Title: MacFAC 1.0 Keywords: multivariate statistics, data analysis, processing,filtering Computer: MacIntosh II family Operating system: system 7 Programming language: THINK C 5.0 Hardware requirements: math co-processor Author(s): Noel BONNET & Pierre TREBBIA Correspondence: Faculte des sciences, Universite de Reims, B.P. 347,F51062 Reims cedex FRANCE. Fax: (33) 26 05 32 50, e-mail: pierre.trebbia@univ-reims.fr Documentation: -------------- Pierre Trebbia, LASSI/GRSM, Universite de Reims, F51062 Reims cedex, France Email : pierre.trebbia@univ-reims.fr Phone : (33) 26 05 33 62 FAX : (33) 26 05 32 50 Title: MacFAC 1.0 Documentation: The purpose of MacFAC is to extract orthogonal sources of information from data (images, spectra,...). See any basic statistic book for more information about multivariate statistics and Factorial Analysis of Correspondence (FAC). See also (for example) P. Trebbia, N. Bonnet, Ultramicroscopy 34 (1990) 165, P. Trebbia, C. Mory, Ultramicroscopy 34 (1990) 179, N. Bonnet et al, Proc. MAS Meeting, Los Angeles (1993) p. S212 MacFAC is given with a test data set in order to let you be sure that it works properly on your own computer. Read the text file READ.ME which is embedded in the file MacFAC.sea.hqx for more information on how the test must be done.