today's activities

Tue, 23 Jan 1996 16:59:02 -0600 (CST)

today is beam gas day. Unfortunately I didn't get as much done [rates]
as I wanted--if anyone is around the portakamps the next few days it
would be good to continue the list of beam gas runs I noted on page 81\
of Log 4.

So far we have:

Run 1140 to tape MIN228
BDPbarOr Pb In 8ns
50016 triggers to tape

Run 1141 to tape MIN229
BDPbarOr Pb in 22ns
50247 triggers to tape

Run 1142 to tape MIN230
BDPbarOr Pb out 8ns
50802 triggers to tape

These runs have not yet been copied to MM0xxx form; they will be in
a box marked "To be copied" with the other tapes. Jon, Could you
do this?

Art called to go to dinner, and I realized I'm starving [having been
in the PK since 2 AM]

Then its off to Cleveland for a while,
