NBII Web Resources

Invasive Plants of Alaska

    Resource Identifier: http://www.fs.fed.us/r10/spf/fhp/invasive/Invasive%20Other%20Familes.pdf
    Cataloging Node: Pollinator Declines Project
    Creator: Forest Health Protection Alaska Region, United States Forest Service
    Subject: Weed control, Invasive plants, Invasiveness, Ecology, Geographical distribution, Biology
    Scientifc Names: Apiaceae, Balsaminaceae, Euphorbiaceae, Haloragaceae, Lamiaceae, Lythraceae, Scrophulariaceae
    Description: This site provides information on the following families: Apiaceae (Carrot Family), Balsaminaceae (Balsam Family), Euphorbiaceae (Spurge Family), Haloragaceae (Water Milfoil Family), Lamiaceae (Mint Family), Lythraceae (Loosestife Family), and Scrophulariaceae (Figword Family). Alternate names, description, similar species, ecological impact, biology and invasive potential, distribution and abundance, and management information are provided.
    Publisher: Forest Health Protection Alaska Region, United States Forest Service
    Resource Type: Life Histories and Species Profiles
    Format: PDF
    Language: English
    Continent: North America
    Country: United States
    State: Alaska
    Rights: Copyright held by Publisher

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Center for Biological Informatics of the U.S. Geological Survey

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