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RUSLE2 - Revised Universal Soil Loss Equation 2

Current Version: RUSLE2 Version (Nov 16, 2006) Updated April 30, 2007

The national RUSLE2 homepage: http://fargo.nserl.purdue.edu/rusle2_dataweb/RUSLE2_Index.htm

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March 12, 2009

October 27, 2008 - Adjusting Yields

Revised Universal Soil Loss Equation Version 2 (RUSLE2) requires a crop yield be entered to provide estimated soil loss and Soil Condition Index (SCI) calculations. These calculations are very sensitive to yield changes. In order to be consistent across the state it is important that a process for determining these yields be used, especially when specific program eligibility is dependent upon the RUSLE2/SCI results.

In Iowa it has been established that the yield for the soil map unit used in RUSLE2 is based on soil map unit as taken from the official county soil survey as posted on the Field Office Technical Guide (FOTG). The FOTG yields have recently been updated in all counties. Effective immediately the revised county crop yields are to be used for all RUSLE2 calculations. These revised yields will not be uploaded into the NASIS data base until April. In the interim, download and print the revised yields by going to the FOTG and clicking on Section II, Soils Information, Soil Survey Area, and selecting your county. Once you select the county click on Soils Tables and the file CSRs and Non-Irrigated Row Crop Yields by Map.

July 6, 2007 – Adjusting Yields Step 4C

The installation of the new version of RUSLE2 dated (Nov 13 2006) has the “General yield level” dropdown menu disabled so you can not change the yield to set by user. In order to enable this function follow the steps listed below:

1. Place curser over the wording “General yield level”.

2. Right click and click on the word Disable so the check is removed.

3. You will now notice the dropdown button.

4. Click on the dropdown button and click on “Set by user”

You should now be able to change yield levels.

ArrowRUSLE2 Screen Print

June 11, 2007 – Spraying Operations

When adding a spraying operation in RUSLE2 you need to make sure you are using it correctly. The post emergent spraying is a three step process. You would need to handle the post spraying operation in the management scenario just like you do manure. 

These steps include 1st added the operation within the management file, 2nd change the default in the “Type of Cover” to describe the type of residue you are adding (i.e. weeds 0-3 mo), and third is go back to the profile page and correct the amount of residue you are adding in step 4c Adjust external residue additions. The correct amount of residue to add from weeds 0-3 month of age should only be 150 lbs/ac or less. Very often this third step is omitted. If you are using RUSLE2 for the P-Index in CNMP’s or Manure management plan it is strongly recommended you not add any spraying operations. It is easy to forget a step and can have dramatically effect the RUSLE2 output.

April 30, 2007 – New version ( of the RUSLE2 program has been released. Before you install the new version of RUSLE2, the old version must be uninstalled. DO NOT DELETE THE OLD VERSION. If you use delete to remove the old RUSLE2 program you will lose all your databases supporting within the RUSLE2 program and all the work you have done to date.

New energy calculator functions have been added to the new version in addition to several additional updates. These new functions are contained in a new fuels folder and every field operation has been revised to include new diesel fuel equivalent values.  Changes have been made to the RUSLE2 database for all Iowa counties. These databases have been corrected to match the new version of RUSLE2 – Version 

This RUSLE2 Version is the current acceptable erosion tool to be used in Iowa.  It should to be loaded on all machines that are using RULSE2.  All of the older versions are to be removed to avoid accidental use of the older version. 

RUSLE2 Version is available on the national website at http://fargo.nserl.purdue.edu/rusle2_dataweb/RUSLE2_Index.htm

Instructions for renaming old database file, un-installing the older version, downloading the new version of RUSLE2, and installing the new version of RUSLE2 (PDF)

September 13, 2006 – Clarification on the use of stalk chopper operation in RUSLE2. We have received a few question on the use of stalk chopper operation in RUSLE2 were the soil loss increases 3-4 tons when the operation is added. This operation in RUSLE2 is a heavy ground driven machine which runs at 3 to 5 inch in depth with double rotors at 8 to 12 miles per hour. It is doing full width disturbance.  Disturbance is similar to that of a tandem disk when operated in the spring on corn stalks in mellow soil a few weeks before planting. Here is a website to check out: http://www.beslerindustries.com/products/stalk-choppers.htm. In Iowa most producers, when they refer to chopping stalks, are really just mowing the stalks down with a rotary mower and are not doing full width disturbance. In that case they need to be using the operation called “Shredder, flail or rotary”. Since shredding corn stalks is becoming more popular with the heavy residues, it is important that we represent the operation correctly in RUSLE2. 

March 10, 2006 – New version of the RUSLE2 program has been released. The old version must be uninstalled and not deleted before the new version can be installed. If you use delete to remove the old RUSLE2 program you will lose all your databases supporting within the RUSLE2 program. See instruction listed below in RUSLE2 Guidance Documents on proper installation of new RUSLE2 program. This new version of RUSLE2 is the official RUSLE2 program that is to be used. It has several corrections. You can download the new version of RUSLE2 from the program file folder at: ftp://fargo.nserl.purdue.edu/pub/RUSLE2/RUSLE2_Program_File

You will also find a new Base database of RUSLE2 posted on the national RUSLE2 website. This update contains several new crops and tillage tools that have been developed. See Tillage Equipment Identification Guide listed below. To download the new database updates, go to the RUSLE2 website subfolder called “Latest Base Database Updates” within the Base Database folder: NRCS_Moses_updates_030104to031006.gdb. By doing a simple import of the entire contents of this update file, the import will add all new and recently edited or corrected records.

The Crop Management Zone 4 and 16 have also been updated and need to be imported into the new RUSLE2 program. They include corrections to the pasture files as well as new crop files. You can download these crop management zones by going to the RUSLE2 website and click in Crop_Management_Templates\CMZ4 and CMZ16 and save it to your computer, then do an import of these files into the RUSLE2 program management folder.

Archived RUSLE2 Information

These documents require Acrobat Reader.

RUSLE2 Guidance Document Files

Tillage Equipment Pocket Identification Guide - (PDF, 3.7 MB)  Updated 10/3/06
Rock Cover (PDF, 63 KB)
RUSLE2 Manure (PDF, 135 KB)
Terrace R2 (PDF, 83 KB)
Saving Management Files (PDF, 383 KB)
Screen Print (PDF, 134 KB)
RUSLE2 Program User Guide - May, 2004 (PDF, 1.4 MB)
Importing (PDF, 499 KB)
Glossary of Terms (PDF, 64 KB)
Technical Note 29 (PDF, 796 KB)
RUSLE2 Fact Sheet (PDF, 262 KB | Web Version)

Last Modified: 03/12/2009