MEDIC Descriptor Site(s): W6 ------ Contains characteristic data on medic (annual alfalfa) accessions. For further information, contact R. C. Johnson or Stephanie Greene at the Western Reg. PI Station in Pullman, WA 99164-6402. Phone: (509) 335-1502. Descriptor: ALUMTOL obtype: CHAR CGC: N Aluminum tolerance as expressed as P-value.(P-value is relative root growth as ratio of growth under Al stress to growth under no Al stress) between <.0001 and .05= highly sensitive, between .06 and.39= sensitive, .4 or higher = tolerant. Code Definition ---- ---------- 1 P-value 0.4 or higher, considered to be Al tolerant. Code 1 1 based on P-values for comparing the levels of Al (control vs. 50M AlCl3) for each accession. 2 P-value between 0.06 and 0.39, PI considered to be Al 1 2 sensitive. Code based on P-values for comparing the levels of Al (control vs. 50M AlCl3) for each accession. 3 P-value between <.0001 and 0.05, PI considered highly Al 1 3 sensitive. Code based on P-values for comparing the levels of Al (control vs. 50M AlCl3) for each accession. Value Freq. Value Freq. Value Freq. ----------------- ----- ----------------- ----- ----------------- ----- 1 14 2 109 3 197 Descriptor: ANTHRAC obtype: NUMERIC CGC: YES Percent of plants resistant to anthracnose (Colletotrichum trifolii). Value Freq. Value Freq. Value Freq. ----------------- ----- ----------------- ----- ----------------- ----- 0.00 - 11.22 159 33.66 - 44.88 1 67.32 - 78.54 1 11.22 - 22.44 10 44.88 - 56.10 5 78.54 - 89.76 4 22.44 - 33.66 12 56.10 - 67.32 3 89.76 - 100.98 6 Descriptor: BIOMASS obtype: CHAR CGC: YES Plant biomass among species Code Definition ---- ---------- 1 HIGHEST 2 (1 = HIGHEST, 9 = POOR) 3 (1 = HIGHEST, 9 = POOR) 4 (1 = HIGHEST, 9 = POOR) 5 (1 = HIGHEST, 9 = POOR) 6 (1 = HIGHEST, 9 = POOR) 7 (1 = HIGHEST, 9 = POOR) 8 (1 = HIGHEST, 9 = POOR) 9 POOR Value Freq. Value Freq. Value Freq. ----------------- ----- ----------------- ----- ----------------- ----- 1 142 4 1086 7 563 2 326 5 1679 8 359 3 675 6 1074 9 228 Descriptor: BIOMSP obtype: CHAR CGC: YES Biomass within species compared to other accessions of that species. Code Definition ---- ---------- 1 Highest 2 (1 = Highest, 9 = Lowest) 3 (1 = Highest, 9 = Lowest) 4 (1 = Highest, 9 = Lowest) 5 (1 = Highest, 9 = Lowest) 6 (1 = Highest, 9 = Lowest) 7 (1 = Highest, 9 = Lowest) 8 (1 = Highest, 9 = Lowest) 9 Lowest Value Freq. Value Freq. Value Freq. ----------------- ----- ----------------- ----- ----------------- ----- 1 266 4 157 7 385 2 109 5 528 8 137 3 399 6 162 9 259 Descriptor: BROWNPOD obtype: NUMERIC CGC: N Number of days from sowing to the appearance of fully ripe seed pod Value Freq. Value Freq. Value Freq. ----------------- ----- ----------------- ----- ----------------- ----- 75.67 - 82.30 31 95.56 - 102.19 56 115.45 - 122.08 4 82.30 - 88.93 104 102.19 - 108.82 14 122.08 - 128.71 5 88.93 - 95.56 82 108.82 - 115.45 7 128.71 - 135.34 3 Descriptor: CHROMNUM obtype: CHAR CGC: YES Chromosome number Value Freq. Value Freq. Value Freq. ----------------- ----- ----------------- ----- ----------------- ----- 14 1 Descriptor: COILS obtype: NUMERIC CGC: YES Number of coils on the pods Value Freq. Value Freq. Value Freq. ----------------- ----- ----------------- ----- ----------------- ----- 3.80 - 4.49 9 5.87 - 6.56 130 7.94 - 8.63 4 4.49 - 5.18 23 6.56 - 7.25 62 8.63 - 9.32 0 5.18 - 5.87 67 7.25 - 7.94 10 9.32 - 10.01 0 Descriptor: CORE obtype: CHAR CGC: YES A flag to indicate the accession is part of the core subset Code Definition ---- ---------- Y YES, THE ACCESSION IS PART OF THE CORE COLLECTION Value Freq. Value Freq. Value Freq. ----------------- ----- ----------------- ----- ----------------- ----- Y 204 Descriptor: DAYSFLOWER obtype: NUMERIC CGC: YES Days from seeding to first open flower Value Freq. Value Freq. Value Freq. ----------------- ----- ----------------- ----- ----------------- ----- 24.00 - 48.44 462 97.32 - 121.76 1623 170.64 - 195.08 54 48.44 - 72.88 655 121.76 - 146.20 1593 195.08 - 219.52 4 72.88 - 97.32 666 146.20 - 170.64 364 219.52 - 243.96 3 Descriptor: DAYSPOD obtype: NUMERIC CGC: YES Days from seeding to the first plant in full pod stage. Value Freq. Value Freq. Value Freq. ----------------- ----- ----------------- ----- ----------------- ----- 35.00 - 51.22 88 83.66 - 99.88 234 132.32 - 148.54 31 51.22 - 67.44 124 99.88 - 116.10 265 148.54 - 164.76 72 67.44 - 83.66 182 116.10 - 132.32 74 164.76 - 180.98 101 Descriptor: EMERGE obtype: NUMERIC CGC: N Number of days from sowing to full emergence of cotyledons, in a greenhouse setting. Value Freq. Value Freq. Value Freq. ----------------- ----- ----------------- ----- ----------------- ----- 3.00 - 4.01 142 6.03 - 7.04 20 9.06 - 10.07 2 4.01 - 5.02 108 7.04 - 8.05 4 10.07 - 11.08 0 5.02 - 6.03 37 8.05 - 9.06 1 11.08 - 12.09 0 Descriptor: FLOWEREND obtype: NUMERIC CGC: N Number of days from sowing to end of flowering period (all flowers dried and brown) Value Freq. Value Freq. Value Freq. ----------------- ----- ----------------- ----- ----------------- ----- 89.00 - 95.67 15 109.01 - 115.68 55 129.02 - 135.69 26 95.67 - 102.34 70 115.68 - 122.35 39 135.69 - 142.36 21 102.34 - 109.01 47 122.35 - 129.02 27 142.36 - 149.03 7 Descriptor: FLOWERNO obtype: NUMERIC CGC: YES Number of flowers per raceme (mean of five randomly chosen flowering racemes from different plants) Value Freq. Value Freq. Value Freq. ----------------- ----- ----------------- ----- ----------------- ----- 0.40 - 4.33 393 12.19 - 16.12 5 23.98 - 27.91 6 4.33 - 8.26 34 16.12 - 20.05 4 27.91 - 31.84 5 8.26 - 12.19 4 20.05 - 23.98 4 31.84 - 35.77 2 Descriptor: FLOWRSTART obtype: NUMERIC CGC: N Number of days from sowing to the appearance of first flower. Value Freq. Value Freq. Value Freq. ----------------- ----- ----------------- ----- ----------------- ----- 27.00 - 36.74 3 56.22 - 65.96 98 85.44 - 95.18 3 36.74 - 46.48 42 65.96 - 75.70 26 95.18 - 104.92 3 46.48 - 56.22 126 75.70 - 85.44 7 104.92 - 114.66 1 Descriptor: GRAMSPROD obtype: NUMERIC CGC: YES Grams of seed produced Value Freq. Value Freq. Value Freq. ----------------- ----- ----------------- ----- ----------------- ----- 0.00 - 111.11 1503 333.33 - 444.44 209 666.66 - 777.77 8 111.11 - 222.22 746 444.44 - 555.55 118 777.77 - 888.88 5 222.22 - 333.33 385 555.55 - 666.66 49 888.88 - 999.99 6 Descriptor: GREENPOD obtype: NUMERIC CGC: N Number of days from sowing to the appearance of full size green pod Value Freq. Value Freq. Value Freq. ----------------- ----- ----------------- ----- ----------------- ----- 43.30 - 52.19 12 69.97 - 78.86 58 96.64 - 105.53 4 52.19 - 61.08 58 78.86 - 87.75 21 105.53 - 114.42 2 61.08 - 69.97 144 87.75 - 96.64 5 114.42 - 123.31 2 Descriptor: GROWTHHAB obtype: CHAR CGC: YES Plant growth habit Code Definition ---- ---------- 1 ERECT 2 (1 = ERECT, 9 = PROSTRATE) 3 (1 = ERECT, 9 = PROSTRATE) 4 (1 = ERECT, 9 = PROSTRATE) 5 (1 = ERECT, 9 = PROSTRATE) 6 (1 = ERECT, 9 = PROSTRATE) 7 (1 = ERECT, 9 = PROSTRATE) 8 (1 = ERECT, 9 = PROSTRATE) 9 PROSTRATE Value Freq. Value Freq. Value Freq. ----------------- ----- ----------------- ----- ----------------- ----- 1 84 4 125 7 1391 2 237 5 598 8 1161 3 317 6 671 9 1193 Descriptor: HABIT obtype: CHAR CGC: YES Plant growth habit Code Definition ---- ---------- 1 Erect 2 (1 = Erect, 9 = Prostrate) 3 Less erect 4 (1 = Erect, 9 = Prostrate) 5 Semi-erect 6 (1 = Erect, 9 = Prostrate) 7 Decumbent 8 (1 = Erect, 9 = Prostrate) 9 Prostrate Descriptor: HEIGHT obtype: NUMERIC CGC: YES Plant height measured in centimeters (mean of 3 mature plants). Value Freq. Value Freq. Value Freq. ----------------- ----- ----------------- ----- ----------------- ----- 1.00 - 6.89 703 18.67 - 24.56 200 36.34 - 42.23 8 6.89 - 12.78 641 24.56 - 30.45 95 42.23 - 48.12 0 12.78 - 18.67 424 30.45 - 36.34 29 48.12 - 54.01 1 Descriptor: HOOKS obtype: NUMERIC CGC: YES Mean length of the hooks on the pods measured in millimeters Descriptor: IMAGE obtype: CHAR CGC: YES A picture or image Value Freq. Value Freq. Value Freq. ----------------- ----- ----------------- ----- ----------------- ----- collection s 10 collection s 4 Descriptor: INTERNODLG obtype: NUMERIC CGC: YES Length of third internode from base of the plant measured in centimeters (mean of three randomly chosen plants) Value Freq. Value Freq. Value Freq. ----------------- ----- ----------------- ----- ----------------- ----- 0.10 - 1.05 412 2.95 - 3.90 96 5.80 - 6.75 1 1.05 - 2.00 271 3.90 - 4.85 35 6.75 - 7.70 0 2.00 - 2.95 156 4.85 - 5.80 9 7.70 - 8.65 0 Descriptor: LEAFLETLT obtype: NUMERIC CGC: YES Length of middle leaflet measured in centimeters (mean of three mature leaflets from different plants Value Freq. Value Freq. Value Freq. ----------------- ----- ----------------- ----- ----------------- ----- 0.10 - 0.62 135 1.66 - 2.18 135 3.22 - 3.74 2 0.62 - 1.14 436 2.18 - 2.70 45 3.74 - 4.26 0 1.14 - 1.66 352 2.70 - 3.22 3 4.26 - 4.78 0 Descriptor: LEAFLETWD obtype: NUMERIC CGC: YES Width of middle leaflet measured in centimeters (mean of three mature leaflets from different plants Value Freq. Value Freq. Value Freq. ----------------- ----- ----------------- ----- ----------------- ----- 0.10 - 0.53 119 1.39 - 1.82 203 2.68 - 3.11 1 0.53 - 0.96 324 1.82 - 2.25 36 3.11 - 3.54 0 0.96 - 1.39 419 2.25 - 2.68 6 3.54 - 3.97 0 Descriptor: MILDWAUDPC obtype: NUMERIC CGC: N Mean area under the disease progress curve (AUDPC) value expressed as standardized proportion/days. Erysiphe pisi as the cause of Powdery mildew. Value Freq. Value Freq. Value Freq. ----------------- ----- ----------------- ----- ----------------- ----- 0.02 - 0.25 6 0.71 - 0.94 14 1.40 - 1.63 132 0.25 - 0.48 4 0.94 - 1.17 11 1.63 - 1.86 0 0.48 - 0.71 8 1.17 - 1.40 24 1.86 - 2.09 0 Descriptor: MILDWCONDI obtype: CHAR CGC: N Condium production by Peronospora trifolium isolates I7 and I8 on seedlings Code Definition ---- ---------- 0 no symptoms 1 symptoms on less than 25% of the plants 2 symptoms on 25% to 75% of the plants 3 symptoms on greater than 75% of the plants Qualifier: I7 Peronospora trifoliorum isolate I7 Value Freq. Value Freq. Value Freq. ----------------- ----- ----------------- ----- ----------------- ----- 0 44 2 6 3 3 1 89 Qualifier: I8 Peronospora trifoliorum isolate I8 Value Freq. Value Freq. Value Freq. ----------------- ----- ----------------- ----- ----------------- ----- 0 45 2 10 3 5 1 82 Descriptor: MILDWREST1 obtype: NUMERIC CGC: N Powdery mildew resistant (Erysiphe pisi) in per cent resistant. Value Freq. Value Freq. Value Freq. ----------------- ----- ----------------- ----- ----------------- ----- 0.00 - 11.22 183 33.66 - 44.88 0 67.32 - 78.54 2 11.22 - 22.44 2 44.88 - 56.10 2 78.54 - 89.76 1 22.44 - 33.66 2 56.10 - 67.32 2 89.76 - 100.98 5 Descriptor: MILDWREST2 obtype: NUMERIC CGC: N Powdery mildew resistant (Peronospora trifoliorum) in pre cent. Qualifier: I7 Peronospora trifoliorum isolate I7 Value Freq. Value Freq. Value Freq. ----------------- ----- ----------------- ----- ----------------- ----- 6.40 - 16.91 1 37.93 - 48.44 0 69.46 - 79.97 6 16.91 - 27.42 0 48.44 - 58.95 0 79.97 - 90.48 6 27.42 - 37.93 0 58.95 - 69.46 2 90.48 - 100.99 37 Qualifier: I8 Peronospora trifoliorum isolate I8 Value Freq. Value Freq. Value Freq. ----------------- ----- ----------------- ----- ----------------- ----- 25.50 - 33.89 1 50.67 - 59.06 1 75.84 - 84.23 7 33.89 - 42.28 0 59.06 - 67.45 4 84.23 - 92.62 15 42.28 - 50.67 0 67.45 - 75.84 3 92.62 - 101.01 21 Descriptor: NODULATION obtype: NUMERIC CGC: YES Nodulation percentage Value Freq. Value Freq. Value Freq. ----------------- ----- ----------------- ----- ----------------- ----- 0.00 - 11.22 189 33.66 - 44.88 0 67.32 - 78.54 0 11.22 - 22.44 0 44.88 - 56.10 0 78.54 - 89.76 0 22.44 - 33.66 0 56.10 - 67.32 0 89.76 - 100.98 17 Descriptor: PODNO obtype: NUMERIC CGC: YES Number of pods per raceme (mean of five randomly chosen racemes with pods from different plants) Value Freq. Value Freq. Value Freq. ----------------- ----- ----------------- ----- ----------------- ----- 0.80 - 3.56 420 9.08 - 11.84 1 17.36 - 20.12 5 3.56 - 6.32 5 11.84 - 14.60 4 20.12 - 22.88 6 6.32 - 9.08 1 14.60 - 17.36 5 22.88 - 25.64 2 Descriptor: PODPRODUCT obtype: CHAR CGC: YES Visual pod production Code Definition ---- ---------- 1 HIGHEST 2 (1 = HIGHEST, 9 = POOREST) 3 (1 = HIGHEST, 9 = POOREST) 4 (1 = HIGHEST, 9 = POOREST) 5 (1 = HIGHEST, 9 = POOREST) 6 (1 = HIGHEST, 9 = POOREST) 7 (1 = HIGHEST, 9 = POOREST) 8 (1 = HIGHEST, 9 = POOREST) 9 POOREST Value Freq. Value Freq. Value Freq. ----------------- ----- ----------------- ----- ----------------- ----- 1 728 4 546 7 632 2 250 5 816 8 510 3 371 6 815 9 523 Descriptor: PODTIGHT obtype: CHAR CGC: YES Pod Tightness Code Definition ---- ---------- LP Loose Pods MX Both loose and tight pods TP Tight Pods Value Freq. Value Freq. Value Freq. ----------------- ----- ----------------- ----- ----------------- ----- LP 60 MX 11 TP 135 Descriptor: SEEDWGT obtype: NUMERIC CGC: YES Weight of 100 seeds in grams. Value Freq. Value Freq. Value Freq. ----------------- ----- ----------------- ----- ----------------- ----- 0.02 - 1.24 3157 3.68 - 4.90 0 7.34 - 8.56 0 1.24 - 2.46 185 4.90 - 6.12 1 8.56 - 9.78 0 2.46 - 3.68 8 6.12 - 7.34 1 9.78 - 11.00 1 Descriptor: SENESC_END obtype: NUMERIC CGC: N Number of days from sowing to when 90% of the plants have died Value Freq. Value Freq. Value Freq. ----------------- ----- ----------------- ----- ----------------- ----- 96.70 - 104.07 17 118.81 - 126.18 31 140.92 - 148.29 51 104.07 - 111.44 14 126.18 - 133.55 43 148.29 - 155.66 42 111.44 - 118.81 28 133.55 - 140.92 54 155.66 - 163.03 21 Descriptor: SENE_START obtype: NUMERIC CGC: N Number of days from sowing to the appearance of senscencing leaves Value Freq. Value Freq. Value Freq. ----------------- ----- ----------------- ----- ----------------- ----- 83.00 - 89.86 68 103.58 - 110.44 11 124.16 - 131.02 1 89.86 - 96.72 149 110.44 - 117.30 8 131.02 - 137.88 1 96.72 - 103.58 69 117.30 - 124.16 5 137.88 - 144.74 1 Descriptor: SPINECURVE obtype: CHAR CGC: YES Spine curvature according to Small et al., 1990 Code Definition ---- ---------- 1 No curves 2 Slightly curved 3 Curved 4 Slightly hooked 5 Hooked Value Freq. Value Freq. Value Freq. ----------------- ----- ----------------- ----- ----------------- ----- 1 58 3 76 5 1 2 150 4 20 Descriptor: SPINES obtype: CHAR CGC: YES Pod spines Code Definition ---- ---------- 1 Smooth 2 (1 = Smooth, 9 = Spiny) 3 (1 = Smooth, 9 = Spiny) 4 (1 = Smooth, 9 = Spiny) 5 Very short spines 6 (1 = Smooth, 9 = Spiny) 7 (1 = Smooth, 9 = Spiny) 8 (1 = Smooth, 9 = Spiny) 9 Spiny Value Freq. Value Freq. Value Freq. ----------------- ----- ----------------- ----- ----------------- ----- 1 342 4 26 7 51 2 76 5 45 8 60 3 40 6 42 9 470 Descriptor: SPREAD obtype: NUMERIC CGC: YES Plant maximal spread, width of the largest mature plant measured in centimeters. Value Freq. Value Freq. Value Freq. ----------------- ----- ----------------- ----- ----------------- ----- 1.00 - 23.78 559 69.34 - 92.12 348 137.68 - 160.46 9 23.78 - 46.56 567 92.12 - 114.90 124 160.46 - 183.24 2 46.56 - 69.34 551 114.90 - 137.68 30 183.24 - 206.02 1 Descriptor: TAXONOMY obtype: CHAR CGC: YES Taxonomy based on pollen shape Code Definition ---- ---------- CYL Cylindrical-columnar shaped pollen - Medicago rigidula type INT Intermediate shaped pollen, possible species hybrid between rigidula and rigiduloides IRR Irregular triangular-pyramidal shaped pollen - Medicago rigiduloides type (irregular) MIX Some plants rigidula type and some plants rigiduloides type within the same accession TRI Triangular-pyramidal shaped pollen - Medicago rigiduloides type Value Freq. Value Freq. Value Freq. ----------------- ----- ----------------- ----- ----------------- ----- CYL 109 IRR 2 TRI 190 INT 5 MIX 5 Descriptor: TRIFOLIAT1 obtype: NUMERIC CGC: N Number of days from sowing to full emergence of first trifoliate leaf, in a greenhouse setting. Value Freq. Value Freq. Value Freq. ----------------- ----- ----------------- ----- ----------------- ----- 8.00 - 8.87 11 10.61 - 11.48 24 13.22 - 14.09 3 8.87 - 9.74 86 11.48 - 12.35 14 14.09 - 14.96 0 9.74 - 10.61 173 12.35 - 13.22 3 14.96 - 15.83 0 Descriptor: TRIFOLIAT2 obtype: NUMERIC CGC: N Number of days from sowing to full emergence of secondary trifoliate leaf, in a greenhouse setting. Value Freq. Value Freq. Value Freq. ----------------- ----- ----------------- ----- ----------------- ----- 8.00 - 8.87 11 10.61 - 11.48 24 13.22 - 14.09 3 8.87 - 9.74 86 11.48 - 12.35 14 14.09 - 14.96 0 9.74 - 10.61 173 12.35 - 13.22 3 14.96 - 15.83 0 Descriptor: UNIFOLIATE obtype: NUMERIC CGC: N Number of days from sowing to full emergence of initial unifoliate leaf, in a greenhouse setting. Value Freq. Value Freq. Value Freq. ----------------- ----- ----------------- ----- ----------------- ----- 5.00 - 6.01 71 8.03 - 9.04 25 11.06 - 12.07 4 6.01 - 7.02 92 9.04 - 10.05 12 12.07 - 13.08 0 7.02 - 8.03 109 10.05 - 11.06 1 13.08 - 14.09 0 Descriptor: WINTVIGOR obtype: CHAR CGC: YES Winter vigor Code Definition ---- ---------- 1 HIGHEST 2 (1 = HIGHEST, 9 = LOWEST) 3 (1 = HIGHEST, 9 = LOWEST) 4 (1 = HIGHEST, 9 = LOWEST) 5 (1 = HIGHEST, 9 = LOWEST) 6 (1 = HIGHEST, 9 = LOWEST) 7 (1 = HIGHEST, 9 = LOWEST) 8 (1 = HIGHEST, 9 = LOWEST) 9 LOWEST Value Freq. Value Freq. Value Freq. ----------------- ----- ----------------- ----- ----------------- ----- 1 24 4 713 7 460 2 106 5 1095 8 231 3 342 6 706 9 54