CHICKPEA Descriptor Site(s): W6 ------ Contains data on Cicer (Chickpea) accessions. For additional information, contact Clare Coyne at the Western Regional Plant Introduction Station in Pullman, WA 99164-6402, ph (509) 335-1502, email: Descriptor: ASCOBLIGHT obtype: CHAR CGC: YES Susceptible to naturally occurring Ascochyta blight Code Definition ---- ---------- N No, not susceptible Y Yes, susceptible Value Freq. Value Freq. Value Freq. ----------------- ----- ----------------- ----- ----------------- ----- Y 178 Descriptor: ASCOCHYTA obtype: CHAR CGC: YES Resistance to Ascochyta Blight Code Definition ---- ---------- 0 HIGHLY RESISTANT, NO LESIONS OR SIGNS OF DISEASE VISIBLE 1 RESISTANT, LESIONS VISIBLE BUT MUST LOOK CLOSLEY AT THE PLANT TO SEE THEM 2 MODERATELY RESISTANT, A FEW LESIONS EASILY VISIBLE 3 HIGHLY TOLERANT, MANY LESIONS VISIBLE BUT LESIONS HAVE NOT CAUSED IRREPARABLE DAMAGE. 4 TOLERANT, LARGE LESIONS ON STEMS OR LEAVES, SOME LEAF AND STEM GIRDLING, BUT PLANT WILL NOT DIE 5 MODERATELY SUSCEPTIBLE, MANY LARGE LESIONS ON STEMS AND 1 5 LEAVES, MODERATE STEM AND LEAF GIRDLING, PLANT PROBABLY WILL NOT DIE 6 SUSCEPTIBLE, MANY LARGE LESIONS ON STEMS AND LEAVES, STEM 1 6 AND LEAF GIRDLING COMMON, PLANT MAY OR MAY NOT DIE BUT WILL PRODUCE SEED 7 HIGHLY SUSCEPTIBLE, LARGE LESIONS ON STEMS AND LEAVES 1 7 COMMON, STEM AND LEAF GIRDLING COMMON, PLANT WILL PROBABLY DIE BUT WILL PRODUCE A FEW SEED 8 HIGHLY SUSCEPTIBLE, INFECTION SEVERITY SUCH THAT PLANT WILL DIE, BUT MAY PRODUCE A FEW SEED 9 DEAD PLANT, NO SEED PRODUCED Value Freq. Value Freq. Value Freq. ----------------- ----- ----------------- ----- ----------------- ----- 0 1 4 17 7 28 1 13 5 74 8 18 2 12 6 13 9 190 3 12 Descriptor: ASCORACE obtype: CHAR CGC: N Ascochyta rabiei variability to different races Code Definition ---- ---------- R resistant S susceptible Descriptor: BLOOMDAY obtype: NUMERIC CGC: YES Day of the year when flowering begins. Value Freq. Value Freq. Value Freq. ----------------- ----- ----------------- ----- ----------------- ----- 87.00 - 100.22 41 126.66 - 139.88 0 166.32 - 179.54 160 100.22 - 113.44 0 139.88 - 153.10 267 179.54 - 192.76 338 113.44 - 126.66 0 153.10 - 166.32 357 192.76 - 205.98 14 Descriptor: BRANCH obtype: NUMERIC CGC: YES Average number of primary branches on 3 to 4 plants. The value of 5 is for 5 or more primary branches. Value Freq. Value Freq. Value Freq. ----------------- ----- ----------------- ----- ----------------- ----- 1.00 - 1.72 9 3.16 - 3.88 0 5.32 - 6.04 22 1.72 - 2.44 186 3.88 - 4.60 490 6.04 - 6.76 0 2.44 - 3.16 1112 4.60 - 5.32 218 6.76 - 7.48 0 Descriptor: CORE obtype: CHAR CGC: YES A flag to indicate the accession is part of the core subset Code Definition ---- ---------- Y YES, ACCESSION IS PART OF THE CORE Value Freq. Value Freq. Value Freq. ----------------- ----- ----------------- ----- ----------------- ----- Y 505 Descriptor: CTOL obtype: CHAR CGC: YES Evaluation of tolerance to cold stress in response to an over wintering condition. Applicable to winter hardiness. 2nd two numbers are the reference code for the researcher. Code Definition ---- ---------- 1 Susceptible 2 (1 = SUSCEPTIBLE, 5 = TOLERANT) 3 Moderately susceptible 4 (1 = SUSCEPTIBLE, 5 = TOLERANT) 5 Tolerant Descriptor: DAMPOFFRES obtype: CHAR CGC: YES Level of resistance to preemergence damping-off caused by Pythium ultimum or other spp. The last two digits are the reference code for the reseachers who did the screening. Code Definition ---- ---------- 1 Susceptible 2 (1 = SUSCEPTIBLE, 5 = RESISTANT) 3 Moderately susceptible 4 (1 = SUSCEPTIBLE, 5 = RESISTANT) 5 Resistant Descriptor: DAYSFLOWER obtype: NUMERIC CGC: YES Number of days from sowing seed to first observed flower Value Freq. Value Freq. Value Freq. ----------------- ----- ----------------- ----- ----------------- ----- 31.00 - 37.33 260 49.99 - 56.32 10 68.98 - 75.31 425 37.33 - 43.66 171 56.32 - 62.65 798 75.31 - 81.64 13 43.66 - 49.99 44 62.65 - 68.98 994 81.64 - 87.97 3 Descriptor: DTOL obtype: CHAR CGC: YES Evaluation for drought tolerance during the growing period. The second two numbers are the referance code for the researcher who conducted the screening. Code Definition ---- ---------- 1 Susceptible 2 (1 = SUSCEPTIBLE, 5 = TOLERANT) 3 Moderately susceptible 4 (1 = SUSCEPTIBLE, 5 = TOLERANT) 5 Tolerant Value Freq. Value Freq. Value Freq. ----------------- ----- ----------------- ----- ----------------- ----- 1 17 3 167 5 58 2 88 4 146 Descriptor: EMERGENCE obtype: NUMERIC CGC: N Number of days from planting to 50% emergent Value Freq. Value Freq. Value Freq. ----------------- ----- ----------------- ----- ----------------- ----- 154.00 - 155.67 197 159.01 - 160.68 0 164.02 - 165.69 0 155.67 - 157.34 36 160.68 - 162.35 242 165.69 - 167.36 0 157.34 - 159.01 0 162.35 - 164.02 0 167.36 - 169.03 1 Descriptor: FLCON obtype: CHAR CGC: YES Concentration of flowers taken at 50% flowering. Code Definition ---- ---------- 1 Sparce 2 (1 = SPARCE, 5 = DENSE) 3 Medium 4 (1 = SPARCE, 5 = DENSE) 5 Dense Descriptor: FLOWERCOL obtype: CHAR CGC: YES Flower color just after opening. Code Definition ---- ---------- BU Blue LA Lavender MX Mix PI Pink PU Purple WH White Value Freq. Value Freq. Value Freq. ----------------- ----- ----------------- ----- ----------------- ----- LA 11 PI 128 WH 1138 MX 124 PU 2081 Descriptor: FLOWPEDUNC obtype: NUMERIC CGC: YES Maximum number of flowers per peduncle. Value Freq. Value Freq. Value Freq. ----------------- ----- ----------------- ----- ----------------- ----- 1 272 Descriptor: FTOL obtype: CHAR CGC: YES Evaluation of tolerance to frost at the pre-flowering stage. The second two numbers are the reference code for the researcher who conducted the screening. Code Definition ---- ---------- 1 Susceptible 2 (1 = SUSCEPTIBLE, 5 = TOLERANT) 3 Moderately susceptible 4 (1 = SUSCEPTIBLE, 5 = TOLERANT) 5 Tolerant Descriptor: HAB obtype: CHAR CGC: YES Growth habit of plants recorded at podding stage. Code Definition ---- ---------- E Erect S Spreading SE Semi-erect SS Semi-spreading VE Very erect Value Freq. Value Freq. Value Freq. ----------------- ----- ----------------- ----- ----------------- ----- E 55 SE 1919 VE 50 S 57 SS 764 Descriptor: HEIGHT obtype: NUMERIC CGC: YES Height of mature plant measured in centimeters Value Freq. Value Freq. Value Freq. ----------------- ----- ----------------- ----- ----------------- ----- 13.00 - 28.00 251 58.00 - 73.00 9 103.00 - 118.00 1 28.00 - 43.00 821 73.00 - 88.00 6 118.00 - 133.00 3 43.00 - 58.00 203 88.00 - 103.00 1 133.00 - 148.00 1 Descriptor: HTOL obtype: CHAR CGC: YES Evaluation of tolerance to heat at the pre-flowering and flowering stage. The second two numbers are the referance code for the researcher who conducted the screening. Code Definition ---- ---------- 1 Susceptible 2 (1 = SUSCEPTIBLE, 5 = TOLERANT) 3 Moderately susceptible 4 (1 = SUSCEPTIBLE, 5 = TOLERANT) 5 Tolerant Descriptor: HYPCOL obtype: CHAR CGC: YES Color of hypocotyl taken one to two weeks after emergence. Code Definition ---- ---------- GR Green MX Mix OT Other PU Purple Value Freq. Value Freq. Value Freq. ----------------- ----- ----------------- ----- ----------------- ----- GR 813 PU 1487 Descriptor: IMAGE obtype: CHAR CGC: YES A picture or image Value Freq. Value Freq. Value Freq. ----------------- ----- ----------------- ----- ----------------- ----- collection s 4 pod 21 vegetative 404 flower 276 seed 1013 Descriptor: INRES obtype: NUMERIC CGC: YES Screening results and evaluations of chickpea response to insect stresses. Researchers and associated institutions are referenced. Descriptor: LEAFLETNO obtype: CHAR CGC: YES Leaflets per leaf Code Definition ---- ---------- 0 Uni leaf 1 5-7 leaflets 2 8-9 leaflets 3 10-11 leaflets 4 12-13 leaflets 5 14 or more leaflets Value Freq. Value Freq. Value Freq. ----------------- ----- ----------------- ----- ----------------- ----- 0 11 2 12 4 430 1 5 3 261 5 82 Descriptor: LFCOL obtype: CHAR CGC: YES Color of leaves taken after flowering or initial pod set but prior to plant senescence. Code Definition ---- ---------- DG Dark green GG Grey green LG Light green MG Medium green RG Green with red margins Value Freq. Value Freq. Value Freq. ----------------- ----- ----------------- ----- ----------------- ----- DG 108 MG 902 RG 242 LG 33 Descriptor: LFSIZ obtype: CHAR CGC: YES Relative leaf size compared against a standard cultivar and relative within each years planting. Code Definition ---- ---------- 1 Small 2 (1 = SMALL, 5 = LARGE) 3 Medium 4 (1 = SMALL, 5 = LARGE) 5 Large Value Freq. Value Freq. Value Freq. ----------------- ----- ----------------- ----- ----------------- ----- 1 18 3 242 5 3 2 431 4 74 Descriptor: LFSPAN obtype: CHAR CGC: YES Natural life span of species represented by the accession. Code Definition ---- ---------- A Annual B Biennial M Mix P Perennial Value Freq. Value Freq. Value Freq. ----------------- ----- ----------------- ----- ----------------- ----- A 3768 P 1 Descriptor: LFTYPE obtype: CHAR CGC: YES General botanical description for the simple and compound leaf types. Code Definition ---- ---------- PC Pinnately compound. Imparipinnate/paripinnate. TR Trifoliate. UF Unifoliar. Simple leaf type. Value Freq. Value Freq. Value Freq. ----------------- ----- ----------------- ----- ----------------- ----- PC 944 UF 25 Descriptor: MINERAL_CA obtype: NUMERIC CGC: N Calcium (Ca) concentration in the seed(mg/g) Value Freq. Value Freq. Value Freq. ----------------- ----- ----------------- ----- ----------------- ----- 0.81 - 1.07 3 1.59 - 1.85 15 2.37 - 2.63 2 1.07 - 1.33 5 1.85 - 2.11 4 2.63 - 2.89 0 1.33 - 1.59 9 2.11 - 2.37 2 2.89 - 3.15 0 Descriptor: MINERAL_CU obtype: NUMERIC CGC: N Copper (Cu) concentration in the seed(ug/g) Value Freq. Value Freq. Value Freq. ----------------- ----- ----------------- ----- ----------------- ----- 0.88 - 1.60 8 3.04 - 3.76 4 5.20 - 5.92 2 1.60 - 2.32 14 3.76 - 4.48 2 5.92 - 6.64 0 2.32 - 3.04 7 4.48 - 5.20 3 6.64 - 7.36 0 Descriptor: MINERAL_FE obtype: NUMERIC CGC: N Iron (Fe) concentration in the seed(ug/g) Value Freq. Value Freq. Value Freq. ----------------- ----- ----------------- ----- ----------------- ----- 47.90 - 54.54 5 67.82 - 74.46 8 87.74 - 94.38 0 54.54 - 61.18 9 74.46 - 81.10 5 94.38 - 101.02 0 61.18 - 67.82 8 81.10 - 87.74 4 101.02 - 107.66 1 Descriptor: MINERAL_K obtype: NUMERIC CGC: N Potassium (K) concentration in the seed(mg/g) Value Freq. Value Freq. Value Freq. ----------------- ----- ----------------- ----- ----------------- ----- 10.51 - 11.43 7 13.27 - 14.19 8 16.03 - 16.95 1 11.43 - 12.35 4 14.19 - 15.11 2 16.95 - 17.87 0 12.35 - 13.27 16 15.11 - 16.03 2 17.87 - 18.79 0 Descriptor: MINERAL_MG obtype: NUMERIC CGC: N Mangnesium (Mg) concentration in the seed(mg/g) Value Freq. Value Freq. Value Freq. ----------------- ----- ----------------- ----- ----------------- ----- 1.48 - 1.60 4 1.84 - 1.96 11 2.20 - 2.32 3 1.60 - 1.72 4 1.96 - 2.08 6 2.32 - 2.44 0 1.72 - 1.84 10 2.08 - 2.20 2 2.44 - 2.56 0 Descriptor: MINERAL_MN obtype: NUMERIC CGC: N Manganese (Mn) concentration in the seed(ug/g) Value Freq. Value Freq. Value Freq. ----------------- ----- ----------------- ----- ----------------- ----- 14.55 - 19.13 7 28.29 - 32.87 3 42.03 - 46.61 1 19.13 - 23.71 13 32.87 - 37.45 2 46.61 - 51.19 0 23.71 - 28.29 12 37.45 - 42.03 1 51.19 - 55.77 1 Descriptor: MINERAL_MO obtype: NUMERIC CGC: N Molybdenum (Mo) concentration (ug/g) Value Freq. Value Freq. Value Freq. ----------------- ----- ----------------- ----- ----------------- ----- 2.46 - 6.29 14 13.95 - 17.78 3 25.44 - 29.27 3 6.29 - 10.12 6 17.78 - 21.61 1 29.27 - 33.10 2 10.12 - 13.95 5 21.61 - 25.44 5 33.10 - 36.93 1 Descriptor: MINERAL_NI obtype: NUMERIC CGC: N Nickel (Ni) concentration in the seed(ug/g) Value Freq. Value Freq. Value Freq. ----------------- ----- ----------------- ----- ----------------- ----- 0.80 - 1.11 9 1.73 - 2.04 8 2.66 - 2.97 1 1.11 - 1.42 8 2.04 - 2.35 3 2.97 - 3.28 0 1.42 - 1.73 10 2.35 - 2.66 1 3.28 - 3.59 0 Descriptor: MINERAL_P obtype: NUMERIC CGC: N Phosphorus (P) concentration in the seed(mg/g) Value Freq. Value Freq. Value Freq. ----------------- ----- ----------------- ----- ----------------- ----- 3.57 - 4.13 4 5.25 - 5.81 11 6.93 - 7.49 1 4.13 - 4.69 7 5.81 - 6.37 2 7.49 - 8.05 0 4.69 - 5.25 13 6.37 - 6.93 2 8.05 - 8.61 0 Descriptor: MINERAL_ZN obtype: NUMERIC CGC: N Zinc (Zn) concentration in the seed(ug/g) Value Freq. Value Freq. Value Freq. ----------------- ----- ----------------- ----- ----------------- ----- 53.94 - 61.74 9 77.34 - 85.14 4 100.74 - 108.54 6 61.74 - 69.54 11 85.14 - 92.94 4 108.54 - 116.34 0 69.54 - 77.34 3 92.94 - 100.74 2 116.34 - 124.14 1 Descriptor: OETOL obtype: NUMERIC CGC: YES Screening results and evaluations of chickpea response to other environmental stresses. Researchers and associated institutions are referenced. Descriptor: OTHERRES obtype: NUMERIC CGC: YES Results from other disease evaluations and screening. The researchers are referenced by name or code number. Descriptor: PDCON obtype: CHAR CGC: YES Concentration of pods after flowering ceases. Code Definition ---- ---------- 1 Sparse 2 (1 = SPARSE, 5 = DENSE) 3 Medium 4 (1 = SPARSE, 5 = DENSE) 5 Dense Value Freq. Value Freq. Value Freq. ----------------- ----- ----------------- ----- ----------------- ----- 1 2 3 219 5 56 2 22 4 208 Descriptor: PDMAT obtype: NUMERIC CGC: YES Number of days to 80% of the pods at harvestable maturity. Value Freq. Value Freq. Value Freq. ----------------- ----- ----------------- ----- ----------------- ----- 70.00 - 76.33 11 88.99 - 95.32 240 107.98 - 114.31 73 76.33 - 82.66 123 95.32 - 101.65 166 114.31 - 120.64 23 82.66 - 88.99 117 101.65 - 107.98 164 120.64 - 126.97 47 Descriptor: PDMATDAY obtype: NUMERIC CGC: N Day of the year when 80% of pods are mature Value Freq. Value Freq. Value Freq. ----------------- ----- ----------------- ----- ----------------- ----- 213.00 - 219.22 11 231.66 - 237.88 171 250.32 - 256.54 73 219.22 - 225.44 123 237.88 - 244.10 332 256.54 - 262.76 22 225.44 - 231.66 66 244.10 - 250.32 164 262.76 - 268.98 2 Descriptor: PDPED obtype: NUMERIC CGC: YES Max. number of pods/peduncle if the same number occurs on several plants in the accession. Value Freq. Value Freq. Value Freq. ----------------- ----- ----------------- ----- ----------------- ----- 1.00 - 1.14 992 1.42 - 1.56 0 1.84 - 1.98 0 1.14 - 1.28 0 1.56 - 1.70 0 1.98 - 2.12 5 1.28 - 1.42 0 1.70 - 1.84 0 2.12 - 2.26 0 Descriptor: PIGMENT obtype: CHAR CGC: YES Pigmentation of the plant Code Definition ---- ---------- 1 No anthocyanin, stems and leaves pale green 3 No anthocyanin, stems and leaves green 5 Low anthocyanin, stems and leaves partly light purple 7 High anthocyanin, stems and leaves predominantly purple 9 Highly purple Value Freq. Value Freq. Value Freq. ----------------- ----- ----------------- ----- ----------------- ----- 1 780 7 53 9 26 5 94 Descriptor: PODLENGTH obtype: CHAR CGC: YES Pod length measured in millimeters Code Definition ---- ---------- 3 Short (< 15 mm) 5 Medium (15-20 mm) 7 Long ( > 20 mm) Value Freq. Value Freq. Value Freq. ----------------- ----- ----------------- ----- ----------------- ----- 5 95 7 901 Descriptor: PODSHATTER obtype: CHAR CGC: YES Notes whether pods shatter prior to harvest of accession. Code Definition ---- ---------- + Present - Absent Value Freq. Value Freq. Value Freq. ----------------- ----- ----------------- ----- ----------------- ----- + 107 - 469 Descriptor: PODWIDTH obtype: NUMERIC CGC: YES Pod width measured in millimeters Value Freq. Value Freq. Value Freq. ----------------- ----- ----------------- ----- ----------------- ----- 1.00 - 3.63 1 8.89 - 11.52 145 16.78 - 19.41 2 3.63 - 6.26 0 11.52 - 14.15 155 19.41 - 22.04 0 6.26 - 8.89 16 14.15 - 16.78 56 22.04 - 24.67 2 Descriptor: PROTEIN obtype: NUMERIC CGC: YES Protein as calculated by the Leco nitrogen analyzer Value Freq. Value Freq. Value Freq. ----------------- ----- ----------------- ----- ----------------- ----- 13.25 - 15.04 2 18.62 - 20.41 12 23.99 - 25.78 0 15.04 - 16.83 6 20.41 - 22.20 5 25.78 - 27.57 3 16.83 - 18.62 5 22.20 - 23.99 5 27.57 - 29.36 2 Descriptor: ROOTROTRES obtype: CHAR CGC: YES Level of resistance to root rot caused by any of the soil borne root rotting fungi. The last two digits are the ref- erence code for the researcher who conducted the screening. Code Definition ---- ---------- 1 Susceptible 2 (1 = SUSCEPTIBLE, 5 = RESISTANT) 3 Moderately susceptible 4 (1 = SUSCEPTIBLE, 5 = RESISTANT) 5 Resistant Descriptor: SDCCOL obtype: CHAR CGC: YES Color of cotyledon after harvest and cleaning. Code Definition ---- ---------- GR Green YL Yellow Value Freq. Value Freq. Value Freq. ----------------- ----- ----------------- ----- ----------------- ----- GR 29 YL 3395 Descriptor: SDCF obtype: NUMERIC CGC: YES Total seed crude fiber as determined by various methods available. The last two numbers represent the reference code to the researcher. Descriptor: SDCOL obtype: CHAR CGC: YES Seed coat color after harvest and cleaning. Code Definition ---- ---------- BL Black BM Black mottle/Purple mottle BR Brown CR Cream/beige DB Dark brown GR Green LB Light brown OB Orange brown OR Orange PU Purple RB Reddish brown SM Salmon YC Yellow cream/yellow beige Value Freq. Value Freq. Value Freq. ----------------- ----- ----------------- ----- ----------------- ----- BL 406 DB 30 OB 188 BM 4 GR 32 OR 6 BR 257 LB 1566 RB 77 CR 967 Descriptor: SDDOT obtype: CHAR CGC: YES Absence or presence of black dots on the seed Code Definition ---- ---------- + Present of black dots on the seed - Absent of black dots on the seed Value Freq. Value Freq. Value Freq. ----------------- ----- ----------------- ----- ----------------- ----- + 56 - 224 Descriptor: SDPOD obtype: NUMERIC CGC: YES Maximum number of seeds per pod if the same number occurs on several plants in the accession. Value Freq. Value Freq. Value Freq. ----------------- ----- ----------------- ----- ----------------- ----- 0.00 - 0.43 1 1.29 - 1.72 144 2.58 - 3.01 6 0.43 - 0.86 0 1.72 - 2.15 437 3.01 - 3.44 0 0.86 - 1.29 397 2.15 - 2.58 17 3.44 - 3.87 0 Descriptor: SDPRO obtype: NUMERIC CGC: YES Total seed protein as determined by various methods avail. Last two numbers are the reference code for the researcher who conducted the screening. Descriptor: SDSHAP obtype: CHAR CGC: YES Designation of overall seed shape & seedcoat smoothness Code Definition ---- ---------- AN Angular MX MIXED OL Owl/brain SP Spherical/pea Value Freq. Value Freq. Value Freq. ----------------- ----- ----------------- ----- ----------------- ----- AN 2646 OL 918 SP 95 MX 52 Descriptor: SDSIZE obtype: CHAR CGC: YES Seed size in weight per 100 seeds. Measured in grams and rounded to the nearest tenth of a gram. Code Definition ---- ---------- 1 <10g/100 seed 2 11-19 g/100 seed 3 20-29 g/100 seed 4 30-39 g/100 seed 5 >40 g/100 seed 6 mix Value Freq. Value Freq. Value Freq. ----------------- ----- ----------------- ----- ----------------- ----- 1 234 3 867 5 297 2 2330 4 322 6 15 Descriptor: SDTEXT obtype: CHAR CGC: YES Seed texture Code Definition ---- ---------- M MIXED SEED COAT P SPINY SEED COAT S SMOOTH SEED COAT W WRINKLED SEED COAT Value Freq. Value Freq. Value Freq. ----------------- ----- ----------------- ----- ----------------- ----- M 52 S 664 W 2972 P 22 Descriptor: SDTYPE obtype: CHAR CGC: YES General terms of Indian origin used to separate the two basic chickpea types. Code Definition ---- ---------- D Desi:smaller size & contain Anthocyan. Ang. shape/wrink 1 D surf Sperical types exist. Sd. coats adhere loose to cotyl. wall. K Kabuli:large light color sd. - owl, brain, spherical 1 K shaped. Sdcoats usually have no Anthocyan. & adhere to cotyl wall. M Mixed desi and Kabuli types Value Freq. Value Freq. Value Freq. ----------------- ----- ----------------- ----- ----------------- ----- D 3019 K 1482 M 2 Descriptor: SEEDWGT obtype: NUMERIC CGC: YES Weight of 100 seeds in grams. Value Freq. Value Freq. Value Freq. ----------------- ----- ----------------- ----- ----------------- ----- 0.00 - 10.78 234 32.34 - 43.12 442 64.68 - 75.46 20 10.78 - 21.56 2854 43.12 - 53.90 191 75.46 - 86.24 1 21.56 - 32.34 1021 53.90 - 64.68 90 86.24 - 97.02 2 Descriptor: SIZ obtype: CHAR CGC: YES Relative plant size compared against a standard cultivar and relative within each years planting. Code Definition ---- ---------- 1 Small 2 (1 = SMALL, 5 = LARGE) 3 Medium 4 (1 = SMALL, 5 = LARGE) 5 Large Value Freq. Value Freq. Value Freq. ----------------- ----- ----------------- ----- ----------------- ----- 1 5 3 588 4 85 2 112 Descriptor: SPECIALUSE obtype: CHAR CGC: YES Special use of the accessions (e.g. disease differentials) Qualifier: Race 1 Value Freq. Value Freq. Value Freq. ----------------- ----- ----------------- ----- ----------------- ----- intermediate 1 resistant 6 susceptible 3 Qualifier: Race 2 Value Freq. Value Freq. Value Freq. ----------------- ----- ----------------- ----- ----------------- ----- resistant 5 susceptible 5 Qualifier: Race 3 Value Freq. Value Freq. Value Freq. ----------------- ----- ----------------- ----- ----------------- ----- resistant 6 susceptible 4 Qualifier: Race 4 Value Freq. Value Freq. Value Freq. ----------------- ----- ----------------- ----- ----------------- ----- intermediate 1 resistant 3 susceptible 6 Qualifier: Race 5 Value Freq. Value Freq. Value Freq. ----------------- ----- ----------------- ----- ----------------- ----- intermediate 1 resistant 6 susceptible 3 Descriptor: VIRUSRES obtype: CHAR CGC: YES Level of resistance to specified virus. Researchers are referenced by code number. Code Definition ---- ---------- 1 Susceptible 2 (1 = SUSCEPTIBLE, 5 = RESISTANT) 3 Moderately susceptible 4 (1 = SUSCEPTIBLE, 5 = RESISTANT) 5 Resistant Descriptor: WILTRES obtype: CHAR CGC: YES Level of resistance to chickpea wilt caused by species of Fusarium. The last 2 digits are the reference code for the researcher who conducted the screening. Code Definition ---- ---------- 1 Susceptible 2 (1 = SUSCEPTIBLE, 5 = RESISTANT) 3 Moderately susceptible 4 (1 = SUSCEPTIBLE, 5 = RESISTANT) 5 Resistant Descriptor: YRYLD obtype: NUMERIC CGC: YES The first two digits represent the year (current century) that the accession was grown. The last 4 digits represent the yield as measured in grams(rounded to nearest gram). Value Freq. Value Freq. Value Freq. ----------------- ----- ----------------- ----- ----------------- ----- 82.00 - 82.43 1045 83.29 - 83.72 0 84.58 - 85.01 11 82.43 - 82.86 0 83.72 - 84.15 642 85.01 - 85.44 0 82.86 - 83.29 955 84.15 - 84.58 0 85.44 - 85.87 0