//   cwc3.txt:  Text file containing durum wheat records
 //    created:  1/30/93
 //     format:  Standard ACSII using blank lines as record breaks.
 //              Not converted with dos2unix.
 //     author:  Kenneth D. Kephart
 //              Dept. of Agronomy
 //              University of Missouri
 //    comment:  Number 3 of 9 files sent to greengenes.cit.cornell.edu
      Cultivar Name:      
      Other ID Numbers:   PH884-32
      Species:            T. turgidum var. durum
      Market Class:       Durum Wheat
      True Growth Habit:  Spring
      Place of Origin:    USA-Arizona
      Originator(s):      Western Plant Breeders, Bozeman, MT
      Cultivar Name:      ACME
      Name Abbreviation:  ACME
      Other ID Numbers:   No. 7
      Species:            T. turgidum var. durum
      Market Class:       Durum Wheat
      True Growth Habit:  Spring
      USDA Acc. Number:   CItr5284
      CSSA Reg. Number:   CV-211
      Year of Release:    1916
      or Introduction
      Place of Origin:    USA-South Dakota
      Originator(s):      South Dakota AES; USDA-BPI
      Pedigree:           Kubanka pure line selection.
      Reference(s):       123, 133, 138, 158, 161, 162, 163, 164, 168, 169,
                          170, 283, 374, 743
      USDA Production Acreage Estimates for ACME wheat from 1919 to 1984.
                          Year    Estimated Acreage
                          -----   -----------------
                          1919:                 0
                          1924:            65,457
                          1929:            72,938
                          1934:           106,782
                          1939:             2,565
                          1944:             1,786
                          1949:                 0
                          1954:                 0
                          1959:                 0
                          1964:                 0
                          1969:                 0
                          1974:                 0
                          1979:                 0
                          1984:                 0
      Cultivar Name:      ALDENTE
      Species:            T. turgidum var. durum
      Market Class:       Durum Wheat
      True Growth Habit:  Spring
      Year of Release:    1988
      or Introduction
      Place of Origin:    USA-Arizona
      Originator(s):      Western Plant Breeders, Inc., Bozeman, Montana
      Pedigree:           Westbred Turbo / Westbred 881 Blend.
      Cultivar Name:      ALDURA
      Name Abbreviation:  ALDR
      Other ID Numbers:   NK76D1107
      Species:            T. turgidum var. durum
      Market Class:       Durum Wheat
      True Growth Habit:  Spring
      USDA Acc. Number:   PI486150
      PVP Reg. Number:    8000100
      PVP Status:         Issued/Enforced       Date:   11/19/81
      Year of Release:    1980
      or Introduction
      Place of Origin:    USA-Arizona
      Originator(s):      Northrup, King & Co., Yuma, AZ
      Pedigree:           Albatross / Leeds
      Reference(s):       82, 194, 707
      USDA Production Acreage Estimates for ALDURA wheat from 1919 to 1984.
                          Year    Estimated Acreage
                          -----   -----------------
                          1919:                 0
                          1924:                 0
                          1929:                 0
                          1934:                 0
                          1939:                 0
                          1944:                 0
                          1949:                 0
                          1954:                 0
                          1959:                 0
                          1964:                 0
                          1969:                 0
                          1974:                 0
                          1979:               874
                          1984:            74,166
      Cultivar Name:      ALTAR 84
      Other ID Numbers:   D22344
      Other Name(s):      Gallareta 'S'
      Species:            T. turgidum var. durum
      Market Class:       Durum Wheat
      True Growth Habit:  Spring
      Year of Release:    1985
      or Introduction
      Place of Origin:    Mexico
      Originator(s):      National Institute of Forestry, Agriculture and
                          Animal Science Research (INIFAP)
      Pedigree:           ((Barrigon Yaqui Enano*2 / Tehuacan 60 /2/ Tacur
                          Tipo 125E / 3*Tehuacan 60, D21570) /5/ (Heiti /
                          Stewart /2/ Mindum / Carleton, Ld357) /3/
                          2*Tehuacan 60 /4/ (D21584, Tremez Molle Enano /
                          2*Tehuacan 60 /2/ Tacur Tipo 125E / 3*Tehuacan
                          60), D27572) /6/ ((Barrigon Yaqui Enano*2 /
                          Tehuacan 60 /2/ Tacur Tipo 125E / 3*Tehuacan 60,
                          D21570) /4/ North Dakota 61.130 / Leeds /3/
                          (D21584, Tremez Molle Enano / 2*Tehuacan 60 /2/
                          Zenati Bouteille / Wells), D27582) /7/ Mexicali 75
                          /8/ (HRL 861, S179*2 / durum #6)
      Reference(s):       79
      Cultivar Name:      ARNAUTKA
      Name Abbreviation:  ANK
      Other ID Numbers:   CItr1547
      Species:            T. turgidum var. durum
      Market Class:       Durum Wheat
      True Growth Habit:  Spring
      USDA Acc. Number:   CItr1494
      CSSA Reg. Number:   CV-213
      Year of Release:    1864
      or Introduction
      Place of Origin:    Russia
      Originator(s):      USDA-BPI
      Pedigree:           Landrace introduction.
      Reference(s):       64, 120, 121, 133, 138, 155, 158, 161, 162, 163,
                          164, 168, 169, 170, 284, 374, 653, 743, 797
      USDA Production Acreage Estimates for ARNAUTKA wheat from 1919 to
                          Year    Estimated Acreage
                          -----   -----------------
                          1919:            14,400
                          1924:            23,075
                          1929:            17,514
                          1934:            18,571
                          1939:             6,842
                          1944:               761
                          1949:             4,046
                          1954:                 0
                          1959:                 0
                          1964:                 0
                          1969:                 0
                          1974:                 0
                          1979:                 0
                          1984:                 0
      Cultivar Name:      BARNATKA
      Name Abbreviation:  BNTK
      Species:            T. turgidum var. durum
      Market Class:       Durum Wheat
      True Growth Habit:  Spring
      USDA Acc. Number:   CItr8214
      Year of Release:    1925
      or Introduction
      Place of Origin:    Russia
      Originator(s):      A.L. Hillemann, Windsor, North Dakota
      Pedigree:           Landrace introduction.
      Reference(s):       138, 161, 655
      USDA Production Acreage Estimates for BARNATKA wheat from 1919 to
                          Year    Estimated Acreage
                          -----   -----------------
                          1919:                 0
                          1924:                 0
                          1929:             4,495
                          1934:                 0
                          1939:                 0
                          1944:                 0
                          1949:                 0
                          1954:               176
                          1959:                 0
                          1964:                 0
                          1969:                 0
                          1974:                 0
                          1979:                 0
                          1984:                 0
      Cultivar Name:      BOTNO
      Name Abbreviation:  BOT
      Other ID Numbers:   D6721
      Species:            T. turgidum var. durum
      Market Class:       Durum Wheat
      True Growth Habit:  Spring
      USDA Acc. Number:   CItr17283
      CSSA Reg. Number:   CV-558
      Year of Release:    1973
      or Introduction
      Place of Origin:    USA-North Dakota
      Originator(s):      North Dakota AES; USDA-ARS
      Pedigree:           Langdon /5/ ((Heiti / Stewart /2/ Mindum /
                          Carleton, Ld308) /3/ Nugget, Ld357) /4/ CItr7780 /
                          Ld362 /6/ Brawley 180 / Wells
      Reference(s):       82, 189, 268, 373, 608, 610, 630, 707
      USDA Production Acreage Estimates for BOTNO wheat from 1919 to 1984.
                          Year    Estimated Acreage
                          -----   -----------------
                          1919:                 0
                          1924:                 0
                          1929:                 0
                          1934:                 0
                          1939:                 0
                          1944:                 0
                          1949:                 0
                          1954:                 0
                          1959:                 0
                          1964:                 0
                          1969:                 0
                          1974:             1,861
                          1979:           157,912
                          1984:            17,622
                Registration of Botno Durum Wheat (Reg. No. 558).
            J. S. Quick, D. E. Walsh, K. L. Lebsock, and J. D. Miller
           'BOTNO' (Triticum aestivum L. var. durum), CI 17283, is a spring
      durum wheat developed cooperatively by the North Dakota Agric. Exp.
      Stn. and ARS, USDA.  It was selected from the cross
      'Langdon'/3/Ld357/2/CI7780/Ld362/4/Br180/'Wells.  Langdon and Wells
      were important North Dakota durum cultivars and CI 7780 is a source of
      stem rust resistance from Ethiopia.  Ld 357 and Ld 363 have the
      cultivars 'Heiti', 'Stewart', 'Carleton', 'Mindum', and 'Nugget' in
      their pedigrees.  Br180/Wells is a selection derived from the same F2
      plant as 'Leeds'.  The final cross was made in 1963 to combine stiff
      straw with high yield, large kernels, and high test weight and to
      combine stem rust resistance from several sources.  Botno was bulked
      in the F5 generation as a single F4 derived line and first entered in
      preliminary yield trials in 1968 as selection D6721.  It has been
      tested in the Uniform Regional Durum Nursery (URDN) since 1970, and in
      North Dakota drill strips since 1971.
           Botno has midtall, strong, white culms that may show purplish
      coloration under some conditions.  The spike is awned (dehisce at
      maturity), oblong, dense, and erect.  The glumes are glabrous, yellow,
      midlong to long, and midwide; the glume shoulders are narrow and
      elevated; and the beaks wide, acuminate, and 3 to 4 mm long.  The awns
      are yellow and 6 to 16 cm long.  The kernels are amber, hard, midlong,
      and elliptical; the germ midsized; the crease midwide and shallow; the
      cheeks angular to rounded; and the brush very short (essentially
           In 40 URDN tests during 1970-73 in North Dakota, South Dakota,
      Minnesota, Montana, and Manitoba, Botno has shown a major advantage in
      earliness over all cultivars except 'Rolette'.  Botno is earlier than
      its sib selections "Ward' and 'Rugby'.  Botno has been equal to
      Rolette in days to head, height, lodging, and reactions to diseases.
      Botno has outyielded Rolette by about 5% in regional tests.  Botno was
      lower than Rolette and similar to Ward in test and kernel weight in
      North Dakota.  Botno was superior to Rolette and equal to Ward in
      overall quality.
           Botno was named and released by the North Dakota Agric. Exp. Stn.
      and the ARS, USDA, December 27, 1973.  Breeder seed will be maintained
      by the Seedstocks Project, North Dakota Agric. Exp. Stn., Fargo, ND
      58102.  The National Small Grain Variety Review Board has approved
      Botno for Certification.  Botno is described further in North Dakota
      Farm Research.
      Published in Crop Sci. 16:124.
      Cultivar Name:      BUFORD
      Name Abbreviation:  BFR
      Species:            T. turgidum var. durum
      Market Class:       Durum Wheat
      True Growth Habit:  Spring
      USDA Acc. Number:   CItr5295
      CSSA Reg. Number:   CV-217
      Year of Release:    1917
      or Introduction
      Place of Origin:    USA-North Dakota
      Originator(s):      USDA-BPI
      Pedigree:           Taganrog pure line selection.
      Reference(s):       133, 158, 168, 169
      Cultivar Name:      CALVIN
      Name Abbreviation:  CVN
      Other ID Numbers:   D7047
      Species:            T. turgidum var. durum
      Market Class:       Durum Wheat
      True Growth Habit:  Spring
      USDA Acc. Number:   CItr17747
      CSSA Reg. Number:   CV-636
      Year of Release:    1978
      or Introduction
      Place of Origin:    USA-North Dakota
      Originator(s):      North Dakota AES; USDA-ARS
      Pedigree:           Leeds /6/ (D65152, (Lakota /4/ Frontana / Thatcher
                          /2/ Norin 10 / Brevor /3/ 2*Langdon, D61130) /5/
      Reference(s):       82, 194, 600, 602, 707
      USDA Production Acreage Estimates for CALVIN wheat from 1919 to 1984.
                          Year    Estimated Acreage
                          -----   -----------------
                          1919:                 0
                          1924:                 0
                          1929:                 0
                          1934:                 0
                          1939:                 0
                          1944:                 0
                          1949:                 0
                          1954:                 0
                          1959:                 0
                          1964:                 0
                          1969:                 0
                          1974:                 0
                          1979:            93,180
                          1984:            27,603
                Registration of Calvin Durum Wheat (Reg. No. 636).
                  J. S. Quick, B. J. Donnelly, and J. D. Miller
           'CALVIN (Triticum turgidum L. var durum), CI 17747, is a spring
      durum wheat developed by the Agric. Exp. Stn., North Dakota State
      Univ., Fargo, in cooperation the AR-SEA-USDA.  Calvin was selected
      from the cross 'Leeds'/D65152 made in 1966.  D65152 is D61130/Leeds, a
      semidwarf durum with low spaghetti color, leaf disease susceptibility,
      and unstable grain yield.  The pedigree of D61130 is
      'Lakota'/5/'Willet' sib/2/'Norin 10'/'Brevor'/3/'Langdon'/4/Langdon.
      Willet sib/2/Norin 10/Brevor is a semidwarf hard red spring wheat
      (Triticum aestivum L.) line obtained from the Rockefeller Foundation-
      Mexican Ministry of Agric. wheat breeding program in 1956.  Langdon,
      Lakota, and Leeds are North Dakota-USDA cultivars released in 1955,
      1960, and 1966, respectively.  The cross to produce Calvin was made to
      combine short straw with high grain yield, good quality, and leaf
      disease resistance.  Early selection through the F5 generation was
      done in 4 years by utilizing North Dakota and Mexico winter breeding
      nurseries.  Calvin was bulked in the F5 generation as an F4-derived
      line in Mexico in 1970 through 1971 and first entered in preliminary
      yield trials in North Dakota in 1971 as selection D7047.  Calvin was
      tested in the Uniform Regional Durum Nursery (URDN) since 1973.  It
      also was evaluated in national and worldwide disease evaluation tests.
           Calvin has averaged 66 cm in plant height, or about 1 to 2 cm
      shorter than 'Cando' and 30 cm shorter than 'Ward,' and has resisted
      lodging under high moisture and high fertility conditions during 7
      years of testing.  The plants are of spring habit, culms are usually
      white, and peduncles are straight.  The spikes are awned (usually
      nondeciduous), oblong, dense, and erect.  The glumes are glabrous,
      tan, midlong to long, and midwide; shoulders narrow and elevated;
      beaks wide, acuminate, and 3 to 4 mm long.  The kernels are amber,
      hard, midlong, and elliptical; germ midsized; crease midwide and
      shallow; cheeks angular to rounded, and the brush very short
      (essentially none).
           Calvin is the second semidwarf durum cultivar released by the
      North Dakota Agric. Exp. Stn.  The grain yield of Calvin has been
      slightly below Cando and about equal to Ward in regional tests.
      Calvin has been slightly earlier than Cando, and similar to Cando in
      disease reactions.  The test and kernel weights of Calvin have been
      higher than those of Cando, equal to those of Ward and lower than
      those of 'Rolette.'
           Milling and spaghetti processing characteristics of Calvin were
      satisfactory in 17 tests during 1975 through 1977.  Results for Calvin
      were similar to those for Cando in most traits.  The test weight of
      Calvin was higher than Cando.  Wheat protein of Calvin was similar to
      that of Cando, but lower than those of Ward and Rolette.  Spaghetti
      color and cooked firmness of Calvin were similar to Ward and Cando.
           Calvin was named and released by the North Dakota Agric. Exp.
      Stn. on 26 Jan. 1978.  Breeder seed will be maintained by the
      Seedstocks Project, North Dakota Agric. Exp. Stn., Fargo, ND 58105.
      Information for certification has been provided to the National Small
      grain Variety Review Board for approval.  Calvin is described further
      in North Dakota Farm Res. 36(6):19-23, 1979.
      Published is Crop Sci. 20:826.
      Cultivar Name:      CANDO
      Name Abbreviation:  CNDO
      Other ID Numbers:   D7057
      Species:            T. turgidum var. durum
      Market Class:       Durum Wheat
      True Growth Habit:  Spring
      USDA Acc. Number:   CItr17438
      CSSA Reg. Number:   CV-580
      Year of Release:    1975
      or Introduction
      Place of Origin:    USA-North Dakota
      Originator(s):      North Dakota AES; USDA-ARS
      Pedigree:           ((Lakota /4/ Frontana / Thatcher /2/ (Norin 10 /
                          Brevor, Sel. 14, CItr13253) /3/ 2*Langdon, D61130)
                          /5/ Leeds, D65152) /6/ (D6148, Brawley 180 /
      Reference(s):       72, 82, 189, 194, 268, 612, 613, 707
      USDA Production Acreage Estimates for CANDO wheat from 1919 to 1984.
                          Year    Estimated Acreage
                          -----   -----------------
                          1919:                 0
                          1924:                 0
                          1929:                 0
                          1934:                 0
                          1939:                 0
                          1944:                 0
                          1949:                 0
                          1954:                 0
                          1959:                 0
                          1964:                 0
                          1969:                 0
                          1974:                 0
                          1979:           488,108
                          1984:           146,571
                 Registration of Cando Durum Wheat (Reg. No. 580)
                  J. S. Quick, J. D. Miller, and B. J. Donnelly
           'CANDO' (Triticum turgidum L. var. durum), CI 17438, is a spring
      durum wheat developed by the North Dakota Agric. Exp. Sta., North
      Dakota State Univ., Fargo, in cooperation with the ARS, USDA.  Cando
      was selected from the cross D65152/D6148 made in 1966.  D65152 is
      D61130/'Leeds', a durum semidwarf with low spaghetti color, leaf
      disease susceptibility, and unstable grain yield.  The pedigree of
      D61130 is 'Lakota' /5/ 'Willet' sib /2/ 'Norin 10' / 'Brevor' /3/
      'Langdon' /4/ Langdon.  Willet sib /2/ Norin 10 / Brevor is a
      semidwarf hard red spring wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) line obtained
      from the Rockefeller Foundation-Mexican Ministry of Agric. wheat
      breeding program in 1956.  D6148 is Br180 / 'Wells', a normal height,
      high yielding ND-USDA durum breeding line.  Langdon, Lakota, Wells,
      and Leeds are North Dakota-USDA cultivars released in 1955, 1960,
      1960, and 1966, respectively.  The cross to produce Cando was made to
      combine short straw with high grain yield, good quality, and leaf
      disease resistance.  Early selection through the F5 generation was
      made with the pedigree method in 4 years by utilizing North Dakota and
      Mexico winter breeding nurseries.  Cando was bulked in the F5
      generation as an F4-derived line in Mexico in the winter of 1970-71
      and first entered in preliminary yield trials in North Dakota in 1971
      as selection D7057.  It has been tested in the Uniform Regional Durum
      Nursery (URDN) since 1972 and in North Dakota drill strips since 1973.
      It also has been evaluated in national and worldwide disease
      evaluation tests.
           Cando has averaged 70 cm in plant height, or about 30 cm shorter
      than 'Ward', and has resisted lodging under high-moisture and high-
      fertility conditions during 5 years of testing.  The plants are of
      spring habit, culms are usually white, and peduncle is slightly
      recurved.  The spikes are awned (usually nondeciduous), oblong, dense,
      and erect.  The glumes are glabrous, yellow, midlong to long, and
      midwide; shoulders narrow and elevated; beaks wide acuminate, and 3 to
      4 mm long.  The kernels are amber, hard, midlong, and elliptical; germ
      midsized; crease midwide, shallow; cheeks angular to rounded; and the
      brush very short (essentially none).
           Cando is the first semidwarf durum cultivar released by the North
      Dakota Agric. Exp. Stn.  The grain yield of Cando has been about equal
      to Ward and ranked higher than Rolette and Wells in 32 tests during
      1973-75 at locations in the Red River valley and northcentral South
      Dakota.  Cando is a tall semidwarf (70 cm) with excellent lodging
      resistance.  Disease reactions have been similar to those of Rolette.
      Cando heads 1 1/2 days later than Ward.  The kernel weight of Cando
      has been intermediate between Wells and Ward, and its test weight has
      averaged 1.3 about kg/hl (1 lb/bushel) less than Ward.
           Milling and spaghetti processing characteristics of Cando have
      been satisfactory in 16 tests during 1973 to 1975.  Spaghetti color
      was slightly higher than Wells and Rolette and slightly lower than
           Cando was named and released by the North Dakota Agric. Exp. Stn.
      on 18 December 1975.  Breeder seed will be maintained by the
      Seedstocks Project, North Dakota Agric. Exp. Stn., Fargo, ND 58102.
      The National Small Grain Variety Review Board has approved Cando for
           Cando is described further in North Dakota Farm Res. 33(2), 1976.
      Published in Crop Sci. 16:885.
      Cultivar Name:      CARLETON
      Name Abbreviation:  CTN
      Other ID Numbers:   Ld104, CAN3588
      Species:            T. turgidum var. durum
      Market Class:       Durum Wheat
      True Growth Habit:  Spring
      USDA Acc. Number:   CItr12064
      CSSA Reg. Number:   CV-333
      Year of Release:    1943
      or Introduction
      Place of Origin:    USA-North Dakota
      Originator(s):      North Dakota AES; USDA-ARS
      Pedigree:           Vernal emmer / 3*Mindum
      Reference(s):       64, 149, 155, 164, 256, 569, 628, 655, 717, 745,
                          750, 754
      USDA Production Acreage Estimates for CARLETON wheat from 1919 to
                          Year    Estimated Acreage
                          -----   -----------------
                          1919:                 0
                          1924:                 0
                          1929:                 0
                          1934:                 0
                          1939:                 0
                          1944:             6,113
                          1949:           563,762
                          1954:            24,023
                          1959:                 0
                          1964:               169
                          1969:                 0
                          1974:                 0
                          1979:                 0
                          1984:                 0
                  REGISTRATION OF CARLETON WHEAT (Reg. No. 333)
                                   J. A. Clark
           CARLETON (Ld. 104, C. I. 12064) was developed in cooperative
      experiments by the North Dakota Agricultural Experiment Station and
      the Division of Cereal Crops and Diseases, Bureau of Plant Industry,
      Soils, and Agricultural Engineering, U. S. Dept. of Agriculture.  The
      North Dakota, Minnesota, South Dakota and Manitoba agricultural
      experiment stations cooperated in testing it in comparison with other
           Carleton is ar result of a program of backcrossing Vernal emmer
      to Mindum durum wheat, the object being to produce a high quality
      durum wheat carrying the stem-rust resistance of the emmer.  The first
      cross, Vernal X Mindum, was made in 1930.  A selected F3 progeny was
      crossed to Mindum in 1932, giving a first backcross hybrid.  A
      selected F4 progeny from this backcross was again crossed to Mindum in
      1936, giving a second backcross hybrid.  An F4 row from this second
      backcross was selected in 1938 and increased as Ld. 104 to become
           Carleton is distinctly superior to Mindum or Kubanka in stem-rust
      resistance and in strength to straw.  It is not usually superior to
      Mindum in yield, except in stem rust years.  Stem rust in the field
      plots has not been heavy enough in recent years to damage Mindum
      severely.  However, in 1942 nursery rows at Langdon, stem rust
      averaged 60% on Mindum and 3% on Carleton, giving Carleton an
      advantage of 4 to 6 pounds in test weight and 25% in yield.  Carleton
      makes its strongest appeal to growers by its growth habit, standing up
      rather erect in contrast to the usual nodding head type of Mindum and
      Kubanka.  The straw is heavy and coarse, a factor which may possibly
      reduce its yield of grain in some cases.  Under conditions of severe
      lodging in 1942 and 1943, Carleton in all nurseries, field plots, and
      farm increase fields that were observed showed considerably more
      resistance to lodging than Mindum, although there were fields where
      Carleton also was lodged.  Extensive macaroni quality tests indicate
      Carleton is equal to Mindum in macaroni quality.  Yearly averages of
      macaroni color scores of Carleton, Stewart, and Mindum are given in
      Table 1.  The annual and average plot yields of Carleton in comparison
      with those of Mindum and Stewart at Langdon and other cooperating
      stations are shown in Table 2.  Carleton was released for distribution
      in 1943.
      Table 1.  Macaroni color score of Carleton, Stewart, and Mindum
                                     Average macaroni color score*
      Crop Year        No. of    -------------------------------------
                      samples      Carleton     Stewart        Mindum
      1939               2           75.0         70.0          72.5
      1940               4           65.0         61.7          66.2
      1941               6           68.8         72.1          67.9
      1942               4           75.6         68.1          70.0
      Weighted 4-year ave.           70.3         68.6          68.6
      *  Samples processed by General Mills and scored without operator
         knowing identity of sample.
      Table 2.  Annual and average yields in field plots of Carleton,
                Stewart, and Mindum wheats at Langdon, N. Dak., and other
                cooperating stations, and test weights at Langdon.
                              Yield in bu. per acre               Percentage
      Variety     ----------------------------------------------      of
                   1940      1941      1921      1943    Average    Mindum
                                 Langdon, N. Dak.
      Stewart      26.8      36.9      39.4      45.9      37.2     103.0
      Mindum       25.1      34.9      39.1      45.4      36.1     100.0
      Carleton     25.9      37.2      34.4      40.8      34.6      95.9
                                  Fargo, N. Dak.
      Mindum       15.1      27.9      54.3      20.3      29.4     100.0
      Stewart      15.1      26.6      54.1      19.8      28.9      98.3
      Carleton     14.9      23.9      47.4      16.4      25.6      87.1
                                 St. Paul, Minn.
      Mindum        -.-      27.5      43.0      30.3      33.6     100.0
      Stewart       -.-      24.3      42.7      29.9      32.3      96.1
      Carleton      -.-      19.0      40.8      23.7      27.8      82.7
                                 Crookston, Minn.
      Carleton      -.-      30.7      33.7      37.1      33.8     100.6
      Mindum        -.-      30.4      35.1      35.4      33.6     100.0
      Stewart       -.-      36.3      26.9      35.7      33.0      98.2
                                  Morris, Minn.
      Stewart       -.-       -.-       -.-      27.4      27.4     110.5
      Mindum        -.-       -.-       -.-      24.8      24.8     100.0
      Carleton      -.-       -.-       -.-      24.7      24.7      99.6
         Brookings, S. Dak.
      Stewart       -.-       -.-       -.-      24.5      24.5     124.4
      Mindum        -.-       -.-       -.-      19.7      19.7     100.0
      Carleton      -.-       -.-       -.-      16.1      16.1      81.7
                            Av. Six Stations, 16 Tests
      Stewart      21.0      31.0      40.8      30.5      32.0     100.6
      Mindum       20.1      30.2      42.9      29.3      31.8     100.0
      Carleton     20.4      27.7      39.1      26.5      29.2      91.8
                         Test Weights at Langdon, N. Dak.
      Carleton     64.0      60.0      62.0      64.0      62.5     100.6
      Stewart      63.0      59.8      62.0      64.5      62.3     100.3
      Mindum       63.5      58.5      62.0      64.5      62.1     100.0
      Published in J. Amer. Soc. Agron. 36:447-452.
      Cultivar Name:      CASTILLIONE
      Species:            T. turgidum var. durum
      Market Class:       Durum Wheat
      True Growth Habit:  Spring
      Year of Release:    1914
      or Introduction
      Place of Origin:    Italy
      Originator(s):      Mr. Lorenzo Falzone, Milesville, South Dakota
      Pedigree:           Introduction of mixed Italian durum wheat.
      Reference(s):       168
      Cultivar Name:      COCORIT 71
      Name Abbreviation:  CIT71
      Other ID Numbers:   D27617
      Species:            T. turgidum var. durum
      Market Class:       Durum Wheat
      True Growth Habit:  Spring
      USDA Acc. Number:   PI422277
      Year of Release:    1970
      or Introduction
      Place of Origin:    Mexico
      Originator(s):      CIMMYT
      Pedigree:           Raspinegro de Aguilas Enano / 4*Tehuacan 60 /2/
                          Stewart 63 /3/ (D22234, Tremez Molle Enano /
                          2*Tehuacan 60 /2/ Zenati Bouteille / 2*Wells)
      Reference(s):       79, 82, 194, 373
      USDA Production Acreage Estimates for COCORIT 71 wheat from 1919 to
                          Year    Estimated Acreage
                          -----   -----------------
                          1919:                 0
                          1924:                 0
                          1929:                 0
                          1934:                 0
                          1939:                 0
                          1944:                 0
                          1949:                 0
                          1954:                 0
                          1959:                 0
                          1964:                 0
                          1969:                 0
                          1974:                 0
                          1979:             4,977
                          1984:                 0
      Cultivar Name:      COULTER
      Name Abbreviation:  CLR
      Other ID Numbers:   RL7013
      Species:            T. turgidum var. durum
      Market Class:       Durum Wheat
      True Growth Habit:  Spring
      USDA Acc. Number:   CItr17757
      Year of Release:    1978
      or Introduction
      Place of Origin:    Canada
      Originator(s):      Agriculture Canada, Winnipeg, Manitoba
      Pedigree:           ((Heiti / Stewart /2/ Mindum / Carleton, DT206,
                          Ld308, RL3097) /5/ (RL3304, Ld368, Vernum*2 /2/
                          Heiti / Stewart /3/ Carleton /2/ Heiti / Stewart
                          /4/ Khapli emmer / PI94701) /7/ Stewart /6/
                          (RL3380, Ld393, Sentry /5/ (Ld379, Ld340 /3/ Ld375
                          / Ld377 /2/ Carleton) /4/ (Ld357, Heiti / Stewart
                          /2/ Mindum / Carleton /3/ Nugget)), DT188) /8/
                          (DT224, Carleton / Mindum /2/ Stewart /3/ Nugget*4
                          /4/ Stewart /2/ PI192179 / Ld351) /7/ (DT182,
                          (Heiti / Stewart /2/ Mindum / Carleton, RL3097)
                          /5/ (RL3304, Vernum*2 /2/ HHeiti / Stewart /3/
                          Carleton /2/ Heiti / Stewart /4/ Khapli / PI94701)
                          /7/ Stewart /6/ (Ld393, Sentry /5/ (Ld340 /3/
                          Ld375 / Ld377 /2/ Carleton, Ld379) /4/ (Ld357,
                          (Heiti / Stewart /2/ Mindum / Carleton, Ld308) /3/
      Reference(s):       72, 82, 431, 707
      USDA Production Acreage Estimates for COULTER wheat from 1919 to 1984.
                          Year    Estimated Acreage
                          -----   -----------------
                          1919:                 0
                          1924:                 0
                          1929:                 0
                          1934:                 0
                          1939:                 0
                          1944:                 0
                          1949:                 0
                          1954:                 0
                          1959:                 0
                          1964:                 0
                          1969:                 0
                          1974:                 0
                          1979:            18,937
                          1984:             3,050
      Cultivar Name:      CRANE 56
      Name Abbreviation:  CRA56
      Other ID Numbers:   D23055
      Species:            T. turgidum var. durum
      Market Class:       Durum Wheat
      True Growth Habit:  Spring
      Place of Origin:    Mexico
      Originator(s):      CIMMYT
      Pedigree:           Barrigon Yaqui Enano*2 / Tehuacan 60 /2/ Stewart
                          63 /3/ Zenati Bouteille / Wells /4/ (D21584,
                          Tremez Molle Enano / 2*Tehuacan 60 /2/ Zenati
                          Bouteille / Wells)
      Reference(s):       79
      USDA Production Acreage Estimates for CRANE 56 wheat from 1919 to
                          Year    Estimated Acreage
                          -----   -----------------
                          1919:                 0
                          1924:                 0
                          1929:                 0
                          1934:                 0
                          1939:                 0
                          1944:                 0
                          1949:                 0
                          1954:                 0
                          1959:                 0
                          1964:                 0
                          1969:                 0
                          1974:               398
                          1979:               859
                          1984:                 0
      Cultivar Name:      CROSBY
      Name Abbreviation:  CBY
      Other ID Numbers:   D6715
      Species:            T. turgidum var. durum
      Market Class:       Durum Wheat
      True Growth Habit:  Spring
      USDA Acc. Number:   CItr17282
      CSSA Reg. Number:   CV-559
      Year of Release:    1973
      or Introduction
      Place of Origin:    USA-North Dakota
      Originator(s):      North Dakota AES; USDA-ARS
      Pedigree:           Langdon*2 / (St 464, CItr13160) /2/ Leeds
      Reference(s):       72, 82, 189, 268, 373, 608, 611, 630, 707
      USDA Production Acreage Estimates for CROSBY wheat from 1919 to 1984.
                          Year    Estimated Acreage
                          -----   -----------------
                          1919:                 0
                          1924:                 0
                          1929:                 0
                          1934:                 0
                          1939:                 0
                          1944:                 0
                          1949:                 0
                          1954:                 0
                          1959:                 0
                          1964:                 0
                          1969:                 0
                          1974:             2,497
                          1979:           393,143
                          1984:           177,383
                Registration of Crosby Durum Wheat (Reg. No. 559).
            J. S. Quick, D. E. Walsh, K. L. Lebsock, and J. D. Miller
           'CROSBY' (Triticum aestivum L. var. durum), CI 17282, is a spring
      durum wheat developed cooperatively by the North Dakota Agric. Exp.
      Stn. and ARS, USDA.  It was selected from the cross
      'Langdon'*2/St464/2/'Leeds'.  Langdon and Leeds were important North
      Dakota durum cultivars and St 464 (CI 13160) is a source of stem rust
      resistance from Ethiopia.  The final cross was made in 1963 to combine
      stem rust resistance with early maturity, reduced height, and
      excellent spaghetti quality.  Crosby was bulked in the F5 generation
      as a single F4 derived line and first entered in preliminary yield
      trials in 1968 as selection D6715.  It has been tested in the Uniform
      Regional Durum Nursery (URDN) since 1970, and in North Dakota drill
      trips since 1971.
           Crosby has midtall, strong, white culms that may show purplish
      coloration under some conditions.  The spike is awned (dehisce at
      maturity), oblong, dense, and erect.  The glumes are glabrous, yellow,
      midlong to long, and midwide; the glume shoulders are narrow and
      elevated; and the beaks wide, acuminate and 3 to 4 mm long.  The awns
      are yellow and 6 to 16 cm long.  The kernels are amber, hard, midlong,
      and elliptical; the germ midsized; the crease midwide and shallow; the
      cheeks angular to rounded; and the brush very short (essentially
           In 40 URDn tests during 1970-73 in North Dakota, South Dakota,
      Minnesota, Montana, and Manitoba, Crosby produced 14% higher grain
      yield than Leeds and 3% higher than 'Ward.'  Crosby was similar to
      Leeds in height, maturity, lodging, and disease reactions.  Crosby had
      slightly higher kernel weight and slightly lower test weight than
      Leeds.  Crosby appears to be better adapted than Ward to the fringe of
      the traditional durum area in North Dakota and adjacent states.  The
      overall quality characteristics of Crosby were satisfactory in 3 years
      of drill strip tests in North Dakota.  Spaghetti color was higher than
      that of Leeds and 'Rolette' and equal to that of Ward.  Milling,
      processing and cooking properties of Crosby were satisfactory.
           Crosby was named and released by the North Dakota Agri. Exp. Stn.
      and the ARS, USDA, December 27, 1973.  Breeder seed will be maintained
      by the Seedstocks Project, North Dakota Agric. Exp. Stn., Fargo, ND
      58102.  The National Small Grain Variety Review Board has approved
      Crosby for certification.
           Crosby is described further in North Dakota Farm Research.
      Published in Crop Sci. 16:125.
      Cultivar Name:      D-5003
      Species:            T. turgidum var. durum
      Market Class:       Durum Wheat
      True Growth Habit:  Spring
      PVP Reg. Number:    8200103
      PVP Status:         Issued/Enforced       Date:   09/23/82
      Year of Release:    1981
      or Introduction
      Place of Origin:    USA-California
      Originator(s):      Germain's Inc., Fresno, CA
      Pedigree:           Selected in 1975 from an unrecorded CIMMYT F2 bulk
      Cultivar Name:      D5317
      Species:            T. turgidum var. durum
      Market Class:       Durum Wheat
      True Growth Habit:  Spring
      USDA Acc. Number:   PI547095
      PVP Reg. Number:    9100076
      PVP Status:         Application Pending
      Year of Release:    1991
      or Introduction
      Place of Origin:    USA-Arizona
      Originator(s):      Farmer's Marketing Corp., Phoenix, Arizona
      Cultivar Name:      D5456
      Species:            T. turgidum var. durum
      Market Class:       Durum Wheat
      True Growth Habit:  Spring
      USDA Acc. Number:   PI561928
      PVP Reg. Number:    9200227
      PVP Status:         Application Pending
      Year of Release:    1992
      or Introduction
      Place of Origin:    USA-Arizona
      Originator(s):      Farmer's Marketing Corp., Phoenix, Arizona
      Cultivar Name:      DUREX
      Other ID Numbers:   D5238
      Species:            T. turgidum var. durum
      Market Class:       Durum Wheat
      True Growth Habit:  Spring
      PVP Reg. Number:    8900082
      PVP Status:         Issued/Enforced       Date:   07/31/89
      Year of Release:    1989
      or Introduction
      Place of Origin:    USA-Arizona
      Originator(s):      Farmers Marketing Corp., Phoenix, Arizona
      Pedigree:           Selected from male sterile facilitated recurrent
                          selection population AZ-MFSRS-86.
      Cultivar Name:      DUROX
      Name Abbreviation:  DRX
      Other ID Numbers:   WA6521
      Species:            T. turgidum var. durum
      Market Class:       Durum Wheat
      True Growth Habit:  Spring
      USDA Acc. Number:   PI478306
      Year of Release:    1983
      or Introduction
      Place of Origin:    USA-Washington
      Originator(s):      Washington AES; USDA-ARS
      Pedigree:           E7013273-4-5 K6800707 Mutant Sel. 1
      Cultivar Name:      EDMORE
      Name Abbreviation:  EDM
      Other ID Numbers:   D7175
      Species:            T. turgidum var. durum
      Market Class:       Durum Wheat
      True Growth Habit:  Spring
      USDA Acc. Number:   CItr17748
      CSSA Reg. Number:   CV-637
      Year of Release:    1978
      or Introduction
      Place of Origin:    USA-North Dakota
      Originator(s):      North Dakota AES; USDA-ARS
      Pedigree:           (Cappelli / D561, D6530) /3/ (D65114, Leeds /2/
                          Cando / Calvin)
      Reference(s):       82, 601, 603, 707
      USDA Production Acreage Estimates for EDMORE wheat from 1919 to 1984.
                          Year    Estimated Acreage
                          -----   -----------------
                          1919:                 0
                          1924:                 0
                          1929:                 0
                          1934:                 0
                          1939:                 0
                          1944:                 0
                          1949:                 0
                          1954:                 0
                          1959:                 0
                          1964:                 0
                          1969:                 0
                          1974:                 0
                          1979:            13,434
                          1984:            16,178
                Registration of Edmore Durum Wheat (Reg. No. 637).
                  J. S. Quick, B. J. Donnelly, and J. D. Miller
           'EDMORE' (Triticum aestivum L. var durum), CI 17748, is a spring
      durum wheat developed by the Agric. Exp. Stn., North Dakota State
      Univ. (NDSU), Fargo, in cooperation with AR-SEA-USDA.  Edmore was
      selected from the cross D6530/D64114 made in 1968.  D6530 is a strong
      gluten North Dakota selection derived from a cross between 'Cappelli'
      (an Italian durum wheat cultivar with strong gluten) and North Dakota
      selection D561.  D561 is a tall, stem rust (caused by Puccinia
      graminis f. sp. tritici Eriks. and Henn.) resistant selection with
      good physical quality, high yield, and lodging susceptibility.
      D651134 is a tall, high yielding, North Dakota selection from a cross
      between 'Leeds' and a North Dakota semidwarf derivative involved in
      the parentage of 'Cando' and 'Calvin.'  Calvin, Cando, and Leeds are
      North Dakota-USDA cultivars released in 1978, 1975, and 1966,
      respectively.  The cross to produce Edmore was made to combine strong
      gluten with an adapted plant type having high grain yield, good
      physical quality, and disease resistance.  Early selection through the
      F5 generation was done by the pedigree method in 4 years by utilizing
      North Dakota and Mexico winter breeding nurseries.  Edmore was bulked
      in the F5 generation as an F4-derived line i 1971 and first entered
      preliminary yield trials in North Dakota in 1972 as selection D7175.
      Edmore was tested in the Uniform Regional Durum Nursery since 1974.
      It also was evaluated in national and worldwide disease evaluation
      tests.  Edmore is the first strong gluten durum released by the Agric.
      Exp. Stn., NDSU.
           Edmore is daylength sensitive and has midtall, strong, white
      culms that may show purplish coloration under some conditions.  The
      spike is awned (deciduous), oblong, dense, and erect.  The glumes are
      glabrous, white, midlong to long, and midwide; the glume shoulders are
      narrow and elevated; and the beaks wide, acuminate, and 3 to 4 mm
      long.  The awns are white and 8 to 18 cm long.  The kernels are amber,
      hard, midlong, and elliptical; the germ midsized; the crease midwide
      and shallow; the cheeks angular to rounded; and the brush very short
      (essentially none).
           The grain yield of Edmore was about equal to that of 'Ward' when
      averaged over sites in North Dakota, western Minnesota, northern South
      Dakota, eastern Montana, and southern Manitoba and saskatchewan during
      1974 through 1977.  Over North Dakota stations, yields of Edmore and
      Ward have been essentially equal and below that of Cando.  Grain
      yields of Edmore have been below those of Ward and "Rugby' during 1978
      to 1979, the 2 years following release.  Edmore has been about equal
      to Ward in test weight and has been superior to Ward, Rugby, Cando,
      and Calvin in kernel weight.  Edmore has been about 1 day earlier in
      heading and is slightly taller than Ward.  Under severe lodging
      conditions, Edmore has been weaker than Ward and Rugby and about equal
      to 'Crosby' and Leeds.  Edmore has been about equal to Ward in disease
      resistance; however it has root rot (primarily caused by
      Helminthosporium sativum) resistance superior to all other durum
           The milling and spaghetti processing characteristics of Edmore
      were excellent in tests during 1975 to 1979.  The cultivar had good
      test weight, high vitreous kernel content; improved kernel size and
      weight, high protein content and improved spaghetti color when
      compared to previously released cultivars.  The inclusion of strong
      gluten as an additional quality factor provides a cultivar with
      improved processing and cooking characteristics.
           Edmore was named and released by the North Dakota Agric. Exp.
      Stn. on 26 January 1978.  Breeder seed will be maintained by the
      Seedstocks Project. N.D. Agric. Exp. Stn., Fargo, ND 58105.
      Information for certification has been provided to the National Small
      Grain Variety Review Board for approval.
           Edmore is described further in N.D. Farm Res. 36(6):14-18, 1979.
      Published in Crop Sci. 20:827.
      Cultivar Name:      FJORD
      Other ID Numbers:   HD81-485
      Species:            T. turgidum var. durum
      Market Class:       Durum Wheat
      True Growth Habit:  Spring
      USDA Acc. Number:   PI506469
      PVP Reg. Number:    8700092
      PVP Status:         Issued/Enforced       Date:   10/31/88
      Year of Release:    1987
      or Introduction
      Place of Origin:    USA-Colorado
      Originator(s):      Nickerson American Plant Breeders, Inc., Mission,
      Pedigree:           Edmore / Ward
      Reference(s):       73
      Cultivar Name:      GEM
      Name Abbreviation:  GEM
      Species:            T. turgidum var. durum
      Market Class:       Durum Wheat
      True Growth Habit:  Spring
      Place of Origin:    USA-Arizona
      Originator(s):      H & H Seed Co.,
      Cultivar Name:      GOLDEN BALL
      Name Abbreviation:  GDB
      Other ID Numbers:   PI046766, CAN1324
      Species:            T. turgidum var. durum
      Market Class:       Durum Wheat
      True Growth Habit:  Spring
      USDA Acc. Number:   CItr6227
      CSSA Reg. Number:   CV-220
      Year of Release:    1918
      or Introduction
      Place of Origin:    South Africa
      Originator(s):      USDA
      Pedigree:           Landrace introduction.
      Reference(s):       133, 163, 168, 169, 256, 743, 744, 797
      USDA Production Acreage Estimates for GOLDEN BALL wheat from 1919 to
                          Year    Estimated Acreage
                          -----   -----------------
                          1919:                 0
                          1924:                 0
                          1929:                 0
                          1934:                 0
                          1939:            30,000
                          1944:                 0
                          1949:                 0
                          1954:                 0
                          1959:                 0
                          1964:                 0
                          1969:                 0
                          1974:                 0
                          1979:                 0
                          1984:                 0
      Cultivar Name:      HERCULES
      Name Abbreviation:  HC
      Other ID Numbers:   RL3676
      Species:            T. turgidum var. durum
      Market Class:       Durum Wheat
      True Growth Habit:  Spring
      USDA Acc. Number:   CItr14559
      Year of Release:    1969
      or Introduction
      Place of Origin:    Canada
      Originator(s):      Canada Dept. of Agriculture, Winnipeg, Manitoba
      Pedigree:           (Heiti / Stewart /2/ Mindum / Carleton, DT206,
                          Ld308, RL3097) /5/ (RL3304, Ld368, Vernum*2 /2/
                          Heiti / Stewart /3/ Carleton /2/ Heiti / Stewart
                          /4/ Khapli emmer / PI094701) /7/ Stewart /6/
                          (RL3380, Ld393, Sentry /5/ (Ld340 /3/ Ld375 /
                          Ld377 /2/ Carleton, Ld379) /4/ (Ld357, (Heiti /
                          Stewart /2/ Mindum / Carleton, Ld308) /3/ Nugget))
      Reference(s):       82, 430, 551, 630
      USDA Production Acreage Estimates for HERCULES wheat from 1919 to
                          Year    Estimated Acreage
                          -----   -----------------
                          1919:                 0
                          1924:                 0
                          1929:                 0
                          1934:                 0
                          1939:                 0
                          1944:                 0
                          1949:                 0
                          1954:                 0
                          1959:                 0
                          1964:                 0
                          1969:                 0
                          1974:            71,472
                          1979:             2,811
                          1984:                 0
      Cultivar Name:      IMPERIAL
      Other ID Numbers:   PH883-15
      Species:            T. turgidum var. durum
      Market Class:       Durum Wheat
      True Growth Habit:  Spring
      PVP Reg. Number:    8800232
      PVP Status:         Issued/Enforced       Date:   04/28/89
      Year of Release:    1987
      or Introduction
      Place of Origin:    USA-Montana
      Originator(s):      Western Plant Breeders, Inc., Bozeman, Montana
      Cultivar Name:      IRRIDUR
      Name Abbreviation:  IRD
      Other ID Numbers:   ID0093
      Species:            T. turgidum var. durum
      Market Class:       Durum Wheat
      True Growth Habit:  Spring
      USDA Acc. Number:   CItr17423
      CSSA Reg. Number:   CV-667
      Year of Release:    1980
      or Introduction
      Place of Origin:    USA-Idaho
      Originator(s):      Idaho AES; USDA-ARS
      Pedigree:           Yaktana 54 /2/ (Norin 10 / Brevor, Sel 21-1c) /3/
                          Sinaloa 2 /4/ Thatcher /5/ Sentry
      Reference(s):       761
               Registration of Irridur Durum Wheat (Reg. No. 667).
                      D. W. Sunderman and Brendan O'Connell
           'IRRIDUR' (Triticum turgidum L. var durum), CI 17423, is a spring
      durum wheat that evolved from the cross 'Yaktana 54'/2/'Norin
      10'/'Brevor', Sel 21-1c/3/'Sinaloa'#2/4/'Thatcher'/5/'Sentry' made by
      Drs. C. O. Qualset and Y. P. Puri in California.  It was among 300
      head selections made from F3 lines grown in the Tulelake, Calif.,
      durum program in 1970.  F4 and F5 head rows of the selections were
      grown in the 1971 and 1972 Aberdeen rust nurseries and Irridur
      resulted from a bulk of one of the stripe rust resistant F5 rows.
      Irridur was tested as ID0093 in the Western Durum Nursery from 1974
      until released and was grown in large commercial size acreages in 1978
      and 1979 to determine the feasibility of growing good quality
      irrigated durums in southern Idaho.  Irridur was released in 1980 by
      the Idaho Agric Exp. Stn. and ARS-USDA.
           Irridur is a semidwarf, medium-maturing cultivar with moderately
      short, stiff straw.  The spike is awned, oblong, dense, and erect to
      inclined.  Awns have a tendency to dehisce at maturity.  Glumes are
      glabrous, yellowish white, long and wide.  Shoulders are narrow and
      elevated and the beaks are midwide, acuminate, and 2 to 3 mm long.
      Awns are yellowish white and 5 to 13 cm long.  The kernels are amber,
      hard, long, and elliptical with a midsized germ, a narrow mid-deep
      crease, rounded cheeks, and a very short brush (essentially none).
      Irridur has been resistant to the prevalent races of stripe ruse
      (caused by Puccinia striiformis West.) and leaf rust (caused by
      Puccinia recondita Rob. ex. Desm. f. sp. tritici) found in the Pacific
      Northwest, but is susceptible to powdery mildew (caused by Erysiphe
      graminis DC. f. sp. tritici E. Marchal).
           Irridur is the first durum wheat grown under Idaho irrigated
      conditions that produced grain with acceptable quality for semolina
      products and produced yields that were competitive with the hard red
      spring wheats (Triticum aestivum L.)  The average yield of Irridur has
      equaled that of 'Wandell,' a low protein durum and 'Borah,' a
      commercially grown hard red spring wheat in 3-year testing under
      irrigation at Aberdeen.  Irridur yielded 11 and 120% of 'Cando' and
      'Modoc,' respectively, the same 3-year averages.  The test weight of
      Irridur has been higher than those of Wandell, Cando, and Modoc.
           When fertilized and irrigated properly, Irridur has generally
      produced grain with satisfactory protein content and milling and
      spaghetti processing characteristics.
           Breeder seed of Irridur will be maintained by the Univ. of Idaho,
      Aberdeen Research and Extension Center, P.O. Box AA, Aberdeen, ID
      Published in Crop Sci. 23:188.
      Cultivar Name:      JORI 69
      Name Abbreviation:  JORI
      Other ID Numbers:   D21563
      Species:            T. turgidum var. durum
      Market Class:       Durum Wheat
      True Growth Habit:  Spring
      USDA Acc. Number:   PI519668
      Year of Release:    1968
      or Introduction
      Place of Origin:    Mexico
      Originator(s):      CIMMYT
      Pedigree:           Barrigon Yaqui Enano*2 / Tehuacan 60 /2/ Tacur
                          Tipo 125E / 3*Tehuacan 60
      Reference(s):       79, 82
      USDA Production Acreage Estimates for JORI 69 wheat from 1919 to 1984.
                          Year    Estimated Acreage
                          -----   -----------------
                          1919:                 0
                          1924:                 0
                          1929:                 0
                          1934:                 0
                          1939:                 0
                          1944:                 0
                          1949:                 0
                          1954:                 0
                          1959:                 0
                          1964:                 0
                          1969:                 0
                          1974:                 0
                          1979:             1,539
                          1984:                 0
      Cultivar Name:      KAHLA
      Name Abbreviation:  KHL
      Other ID Numbers:   PI007794
      Other Name(s):      Black Don, Black Durum, Black Emmett, Black Swamp,
                          Purple Durum, Red Swamp, Sloat
      Species:            T. turgidum var. durum
      Market Class:       Durum Wheat
      True Growth Habit:  Spring
      USDA Acc. Number:   CItr5529
      CSSA Reg. Number:   CV-221
      Year of Release:    1901
      or Introduction
      Place of Origin:    Algeria
      Originator(s):      USDA-BPI
      Pedigree:           Landrace introduction.
      Reference(s):       57, 133, 138, 158, 161, 162, 163, 164, 168, 169,
                          170, 374, 688, 743
      USDA Production Acreage Estimates for KAHLA wheat from 1919 to 1984.
                          Year    Estimated Acreage
                          -----   -----------------
                          1919:            19,500
                          1924:            45,579
                          1929:            28,250
                          1934:             1,668
                          1939:               785
                          1944:             1,063
                          1949:                 0
                          1954:                 0
                          1959:                 0
                          1964:                 0
                          1969:                 0
                          1974:                 0
                          1979:                 0
                          1984:                 0
      Cultivar Name:      KUBANKA
      Name Abbreviation:  KB
      Other ID Numbers:   PI262674
      Other Name(s):      Beloturka, Gharnovka, Pererodka, Taganrog, Yellow
      Species:            T. turgidum var. durum
      Market Class:       Durum Wheat
      True Growth Habit:  Spring
      USDA Acc. Number:   CItr1440
      CSSA Reg. Number:   CV-215
      Year of Release:    1900
      or Introduction
      Place of Origin:    Russia
      Pedigree:           Landrace introduction.
      Reference(s):       57, 64, 120, 121, 122, 133, 138, 147, 155, 161,
                          162, 163, 164, 168, 169, 170, 283, 284, 374, 453,
                          627, 653, 655, 664, 743, 744, 753, 754, 797
      USDA Production Acreage Estimates for KUBANKA wheat from 1919 to 1984.
                          Year    Estimated Acreage
                          -----   -----------------
                          1919:            52,300
                          1924:           479,046
                          1929:           724,864
                          1934:           687,379
                          1939:           431,630
                          1944:           180,217
                          1949:           280,438
                          1954:            64,281
                          1959:               918
                          1964:                 0
                          1969:                 0
                          1974:                 0
                          1979:                 0
                          1984:                 0
      Cultivar Name:      KUBANKA NO. 8
      Name Abbreviation:  KB8
      Species:            T. turgidum var. durum
      Market Class:       Durum Wheat
      True Growth Habit:  Spring
      USDA Acc. Number:   CItr4063
      CSSA Reg. Number:   CV-216
      Year of Release:    1911
      or Introduction
      Place of Origin:    USA-North Dakota
      Originator(s):      North Dakota AES
      Pedigree:           Kubanka pure line selection.
      Reference(s):       133, 158, 168, 721
      Cultivar Name:      KYLE
      Name Abbreviation:  KYLE
      Other ID Numbers:   DT375, 7466-CF4B
      Species:            T. turgidum var. durum
      Market Class:       Durum Wheat
      True Growth Habit:  Spring
      USDA Acc. Number:   PI537310
      CSSA Reg. Number:   CV-754
      Year of Release:    1984
      or Introduction
      Place of Origin:    Canada
      Originator(s):      Agriculture Canada Research Station, Swift
                          Current, Saskatchewan
      Pedigree:           Wakooma /2/ (DT322, Blue Giant / 4*Lakota) /3/
                          Wakooma /2/ (DT320, Blue Giant / 2*Lakota)
      Reference(s):       460
                REGISTRATION OF KYLE DURUM WHEAT (Reg. No. CV-754)
        J.G. McLeod,*T.F. Townley-Smith, R.M. DePauw, J.M. Clarke, C.W.B.
                           Lendrum, and G.E. McCrystal
           'KYLE' spring durum wheat, Triticum turgidum L. var. Durum Desf.
      (Reg. no. CV-754, PI 537310), was developed at the Agriculture Canada
      Research Station at Swift Current, SK, as part of the South
      Saskatchewan Wheat Breeding Program, License no. 2433 was issued for
      Kyle in 1984 by the Plant Health and Plant Products Directorate, Food
      Production and Inspection branch, Agriculture Canada.
           Kyle derives from a single F6 plant selected from a cross made in
      1974 between two selections from crosses made in 1969 of 'Wakooma'
      with DT320 (Blue Giant/2*Lakota) and DT322 (Blue Giant/4*Lakota).  Its
      parentage is Wakooma/ DT322/2/ Wakooma/ DT320.  It was developed by a
      modified pedigree method, in which leaf and stem rust resistant single
      plants were selected in the F2.  Testing and selecting were done in
      the F4, F6, and F8 generations under the designation 7466-CF4B  for
      grain yield, rust resistance, and pasta quality.  The F1, F3, F5, and
      F7 generations were grown in a winter nursery in Brawley, CA.  It was
      tested in the Durum Wheat Cooperative test as DT375 from 1981 to 1983.
           Based on 16 location-years of testing in the Brown and Dark Brown
      soils zones of Saskatchewan and Alberta, the grain yield of Kyle was
      107% of Wakooma and 'Medora'.  In the Black soils zone of Saskatchewan
      and Manitoba, the yield of Kyle was 103% of Medora and 107% of Wakooma
      and 'Coulter' in 14 location-years of testing.  Kyle is slightly later
      maturing, _3 cm taller, and more susceptible to lodging than Wakooma.
           Spikes of Kyle have glabrous, white glumes.  Awns are long and
      spreading and are usually black at maturity.  The kernels are medium
      in size, weighing (on average) _2 mg more than Wakooma and _2.5 mg
      less than 'Hercules'.  The straw of Kyle has hollow internodes, little
      or no anthocyanin coloration, and medium thickness.  Kyle is resistant
      to the prevalent races of leaf and stem rust (caused by Puccinia
      recondita Roberge ex Desmaz. and P. graminis Pers.:Pers.,
      respectively) and bunt (caused by Tilletia laevis K„hn in Rabenh.) and
      T. caries (DC.) Tul. & C. Tul.).  It is susceptible to loose smut
      [caused by Ustilago tritici (Pers.) Rostr.]; moderately susceptible to
      tan spot (caused by Pyrenophora tritici-repentis (Died.) Drechs.);
      moderately resistant to kernel smudge and root rot (caused by
      Cochliobolus sativus Ito & Kuribayashi) and septoria leaf spot (caused
      by Septoria spp.).
           The quality of Kyle is equal to Hercules, making it eligible for
      the grades of Canada Western Amber Durum.  It has medium semolina
      yield, slightly lower protein content than Hercules, high pigment
      content, and good pasta cooking quality.  The gluten of Kyle is
           A more detailed description has been published.  Breeder seed
      will be maintained by the Seed Section, Agriculture Canada
      Experimental Farm, Indian Head, SK SOG 2KO.  Kyle has been released to
      SeCan Assoc., Suite 512, 855 Meadowlands Dr., Ottawa, ON, K2C 3N2 for
      Published in Crop Sci. 31:236-237.
      Cultivar Name:      LAKOTA
      Name Abbreviation:  LK
      Other ID Numbers:   Ld392
      Species:            T. turgidum var. durum
      Market Class:       Durum Wheat
      True Growth Habit:  Spring
      USDA Acc. Number:   CItr13335
      CSSA Reg. Number:   CV-402
      Year of Release:    1960
      or Introduction
      Place of Origin:    USA-North Dakota
      Originator(s):      North Dakota AES; USDA-ARS
      Pedigree:           Sentry /5/ (Ld340 /3/ Ld375 / Ld377 /2/ Carleton,
                          Ld379) /4/ (Ld357, (Heiti / Stewart /2/ Mindum /
                          Carleton, Ld308) /3/ Nugget)
      Reference(s):       46, 81, 286, 306, 419, 627, 628, 630, 631, 707,
      USDA Production Acreage Estimates for LAKOTA wheat from 1919 to 1984.
                          Year    Estimated Acreage
                          -----   -----------------
                          1919:                 0
                          1924:                 0
                          1929:                 0
                          1934:                 0
                          1939:                 0
                          1944:                 0
                          1949:                 0
                          1954:                 0
                          1959:             2,710
                          1964:           524,913
                          1969:            39,680
                          1974:             3,483
                          1979:                 0
                          1984:               336
                   Registration of Lakota Wheat (Reg. No. 402)
                                   E. G. Heyne
           LAKOTA, CI 13335, (Ld392) is a spring durum wheat variety
      developed by the North Dakota Agricultural Experiment Station and the
      Crops Research Division, ARS, USDA.  Seed was distributed to growers
      in 1960.  T. E. Stoa applied for registration.
           Lakota is a selection from the cross Sentry X (Ld379 X Ld357)
      made in 1952 by R. M. Heermann.  Ld379 is a unnamed selection of a
      complex pedigree, Ld340 X (Ld375-Ld377 X Carleton).  Ld375 and Ld377
      are derivatives of crosses between durum selections and Khapli emmer.
      Ld357 also is an unnamed selection of complex breeding that is a
      short, early durum variety with excellent macaroni-making quality.
      Lakota has been described by K. L. Lebsock and T. E. Stoa (3).
      Breeder seed originated from the bulk of a single F52 plant row in
      1954.  Using greenhouse and winter increases in California and Mexico,
      this selection was advanced rapidly into row-row and larger field
           Lakota's superior trait is its high resistance to race 15B of
      stem rust obtained from the parent Ld379 (Khapli resistance).  Lakota
      also has shorter and stronger straw than other durum varieties, ripens
      2 days earlier than Langdon and 4 to 6 days earlier than Mindum.
      Height, yield and test weight data are given in Table 2.  Its test
      weight is lower than desirable for a durum variety but its yield
      performance has been very good.
           The quality of Lakota is satisfactory.  Its gluten properties are
      "strong" as measured by the farinograph.
      Table 2.  Height, yield, and test weight of Lakota and Wells durum
                wheats at Fargo, Edgeley, Langdon, and Minot, N.S., 1957-59.
                      Height,              Yield,           Test weight,
      Variety           in.                bu./A.               lb.
      Lakota             38                 38.5                60.7
      Wells              38                 37.9                59.5
      Sentry             39                 33.7                62.0
      Langdon            42                 36.5                61.6
      Ramsey             43                 33.8                61.5
      Mindum             47                 32.8                61.3
      Published in Crop Sci. 2:353-354.
      Cultivar Name:      LANGDON
      Name Abbreviation:  LDN
      Species:            T. turgidum var. durum
      Market Class:       Durum Wheat
      True Growth Habit:  Spring
      USDA Acc. Number:   CItr13165
      CSSA Reg. Number:   CV-385
      Year of Release:    1956
      or Introduction
      Place of Origin:    USA-North Dakota
      Originator(s):      North Dakota AES; USDA-ARS
      Pedigree:           (Mindum / Carleton, Ld194) /2/ Khapli /3/ (Ld308,
                          Heiti / Stewart /2/ Mindum / Carleton) /4/ Stewart
                          /5/ Carleton
      Reference(s):       46, 47, 81, 82, 292, 304, 462, 627, 628, 630, 631,
                          707, 750
      USDA Production Acreage Estimates for LANGDON wheat from 1919 to 1984.
                          Year    Estimated Acreage
                          -----   -----------------
                          1919:                 0
                          1924:                 0
                          1929:                 0
                          1934:                 0
                          1939:                 0
                          1944:                 0
                          1949:                 0
                          1954:                 0
                          1959:           777,918
                          1964:           121,811
                          1969:            24,071
                          1974:             1,248
                          1979:             3,583
                          1984:             3,359
                   REGISTRATION OF LANGDON WHEAT (Reg.No. 385)
                                   E. G. Heyne
           LANGDON, CI 13165, is the result of a modified backcross
      procedure used to transfer from Khapli emmer resistance to race 15B of
      stem rust to a high quality durum wheat variety.  This variety was
      developed through a cooperative project between the United States
      Department of Agriculture and the North Dakota Agricultural Experiment
      Station.  The first cross was made in 1944 between a selection of
      Mindum X Carleton, Ld. 194, and Khapli emmer.  The second cross was
      made in 1949 between an F3 selection of this cross and a selection
      from the cross, Heti-Stewart X Mindum-Carleton, Ld. 308.  The third
      cross was made in 1950 between a resistant F2 plant of the second
      cross and Stewart, and the final cross was the resulting F1 plant of
      the third cross with Carleton in 1951.  The abbreviated parentage can
      be written as follows: [(Ld. 194-Khapli X Ld. 308) X Stewart] X
      Carleton.  Two or three generations were grown each year.  Increases
      of the better F4 lines were started during the winter of 1952-53.
      Winter increases in Arizona made possible the release of Langdon to
      selected seed producers in 1955.  There were about 32,000 bushels of
      seed available for planting in 1956.  This variety is named in
      recognition of Langdon, North Dakota, the county seat of Cavalier
      County which is one of the largest durum producing counties in North
      Dakota.  T. E. Stoa applied for registration.
           The superior characteristic of Langdon is its resistance to race
      15B of stem rust.  Langdon is about two days earlier than Mindum.  Its
      straw is shorter and resists lodging more than Mindum, but it is more
      susceptible to leaf rust than Mindum.  It has excellent yielding
      ability and test weight.  This variety tends to shed its awns when it
      ripens normally.  Semolina quality is satisfactory.
      Published in Agron. J. 51:689-692.
      Cultivar Name:      LD. 357
      Name Abbreviation:  LDN357
      Other ID Numbers:   Ld357
      Species:            T. turgidum var. durum
      Market Class:       Durum Wheat
      True Growth Habit:  Spring
      USDA Acc. Number:   CItr13163
      Year of Release:    1954
      or Introduction
      Place of Origin:    USA-North Dakota
      Originator(s):      North Dakota AES
      Pedigree:           (Heiti / Stewart /2/ Mindum / Carleton, Ld308) /3/
      Reference(s):       655
      USDA Production Acreage Estimates for LD. 357 wheat from 1919 to 1984.
                          Year    Estimated Acreage
                          -----   -----------------
                          1919:                 0
                          1924:                 0
                          1929:                 0
                          1934:                 0
                          1939:                 0
                          1944:                 0
                          1949:                 0
                          1954:               733
                          1959:                 0
                          1964:                 0
                          1969:                 0
                          1974:                 0
                          1979:                 0
                          1984:                 0
      Cultivar Name:      LEEDS
      Name Abbreviation:  LDS
      Other ID Numbers:   60-115
      Species:            T. turgidum var. durum
      Market Class:       Durum Wheat
      True Growth Habit:  Spring
      USDA Acc. Number:   CItr13768
      CSSA Reg. Number:   CV-460
      Year of Release:    1966
      or Introduction
      Place of Origin:    USA-North Dakota
      Originator(s):      North Dakota AES; USDA-ARS
      Pedigree:           ((Heiti / Stewart /2/ Mindum / Carleton, Ld308)
                          /3/ Nugget, Ld357)*4 /5/ (St 464, CItr13160) /4/
                          (Ld357, (Heiti / Stewart /2/ Mindum / Carleton,
                          Ld308) /3/ Nugget) /6/ Wells
      Reference(s):       82, 420, 424, 548, 630, 631, 707
      USDA Production Acreage Estimates for LEEDS wheat from 1919 to 1984.
                          Year    Estimated Acreage
                          -----   -----------------
                          1919:                 0
                          1924:                 0
                          1929:                 0
                          1934:                 0
                          1939:                 0
                          1944:                 0
                          1949:                 0
                          1954:                 0
                          1959:                 0
                          1964:                 0
                          1969:         2,115,953
                          1974:         1,151,449
                          1979:           118,261
                          1984:            14,416
                Registration of Leeds Durum Wheat (Reg. No. 460).
                   K. L. Lebsock, F. J. Gough, and L. D. Sibbit
           'LEEDS' wheat, (Triticum durum Desf.) CI 13768, is a variety
      developed and released May 15, 1966, cooperatively by the North Dakota
      Agricultural Experiment Station and the Crops Research Division,
      Agricultural Research Service, U. S. Department of Agriculture.  Leeds
      originated from the cross (Ld 357 4 X St 464 - Ld 357) X 'Wells' made
      at Fargo, N. D., in 1957.  Leeds was bulked as selection 60-115 in the
      F6 generation, which was grown at the Mexican Ministry of Agriculture
      Experiment Station near Ciudad Obregon, Mexico, in 1961, and entered
      in preliminary yield trials in North Dakota in 1961.
           Leeds is a spring variety with an erect, oblong, dense and awned
      spike.  The stem is moderately short and strong and usually white in
      color, but some red to purple coloration occurs at times.  Its glumes
      are glabrous, midwide, midlong to long with narrow, elevated
      shoulders, and wide beaks 2 to 3 mm long.  Kernels of Leeds are amber,
      hard, midlong, elliptical, and essentially brushless.
           Major agronomic advantages of Leeds over the predominating
      variety, Wells, are its larger, heavier kernels and its higher test
      weight.  The average 1000-kernel weight of Leeds is about 25% heavier
      than Wells, and it has exceeded Wells by about 2.5 pounds per bushel
      (3.22 kg/hl).  Leeds has been slightly more resistant to lodging than
      Wells, but similar in grain yield, maturity, and straw height.  It is
      expected to perform satisfactorily throughout the traditional durum-
      producing areas of the north central United States.
           Leeds has been highly resistant to prevalent cultures of the stem
      rust organism when tested under field conditions and as seedlings in
      the greenhouse in North Dakota.  It also has been highly resistant to
      stem rust in many of the countries in which the International Spring
      Wheat Rust Nursery has been grown.
           Milling and macaroni processing characteristics of Leeds have
      been evaluated.  It has been better than Wells in test weight, market
      grade, vitreous kernel content, weight per 1000 kernels, kernel-size
      distribution, wheat and semolina protein content, and color of the
      finished macaroni product.  Leeds has been similar to Wells in milling
      yield and gluten characteristics.
           The generations of Leeds for the production of certified seed are
      breeder, foundation, registered, and certified.  The North Dakota
      Agricultural Experiment Station will maintain breeder seed of Leeds.
           A description of Leeds has been published in the North Dakota
      Farm Research Bimonthly Bulletin 24(5):9-14. May-June, 1966.
      Published in Crop Sci. 7:169-170.
      Cultivar Name:      LLOYD
      Name Abbreviation:  LLY
      Other ID Numbers:   D771
      Species:            T. turgidum var. durum
      Market Class:       Durum Wheat
      True Growth Habit:  Spring
      USDA Acc. Number:   PI476211
      CSSA Reg. Number:   CV-682
      Year of Release:    1983
      or Introduction
      Place of Origin:    USA-North Dakota
      Originator(s):      North Dakota AES; USDA-ARS
      Pedigree:           Cando / Edmore
      Reference(s):       72, 73, 115, 116, 707
      USDA Production Acreage Estimates for LLOYD wheat from 1919 to 1984.
                          Year    Estimated Acreage
                          -----   -----------------
                          1919:                 0
                          1924:                 0
                          1929:                 0
                          1934:                 0
                          1939:                 0
                          1944:                 0
                          1949:                 0
                          1954:                 0
                          1959:                 0
                          1964:                 0
                          1969:                 0
                          1974:                 0
                          1979:                 0
                          1984:            52,708
                Registration of Lloyd Durum Wheat (Reg. No. 682).
             R. G. Cantrell, J. S. Quick, J. W. Dick and J. D. Miller
           'LLOYD', PI 476211, is a spring durum wheat (Triticum turgidum L.
      var. durum) (Reg. no. 682) developed by the Agricultural Experiment
      Station, North Dakota State University, in cooperation with USDA-ARS
      and released, 13 Jan. 1983.  Lloyd originated from a cross between the
      cultivar Cando, which has high yield and short straw, and the cultivar
      Edmore, which has strong gluten, large kernels, and resistance to
      common root rot (caused by Helminthosporium sativum P.K. & B. and
      Fusarium sp.).  Lloyd was developed using the pedigree method and was
      bulked in the F5 generation as an F4-derived line.  Following 1 year
      of preliminary yield testing, Lloyd was tested as D771 in the Uniform
      Regional Durum Nursery (URDN) and in the North Dakota drill strips
      during 1979-1982.
           Lloyd is daylength sensitive and has average 70 cm in plant
      height, which is similar to Cando and about 20 cm shorter than 'Vic'
      during 5 years of testing.  The culms are white and the peduncle is
      lightly recurved.  The spikes are awned (usually nondeciduous),
      oblong, dense, and erect.  The glumes are glabrous, white, midlong to
      long, and midwide; the glume shoulders are narrow and elevated; and
      the beaks wide, acuminate, and 3 to 4 mm long.  The awns are white and
      6 to 16 cm long.  The kernels are amber, hard, midlong, and
      elliptical; germ midsized; crease midwide and shallow; cheeks angular
      to rounded; and the brush very short (essentially none).
           Yield performance of Lloyd in 28 URDN tests from 1979 to 1981 was
      similar to Cando and slightly less than Vic and 'Ward.'  In North
      Dakota drill strips from 1979 to 1982, the test weight of Lloyd was
      1.3 kg/hl greater than Cando and similar to Vic.   In addition, kernel
      sized was larger than Cando but less than Vic and Ward.  The average
      wheat protein of Lloyd was 14.3% similar to Cando and 0.8 percentage
      points less than Vic.  The milling performance was favorable and the
      spaghetti color and cooking quality were similar to the strong gluten
      cultivar Vic.
           Lloyd is highly resistant to most stem rust (caused by Puccinia
      graminis Pers. f. sp. tritici Eriks. and Henn.) races.  The resistant
      reaction of Lloyd to leaf rust (caused by P. recondita Rob. ex. Desm.
      f. sp. tritici) in the adult stage is similar to Cando.  The common
      root rot resistance of Lloyd is superior to Cando and slightly less
      than Vic.
           Breeder seed will be maintained by the Seedstocks Project, Agric.
      Exp. Stn., N.Dak. State Univ., Fargo, ND 58105-5051.  Information for
      certification has been provided to the National Small Grain Variety
      Review Board for approval.
      Published in Crop Sci. 24:386.
      Cultivar Name:      MACOUN
      Name Abbreviation:  MCN
      Other ID Numbers:   DT332
      Species:            T. turgidum var. durum
      Market Class:       Durum Wheat
      True Growth Habit:  Spring
      USDA Acc. Number:   CItr17341
      CSSA Reg. Number:   CV-674
      Year of Release:    1974
      or Introduction
      Place of Origin:    Canada
      Originator(s):      Agriculture Canada, Swift Current-Regina,
      Pedigree:           ((Heiti / Stewart /2/ Mindum / Carleton, DT206,
                          Ld308, RL3097) /5/ (RL3304, Ld368, Vernum*2 /2/
                          Heiti / Stewart /3/ Carleton /2/ Heiti / Stewart
                          /4/ Khapli emmer / PI94701) /7/ Stewart /6/
                          (RL3380, Ld393, Sentry /5/ (Ld379, Ld340 /3/ Ld375
                          / Ld377 /2/ Carleton) /4/ (Ld357, Heiti / Stewart
                          /2/ Mindum / Carleton /3/ Nugget)), RL3607) /8/
                          (DT182, (Heiti / Stewart /2/ Mindum / Carleton,
                          RL3097) /5/ (RL3304, Vernum*2 /2/ Heiti / Stewart
                          /3/ Carleton /2/ Heiti / Stewart /4/ Khapli /
                          PI94701) /7/ Stewart /6/ (LLd393, Sentry /5/
                          (Ld340 /3/ Ld375 / Ld377 /2/ Carleton, Ld379) /4/
                          (Ld357, (Heiti / Stewart /2/ Mindum / Carleton,
                          Ld308) /3/ Nugget)))
      Reference(s):       189, 373, 707, 812, 815
      USDA Production Acreage Estimates for MACOUN wheat from 1919 to 1984.
                          Year    Estimated Acreage
                          -----   -----------------
                          1919:                 0
                          1924:                 0
                          1929:                 0
                          1934:                 0
                          1939:                 0
                          1944:                 0
                          1949:                 0
                          1954:                 0
                          1959:                 0
                          1964:                 0
                          1969:                 0
                          1974:                 0
                          1979:                 0
                          1984:             1,713
                Registration of Macoun Durum Wheat (Reg. No. 674).
         T. F. Townley-Smith, E. A. Hurd, D. Leisle, and L. A. Patterson
           'MACOUN' durum wheat (Triticum turgidum L. var durum) (Reg. No.
      674) was developed by scientists of the Agriculture Canada Research
      Stations at Swift Current, Regina, and Winnipeg.  The cross RL 3607/DT
      182 was made at Winnipeg in 1964 and a portion of the F3 seed was sent
      to the South Saskatchewan Wheat Program located at Swift Current.
      Macoun was developed at Regina and Swift River by selecting for grain
      yield and pasta quality.  It was evaluated as DT 332 in the Durum
      Wheat Cooperative Tests and granted license number 1522 in 1974.
           Macoun has a slight advantage over 'Wascana' in many
      characteristics.  It is 4 cm shorter, 2 days earlier maturing, and
      similar in disease resistance.  Macoun also has stronger straw, higher
      test weight, and is equal in yield to Wascana in the Aridic and Typic
      Boroll soil zones and slightly higher yielding in the Udic Boroll soil
      zone of Western Canada.
           Spikes of Macoun are fusiform and middense with white awns.
      Glumes are white, glabrous, midlong, and midwide; shoulders are narrow
      and slightly elevated; and beaks are acute and short.  The kernels are
      amber, short to midlong, midwide, and ovate with midsized oval germ.
      The crease is narrow to midwide, shallow to middeep and the cheeks are
      rounded to angular.  The brush is small to midsize, very short to nil.
      Macoun is resistant to prevalent races of stem rust (caused by
      Puccinia graminis Pers. f. sp. tritici Eriks. and E. Henn.), leaf rust
      (caused by P. recondita Rob. ex Desm. f. sp. tritici), loose smut
      (caused by Ustilago tritici [Pers.] Rostr.), and bunt (Tilletia
      foetida [Wall.] Liro); moderately resistant to kernel smudge; and
      equal to Wascana and 'Hercules' in resistance to common root rot
      (caused by Helminthosporium sativum P.K.& B. and Fusarium sp.).
           Macoun has high semolina pigment content and strong gluten.  A
      more detailed description of the cultivar has been published.  Breeder
      seed is being maintained at the Research Station, Agriculture Canada,
      Regina, Saskatchewan, S4P 3A2.
      Published in Crop Sci. 23:1015.
      Cultivar Name:      MAROUANI
      Name Abbreviation:  MRU
      Other ID Numbers:   PI007578
      Species:            T. turgidum var. durum
      Market Class:       Durum Wheat
      True Growth Habit:  Spring
      USDA Acc. Number:   CItr2235
      CSSA Reg. Number:   CV-218
      Year of Release:    1901
      or Introduction
      Place of Origin:    Algeria
      Originator(s):      USDA
      Pedigree:           Landrace introduction.
      Reference(s):       133, 158, 168, 169, 170
      USDA Production Acreage Estimates for MAROUANI wheat from 1919 to
                          Year    Estimated Acreage
                          -----   -----------------
                          1919:                 0
                          1924:             4,691
                          1929:                 0
                          1934:                 0
                          1939:                 0
                          1944:                 0
                          1949:                 0
                          1954:                 0
                          1959:                 0
                          1964:                 0
                          1969:                 0
                          1974:                 0
                          1979:                 0
                          1984:                 0
      Cultivar Name:      MEDORA
      Name Abbreviation:  MDO
      Other ID Numbers:   RL7085, DT433
      Species:            T. turgidum var. durum
      Market Class:       Durum Wheat
      True Growth Habit:  Spring
      USDA Acc. Number:   PI496260
      Year of Release:    1982
      or Introduction
      Place of Origin:    Canada
      Originator(s):      Agriculture Canada, Winnipeg, Manitoba
      Pedigree:           Ward / Macoun
      Reference(s):       73
      Cultivar Name:      MEXICALI 75
      Name Abbreviation:  MCL
      Other ID Numbers:   CM470
      Species:            T. turgidum var. durum
      Market Class:       Durum Wheat
      True Growth Habit:  Spring
      USDA Acc. Number:   PI433760
      Year of Release:    1975
      or Introduction
      Place of Origin:    Mexico
      Originator(s):      CIMMYT
      Pedigree:           Giorgiovz 469 /5/ (Barrigon Yaqui Enano*2 /
                          Tehuacan 60 /2/ Tacur Tipo 125E / 3*Tehuacan 60,
                          D21563) /3/ North Dakota 61-130 /4/ Leeds
      Reference(s):       79, 82, 194, 707
      USDA Production Acreage Estimates for MEXICALI 75 wheat from 1919 to
                          Year    Estimated Acreage
                          -----   -----------------
                          1919:                 0
                          1924:                 0
                          1929:                 0
                          1934:                 0
                          1939:                 0
                          1944:                 0
                          1949:                 0
                          1954:                 0
                          1959:                 0
                          1964:                 0
                          1969:                 0
                          1974:                 0
                          1979:            17,630
                          1984:            74,285
      Cultivar Name:      MINDUM
      Name Abbreviation:  MDM
      Other ID Numbers:   CAN1418
      Species:            T. turgidum var. durum
      Market Class:       Durum Wheat
      True Growth Habit:  Spring
      USDA Acc. Number:   CItr5296
      CSSA Reg. Number:   CV-214
      Year of Release:    1917
      or Introduction
      Place of Origin:    USA-Minnesota
      Originator(s):      Minnesota AES
      Pedigree:           Hedgerow farmer selection.
      Reference(s):       46, 47, 64, 81, 133, 138, 147, 155, 158, 161, 162,
                          163, 164, 168, 169, 170, 256, 283, 374, 627, 628,
                          631, 655, 743, 744, 753, 754, 757, 797
      USDA Production Acreage Estimates for MINDUM wheat from 1919 to 1984.
                          Year    Estimated Acreage
                          -----   -----------------
                          1919:                 0
                          1924:            11,953
                          1929:           322,151
                          1934:           446,399
                          1939:           756,329
                          1944:           678,486
                          1949:           980,677
                          1954:         1,108,131
                          1959:            62,333
                          1964:            16,695
                          1969:             8,490
                          1974:                 0
                          1979:                 0
                          1984:                 0
      Cultivar Name:      MODOC
      Name Abbreviation:  MOD
      Other ID Numbers:   II-22234-6M-1Y-0M, TLD701W
      Species:            T. turgidum var. durum
      Market Class:       Durum Wheat
      True Growth Habit:  Spring
      USDA Acc. Number:   CItr17466
      CSSA Reg. Number:   CV-608
      Year of Release:    1975
      or Introduction
      Place of Origin:    USA-California
      Originator(s):      California AES
      Pedigree:           (Tremez Molle Enano / 2*Tehuacan 60 /2/ 2*Zenati
                          Bouteille / Wells, D7069) /3/ Leeds
      Reference(s):       194, 590, 591
                Registration of Modoc Durum Wheat (Reg. No. 608).
                    Y. P. Puri, C. O. Qualset, and H. F. Vogt
           'MODOC' wheat, Triticum turgidum L. (durum group), CI 17466, was
      released in 1975 by the California Agric. Exp. Stn.  Modoc originated
      from the cross UC 69494, D7069/'Leeds', made at Davis in 1969.  D7069
      was developed by the International Maize and Wheat Improvement Center
      (CIMMYT) from the cross 'Tremez Molle'/*2 'Tehucan'/2/*2 'Zenati
      Bouteille'/Wells and was designated II 22234-6M-1Y-OM by CIMMYT in
      Mexico.  Leeds is a tall cultivar with good semolina quality developed
      by USDA and North Dakota State Univ.
           Modoc traces to a single F4 line (TL72-768) which was bulked in
      1972.  Subsequent seed increases were made at the Imperial Valley
      Field Stn. in 1973 and 1974, where F6 head selections were made.
      Breeders seed was developed from a composite of 250 F7 lines grown at
      Tulelake in 1974.  Foundation seed was produced at Tulelake in 1975.
      Modoc was entered in performance trials in California in 1974,
      designated TLD 701W.
           Modoc has spring growth habit, is relatively photoperiod
      insensitive, and has erect, oblong, and long-awned spikes.  The awns
      are about twice as long as the spike.  The spike has white glumes; the
      spikelets are moderately to densely arranged; and the peduncle is S-
      shaped.  The glumes are glabrous, narrow to midwide, midlong with
      narrow, apiculate shoulders and beak is short.  Kernels of Modoc are
      amber, hard, midlong, elliptical and essentially brushless; the germ
      is large, crease midwide, middeep to shallow and cheeks are rounded.
           Modoc is short-statured (about 90 cm), about 38 cm shorter than
      Leeds.  It is stiff-strawed, lodging and shatter resistant, and,
      because of strong glumes, slightly more difficult to thresh than other
      currently used durum wheat cultivars.  Modoc is susceptible to current
      races of stripe rust (Puccinia striiformis West) and powdery mildew
      (Erysiphe graminis DC.f.sp. tritici E. Marchal).
           Modoc has yielded 20% or more grain than Leeds and 'Sentry'.
      Milling and semolina qualities are comparable to those of Leeds and
      Sentry and Modoc is well accepted t=by the industry.  Modoc is well-
      adapted for irrigated culture in northern California.
           Seed classes of Modoc are: breeders, foundation, registered and
      certified.  Foundation seed will be maintained by the Foundation Seed
      and Plant Materials Service, Dep. of Agronomy and Range Science, Univ.
      of California, Davis, CA 95616.
      Published in Crop Sci. 18:916.
      Cultivar Name:      MONAD
      Name Abbreviation:  MN
      Other ID Numbers:   PI010207, D1
      Species:            T. turgidum var. durum
      Market Class:       Durum Wheat
      True Growth Habit:  Spring
      USDA Acc. Number:   CItr3320
      CSSA Reg. Number:   CV-212
      Year of Release:    1903
      or Introduction
      Place of Origin:    Russia
      Originator(s):      North Dakota AES
      Pedigree:           Landrace introduction.
      Reference(s):       133, 138, 158, 161, 162, 163, 168, 169, 170, 283,
                          374, 743, 744
      USDA Production Acreage Estimates for MONAD wheat from 1919 to 1984.
                          Year    Estimated Acreage
                          -----   -----------------
                          1919:                 0
                          1924:            84,203
                          1929:            94,682
                          1934:            17,977
                          1939:             3,647
                          1944:                 0
                          1949:                 0
                          1954:                 0
                          1959:                 0
                          1964:                 0
                          1969:                 0
                          1974:                 0
                          1979:                 0
                          1984:                 0
      Cultivar Name:      MONDAK
      Name Abbreviation:  MDK
      Other ID Numbers:   Kunbanka Sel. No. 74
      Species:            T. turgidum var. durum
      Market Class:       Durum Wheat
      True Growth Habit:  Spring
      USDA Acc. Number:   CItr7287
      CSSA Reg. Number:   CV-256
      Year of Release:    1924
      or Introduction
      Place of Origin:    USA-Montana
      Originator(s):      Montana AES; North Dakota AES; USDA-BPI
      Pedigree:           Pureline selection of Kubanka, CItr01440.
      Reference(s):       171, 453
                   REGISTRATION OF MONDAK WHEAT (Reg. No. 256)
                                   J. A. Clark
           MONDAK (C. I. No. 7287) was developed from cooperative
      experiments between the Office of Cereal Crops and Diseases, Bureau of
      Plant Industry, U. S. Department of Agriculture, and the North Dakota
      and Montana agricultural experiment stations.  It is the result of
      selections jointly planned by J. A. Clark and R. W. Smith, and made
      from Kubanka, C. I. No. 1440, in 1915 by R. W. Smith at the Dickinson
      Substation, Dickinson, N. Dak.
           Several of the best selections from the nursery at Dickinson were
      increased and sent to the Judith Basin Substation, Moccasin, Mont.,
      for growing in plat experiments in 1922.  Mondak (Kubanka Sel. No. 74)
      proved to be the best selection or durum variety at that station.  It
      was the highest yielding selection in the nursery at Dickinson, but in
      the plat experiments at that station it was outyielded by Nodak
      (Kubanka Sel. No. 98) and by the parent variety because of their
      greater resistance to stem rust.  Mondak differs from Kubanka in being
      earlier or having a longer fruiting period, taller, and having better
      quality of grain for the manufacture of macaroni.  Mondak is more
      susceptible to stem rust than Nodak or Kubanka and for that reason
      Mondak has been recommended for growing in western North Dakota and
      Montana where stem rust does not usually occur.
           Mondak was first distributed for commercial growing from the
      Dickinson Substation in 1924 and by the Montana Experiment Station in
      1926.  Application for its registration was made by R. W. Smith and J.
      A. Clark.  It has been under experiment for 10 years at Dickinson, N.
      Dak., and five years at Moccasin, Mont.  The nursery yields in
      comparison with the parent Kubanka at Dickinson from 1917 to 1922, and
      the plat yields at Dickinson and Moccasin from 1922 to 1926, are as
                                Nursery Yields in Bushel Per Acre
      Variety           1917    1918   1919   1920   1921   1922  Average
                                Dickinson, N. Dak.
      Mondak (new)      16.0    21.0   3.6    30.0   16.0   20.8    17.9
      Kubanka (std)     12.6    16.2   2.9    30.6   12.9   19.3    15.8
                             Plat Yields in Bushel Per Acre
                        1922    1923   1924   1925   1926 Average
                                Dickinson, N. Dak.
      Mondak            31.6    22.6   20.3   13.7   5.3    18.7
      Kubanka           31.4    22.9   20.0   14.5   5.7    18.9
                                 Moccasin, Mont.
      Mondak            30.7    28.2   26.3   22.3   30.0   27.5
      Kubanka           24.8    25.6   27.7   21.2   28.4   25.5
      For further information see Smith, Waldron, and Clark.
      Published in J. Amer. Soc. Agron. 19:1037-1040.
      Cultivar Name:      MONROE
      Other ID Numbers:   D793
      Species:            T. turgidum var. durum
      Market Class:       Durum Wheat
      True Growth Habit:  Spring
      USDA Acc. Number:   PI478298
      CSSA Reg. Number:   CV-706
      Year of Release:    1985
      or Introduction
      Place of Origin:    USA-North Dakota
      Originator(s):      North Dakota AES
      Pedigree:           D6771 / Rugby /2/ Vic
      Reference(s):       73, 118, 119
                Registration of Monroe Durum Wheat (Reg. No. 706).
               R.G. Cantrell, J.W. Dick, J.D. Miller and J.S. Quick
           'MONROE', (Reg. no. 706) PI478298, is a spring durum wheat
      (Triticum turgidum L. var. durum) developed by the Agricultural
      Experiment Station, North Dakota State University, in cooperation with
      USDA-ARS and released on 15 Jan. 1985.  it was tested as D793 with the
      pedigree D7456/'Vic'.  The parent D7456 was derived from the cross
      D6771/'Rugby'.  Monroe was developed using the pedigree method and was
      bulked in the F5 generation as an F4-derived line in 1980.
           Monroe is a daylength sensitive durum wheat that is similar in
      plant height and maturity to 'Rolette'.  The culms are white and the
      peduncle is slightly recurved.  The spikes are awned (usually
      deciduous), oblong, dense, and erect.  The glumes are glabrous, white,
      long, and midwide; the glume shoulders are narrow and elevated; and
      the beaks wide, acuminate, and 3 to 4 mm long.  The awns are white and
      10 to 14 cm in length.  The kernels are amber, hard, long, and
      elliptical; germ midsized; creased midwide and shallow; cheeks angular
      to rounded; and the brush is absent.
           Yield performance of Monroe in the Uniform Regional Durum Nursery
      from 1981 to 1984 was similar to Vic.  The heading date of Monroe is
      about 2 to 3 days earlier than Vic and similar to Rolette.  In North
      Dakota drill strips from 1981 to 1984, the kernel weight of Monroe was
      1.4 mg kernel-1 greater than Vic, the test weight of Monroe was 12 gL-
      1 less than Vic, and the semolina yield was significantly higher than
      'Ward', Vic, and 'Lloyd'.  Other milling characteristics and spaghetti
      color were favorable.  Monroe has strong gluten mixing characteristics
      similar to Vic and Lloyd.
           Monroe is highly resistant to most stem rust (caused by Puccinia
      graminis Pers. f. sp tritici Eriks. and Henn.) races.  The Monroe
      adult plant resistance to leaf rust (caused by P. recondita Rob. ex
      Desm. f. sp. tritici) is similar to Vic.  Monroe is more susceptible
      to common root rot (caused by Helminthosporium sativum P.<. & B. and
      Fusarium sp.) than Vic or Lloyd.
           Breeder seed will be maintained by the Seedstocks Project,
      Agricultural Experiment Station, North Dakota State University, Fargo,
      ND 58105-5051.
      Published in Crop Sci. 26:200-201.
      Cultivar Name:      NODAK
      Other ID Numbers:   Kubanka Sel. No. 98
      Species:            T. turgidum var. durum
      Market Class:       Durum Wheat
      True Growth Habit:  Spring
      USDA Acc. Number:   CItr6519
      CSSA Reg. Number:   CV-242
      Year of Release:    1923
      or Introduction
      Place of Origin:    USA-North Dakota
      Originator(s):      North Dakota AES; USDA-BPI
      Pedigree:           Kubanka pure line selection.
      Reference(s):       133, 138, 155, 161, 162, 163, 167, 283, 374, 757,
      USDA Production Acreage Estimates for NODAK wheat from 1919 to 1984.
                          Year    Estimated Acreage
                          -----   -----------------
                          1919:                 0
                          1924:                 0
                          1929:            36,910
                          1934:            17,635
                          1939:             4,389
                          1944:                 0
                          1949:               240
                          1954:                 0
                          1959:                 0
                          1964:                 0
                          1969:                 0
                          1974:                 0
                          1979:                 0
                          1984:                 0
                    REGISTRATION OF NODAK WHEAT (Reg. No. 242)
                                   J. A. Clark
           NODAK (C. I. No. 6519) durum wheat was developed in cooperative
      experiments of the Office of Cereal Crops and Disease, Bureau of Plant
      Industry, U. S. Department of Agriculture, and the North Dakota
      Agricultural Experiment Station at the Dickinson Substation,
      Dickinson, N.Dak.  It is the result of a selection made from Kubanka,
      C. I. I440, in 1915, by Ralph W. Smith.  Nodak is similar in
      appearance to Kubanka and should follow Kubanka No. 8 (Reg. No. 216)
      in the present scheme of classification.  The superior characters of
      Nodak are resistance to stem rust and drought, high yield, and its
      good quality for semolina.  Nodak has been distributed for commercial
      growing in North Dakota since 1923, and has been under experiment for
      10 years at the Dickinson Substation and for shorter periods at other
      stations in North Dakota, and adjoining states.  The annul and average
      plat yields of the variety at the Dickinson Substation for the six-
      year period 1920 to 1925, inclusive, in comparison with Kubanka, C. I.
      No. I440, are as follows:
      Varieties       1920    1921   1922    1923    1924   1925   Average
      Nodak (new)     24.8    6.5    34.9    23.8    21.0   15.5     21.1
      Kubanka (std)   23.6    7.1    31.4    22.9    20.0   24.5     19.9
      For further information see bulletin by Smith, Waldron and Clark.
      Published in J. Amer. Soc. Agron. 18:922-935.
      Cultivar Name:      NUDURA
      Other ID Numbers:   79D893
      Species:            T. turgidum var. durum
      Market Class:       Durum Wheat
      True Growth Habit:  Spring
      PVP Reg. Number:    9000011
      PVP Status:         Application Pending
      Year of Release:    1986
      or Introduction
      Place of Origin:    USA-Arizona
      Originator(s):      Northrup, King & Co., Yuma, AZ
      Pedigree:           D103 / Modoc
      Cultivar Name:      NUGGET
      Name Abbreviation:  NGT
      Other ID Numbers:   Ld303, CAN3872
      Species:            T. turgidum var. durum
      Market Class:       Durum Wheat
      True Growth Habit:  Spring
      USDA Acc. Number:   CItr12620
      Year of Release:    1950
      or Introduction
      Place of Origin:    USA-North Dakota
      Originator(s):      North Dakota AES, USDA-ARS
      Pedigree:           Mindum / Carleton /2/ Heiti / Stewart
      Reference(s):       64, 256, 569, 627, 628, 655, 749, 750
      USDA Production Acreage Estimates for NUGGET wheat from 1919 to 1984.
                          Year    Estimated Acreage
                          -----   -----------------
                          1919:                 0
                          1924:                 0
                          1929:                 0
                          1934:                 0
                          1939:                 0
                          1944:                 0
                          1949:                 0
                          1954:             9,922
                          1959:               593
                          1964:               135
                          1969:                 0
                          1974:                 0
                          1979:                 0
                          1984:                 0
      Cultivar Name:      PELISS
      Name Abbreviation:  PS
      Other ID Numbers:   CAN1860
      Other Name(s):      Black-Bearded Durum
      Species:            T. turgidum var. durum
      Market Class:       Durum Wheat
      True Growth Habit:  Spring
      USDA Acc. Number:   CItr1584
      CSSA Reg. Number:   CV-210
      Year of Release:    1900
      or Introduction
      Place of Origin:    Algeria
      Originator(s):      USDA
      Pedigree:           Landrace introduction.
      Reference(s):       64, 121, 133, 138, 155, 158, 161, 162, 163, 164,
                          169, 170, 374, 453, 688, 797
      USDA Production Acreage Estimates for PELISS wheat from 1919 to 1984.
                          Year    Estimated Acreage
                          -----   -----------------
                          1919:             1,900
                          1924:             5,055
                          1929:             6,168
                          1934:            26,010
                          1939:            13,186
                          1944:            77,022
                          1949:            13,478
                          1954:                 0
                          1959:                 0
                          1964:                 0
                          1969:                 0
                          1974:                 0
                          1979:                 0
                          1984:                 0
      Cultivar Name:      PENTAD
      Name Abbreviation:  PND
      Other ID Numbers:   D5
      Other Name(s):      D-Fife, Ladd Durum, Red Durum, Resistant Fife,
                          Rust Proof
      Species:            T. turgidum var. durum
      Market Class:       Durum Wheat
      True Growth Habit:  Spring
      USDA Acc. Number:   CItr3322
      CSSA Reg. Number:   CV-209
      Year of Release:    1903
      or Introduction
      Place of Origin:    Russia
      Originator(s):      North Dakota AES
      Pedigree:           Landrace introduction.
      Reference(s):       64, 133, 138, 147, 155, 158, 161, 162, 163, 164,
                          168, 169, 170, 283, 374, 660, 743, 744, 753, 754,
      USDA Production Acreage Estimates for PENTAD wheat from 1919 to 1984.
                          Year    Estimated Acreage
                          -----   -----------------
                          1919:            49,300
                          1924:           341,147
                          1929:         1,004,228
                          1934:           309,822
                          1939:           613,082
                          1944:           196,405
                          1949:           288,762
                          1954:                 0
                          1959:                 0
                          1964:                 0
                          1969:                 0
                          1974:                 0
                          1979:                 0
                          1984:                 0
      Cultivar Name:      PLENTY
      Other ID Numbers:   DT606, D83896
      Species:            T. turgidum var. durum
      Market Class:       Durum Wheat
      True Growth Habit:  Spring
      Year of Release:    1990
      or Introduction
      Place of Origin:    Canada
      Originator(s):      University of Saskatchewan, Saskatoon,
      Pedigree:           (Edmore / Ward, ND74112) /2/ Wascana /3/ (DT354,
                          Hercules / DT310)
      Cultivar Name:      PRODURA
      Name Abbreviation:  PDR
      Other ID Numbers:   NK70Y5012
      Species:            T. turgidum var. durum
      Market Class:       Durum Wheat
      True Growth Habit:  Spring
      USDA Acc. Number:   CItr17406
      PVP Reg. Number:    7400009
      PVP Status:         Issued/Enforced       Date:   06/30/75
      Year of Release:    1975
      or Introduction
      Place of Origin:    USA-Arizona
      Originator(s):      Northrup, King & Co., Yuma, AZ
      Pedigree:           Tremez Molle Enano / 2*Tehuacan 60 /2/ Zenati
                          Bouteille / Wells /4/ 2*Barrigon Yaqui Enano /
                          Tehuacan 60 /2/ Tacur Tipo 125E / 2*Tehuacan 60
      Reference(s):       82, 189, 194, 268, 373, 630
      USDA Production Acreage Estimates for PRODURA wheat from 1919 to 1984.
                          Year    Estimated Acreage
                          -----   -----------------
                          1919:                 0
                          1924:                 0
                          1929:                 0
                          1934:                 0
                          1939:                 0
                          1944:                 0
                          1949:                 0
                          1954:                 0
                          1959:                 0
                          1964:                 0
                          1969:                 0
                          1974:             5,409
                          1979:            86,365
                          1984:             1,226
      Cultivar Name:      RAMSEY
      Name Abbreviation:  RSY
      Other ID Numbers:   Ld369, CAN3990
      Species:            T. turgidum var. durum
      Market Class:       Durum Wheat
      True Growth Habit:  Spring
      USDA Acc. Number:   CItr13246
      CSSA Reg. Number:   CV-386
      Year of Release:    1956
      or Introduction
      Place of Origin:    USA-North Dakota
      Originator(s):      North Dakota AES; USDA-ARS
      Pedigree:           Carleton / PI94701, (Towner sib.)
      Reference(s):       46, 47, 81, 256, 292, 304, 569, 627, 628, 631, 750
      USDA Production Acreage Estimates for RAMSEY wheat from 1919 to 1984.
                          Year    Estimated Acreage
                          -----   -----------------
                          1919:                 0
                          1924:                 0
                          1929:                 0
                          1934:                 0
                          1939:                 0
                          1944:                 0
                          1949:                 0
                          1954:                 0
                          1959:           266,461
                          1964:            29,814
                          1969:             4,161
                          1974:                 0
                          1979:                 0
                          1984:                 0
                   REGISTRATION OF RAMSEY WHEAT (Reg. No. 386)
                                   E. G. Heyne
           RAMSEY, CL 13246, is a selection from the cross Carleton X PI
      94701 made in 1950 and developed through a cooperative project between
      the U.S. Department of Agriculture and the North Dakota Agricultural
      Experiment Station.  PI 94701 is a durum introduction from Palestine
      that was found to be resistant to race 15B in the 1950 stem rust
      epidemic.  The same speeded-up program of growing several generations
      a year and increasing seed in Arizona was used as was for the
      development and increase of Landgon.
           Ramsey was named after one of the leading durum producing
      counties in North Dakota and was distributed to North Dakota seed
      growers in 1955.  T. E. Stoa applied for registration.
           The superior characteristics of Ramsey are its resistance to race
      15B of stem rust derived from PI 94701 and, in addition, it has the
      stem rust resistant factors of Carleton.  It has the same maturity as
      Mindum, the straw is shorter and resists lodging better than Mindum.
      Yield and test weight are good.  Semolina quality is satisfactory.
                        Published in Agron. J. 51:689-692
      Cultivar Name:      RENVILLE
      Other ID Numbers:   D7182
      Species:            T. turgidum var. durum
      Market Class:       Durum Wheat
      True Growth Habit:  Spring
      USDA Acc. Number:   PI510696
      CSSA Reg. Number:   CV-745
      Year of Release:    1988
      or Introduction
      Place of Origin:    USA-North Dakota
      Originator(s):      North Dakota AES; USDA-ARS
      Pedigree:           Rolette / Vic
      Reference(s):       73, 117
               Registration of Renville Durum Wheat (Reg. No. 745).
                    R.G. Cantrell, J.W. Dick, and J.D. Miller
           'RENVILLE', (Reg. no. 745, PI 510696), spring durum wheat
      (Triticum durum Desf.) was developed by the North Dakota Agricultural
      Experiment Station in cooperation with USDA-ARS and officially
      released in 1988.  Renville was selected from the cross 'Rolette' X
      'Vic' made in 1978 by J.S. Quick.  Renville was developed using the
      pedigree method, and seed of the selected F4-derived line was bulked
      in the F5 generation in 1981.  The experimental designation was D8172
      during the years of yield testing.
           Renville is a daylength-sensitive durum wheat that is similar to
      Vic in plant height and is about 1 d later in heading.  The culms are
      white and the peduncle is slightly recurved.  The spikes are awned,
      oblong, dense, and erect.  The glumes are glabrous, white, long, and
      midwide; the glume shoulders are narrow and elevated; the beaks are
      wide, acuminate, and 2 to 3 mm long.  The awns are white and 10 to 14
      cm in length.  The kernels are amber, hard, long, and elliptical; the
      germ is midsized, creased midwide and shallow; the brush is absent and
      not collared.  The standard phenol reaction of the seed is ivory.
           The grain yield of Renville was 112% of Vic and 110% of 'Ward'
      based on 34 location-years of testing in the Uniform Regional Durum
      Nursery from 1985 to 1987.  Renville exhibited a similar yield
      advantage over Vic in the North Dakota Branch Station Varietal Trials
      from 1985 to 1987 (based on 28 location-years).  The grain volume
      weight of Renville is very similar to Vic and Ward but the kernel
      weight is about 3 mg kernel-1 lower than Vic.  Despite the smaller
      kernel, the semolina extraction rate of Renville is not significantly
      different from Vic on the Buhler-Miag laboratory mill.  Other milling
      characteristics and spaghetti color were favorable.   Renville has
      strong gluten mixing characteristics, but is slightly weaker than Vic
      and 'Monroe'.  The semolina protein percentage was 14.2 (14% moisture
      basis) for Renville compared to 14.5 for Vic, based on quality traits
      for 21 location-hears in North Dakota (1985-1987).
           Renville is highly resistant to most stem rust (caused by
      Puccinia graminis Pers. f. sp. tritici Eriks & Henn.) races.  The
      adult plant resistance to leaf rust (caused by P. recondita Rob. ex
      Desm. f. sp. tritici) is similar to Vic.
           Breeder seed will be maintained by the Seedstocks Project, Agric.
      Exp. Stn., North Dakota State Univ., Fargo, ND 58105-5051.
      Published in Crop Sci. 29:1329-1330.
      Cultivar Name:      ROLETTE
      Name Abbreviation:  RLT
      Other ID Numbers:   D6517
      Species:            T. turgidum var. durum
      Market Class:       Durum Wheat
      True Growth Habit:  Spring
      USDA Acc. Number:   CItr15326
      CSSA Reg. Number:   CV-515
      Year of Release:    1971
      or Introduction
      Place of Origin:    USA-North Dakota
      Originator(s):      North Dakota AES; USDA-ARS
      Pedigree:           (Sentry /5/ (Ld340 /3/ Ld375 / Ld377 /2/ Carleton,
                          Ld379) /4/ (Ld357, (Heiti / Stewart /2/ Mindum /
                          Carleton, Ld308) /3/ Nugget), Ld393) /6/ 2*Yuma
                          /7/ (Sentry /5/ (Ld340 /3/ Ld375 / Ld377 /2/
                          Carleton, Ld379) /4/ (Ld357, (Heiti / Stewart /2/
                          Mindum / Carleton, Ld308) /3/ Nugget), Ld398) /5/
                          ((Heiti / Stewart /2/ Mindum / Carleton, Ld308)
                          /3/ Nugget, Ld357)*2 /4/ St464
      Reference(s):       72, 82, 268, 373, 421, 422, 630
      USDA Production Acreage Estimates for ROLETTE wheat from 1919 to 1984.
                          Year    Estimated Acreage
                          -----   -----------------
                          1919:                 0
                          1924:                 0
                          1929:                 0
                          1934:                 0
                          1939:                 0
                          1944:                 0
                          1949:                 0
                          1954:                 0
                          1959:                 0
                          1964:                 0
                          1969:                 0
                          1974:         1,317,135
                          1979:           339,301
                          1984:            82,170
               Registration of Rolette Durum Wheat (Reg. No. 515).
            K. L. Lebsock, J. S. Quick, D. E. Walsh, and J. D. Miller
           'ROLETTE' (Triticum durum Desf.), CI 15326, is a spring durum
      wheat developed cooperatively by the North Dakota Agricultural
      Experiment Station and the Plant Science Research Division,
      Agricultural Research Service, U.S. Department of Agriculture.  It was
      selected from the cross Ld393/2*Yuma/3/Ld398/2/Ld357*2/St464.  Ld393
      and Ld398 are sibs of 'Wells.'  Ld357 has the varieties 'Heiti,'
      'Stewart,' 'Mindum,' 'Carleton,' and 'Nugget' in its pedigree.  The
      final cross was made in 1962 to combine the stem rust resistance from
      St464 (CI 13160, P.I. 191365) with 'Khapli' resistance from the Wells
      sib.  Rolette was bulked as a single line in the F5 generation and
      first entered in preliminary yield trials in 1955 as selection D6517.
           Rolette has short, strong white culms that may show purplish
      coloration under some conditions.  The spike is awned, oblong, dense,
      and erect.  The glumes are glabrous, tan, midlong and midwide; the
      glume shoulders narrow and elevated; and the beaks midwide, acuminate,
      and 2 to 3 mm long.  The awns are tan and 6 to 16 cm long.  The
      kernels are white (amber), hard, midlong to long, and elliptical; the
      germ midsized; the crease midwide, shallow; the cheeks angular to
      rounded; and the brush very short (essentially none).
           Rolette is about 5 cm shorter than Leeds and has stiffer straw
      than Leeds, Wells, and 'Hercules.'  In 31 tests during 1968-71 Rolette
      produced 9% higher grain yield, was 3 days earlier, and had heavier
      kernels than Leeds.  It exceeded Wells and Hercules in test weight.
      Rolette has a broad range of stem rust resistance and has moderate
      field resistance to the prevalent races of leaf rust.  It appears
      equal to Leeds and Wells in tolerance to Septoria and Pyrenophora leaf
      diseases.  Rolette compares favorably in quality with the currently
      grown durum varieties.  The protein content and quality, milling
      performance, and spaghetti firmness are good.  The vitreous kernel
      content of Rolette was slightly lower than that of Leeds in 1 of 3
      years.  The spaghetti color of Rolette appears variable; however, it
      averages slightly below Leeds, equal to Wells, and higher than
           Rolette was named and released by the North Dakota Agricultural
      Experiment Station and the Plant Science Research Division,
      Agricultural Research Service, U.S. Department of Agriculture on Dec.
      1, 1971.  Breeder seed will be maintained by the North Dakota
      Agricultural Experiment Station, Fargo, N.D. 58102.
      Published in Crop Sci. 12:718-719.
      Cultivar Name:      RUGBY
      Name Abbreviation:  RGB-U
      Other ID Numbers:   D6722
      Species:            T. turgidum var. durum
      Market Class:       Durum Wheat
      True Growth Habit:  Spring
      USDA Acc. Number:   CItr17284
      CSSA Reg. Number:   CV-557
      Year of Release:    1973
      or Introduction
      Place of Origin:    USA-North Dakota
      Originator(s):      North Dakota AES; USDA-ARS
      Pedigree:           Langdon /5/ ((Heiti / Stewart /2/ Mindum /
                          Carleton, Ld308) /3/ Nugget, Ld 357) /4/ CItr07780
                          / Ld362 /6/ Brawley 180 / Wells
      Reference(s):       72, 73, 82, 189, 268, 373, 608, 609, 630
      USDA Production Acreage Estimates for RUGBY wheat from 1919 to 1984.
                          Year    Estimated Acreage
                          -----   -----------------
                          1919:                 0
                          1924:                 0
                          1929:                 0
                          1934:                 0
                          1939:                 0
                          1944:                 0
                          1949:                 0
                          1954:                 0
                          1959:                 0
                          1964:                 0
                          1969:                 0
                          1974:             1,709
                          1979:           635,741
                          1984:           382,867
                Registration of Rugby Durum Wheat (Reg. No. 557).
            J. S. Quick, D. E. Walsh, K. L. Lebsock, and J. D. Miller
           'RUGBY' (Triticum turgidum L. var. durum), CI 17284, is a spring
      durum wheat developed cooperatively by the N.D. Agric. Exp. Stn. and
      the ARS< USDA.  It was selected from the cross 'Langdon'/3/Ld357/2/
      CI7780/Ld362/4/Br180/'Wells.'  Langdon and Wells are important North
      Dakota durum cultivars and CI 7780 is a source of stem rust resistance
      from Ethiopia.  Ld 357 and Ld 362 have 'Heiti,' 'Stewart,' 'Carleton,'
      'Mindum,' and 'Nugget' in their pedigrees.  Br180/Wells is a selection
      derived from the same F2 plant as 'Leeds.'  The final cross was made
      in 1963 to combine stiff straw with high yield, large kernels, and
      high test weight, and to combine stem rust resistance from several
      sources.  Rugby was bulked in the F5 generation as a single F4 derived
      line and first entered in preliminary yield trials in 1968 as
      selection D6722.  It has been tested in the Uniform Regional Durum
      Nursery (URDN) since 1970, and in North Dakota drill strips since
           Rugby has midtall, strong, white culms that may show purplish
      coloration under some conditions.  The spike is awned (dehisce at
      maturity), oblong, dense, and erect.  The glumes are glabrous, yellow,
      midlong to long, and midwide; the glume shoulders are narrow and
      elevated; and the beaks wide, acuminate, and 3 to 4-mm long.  The awns
      are yellow and 6 to 16-cm long.  The kernels are amber, hard, midlong,
      and elliptical; the germ midsized; the crease midwide and shallow; the
      cheeks angular to rounded; and the brush very short (essentially
           In 40 URDN tests during 1979-73 in North Dakota, South Dakota,
      Minnesota, Montana, and Manitoba, Rugby has been slightly higher in
      grain yield than Ward.  In North Dakota, Rugby has been equal to Ward
      in grain yield and about 11% higher than Leeds.  Rugby had a slightly
      higher kernel weight and a slightly lower test weight than Leeds grown
      in regional tests.  Rugby has been equal to Ward in resistance to stem
      rust, leaf rust, and leaf spot diseases, height, and lodging in North
      Dakota.  Rugby was one day later in heading.  Rugby had the highest
      level of resistance to stem rust of all 810 wheats tested in 33
      important wheat producing countries in the 1971 International Spring
      Wheat Rust Nursery.  The overall quality of Rugby is excellent
      compared with all other North Dakota cultivars.  The protein quality
      and quantity, milling performance, and spaghetti firmness of Rugby
      were good.  The average spaghetti color of Rugby was higher than any
      other North Dakota variety in tests during 1971-1973.
           Rugby was named and released by the N.D. Agric. Exp. Stn. and the
      ARS, USDA, Dec. 27, 1973.  Breeder seed will be maintained by the
      Seedstocks Project, N.D. Agric. Exp. Stn., Fargo, ND 58102.  The
      National Small Grain Variety Review Board has approved Rugby for
           Rugby is described further in N.D. Farm Res. 32(4), 1974.
      Published in Crop Sci. 15: 604.
      Cultivar Name:      SCEPTRE
      Other ID Numbers:   DT380
      Species:            T. turgidum var. durum
      Market Class:       Durum Wheat
      True Growth Habit:  Spring
      Year of Release:    1985
      or Introduction
      Place of Origin:    Canada
      Originator(s):      University of Saskatchewan, Saskatoon,
      Pedigree:           D72110 / Coulter
      Reference(s):       73
      Cultivar Name:      SENTRY
      Name Abbreviation:  STY-U
      Other ID Numbers:   Ld356
      Species:            T. turgidum var. durum
      Market Class:       Durum Wheat
      True Growth Habit:  Spring
      USDA Acc. Number:   CItr13102
      CSSA Reg. Number:   CV-447
      Year of Release:    1954
      or Introduction
      Place of Origin:    USA-North Dakota
      Originator(s):      North Dakota AES; USDA-ARS
      Pedigree:           (Heiti / Stewart /2/ Mindum / Carleton, Ld308) /3/
      Reference(s):       46, 47, 81, 417, 480, 627, 628, 631, 655, 750
      USDA Production Acreage Estimates for SENTRY wheat from 1919 to 1984.
                          Year    Estimated Acreage
                          -----   -----------------
                          1919:                 0
                          1924:                 0
                          1929:                 0
                          1934:                 0
                          1939:                 0
                          1944:                 0
                          1949:                 0
                          1954:             2,336
                          1959:            30,505
                          1964:            10,688
                          1969:             1,258
                          1974:                 0
                          1979:                 0
                          1984:                 0
                   Registration of Sentry Wheat (Reg. No. 447).
                                  K. L. Lebsock
           'SENTRY' (Triticum durum Desf.) (CI 13102) was developed by the
      North Dakota Agricultural Experiment Station in cooperation with the
      U. S. Department of Agriculture and released to growers in 1954.  It
      was selected from the cross Ld 308 X Nugget and was identified as Ld.
      356.  Ld 308 was a selection from (Heiti X Stewart) X (Mindum X
      Carleton).  R. M. Heermann, Agronomist, U. S. Department of
      Agriculture, directed durum variety improvement during the period when
      Sentry was developed and released.
           Sentry is medium-early in maturity, of mid-height, and resistant
      to lodging.  It is about 6 days earlier and 5 to 9 inches shorter than
      "Stewart," the predominating variety at the time of Sentry's release.
      It has a high test weight and yields well for an early-maturing durum.
           The combination of early maturity and tolerance to 15B stem rust
      injury of Sentry provided durum growers with some protection against
      heavy losses to this disease until varieties with better resistance
      were released.  Sentry is no longer grown in the traditional durum-
      producing region of the north central U. S. A., but limited acreages
      are grown in irrigation regions of northern California and Oregon.
           Small amounts of foundation Sentry were deposited with National
      Seed Storage Laboratory, Fort Collins, Colorado, and are maintained by
      the Agronomy Department, North Dakota State University, Fargo.
           The history and performance of Sentry were described by Stoa in
      Published in Crop Sci. 5:605.
      Cultivar Name:      SPELMAR
      Name Abbreviation:  SPL-U
      Species:            T. turgidum var. durum
      Market Class:       Durum Wheat
      True Growth Habit:  Spring
      USDA Acc. Number:   CItr6236
      Place of Origin:    USA-Minnesota
      Originator(s):      Minnesota AES
      Cultivar Name:      STEWART
      Name Abbreviation:  STW
      Other ID Numbers:   Ld111, CAN3599
      Species:            T. turgidum var. durum
      Market Class:       Durum Wheat
      True Growth Habit:  Spring
      USDA Acc. Number:   CItr12066
      CSSA Reg. Number:   CV-334
      Year of Release:    1943
      or Introduction
      Place of Origin:    USA-North Dakota
      Originator(s):      North Dakota AES; USDA-BPISAE
      Pedigree:           Vernal emmer / 3*Mindum
      Reference(s):       46, 47, 64, 81, 82, 149, 155, 164, 256, 569, 627,
                          628, 630, 655, 717, 745, 750, 754
      USDA Production Acreage Estimates for STEWART wheat from 1919 to 1984.
                          Year    Estimated Acreage
                          -----   -----------------
                          1919:                 0
                          1924:                 0
                          1929:                 0
                          1934:                 0
                          1939:                 0
                          1944:            12,389
                          1949:         1,344,158
                          1954:           253,624
                          1959:            44,342
                          1964:            35,401
                          1969:                 0
                          1974:                97
                          1979:               784
                          1984:             2,459
                   REGISTRATION OF STEWART WHEAT (Reg. No. 334)
                                   J. A. Clark
           STEWART (Ld. 111, C. I. 12066) was developed in cooperative
      experiments by the Division of Cereal Crops and Diseases, Bureau of
      Plant Industry, Soils, and Agricultural Engineering, U. S. Department
      of Agriculture, and the North Dakota Agricultural Experiment Station.
      It is a product of the same backcrossing program which produced
      Carleton.  Stewart resulted from a selected progeny of Mindum X Vernal
      emmer backcrossed to Mindum.  A selected F4 progeny of the first cross
      was crossed to Mindum in 1933, giving the first backcrossed hybrid.  A
      selected F5 progeny of this backcross was again crossed to Mindum in
      1936 and an F4 row from this second backcross progeny was selected in
      1938 and increased as Ld. 111 and later named Stewart.
           Stewart is superior to Mindum or Kubanka in stem-rust resistance,
      being resistant to the prevailing races of stem rust.  It is equal to
      Mindum in yield, test weight, and macaroni quality, and is similar to
      Mindum in strength of straw.  Stewart is slightly more difficult to
      thresh and less likely to shatter, a characteristic obtained from the
      emmer parent.
           Although inferior to Carleton in strength of straw.  Stewart
      appeals to many growers because it has been rather consistently higher
      in yield.  The annual and average plot yields of Stewart in comparison
      with Mindum and Carleton at Langdon and other cooperating stations are
      shown in Table 2.
           Stewart was released for distribution in 1943.  For further
      information on Carleton and Stewart durum wheats see Smith.
      Table 2.  Annual and average yields in field plots of Carleton,
                Stewart, and Mindum wheats at Langdon, N. Dak., and other
                cooperating stations, and test weights at Langdon.
                              Yield in bu. per acre               Percentage
      Variety     ----------------------------------------------      of
                   1940      1941      1921      1943    Average    Mindum
                                 Langdon, N. Dak.
      Stewart      26.8      36.9      39.4      45.9      37.2     103.0
      Mindum       25.1      34.9      39.1      45.4      36.1     100.0
      Carleton     25.9      37.2      34.4      40.8      34.6      95.9
                                  Fargo, N. Dak.
      Mindum       15.1      27.9      54.3      20.3      29.4     100.0
      Stewart      15.1      26.6      54.1      19.8      28.9      98.3
      Carleton     14.9      23.9      47.4      16.4      25.6      87.1
                                 St. Paul, Minn.
      Mindum       -.-       27.5      43.0      30.3      33.6     100.0
      Stewart      -.-       24.3      42.7      29.9      32.3      96.1
      Carleton     -.-       19.0      40.8      23.7      27.8      82.7
                                 Crookston, Minn.
      Carleton     -.-       30.7      33.7      37.1      33.8     100.6
      Mindum       -.-       30.4      35.1      35.4      33.6     100.0
      Stewart      -.-       36.3      26.9      35.7      33.0      98.2
                                  Morris, Minn.
      Stewart      -.-       -.-       -.-       27.4      27.4     110.5
      Mindum       -.-       -.-       -.-       24.8      24.8     100.0
      Carleton     -.-       -.-       -.-       24.7      24.7      99.6
                                Brookings, S. Dak.
      Stewart      -.-       -.-       -.-       24.5      24.5     124.4
      Mindum       -.-       -.-       -.-       19.7      19.7     100.0
      Carleton     -.-       -.-       -.-       16.1      16.1      81.7
                            Av. Six Stations, 16 Tests
      Stewart      21.0      31.0      40.8      30.5      32.0     100.6
      Mindum       20.1      30.2      42.9      29.3      31.8     100.0
      Carleton     20.4      27.7      39.1      26.5      29.2      91.8
                         Test Weights at Langdon, N. Dak.
      Carleton     64.0      60.0      62.0      64.0      62.5     100.6
      Stewart      63.0      59.8      62.0      64.5      62.3     100.3
      Mindum       63.5      58.5      62.0      64.5      62.1     100.0
      Published in J. Amer. Soc. Agron. 36:447-452.
      Cultivar Name:      STEWART 221
      Name Abbreviation:  STW221
      Species:            T. turgidum var. durum
      Market Class:       Durum Wheat
      True Growth Habit:  Spring
      Year of Release:    1953
      or Introduction
      Place of Origin:    USA-North Dakota
      Originator(s):      North Dakota AES, USDA-ARS
      Pedigree:           Mindum / Stewart
      Reference(s):       655, 720, 750
      USDA Production Acreage Estimates for STEWART 221 wheat from 1919 to
                          Year    Estimated Acreage
                          -----   -----------------
                          1919:                 0
                          1924:                 0
                          1929:                 0
                          1934:                 0
                          1939:                 0
                          1944:                 0
                          1949:                 0
                          1954:             3,013
                          1959:                 0
                          1964:                 0
                          1969:                 0
                          1974:                 0
                          1979:                 0
                          1984:                 0
      Cultivar Name:      STEWART 63
      Name Abbreviation:  STW63
      Other ID Numbers:   DT 161
      Species:            T. turgidum var. durum
      Market Class:       Durum Wheat
      True Growth Habit:  Spring
      USDA Acc. Number:   CItr13771
      CSSA Reg. Number:   CV-430
      Year of Release:    1963
      or Introduction
      Place of Origin:    Canada
      Originator(s):      University of Saskatchewan, Saskatoon, Saskatewan
      Pedigree:           (St 464, CItr13160) / 8*Stewart
      Reference(s):       377, 378, 630, 631
      USDA Production Acreage Estimates for STEWART 63 wheat from 1919 to
                          Year    Estimated Acreage
                          -----   -----------------
                          1919:                 0
                          1924:                 0
                          1929:                 0
                          1934:                 0
                          1939:                 0
                          1944:                 0
                          1949:                 0
                          1954:                 0
                          1959:                 0
                          1964:                 0
                          1969:            25,609
                          1974:            10,303
                          1979:                 0
                          1984:                 0
                 Registration of Stewart 63 Wheat (Reg. No. 430).
                                   D. R. Knott
           'STEWART 63' Triticum durum Desf., D.T. 161, CI 13771, is a rust-
      resistant durum wheat released by the Crop Science Department of the
      University of Saskatchewan and licensed in Canada in 1963.
      Approximately 7000 bushels of seed have been distributed for planting
      in 1964.  The variety is a selection from the cross, St. 464 X
      Stewart*8.  St. 464 is a rust-resistant, Ethiopian durum which has
      been shown to have two genes for resistance to race 15B.  Both genes
      have been transferred to Stewart 63 and the variety has excellent
      resistance to stem rust races 11, 11-1, 15B-1, 15B-1L, 15B-4, 15B-5,
      17, 29-1, 38, 48A and 56.
           In all characteristics except stem rust-resistance, Stewart 63 is
      very similar to Stewart (Table 1).  It is late and has tall,
      moderately strong straw.  The spike is fusiform and awned, the chaff
      is smooth and buff-colored and the awns are buff, the kernels are
      amber, long and elliptical.  Stewart 63 is resistant to leaf rust and
      stem rust including the prevalent strains of race 15B, moderately
      resistant to root rot and kernel smudge, and moderately susceptible to
      bunt and loose smut.  In quality it is equal to Mindum.
           In the rust area of Manitoba and southeastern Saskatchewan,
      Stewart 63 will compete with Ramsey, the only other licensed, rust-
      resistant durum.  In tests in Saskatchewan and Alberta, Stewart 63 has
      yielded about a bushel per acre more than Ramsey, while in Manitoba it
      has outyielded Ramsey by about 8 bushels.  Stewart 63 is a little
      taller, slightly weaker in the straw, and a day later than Ramsey.
      However, it is more resistant to stem rust, has larger kernels, shows
      less smudge and tends to grade better.
           Breeder seed will be maintained by the Crop Science Department of
      the University of Saskatchewan.
      Table 1.  Agronomic and disease data.  Averages from the Co-operative
                Tests of durum wheat varieties for 1959-1963.*
                       Ramsey             Stewart            Stewart 63
                                        Yield, bu./A
      Manitoba+         40.4                43.9                48.5
      Sask.&Alta.**     27.2                27.9                28.2
                                    Agronomic Characters
      Maturity, days   100.4               101.6               101.8
      Lodging, 1-9|     3.7                 4.0                 4.1
      Ht., in.          37.1                41.3                41.7
      1000-kernel wt., g.38.2               39.5                40.7
                                   Disease reactions, %#
      Stem rust         23.9                62.0                0.3
      Leaf rust         0.6                 1.8                 1.4
      Loose smut/       50.6                18.0                42.7
      Bunt/             41.8                56.1                67.2
      Kernel smudge     13.9                9.1                 8.5
      *    Data are used with the permission of the Canada Department of
           Agriculture, Research Station, Winnipeg, Manitoba.
      +    5 years' data from 3 stations and 4 years' from 1 station.
      **   5 years' data from 2 stations and 4 years' from 3 stations.
      |    1 indicates no lodging and 9 extreme lodging.
      #    Readings on stem rust, leaf rust, loose smut, and bunt are from
           artificially-inoculated nurseries.
      /    3 years' data.
      Published in Crop Sci. 4:447.
      Cultivar Name:      STOCKHOLM
      Other ID Numbers:   HD81-466
      Species:            T. turgidum var. durum
      Market Class:       Durum Wheat
      True Growth Habit:  Spring
      USDA Acc. Number:   PI506470
      PVP Reg. Number:    8700079
      PVP Status:         Issued/Enforced       Date:   10/31/88
      Year of Release:    1987
      or Introduction
      Place of Origin:    USA-Colorado
      Originator(s):      Nickerson American Plant Breeders, Inc., Mission,
      Pedigree:           Calvin / Edmore
      Reference(s):       73
      Cultivar Name:      TOWNER
      Name Abbreviation:  TNR
      Other ID Numbers:   Ld370
      Species:            T. turgidum var. durum
      Market Class:       Durum Wheat
      True Growth Habit:  Spring
      USDA Acc. Number:   CItr13247
      Year of Release:    1956
      or Introduction
      Place of Origin:    USA-North Dakota
      Originator(s):      North Dakota AES, USDA-ARS
      Pedigree:           Carleton / PI94701
      Reference(s):       46, 47, 81, 292, 627, 628, 750
      USDA Production Acreage Estimates for TOWNER wheat from 1919 to 1984.
                          Year    Estimated Acreage
                          -----   -----------------
                          1919:                 0
                          1924:                 0
                          1929:                 0
                          1934:                 0
                          1939:                 0
                          1944:                 0
                          1949:                 0
                          1954:                 0
                          1959:            12,706
                          1964:               272
                          1969:                 0
                          1974:                 0
                          1979:                 0
                          1984:                 0
      Cultivar Name:      TRIANGLE
      Species:            T. turgidum var. durum
      Market Class:       Durum Wheat
      True Growth Habit:  Spring
      Reference(s):       630
      USDA Production Acreage Estimates for TRIANGLE wheat from 1919 to
                          Year    Estimated Acreage
                          -----   -----------------
                          1919:                 0
                          1924:                 0
                          1929:                 0
                          1934:                 0
                          1939:                 0
                          1944:                 0
                          1949:                 0
                          1954:                 0
                          1959:                 0
                          1964:                 0
                          1969:                 0
                          1974:             1,348
                          1979:                 0
                          1984:                 0
      Cultivar Name:      VELVET DON
      Name Abbreviation:  VD
      Other ID Numbers:   PI005644
      Species:            T. turgidum var. durum
      Market Class:       Durum Wheat
      True Growth Habit:  Spring
      USDA Acc. Number:   CItr2122
      CSSA Reg. Number:   CV-219
      Year of Release:    1900
      or Introduction
      Place of Origin:    Russia
      Originator(s):      USDA
      Pedigree:           Landrace introduction.
      Reference(s):       57, 121, 158, 168, 169, 170
      USDA Production Acreage Estimates for VELVET DON wheat from 1919 to
                          Year    Estimated Acreage
                          -----   -----------------
                          1919:               600
                          1924:                 0
                          1929:                 0
                          1934:                 0
                          1939:                 0
                          1944:                 0
                          1949:                 0
                          1954:                 0
                          1959:                 0
                          1964:                 0
                          1969:                 0
                          1974:                 0
                          1979:                 0
                          1984:                 0
      Cultivar Name:      VERNUM
      Name Abbreviation:  VNM
      Species:            T. turgidum var. durum
      Market Class:       Durum Wheat
      True Growth Habit:  Spring
      Year of Release:    1947
      or Introduction
      Place of Origin:    USA-North Dakota
      Originator(s):      North Dakota AES, USDA-ARS
      Pedigree:           Mindum*2 / Vernal emmer
      Reference(s):       47, 64, 155, 627, 631, 655, 749, 750
      USDA Production Acreage Estimates for VERNUM wheat from 1919 to 1984.
                          Year    Estimated Acreage
                          -----   -----------------
                          1919:                 0
                          1924:                 0
                          1929:                 0
                          1934:                 0
                          1939:                 0
                          1944:                 0
                          1949:            13,392
                          1954:           104,801
                          1959:             4,423
                          1964:                 0
                          1969:                16
                          1974:                 0
                          1979:                 0
                          1984:                 0
      Cultivar Name:      VIC
      Name Abbreviation:  VIC-U
      Other ID Numbers:   D74112
      Species:            T. turgidum var. durum
      Market Class:       Durum Wheat
      True Growth Habit:  Spring
      USDA Acc. Number:   CItr17789
      CSSA Reg. Number:   CV-638
      Year of Release:    1979
      or Introduction
      Place of Origin:    USA-North Dakota
      Originator(s):      North Dakota AES; USDA-ARS
      Pedigree:           Edmore / Ward
      Reference(s):       72, 73, 604, 605
      USDA Production Acreage Estimates for VIC wheat from 1919 to 1984.
                          Year    Estimated Acreage
                          -----   -----------------
                          1919:                 0
                          1924:                 0
                          1929:                 0
                          1934:                 0
                          1939:                 0
                          1944:                 0
                          1949:                 0
                          1954:                 0
                          1959:                 0
                          1964:                 0
                          1969:                 0
                          1974:                 0
                          1979:             1,559
                          1984:         1,516,650
                 Registration of Vic Durum Wheat (Reg. No. 638).
                  J. S. Quick, B. J. Donnelly, and J. D. Miller
           'VIC' (Triticum turgidum L. var durum), CI 17789, is a spring
      durum wheat developed by the Agric. Exp. Stn., North Dakota State
      univ. (NDSU), Fargo, in cooperation with AR-SEA-USDA.  Vic was
      selected from the cross 'Edmore'/'Ward' made in 1973.  Edmore and Ward
      are North Dakota cultivars released in 1978 and 1973, respectively.
      Edmore has strong gluten, large kernels, and root rot (primarily
      caused by Helminthosporium sativum) resistance; Ward has high yield,
      wide adaptation, and strong straw.  The cross to produce Vic was made
      to combine these characteristics.  Vic was developed using a modified
      pedigree method (F3 yield testing) and is an F3-derived line selected
      in 1974 at Langdon, ND.  Vic was developed in 6 years utilizing three
      Mexico winter nurseries in addition to greenhouse and field crops in
      North Dakota.  Vic was first entered in preliminary yield trials in
      North Dakota in 1974 as selection D74112. Vic has been tested in the
      Uniform Regional Durum Nursery (URDN) and in North Dakota drill strips
      since 1976.  It also has been evaluated in national and worldwide
      disease evaluation tests.  Vic is the second strong gluten durum
      released by the Agric. Exp. Stn., NDSU.
           Vic is daylength sensitive and has midtall, strong, white culms
      that may show purplish coloration under some conditions.  The spike is
      awned (deciduous), oblong, dense, and erect.  The glumes are glabrous,
      white, midlong to long, and midwide; the glume shoulders are narrow
      and elevated; and the beaks wide, acuminate, and 3 to 4 mm long.  The
      awns are white and 8 to 18 cm long.  The kernels are amber, hard,
      midlong, and elliptical; the germ midsized; the crease midwide and
      shallow; the cheeks angular to rounded; and the brush very short
      (essentially none).
           The grain yield of Vic was superior to Edmore and 'Calvin,' equal
      to 'Rugby,' and less than that of 'Cando' when averaged over URDN
      tests during 1976 through 1978.  Vic was superior in grain yield to
      all other normal height cultivars when tested in North Dakota.  Vic
      has demonstrated a superior combination of high test and kernel
      weights over all other cultivars.  Vic has been about equal to Rugby
      and Edmore in maturity, height, and lodging.  Disease resistance has
      been equal or superior to that of all other cultivars, and resistance
      to root rot has been superior to all cultivars except Edmore.  The
      quality characteristics of Vic have been very similar to the strong
      gluten, high quality cultivar Edmore with the exception that Vic has
      been superior in test weight.  Vic and Edmore were superior to all
      other cultivars in kernel weight, kernel size, spaghetti color, and
      cooked firmness during tests in 1976 through 1979.
           Vic was named and released by the N.D. Agric. Exp. Stn. on 8 Fed.
      1979.  Breeder seed will be maintained by the Seedstocks Project, N.D.
      Agric. Exp. Stn., Fargo, ND 58105.  Information for certification was
      provided to the National Small Grain Variety Review Board for
      Vic is described further in N.D. Farm Res. 37(2):7-11, 1979.
      Published in Crop Sci. 20:827.
      Cultivar Name:      W.S. 3
      Other ID Numbers:   MP-3CF
      Other Name(s):      WS3, World Seeds 3
      Species:            T. turgidum var. durum
      Market Class:       Durum Wheat
      True Growth Habit:  Spring
      USDA Acc. Number:   CItr17346
      PVP Reg. Number:    7300074
      PVP Status:         Issued/Enforced       Date:   01/09/75
      Year of Release:    1973
      or Introduction
      Place of Origin:    USA-California
      Originator(s):      World Seeds, Inc., Oceanside, California
      Pedigree:           T. dicoccoides Var. Pseudo-Arrasita /5/ Yaktana 54
                          /3/ Norin 10 / Brevor /2/ Barrigon Yaqui /4/
                          Tehuacan 60
      Reference(s):       194
      Cultivar Name:      WAID
      Name Abbreviation:  WAID
      Other ID Numbers:   WA6292
      Species:            T. turgidum var. durum
      Market Class:       Durum Wheat
      True Growth Habit:  Spring
      USDA Acc. Number:   CItr17806
      Year of Release:    1979
      or Introduction
      Place of Origin:    USA-Washington
      Originator(s):      Washington AES
      Pedigree:           (Leeds Semidwarf Sel. 1298, WA6030) / Crane
      USDA Production Acreage Estimates for WAID wheat from 1919 to 1984.
                          Year    Estimated Acreage
                          -----   -----------------
                          1919:                 0
                          1924:                 0
                          1929:                 0
                          1934:                 0
                          1939:                 0
                          1944:                 0
                          1949:                 0
                          1954:                 0
                          1959:                 0
                          1964:                 0
                          1969:                 0
                          1974:                 0
                          1979:                 0
                          1984:               422
      Cultivar Name:      WAKOOMA
      Name Abbreviation:  WKM
      Other ID Numbers:   DT 316
      Species:            T. turgidum var. durum
      Market Class:       Durum Wheat
      True Growth Habit:  Spring
      USDA Acc. Number:   CItr17337
      CSSA Reg. Number:   CV-673
      Year of Release:    1974
      or Introduction
      Place of Origin:    Canada
      Originator(s):      AgCanada, Swift Current-Regina, Saskatchewan
      Pedigree:           Lakota / 2*Pellisseir
      Reference(s):       189, 325, 373, 813
      USDA Production Acreage Estimates for WAKOOMA wheat from 1919 to 1984.
                          Year    Estimated Acreage
                          -----   -----------------
                          1919:                 0
                          1924:                 0
                          1929:                 0
                          1934:                 0
                          1939:                 0
                          1944:                 0
                          1949:                 0
                          1954:                 0
                          1959:                 0
                          1964:                 0
                          1969:                 0
                          1974:                 0
                          1979:             2,996
                          1984:            20,098
               Registration of Wakooma Durum Wheat (Reg. No. 673).
               T. F. Townley-Smith, E. A. Hurd, and L. A. Patterson
           'WAKOOMA' durum wheat (Triticum turgidum L. var. durum) (Reg. No.
      673) was developed at the Agriculture Canada Research Stations at
      Regina and Swift Current from the cross 'Lakota'*2/Pelissier'.
      Wakooma was selected using early generation tests for yield, seed
      size, and quality.  It was evaluated in the Durum Wheat Cooperative
      Tests from 1967 to 1970 as DT 316 and was granted license number 1418
      in 1973.
           Wakooma is similar to 'Wascana' in most respects, but has
      stronger gluten and better pasta cooking quality.  In tests in
      southwestern Saskatchewan, Wakooma has slightly strong straw and a
      little more drought tolerance than Wascana.  The kernels of Wakooma
      are slightly smaller than those of Wascana, but Wakooma has a greater
      hectolitre weight.  It is similar to Wascana in grain yield.
           Spikes of Wakooma are fusiform and midlax to middense with black
      awns.  The glumes are glabrous, white, midlong and narrow; shoulders
      are narrow, usually oblique, but occasionally apiculate; and beaks are
      long and straight.  The kernel is medium amber color, midsized to
      small, elliptical to ovate with oval midsized germ.  The cheeks are
      rounded to slightly angular.  The straw is 2 cm shorter than Wascana.
      Wakooma is similar to Wascana in maturity.  Wakooma is resistant to
      prevalent races of stem rust (caused by Puccinia graminis Pers. f. sp.
      tritici Ericks. and E. Henn.) leaf rust (caused by P recondita Rob. ex
      Desm. f. sp. tritici), loose smut (caused by Ustilago tritici [Pers]
      Rostr.) and bunt (Tilletia foetida [Wall.] Liro); moderately resistant
      to kernel smudge and more resistant than Wascana and 'Hercules' to
      common root rot (caused by Helminthosporium sativum P.K. & B. and
      Fusarium sp.).
           A more detailed description has been published.  Breeder seed of
      Wakooma is maintained at the Research Station, Agriculture Canada,
      Regina, Saskatchewan, S4P 3A2
      Published in Crop Sci. 23:1015.
      Cultivar Name:      WANDELL
      Name Abbreviation:  WDL
      Other ID Numbers:   WA5463
      Species:            T. turgidum var. durum
      Market Class:       Durum Wheat
      True Growth Habit:  Spring
      USDA Acc. Number:   CItr15070
      CSSA Reg. Number:   CV-550
      Year of Release:    1972
      or Introduction
      Place of Origin:    USA-Washington
      Originator(s):      Washington AES; Oregon AES; Idaho AES
      Pedigree:           Frontana / Thatcher /2/ Norin 10 / Brevor /3/
                          Langdon /4/ Ld365 /5/ 3*Langdon
      Reference(s):       194, 268, 373, 384, 630, 646
      USDA Production Acreage Estimates for WANDELL wheat from 1919 to 1984.
                          Year    Estimated Acreage
                          -----   -----------------
                          1919:                 0
                          1924:                 0
                          1929:                 0
                          1934:                 0
                          1939:                 0
                          1944:                 0
                          1949:                 0
                          1954:                 0
                          1959:                 0
                          1964:                 0
                          1969:                 0
                          1974:               350
                          1979:                99
                          1984:                 0
               Registration of Wandell Durum Wheat (Reg. No. 550).
                                   C. F. Konzak
           'WANDELL' durum wheat (Triticum turgidum L. var. durum), CI
      15070, originated as selection WA5463 made at Washington State
      University, Pullman, Washington, from an F5 population derived from
      the cross DWF4/'Langdon'/2/Langdon.  DWF4 was an F4 plant from the
      cross 'Willet' Sib/2/'Norin 10'/'Brevor'/3/Langdon.  The Langdon
      crosses were made at North Dakota Agricultural Experiment Station and
      selected through the F3 generation after which evaluation in
      Washington was initiated.  The last Washington State University
      selection was made in 1967.
           Wandell was released by the agricultural experiment stations of
      Washington, Idaho, and Oregon in 1971 to replace the varieties
      'Sentry,' 'Leeds,' 'Lakota,' and 'Wells' in irrigated areas.  In such
      areas Wandell is highly resistant to lodging and outyields the
      existing varieties by 10 to 20%.
           Wandell has semidwarf plant height, light brown or tan chaff and
      awn color, yellow straw, relatively high tillering ability, high
      spikelet fertility, high yield potential, high resistance to local
      races to stripe rust, moderate resistance to local forms of powdery
      mildew, and good leaf and stem rust resistance.  The amber kernels are
      smaller in size than those of Leeds, but about equal to those of
      Wells.  The elliptical kernels have midsized germ, the crease is
      midwide and shallow, the cheek is rounded, and the brush is midsized
      and short.
           The semolina yield is high and spaghetti color is acceptable.
      The yellow berry percentage of grain produced by Wandell tends to be
      higher than that of Leeds or Sentry when grown in some environments.
      Wandell appears well adapted for irrigated culture but lacks
      adaptation to those dry land areas where severe water stress
      conditions may occur.
           Seed classes of Wandell are: breeder, foundation, registered, and
      certified.  Washington State University, in cooperation with
      Washington State Crop Improvement Association, will maintain Breeder
      and Foundation classes of seed.  Seed requests should be sent to
      Washington State Crop Improvement Association, P.O. Box 617, Yakima,
      WA 98901.
      Published in Crop Sci. 14:910.
      Cultivar Name:      WARD
      Name Abbreviation:  WARD
      Other ID Numbers:   D6674
      Species:            T. turgidum var. durum
      Market Class:       Durum Wheat
      True Growth Habit:  Spring
      USDA Acc. Number:   CItr15892
      CSSA Reg. Number:   CV-538
      Year of Release:    1972
      or Introduction
      Place of Origin:    USA-North Dakota
      Originator(s):      North Dakota AES; USDA-ARS
      Pedigree:           Langdon /5/ ((Heiti / Stewart /2/ Mindum /
                          Carleton, Ld308) /3/ Nugget, Ld357) /4/ CItr07780
                          / Ld362 /6/ Brawley 180 / Wells
      Reference(s):       72, 73, 189, 268, 606, 607, 630
      USDA Production Acreage Estimates for WARD wheat from 1919 to 1984.
                          Year    Estimated Acreage
                          -----   -----------------
                          1919:                 0
                          1924:                 0
                          1929:                 0
                          1934:                 0
                          1939:                 0
                          1944:                 0
                          1949:                 0
                          1954:                 0
                          1959:                 0
                          1964:                 0
                          1969:                 0
                          1974:           489,617
                          1979:         1,495,355
                          1984:           559,121
                 Registration of Ward Durum Wheat (Reg. No. 538).
            J. S. Quick, D. E. Walsh, K. L. Lebsock, and J. D. Miller
           'WARD' (Triticum durum desf.), CI 15892, is a spring durum wheat
      developed cooperatively by the North Dakota Agricultural Experiment
      station and the Agricultural Research Service, U.S. Department of
      Agriculture.  It was selected from the cross 'Langdon' /3/ Ld357 /2/
      C17780 / Ld362 /4/ Br180 / 'Wells.'  Ld 357 and Ld 362 have the
      varieties 'Heiti,' 'Stewart,' 'Carleton,' 'Mindum,' and 'Nugget' in
      their pedigrees.  CI 7780 is a rust-resistant selection by Abyssynia
      and Br180/Wells is a selection derived from the same F2 plant as
      'Leeds.'  The final cross was made in 1963 to combine stiff straw with
      high yield, large kernels, and high test weight, and to combine stem
      rust resistance from several sources.  Ward was bulked in the F5
      generation as a single F4 derived line and first entered in
      preliminary yield trials in 1967 as selection D6674.
           Ward has short, strong, white culms that may show purplish
      coloration under some conditions.  The spike is awned (dehisces at
      maturity), oblong, dense, and erect.  The glumes are glabrous, yellow,
      midlong to long, and midwide; the glume shoulders narrow and elevated;
      and the beaks wide, acuminate, and 3 to 4 mm long.  The awns are
      yellow and 6 to 16 cm long.  The kernels are amber, hard, midlong, and
      elliptical; the germ midsized; the crease midwide and shallow; the
      cheeks angular to rounded; and the brush very short (essentially
           In 29 tests from 1969 to 1972, Ward produced 15% higher grain
      yield than Leeds and was similar to Leeds in test weight, kernel
      weight, days to head, and stem rust resistance.  Ward was about 2 cm
      shorter than Leeds and had stiffer straw than 'Rolette,' Leeds,
      'Hercules,' and Wells.  Ward exceeded Leeds in resistance to leaf rust
      and leaf spotting diseases.  It was about 3 days later in heading than
      Rolette.  In 12 trials from 1970 to 1972 Ward had excellent quality
      compared with the currently grown durum varieties.  Its kernel weight
      and distribution were slightly superior to Leeds but the kernels were
      not quite as large as those of Hercules and Rolette.  Wheat and
      semolina protein content were higher than Hercules and Wells but lower
      than Leeds.  Milling and processing characteristics were excellent.
      Spaghetti color, cooking properties, and cooked spaghetti firmness
      were excellent and equal to Leeds.  Its spaghetti color and overall
      quality were superior to Rolette, Hercules, and Wells.
           Ward was named and released by the North Dakota Agricultural
      Experiment Station and the Agricultural Research Service, U.S.
      Department of Agriculture, on October 24, 1972.  Breeder seed will be
      maintained by the North Dakota Agricultural Experiment Station, Fargo,
      ND 58102.  Wards is described further in North Dakota Farm Research
      30(4):6-9. 1973.
      Published in Crop Sci. 14:607-608.
      Cultivar Name:      WASCANA
      Name Abbreviation:  WCA
      Other ID Numbers:   DT317
      Species:            T. turgidum var. durum
      Market Class:       Durum Wheat
      True Growth Habit:  Spring
      USDA Acc. Number:   CItr15280
      CSSA Reg. Number:   CV-672
      Year of Release:    1971
      or Introduction
      Place of Origin:    Canada
      Originator(s):      Agriculture Canada, Swift Current-Regina,
      Pedigree:           Lakota*2 / Pelissier
      Reference(s):       268, 324, 373, 630, 814
      USDA Production Acreage Estimates for WASCANA wheat from 1919 to 1984.
                          Year    Estimated Acreage
                          -----   -----------------
                          1919:                 0
                          1924:                 0
                          1929:                 0
                          1934:                 0
                          1939:                 0
                          1944:                 0
                          1949:                 0
                          1954:                 0
                          1959:                 0
                          1964:                 0
                          1969:                 0
                          1974:            42,745
                          1979:             8,930
                          1984:                 0
               Registration of Wascana Durum Wheat (Reg. No. 672).
               T. F. Townley-Smith, E. A. Hurd, and L. A. Patterson
           'WASCANA' durum wheat (Triticum turgidum L. var. durum) (Reg. No.
      672) was developed at the Agriculture Canada Research Stations at
      Regina and Swift Current from the cross 'Lakota'*2/'Pelissier'
      following selection for seed size in F4 and for yield in F6.  It was
      evaluated in the Durum Wheat Cooperative Test from 1967 to 1971 as DT
      317 and licensed in 1971.
           Wascana is well adapted to the Aridic and Typic Boroll soil zones
      of Saskatchewan where it yields 10 to 15% more than 'Stewart 63'.  In
      the Udic Boroll soils zones its yield advantage over Stewart 63 and
      'Hercules' is slight.  Wascana is between Hercules and Stewart 63 in
      height, days to maturity, resistance to lodging, and kernel weight.
      Wascana has high semolina pigment content and has much stronger gluten
      than Stewart 63.
           Spikes of Wascana are fusiform and middense to dense with buff
      awns which tend to dehisce at harvest time.  The glumes are glabrous,
      buff midlong and midwide; shoulders are narrow and usually oblique;
      and beaks are acute to straight.  The kernels are midlong, ovate to
      elliptical with oval midsize germ.  The crease is middeep and midwide,
      the checks are round and the brush is short.  Wascana is resistant to
      prevalent races of stem rust (caused by Puccinia graminis Pers. f. sp.
      tritici Eriks. and E. Henn.), leaf rust (caused by P. recondita Rob.
      ex Desm. f. sp. tritici), loose smut (caused by Ustilago tritici
      [Pers.] Rostr.) and bunt (Tilletia foetida [Wall.] Liro.); and
      moderately resistant to kernel smudge.
           A more detailed description has been published.  Breeder seed is
      maintained at the Research Station, Agric. Canada, Regina,
      Saskatchewan, S4P 3A2.
      Published in Crop Sci. 23:1014.
      Cultivar Name:      WELLS
      Name Abbreviation:  WLS
      Other ID Numbers:   Ld389
      Species:            T. turgidum var. durum
      Market Class:       Durum Wheat
      True Growth Habit:  Spring
      USDA Acc. Number:   CItr13333
      CSSA Reg. Number:   CV-403
      Year of Release:    1960
      or Introduction
      Place of Origin:    USA-North Dakota
      Originator(s):      North Dakota AES; USDA-ARS
      Pedigree:           Sentry /5/ (Ld340 /3/ Ld375 / Ld377 /2/ Carleton,
                          Ld379) /4/ (Ld 357, (Heiti / Stewart /2/ Mindum /
                          Carleton, Ld308) /3/ Nugget)
      Reference(s):       46, 286, 306, 419, 462, 627, 628, 630, 631
      USDA Production Acreage Estimates for WELLS wheat from 1919 to 1984.
                          Year    Estimated Acreage
                          -----   -----------------
                          1919:                 0
                          1924:                 0
                          1929:                 0
                          1934:                 0
                          1939:                 0
                          1944:                 0
                          1949:                 0
                          1954:                 0
                          1959:               346
                          1964:         1,871,914
                          1969:         1,363,314
                          1974:           879,540
                          1979:           158,152
                          1984:            15,875
                   Registration of Wells Wheat (Reg. No. 403).
                                   E. G. Heyne
           WELLS, CI 13333, (Ld389) is a spring durum wheat variety
      developed by the North Dakota Agricultural Experiment Station and the
      Crops Research Division, ARS, USDA.  Seed was distributed to growers
      in 1960.  T. E. Stoa applied for registration.
           Wells is a selection from the same cross as Lakota, Sentry X
      (Ld379 X Ld357) made in 1952 by R. M. Heermann.  Wells has been
      described by K. L. Lebsock and T. E. Stoa (3).  Wells and Lakota were
      developed under the same program and are similar in most
      characteristics.  Wells probably has a better test weight than Lakota
      and is rated as "moderately weak" for gluten strength as measured by
      the farinograph.  Data on height, yield and test weight for Wells
      compared with other durum varieties are given in Table 2.
      Table 2.  Height, yield, and test weight of Lakota and Wells durum
                wheats at Fargo, Edgeley, Langdon, and Minot, N.S., 1957-59.
                      Height,              Yield,           Test weight,
      Variety           in.                bu./A.               lb.
      Lakota             38                 38.5                60.7
      Wells              38                 37.9                59.5
      Sentry             39                 33.7                62.0
      Langdon            42                 36.5                61.6
      Ramsey             43                 33.8                61.5
      Mindum             47                 32.8                61.3
      Published in Crop Sci. 2:353-354.
      Cultivar Name:      WESTBRED 1000D
      Name Abbreviation:  WBD1000
      Species:            T. turgidum var. durum
      Market Class:       Durum Wheat
      True Growth Habit:  Spring
      PVP Reg. Number:    7900004
      PVP Status:         Issued/Enforced       Date:   11/27/79
      Year of Release:    1979
      or Introduction
      Place of Origin:    USA-Arizona
      Originator(s):      Western Plant Breeders, Inc., Phoenix, Arizona
      Reference(s):       194
      USDA Production Acreage Estimates for WESTBRED 1000D wheat from 1919
      to 1984.
                          Year    Estimated Acreage
                          -----   -----------------
                          1919:                 0
                          1924:                 0
                          1929:                 0
                          1934:                 0
                          1939:                 0
                          1944:                 0
                          1949:                 0
                          1954:                 0
                          1959:                 0
                          1964:                 0
                          1969:                 0
                          1974:                 0
                          1979:             1,415
                          1984:             2,868
      Cultivar Name:      WESTBRED 803
      Name Abbreviation:  WBD803
      Other ID Numbers:   WDE-8-2-10E
      Species:            T. turgidum var. durum
      Market Class:       Durum Wheat
      True Growth Habit:  Spring
      USDA Acc. Number:   PI483457
      PVP Reg. Number:    8100158
      PVP Status:         Issued/Enforced       Date:   04/15/82
      Year of Release:    1984
      or Introduction
      Place of Origin:    USA-Arizona
      Originator(s):      Western Plant Breeders, Inc., Phoenix, Arizona
      Pedigree:           Composite cross of Ward, Wells, Cando, Wascana
                          with Mexicali 75 and Westbred 1000D.
      Cultivar Name:      WESTBRED 881
      Name Abbreviation:  WBD881
      Other ID Numbers:   WDE-8-4-6
      Species:            T. turgidum var. durum
      Market Class:       Durum Wheat
      True Growth Habit:  Spring
      USDA Acc. Number:   PI483458
      PVP Reg. Number:    8200052
      PVP Status:         Issued/Enforced       Date:   07/15/82
      Year of Release:    1984
      or Introduction
      Place of Origin:    USA-Arizona
      Originator(s):      Western Plant Breeders, Inc., Phoenix, Arizona
      Pedigree:           Composite cross of Ward, Wells, Cando, Wascana
                          with Mexicali 75 and Westbred 1000D.
      USDA Production Acreage Estimates for WESTBRED 881 wheat from 1919 to
                          Year    Estimated Acreage
                          -----   -----------------
                          1919:                 0
                          1924:                 0
                          1929:                 0
                          1934:                 0
                          1939:                 0
                          1944:                 0
                          1949:                 0
                          1954:                 0
                          1959:                 0
                          1964:                 0
                          1969:                 0
                          1974:                 0
                          1979:                 0
                          1984:             8,261
      Cultivar Name:      WESTBRED 883
      Name Abbreviation:  WBD883
      Other ID Numbers:   PH883-2
      Species:            T. turgidum var. durum
      Market Class:       Durum Wheat
      True Growth Habit:  Spring
      PVP Reg. Number:    8800233
      PVP Status:         Issued/Enforced       Date:   03/31/89
      Year of Release:    1989
      or Introduction
      Place of Origin:    USA-Arizona
      Originator(s):      Western Plant Breeders, Inc., Bozeman, Montana
      Cultivar Name:      WESTBRED LAKER
      Name Abbreviation:  WBDLR
      Other ID Numbers:   C881-4
      Species:            T. turgidum var. durum
      Market Class:       Durum Wheat
      True Growth Habit:  Spring
      PVP Reg. Number:    8500218
      PVP Status:         Issued/Enforced       Date:   08/31/88
      Year of Release:    1985
      or Introduction
      Place of Origin:    USA-Arizona
      Originator(s):      Western Plant Breeders, Inc., Bozeman, Montana
      Pedigree:           Composite cross of CIMMYT, Italian and North
                          Dakota durum lines.
      Reference(s):       73
      Cultivar Name:      WESTBRED PENDUR
      Name Abbreviation:  WBDPDR
      Other ID Numbers:   BU884-206
      Species:            T. turgidum var. durum
      Market Class:       Durum Wheat
      True Growth Habit:  Spring
      Year of Release:    1991
      or Introduction
      Place of Origin:    USA-Arizona
      Originator(s):      Western Plant Breeders, Bozeman, MT
      Cultivar Name:      WESTBRED REGOLD
      Name Abbreviation:  WBDRG
      Other ID Numbers:   FA883-323
      Other Name(s):      Westbred Regal
      Species:            T. turgidum var. durum
      Market Class:       Durum Wheat
      True Growth Habit:  Spring
      Year of Release:    1989
      or Introduction
      Place of Origin:    USA-Arizona
      Originator(s):      Western Plant Breeders, Inc., Bozeman, Montana
      Cultivar Name:      WESTBRED TURBO
      Name Abbreviation:  WBDTBO
      Other ID Numbers:   P882-21
      Species:            T. turgidum var. durum
      Market Class:       Durum Wheat
      True Growth Habit:  Spring
      PVP Reg. Number:    8500217
      PVP Status:         Issued/Enforced       Date:   05/31/88
      Year of Release:    1985
      or Introduction
      Place of Origin:    USA-Arizona
      Originator(s):      Western Plant Breeders, Inc., Bozeman, Montana
      Pedigree:           Composite cross of Italian, CIMMYT, Canadian and
                          North Dakota durum lines.
      Cultivar Name:      WORLD SEEDS 14
      Name Abbreviation:  WS14
      Species:            T. turgidum var. durum
      Market Class:       Durum Wheat
      True Growth Habit:  Spring
      Place of Origin:    USA-California
      Originator(s):      World Seeds, Inc., Oceanside, California
      USDA Production Acreage Estimates for WORLD SEEDS 14 wheat from 1919
      to 1984.
                          Year    Estimated Acreage
                          -----   -----------------
                          1919:                 0
                          1924:                 0
                          1929:                 0
                          1934:                 0
                          1939:                 0
                          1944:                 0
                          1949:                 0
                          1954:                 0
                          1959:                 0
                          1964:                 0
                          1969:                 0
                          1974:                20
                          1979:                 0
                          1984:                 0
      Cultivar Name:      YAVAROS 79
      Other ID Numbers:   CM9799, UC496
      Species:            T. turgidum var. durum
      Market Class:       Durum Wheat
      True Growth Habit:  Spring
      USDA Acc. Number:   PI520300
      Year of Release:    1980
      or Introduction
      Place of Origin:    Mexico
      Originator(s):      CIMMYT; California AES
      Pedigree:           (Barrigon Yaqui Enano*2 / Tehuacan 60 /2/ Tacur
                          Tipo 125E / 3*Tehuacan 60, D21570) /3/ (D22234,
                          Tremez Molle Enano / 2*Tehuacan 60 /2/ Zenati
                          Bouteille / 2*Wells) /5/ (D27582, (Barrigon Yaqui
                          Enano*2 / Tehuacan 60 /2/ Tacur Tipo 125E /
                          3*Tehuacan 60, D21570) /4/ ND61.130 / Leeds /3/
                          (D21584, Tremez Molle Enano / 2*Tehuacan 60 /2/
                          Zenati Bouteille / Wells))
      Reference(s):       79
      USDA Production Acreage Estimates for YAVAROS 79 wheat from 1919 to
                          Year    Estimated Acreage
                          -----   -----------------
                          1919:                 0
                          1924:                 0
                          1929:                 0
                          1934:                 0
                          1939:                 0
                          1944:                 0
                          1949:                 0
                          1954:                 0
                          1959:                 0
                          1964:                 0
                          1969:                 0
                          1974:                 0
                          1979:                 0
                          1984:               579
      Cultivar Name:      YUMA
      Name Abbreviation:  YUMA
      Other ID Numbers:   Ld364
      Species:            T. turgidum var. durum
      Market Class:       Durum Wheat
      True Growth Habit:  Spring
      USDA Acc. Number:   CItr13245
      Year of Release:    1956
      or Introduction
      Place of Origin:    USA-North Dakota
      Originator(s):      North Dakota AES; USDA-ARS
      Pedigree:           (Carleton / Mindum, Ld194) /2/ Khapli emmer /3/
                          (Ld308, Heiti / Stewart /2/ Mindum / Carleton)
      Reference(s):       46, 47, 81, 292, 627, 750
      USDA Production Acreage Estimates for YUMA wheat from 1919 to 1984.
                          Year    Estimated Acreage
                          -----   -----------------
                          1919:                 0
                          1924:                 0
                          1929:                 0
                          1934:                 0
                          1939:                 0
                          1944:                 0
                          1949:                 0
                          1954:                 0
                          1959:             5,429
                          1964:                 0
                          1969:                 0
                          1974:             1,022
                          1979:                 0
                          1984:                 0