ACPI Avant Garde  High Performance Atmospheric Model Project

for the Community Climate System Model.

The  Community Climate System Model, is a collaborative effort involving NSF, DOE and NASA aimed at providing US researchers with state of the art coupled climate simulation capabilities.  The DOE national laboratories involved are ANL, LANL, LLNL, LBL and ORNL with NCAR providing many of the coordinating functions.  The ACPI Avant Garde project of 2000-2001 sponsored by the DOE/OBER Climate Change Prediction Program, addressed the coupler and atmospheric model software design and engineering required for a performance-portable, modular CCSM.  A follow on project Collaborative Design and Development of the Community Climate System Model is part of the DOE Office of Science SciDAC Program.  The focus of the current DOE effort has expanded from  the coupler and the atmospheric model to include the other components of the climate system model as well.
John B. Drake / (

Last Modified Sept 8, 2001