasms in 64:103, 202 possible processes for increased mor- tality in 71:4-5 postoperative pulmonary complications in 71:174,230 pulmonary surfactant activity in 711172, 225 relationship jn coronary and lower limb arteriosclerosis 71172 relationship of asbestos in lung neoplasm mortality 71:257 relationship to infectious resptratory dis- eases 71:172, 226229 relationship to laryngeal neoplasm devel- opment in 71:281 relationship to lip or oral cavity neo- phSTllS 71.361-370 relationship to lung neoplasms 71:275, 276 relattonship with bladder neoplasms m men 71:299 relationship wtth dust on COPD develop- m ent 71:153 risk gradients in, from bladder neoplasms 64~223 risk gradients in, from esophageal neo- plasms 64:234 risk gradients in, from laryngeal neo- plasms 64:37,211,234 risk gradients in, from lung neoplasms 64?31,37,184, 185,230 risk of COPD in 71:140 stomach ulcers in 64:103 survey by age and sex 71:6 survey of U.S. 71:6 see also Smokers Smokers, pipe amblyopia in 64:39, 341.342 amount smoked, in mortality ratios 64:86, 87 atypical muclei in male esophageal epi- t helium 71:379 bladder neoplasms in 64~219, 222, 223, 235; 71:293-294 body weight in 64:384 carboxyhemoglobin levels in 72:21 cell rows and atypical cells in vocal cords of 71:280, 359-360 COPD morbidity m 71 :146, 197-198. 201-205 coronary mortality in 64~323 211 development of chronic bronchopul- monary disease 71:lO development oi esophageal neoplasms 71:13,293 development of lung neoptasms 71:11 development of oral neoplasms 71:12 duodenal ulcers in 64~37 epithetial changes in 64:170. 173, 189 esophageal neoplasms in 64:37,212, 217,218, 234 esophageal neoplasms, mortality ratios 71:290 extroversion in 64:366 fibrosis in 64~274 forced expiratory volume in 64:291 gastric ulcers in 64t37.337 gingival neoplasms in 64:202 inhalation by 64:92,188 kidney neoplasms in 711294-295 lack of risk in CVD 71167 laryngeal neoplasms in 64:37,192,209,211,212 laryngeal neoplasm% induction 71:12, 354-357 lip neoplasms in 64:32, 37, 188, 197.204 lung neoplasms in 64:31, 37, 196, 233 lung neoplasms, incidence in Norway 71~244 lung neoplasm& incidence in rural Swit- zerland 71:244 lung neoplasms, mortality in 71:324-327 morphology of 64:385,386 mortality rates 64:30,36,74, 194,202.222,223 mortality rates from COPD 71:142-143, 145 mortality ratios 64:90,91. 162 mortality ratios from pancreatic neo- plasms 71:298 mortality ratios from peptic ulcer 71:424 myocardral arterrole wall thickness tn 72:19 myocardial infarction in 71:32. 38-39 neoplasm location in 64~197 oral changes in 64:302 oral neoplasms and 64:37, 150, 189, 192, 202; 72:6, peptic ulcer in 71~427 pharyngeal neoplasms in 64~202 psychosomatic disorders in 64~367 relationship to infectious respiratory d,, eases 71:22-l relationship to IarYngeA neoplasm de\et. opment 71:281 relationship to lip neoplasms 71:289 relationship to oral cavity neoplasms 71:361-364, 367 relative risk in esophageal neoplasm de. velopment 72:68 relative risk in laryngeal neoplasm devet- onment 7`1167 relative risk in lung neoplasm develop- ment 71:276;73:67,68 respiratory diseases in 64z289.299 risk of CHD 71:s risk ratios in, from neoplasms 64:31, 37, 196, 209, 211, 231, 233. 235 tongue neoplasms 64:188, 189.202 seealso Smokers, cigar and pipe Smokers vs. ex-smokers atypical nuclei in larynx 69~59 coronary disease mortality rates, for men by age 67~43 coronary disease mortality rates. for men. by years stopped smoking 67:49;69:15 coronary disease mortality rates, for men, compared to nonsmokers 69~15 coronary disease mortality rates for men. compared to nonsmokers 69:lS lung neoplasm mortality rates 67:34,137,139 morbidity rates 67:15 mortality rates 6719. 15 peptic ulcer mortality rates by age 67:181 peptic ulcer mortality rattos by age 67:lEl stroke mortality for men, compared to nonsmokers 69:15 212 thickness of vocal cords 69:60 Smokers vs. nonsmokers abortions, still births, and neonatal death 7 1:390,405406 acute diseases in 67122 o-aminophenols in urine of 69:64 angina pectoris morbidity ratios 67 :59 aortic aneurysm mortality 69:16 arteriosclerosis 67:22;72:19 arteriosclerosis, mortahty rates 67:26 attitudes 67:190-191 atypical nuclei in larynx 69159 bladder neoplasms in 71:293-295,381~384 bladder neoplasms, mortality rates, by z54, 155 blood cholesterol levels, twin studies 67~55 blood factors of mothers and infants 69:80 body constitution 67~99 breathlessness in 67~29,286 bronchitis mortality rates 67:8, 29, 90-92 carboxyhemoglobin levels 67:100;72;21-23 cardiopulmonary function, in young male 67:lOO cell rows and atypical cells in vocal cords of 71:280,359-360 cerebrovascular diseases 72~25 cerebrovascular diseases mortality rates 67:66;71:67-70 cerebrovascular diseases mortality ratios 67~66 chronic diseases in 67:22 coronary disease incidence 69:18, 20-22 coronary disease incidence and behavior type 69124 coronary disease incidence rates, by age 67:54,65 coronary disease morbidity ratios 67:59;71:24 coronary disease morbidity ratios, and blood pressure status 67~55 coronary disuse morbidity ratios, and lung function 67~56 coronary disease morbidity ratios, by age 67~54 coronary disease morbidity ratios, by blood cholesterol levels 67155 coronary disease morbidity ratios, by personality characteristics 6757 coronary disease morbidity ratios, by sociocultural mobility status 67:57 coronary disease mortality 67:47;71:21-22,24,26-29 coronary disease mortality, by age 67:50;69:13 coronary disease mortality, by amount smoked 67:51;69:13 coronary disease mortality, by sex 67:50;69:13;71:28-31 coronary disease mortality, by smoking htstory 67:51 coronary disease mortality, for men 67:27 coronary disease mortality, for women 67:28 coronary disease mortality, in Swedish twins 71:51 coronary disease mortality ratios 6718 coronary disease mortality ratios, by age 67:49,52;69:13 coronary disease mortality ratios, by amount smoked 67:4749;69:13 coronary disease mortality ratios, by blood pressure status 67:52 coronary disease mortality ratios, by sex 67:49;69:13 cough in 67129 Curschmann's spirals in sputum of 69:39-40 development of COPD in 71:141,145,195-205 differences in emphysema types in 71:154, 156 digestive tract neoplasm mortality rates 671147 emphysema mortality rates 67:8 emphysema mortality ratios 67:90-92 esophageal epithelial cells with atypical nuclei in 71~292 esophageal neoplasm mortality rates, for men by age 67:150 esophageal neoplasm mortality ratios 67:35, 150-151; 71:290-291 excretion of trvtoohan metabolites in I freq7~e?~of esophageal neoplasms m 71:238 213 frequency of kidney neoplasms in 71:238 frequency of mouth and pharyngeal neo plasms m 71:238 frequency of urinary bladder neoplasms in 71:238 group characteristics in lung neoplasms and smoking in 71:240. 244, 329-333 3.hydroxyanthranilic acid urinary excre- tion in 67:156 3-hydroxykynurenine urinary excretion in 67: 156 incidence of edentulism 69:87 incidence of gingivitis 69:86 incidence of periodontal disease 69:85-86 incidence of preeclampsia among preg- nant women 69~79 laryngeal neoplasm mortality rates 67:148;71:237-238 laryngeal neoplasm mortality ratios 67135; 71~278-279 laryngeal neoplasms in, relationship to tobacco use 71:354-357 lung fibrosis development in 71:161 lung neoplasm mortality in uranium miners 711256 lung neoplasm mortality rates 67: 8. 34,47 lung neoplasm mortality rates. by age 67:132-138, 140 lung neoplasm mortality rates, by sex 67:136, 140 lung neoplasm mortality rates, for men by age 67:131-132, 134-135. 137-140 lung neoplasm mortality rates, for men by amount smoked 67:134-135, 137-140 lung neoplasm mortahty rates, for men by smoking characteristics 67:134-135.139 lung neoplasm mortality rates, for men by smoking history 67:134-135. 137-140 lung neoplasm mortality rates. for wom- ;1;:240-243 lung neoplasm mortality ratios, by age 67:134-140 lung neoplasn mortality ratios, by sex 67:136. 140 lung neoplasm mortahty rattos. by smok- ing classification 67:139 lung neoplasm mortality ratios, for men by age 67:134-135, 137-140 lung neoplasm mortality ratios, for men by amount smoked 67:134-135, 137-140 lung neoplasm mortality ratios, for men by smoking characteristics 67:134-135 lung neoplasm mortality ratios, for men by smoking history 67:134-135,137, 139 lung neoplasm mortality ratios, for worn. t?:34,136 lung neoplasm occurrence in asbestos workers 67:143 lung neoplasm occurrence in uranium workers 67~143 N-methylnicotinamide urinary excretton 67:156 morbidity rates, in United States 6713,s mortality rates 71:3 mortality rates, by age 67:79-10 mortality rates, by occupation 67:ll mortality rates. for Canadian pensioners 67:lO mortality rates, for men by age 67:12-13 mortality rates, for U.S. veterans by age 67:12-13 mortality rates, for women by age 67:12-13, 21 mortality ratios, by age and sex 67:12-13 mortality ratios. for U.S. veterans by age 67:12-13 mortality ratios from pancreatic neo- ptasms in 71:298 mortality ratios, in United States 67:8 mortality ratios of COPD in 71:142-144 mouth neoplasm mortality rates 671146 mouth neoplasm mortality ratios 67135,146 mucous gland abnormalities in 74:91 myocardial infarction morbidity ratios 67:59 myocardial infarction morbidity ratios, by physical activity levels 67~56 myocardial infarction relationships to physical activity 71:44 oral diseases and 72:6 214 pancreatic neoplasm mortality rates, by ~:15:158159 pancreatic neoplasm mortality rates, by amount smoked 67:159 pancreatic neoplasm mortality rates, by Sex 67:158-159 pancreatic neoplasm mortality rates, by smoking classification 67:159 paralysis agitans mortality rates 67:8 pathological and cytological changes in respiratory tract of 71:258-263 peptic ulcer in, correlated amounts of tobacco use 71~427-428 peptic ulcer morbidity rates, by sex 67:182 peptic ulcer mortality rates, for men, by %-A81 peptic ulcer mortality ratios, for men, by age 67:181 pharyngeaf neoplasm, mortality rates 67~146 pharyngeal neoplasm mortality ratios 67:35,146 postoperative hypoxemia in 71:174-230 postoperative pulmonary complications ;:174175,230 postural hypoxemia mechanism in symptomatic 71:147 prevalence of neoplasms, by type of tumor, sex and 69~56 pulmonary alveolar phagocytosis in 71:165 relation between CHD and serum choles- terol level 71:43 relationship to infectious respiratory dis- ease 71:172, 226-229 respiratory symptoms 72:40 respiratory symptoms by age 67:29.100 respiratory symptoms by occupation 67 ~97 respiratory tract neoplasm mortality rates 67:147 serum lipids in 71:41, 98-102 small airways abnormalities in 74:97,98 stomach neoplasm mortality rates 67:157-158 stroke mortality. by age 69:13 stroke mortality. by amount smoked 69:13 stroke mortality, by sex 69:13 stroke mortality, compared to ex- smokers 69:15 stroke mortality ratios, by age 69:13 stroke mortality ratios, by amount smoked 69:13 stroke mortality ratios, by sex 69:13 surfactant activity in lungs of 71:172,225 thickness of myocardial arteriole walls 72:19 thickness of vocal cords 69:60 tracheal neoplasm mortality rates 67.147 type of lung neoplasms in male and female 71:250 urinary excretion of tryptophan metab- ohtes 69:64 urinary tract neoplasm mortality rates, by age 67:154 see also Smokers vs. nonsmokers, cigar; Smokers vs. nonsmokers, pipe Smokers vs. nonsmokers, cigar esophageal neoplasm mortality ratios 67:35-36 laryngeal neoplasn mortality ratios 67:3S mortality rates 67:8 and mouth neoplasm mortality ratios 67:35 and pharyngeal neoplasm mortality ratios 67:35 Smokers vs. nonsmokers, pipe esophageal neoplasm mortality ratios 67~35 laryngeal neoplasm mortality ratios 67~33,149 mortality rates 67:8 mortality rates for Canadian pensioners 67:lO mouth neoplasm mortality rates 67:35 pharyngeal neoplasm mortalny rattos 67:3S Smoke streams aluminum in 64:55.61. 62 arsenic in 6455 benzo(a) pyrene content 72:123 beryllium in 64:55 chromium in 64:55 215 CO levels in mainstream cigar smoke 75:90 constituents of tobacco smoke 75:88-98 defimtion 01 64:50 effect on nonsmokers 721122.123 Guthion in 64162 nickel in 6455 potassium in 64~55 Sevin in 64:62 sodium in 64~55 summary of previous findings 75:87,88 tar and nicotme content 72~123 Smoke, tobacco 64:26, 33, 34, 50-62, 69-75, 142-146,167,168,263-267 acenapthene in 6455 air cured and tumorigenicity 68:91 as air pollutant 72:7,121,122 alkylbenzene in 64:55 allergic and irritative components, effect on nonsmokers 72:2,128,129 antigenic properties 72:104 aromatic hydrocarbons in 64:55;61:127;69:61 arsenic in 64:55.61 benz(a)anthracene in 67:127 benzene in 64~55 benzo(b)fluoranthene m 67~127 benzo(j)fluoranthene in 67:127 benzo(k)fluoranthene m 67:127 benzo(a)pyrene in 67:127 benzo(e)pyrene in 67:127 beryllium in 6455 bladder carcmogens m 69:64 and bronchogenic carcinoma 67:129-130 carcinogenic heterocyclics in 64~54 carcinogenic hydrocarbons m 64~55 carcinogemcity 64:143. 145;68:90.91;69:62 chromium as 64:55 chronic toxicity of 64:73 chrysene in 67:127 clearance mechanism for 64~267,269 cocarcinogens in 69:61 composition of 64~50-62, 263, 264 constituents of 64:51 constituents of, and bladder neop~~~,~ carcinogenesis 67:156 constituents of, effect on bronchial mu. cosa 67:144-145 constituents of, lung neoplasms induced by 67:144 cyanide in, and vitamin B-12 deficiency. in tobacco amblyopia 67:40 deposition of 64~263-267 dibenz(aj)acridine in 67:127 effect during pregnancy in laborator) animals 73:114,115 effect of constituents on passive smokers 75:88-98 effect on air pollution in aircraft 73:45 effect on bronchial epithelium 67:129 effect on macrophages 72~47 effect on mitochondrial function, in rat liver 74:104 effect on nonsmokers, in aircraft 73:45 effect on stillbirth rate in laboratory animals 73:125 and epidermoid carcinoma 67 : 129-l 30 exposure 64~272 filtration of, effect on bronchoconstric- tar response in smokers 72:45 heterocyclic nitrogen compounds in 67:127 indeno(l,2,3-c,d) pyrene in 67:127 irrltants in 72:109, 110 leukoplakia from 64:233 hver effect of 641342 and lung neoplasms in animals 68:93 216 nicotine content of 68:91 nicotine-Noxides in 69:62 nitrates in 67:128 N-nitrosamines in 67~127 organ toxicity of 64~73 papilloma formation in tracheobronchial mucosa 67:129-130 pH of, effect of leaf constituents 73~224 polonium-210 content, and carcino- genesis 68:92 polycyclic aromatic compounds 64:26, 144 potassium 64~55 potential source of N-nitrosamines 68:91 pyrolytic temperature effect in 64:.50 retention of 64263-267 summary of previous findings on rela- tionship to passive smoking 75:87, 88 summary of recent findings 75:lOE systemic toxicity of 64~73 tar content of 68:91 in tobacco amblyopia etiology 67140 toluene 64~55 toxicity of 64:73 tumorigenic activity 68:90,91; 73:210-214 tumor-promoting agents in, and neo- plasm pathogenesis 67~35 and vitamin B deficiency in tobacco amblyopia 67 :40 see also Smoke, cigar; Smoke, cigarette; Smoke, pipe Smoking and aosenteeism 67:19 and adenocarcinoma 67:140-143 and air pollution 64:295-298 and air pollution, effect on pulmonary function and COPD prevalence 74:82, 83 and alcohol consumption, in esophageal neoplasm formation 67:152 and alveolar bone loss 69185-87 and alveolar cell carcinoma 67:142 and angina pectoris 69:18 and anoxia 67:183 and aortic aneurysm 67:183 and arrhythmia 69~4 and arteriosclerosis 67:28;69:4,5 and asbestos exposure, as factors in lung neoplasm development 74:4143 association with other risk factors in CHD 68121; 74~6. 7, 17 and asthma 67~29 and atherogenesis 67~66 and basal cell hyperplasia 67:30 and bed days 67 : 20-22 and behavior type 69:20, 24 and bladder neoplasms 67133, 36;69:60; 72:68,72-14 and bladder neoplasms in men 67:153 and bronchitis 69~4; 74~79 and bronchitis morbidity 67~6, 94,99 and bronchitis mortality 6713, 29,90-92 in bronchitis pathogenesis 67:29-31,96, 108;69:3740 and carboxyhemcglobin levels in smok- ers 67:183 and cardiovascular diseases 6713, 25-28, 4769;69:3-5 as cause of fires 67:187-188 as cause of traffic accidents 67:187-188 and cerebrovascular diseases 67:27,66 and cerebrovascular diseases by age 67168 and cerebrovascular thrombosis 67~27.68 cigarette sales and CHD mortality rate 68:16 and coffee drinking, in myocardial in- farction etiology 7418 and COPD etiology 73135, 36 and coronary disease 6913.5,20 and coronary disease. age as factor 7416 in coronary disease etiology 67~26. 54