MODIS Airborne Simulator
Field Experiment Data
Non-MODIS Related Missions
Flight #98-086

Sample Image
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11 July 1998
Track 11

Eastward flightline beginning over the eastern most edge of New Jersy, proceeds toward Long Beach, New York. Follows the coastline of Long Island, past Fire Island, and ending over Great Peconic Bay.

R: 2.13 microns
G: 1.62 microns
B: 0.55 microns
Mission Summary
Date: July 11, 1998
ER-2 Flight Number: 98-086
Deployment: Wallops-Jul98
Flight Location: Mid-Atlantic Coast; Atlantic Ocean (NOAA-K underpass)
Principal Investigator: Dr. Sima Bagheri (NJIT), Dr. John Mustard (Brown Univ), Dr. Bill Smith (LaRC), Dr. Steven Ackleson (Off Naval Research)
Additional Sensors: NAST-I, HIS, AVIRIS, 12" RC-10 (CIR)

Level-1B Processing Information
Level-1B Data processed by: Ames Research Center
Level-1B Data Version: #02
Level-1B Configuration: (sample file)
Calibration Type: Final
Calibration Version: 1.0
Temperature Adjustment: No
Status: Completed with final calibration.

Flight Track Map

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Level-1B Browse Imagery
Straight Line Flight Tracks: 20
Scanlines Processed: 52502
Solar Azimuth and Zenith Angles
Browse Images
Click on the Flight Track number to load images.
Lat/Lon ranges are for the BEG-END scanline nadir pixels.
01 12:24-12:27 112 38.16-38.02 73.02-72.58 1231
02 12:29-12:47 29 38.17-39.89 72.39-71.19 6455
03 12:51-13:09 208 39.99-38.11 71.55-72.83 6748
04 13:13-13:22 344 38.28-39.29 73.10-73.54 3480
05 13:23-13:28 319 39.36-39.81 73.60-74.16 1998
06 13:28-13:30 330 39.85-40.00 74.20-74.32 567
07 13:32-13:36 64 40.20-40.41 74.31-73.83 1407
08 13:41-13:44 308 40.23-40.47 73.58-74.01 1301
09 13:50-13:53 26 40.28-40.56 74.11-73.94 1021
10 13:59-14:02 218 40.77-40.44 73.82-74.14 1320
11 14:05-14:17 64 40.28-40.90 73.99-72.41 4531
12 14:17-14:22 85 40.91-40.97 72.36-71.66 1787
13 14:22-14:24 79 40.97-41.01 71.63-71.38 654
14 14:26-14:31 2 41.18-41.76 71.21-71.21 1897
15 14:31-14:32 23 41.80-41.93 71.21-71.14 449
16 14:38-14:43 183 41.91-41.34 71.35-71.38 1830
17 14:46-14:49 230 41.14-40.92 71.80-72.14 1084
18 14:51-14:55 1 40.91-41.33 72.34-72.34 1363
19 14:57-15:15 213 41.39-39.60 72.65-74.16 6695
20 15:15-15:33 212 39.60-37.80 74.16-75.58 6684
Images 01 through 20 in sequence

Data Evalutation
Complete failure of Port 4, no data in these channels.

Spectral Summary
Spectral Band Configuration (preliminary)
Spectral Response Files (preliminary)

Level-1B Data Distribution
NASA Goddard Space Flight Center DAAC

Related Web Sites
Airborne Sensors Facility Page
NASA ER-2 Aircraft Program
NASA ER-2 1998 Flight Summary Reports


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