Latest News

Feb. 05, 2009

After Two Bush Vetoes, 11 Million Children Finally Get Health Care

Contact: Karen Morgan (313) 961-5670 Washington, DC – Rep. Conyers joined both Democrats and Republicans in supporting the State Children’s Health Insurance Program (SCHIP) Reauthoriza...Read More

Feb. 02, 2009

Conyers Statement on Philadelphia City Council Endorsement of H.R. 676

Contact: Karen Morgan (313) 961-5670 WASHINGTON D.C. — Congressman John Conyers, Jr., today issued a statement expressing his appreciation for the actions of the Philadelphia City Council. ...Read More

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Important Issues

Appropriations Requests

Rep. Conyers’ Office is currently taking requests for appropriations for the fiscal year 2010. If you are part of an organization that has received federal funding in the past, or are part of an organization that would like to receive federal funding contact my office. The deadline for these requests is March 1. For more information, call my office 202-225-5126 or email Daniel Moore at

Fighting for Universal Health Care

There is a very serious health care crisis in America that must be addressed now by the Congress and the President. I have introduced HR 676, The United States National Health Insurance Act, to ensure that every American, regardless of income, employment status, or race, has access to quality, affordable health care services.

To learn more about H.R. 676 >>

Helping Americans Avoid Home Forclosure

In the 111th congress Mr. Conyers introduced H.R. 200, theHelping Families Save Their Homes in Bankruptcy Act of 2009. If passed by the full House of Representatives, the full Senate, and signed by President Obama this legislation will allow qualifying homeowners facing foreclosure to restructure their home morgages under the protection of Chapter 13.

To learn more about H.R. 200 >>

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