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1: J Prosthet Dent. 1976 Feb;35(2):185-91.Links

Pulp reaction to a temporary zinc oxide/eugenol cement.

The pulpal irritation, such as inflammatory reaction and aspiration of pulpal cells, demonstrated after insertion of the zinc oxide/eugenol cement (Nobetec) seems to warrant the following recommendations: (1) A temporary restoration with a zinc oxide/eugenol base should not be inserted in deep cavities without a protective liner or a calcium hydroxide base covering the exposed dentinal tubules. (2) Before the temporary cementing of inlays and crowns with a zinc oxide/eugenol cement, not only should the dentin be properly cleaned and debris removed, but the prepared surfaces should be covered with a calcium hydroxide liner.

PMID: 1061813 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]